Wolf Unbound

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Wolf Unbound Page 20

by Lauren Dane

  “Mmm, well, those will be just between us. Come on. I smell food and I’m starving.”

  “Oh shit. Come on.” He picked her up and took her into the next room where the food had just been delivered. Ben tucked her into bed and put a lap table on for her before giving her a plate. He brought his own and snuggled in beside her.

  “Nice love bite.” Nina snickered.

  “I thought so. So Maxwell has told you about the homeless victims of Pellini’s experiments, right? I will be very cross with you if you haven’t,” Tegan said around her first mouthful of steak.

  “Yes. I told everyone.”

  “I’m sorry about Gina. She fought hard, and with honor.”

  Ben squeezed her hand briefly and she told them what Pellini had said, every horrible detail about how they’d used the silver in her brain.

  The room got very still. Her breathing was uneven as she tried to hold her emotions back. Ben folded her to him and rocked her for a while, whispering into her hair until the horror passed enough to go on. The others let her work through it, quietly speaking amongst themselves for some minutes.

  When Tegan sat back up again and took a sip of her milk, Maxwell heaved a pained sigh. “I’m sorry, so sorry you had to bear the telling of that tale. Thank you for doing it. It just means Pellini has another strike against him. He dies either way. You did us a great honor by stepping in to aid her in Boston. And your man did the same today when we hunted for you both. I’ve offered him our compound and the safety of the Pack for as long as the two of you desire.”

  Lex growled but kept his mouth shut and Tegan realized that now that Ben was a wolf, he’d be a much lower position in Cascadia than his strength and power would warrant. He was a cop, he’d hate the diplomacy of Third, even if he wanted to challenge Melissa. Eric was strong but if Ben could change three times in his first day as a wolf, he was no match for Ben at all.

  “Would someone like to tell me why the hell every time Maxwell offers us a place to stay while Tegan gets better Lex growls and his hackles rise?” Ben demanded, not missing a beat with the steak he demolished.

  “He’s offering you a place in his Pack, Ben. Us a place in his Pack.” Tegan looked at his face to see his reaction. Surprise and a rejection of the idea. He hadn’t begun to think about his place in Cascadia, she’d wager. It wouldn’t be anything he’d contemplate. How would he even have that frame of reference?

  “Honey, you’re an incredibly powerful man. You were before you changed. But now that the Alpha of National was the one who changed you, you get aspects of your sire so to speak. With Cascadia, with you as a human, it wasn’t an issue. But everyone in the Inner Circle will be threatened by you and your power and you’re far too strong to be happy at my rank for long. There’s no place for you at Cascadia.”

  “Bullshit. I don’t care about this ranking stuff. I have a job already. I don’t want to take anyone’s rank in the Pack.” Ben shoved the last bite of steak in his mouth and began to attack the greens.

  “How many detectives are werewolves in Seattle, Ben? Here in Chicago it’s zero. Many police departments say they don’t discriminate but you and I both know people still have a lot of prejudices about werewolves,” Maxwell said. “And how long will you have your job once people find out?”

  Tegan closed her eyes. Maxwell had no way of knowing about Ben’s mother but the point hit the bull’s-eye as Ben’s shoulders slumped a bit.

  “And when war begins in earnest, there will be a Council of War appointed. Everyone of power will be needed in the best place he or she can be,” Maxwell added.

  “War? What the fuck?” Layla exploded.

  “I’m sorry. I expected you’d know by now but I didn’t think to tell you.” Lex pushed a hand through his hair. “Tonight war was declared. National will lead. Cascadia, Pacific and Great Lakes are all aligned. Templeton will call a vote to see where the other Packs fall.”

  “What does this mean? Will there be a draft? Will there be battles? How the hell does war work between werewolves?” Ben shifted uneasily. “Humans are not going to be pleased and I can’t see something like werewolves savaging each other in the middle of the street being kept secret.”

  “We haven’t had inter-clan war in a hundred and fifty years so it’s not like we’ve got modern experience with it. But at first there’ll be posturing. A show of strength. I imagine most Packs will align with National. The two biggest Packs are aligned together as it is with National. The Packs are already freaking out over what happened at the Palaver. Siskiyou lost members and they’d already voted against Pellini, my guess is they’re with us.” Maxwell paused.

  “Yellowstone helped Pellini. Their guards helped the attack.” Tegan remembered seeing it happen and the helpless rage that burned through her.

  “There’ll be an accounting. Anyway, Ben, first comes the posturing. Politics. The bigger faction will offer to let the smaller surrender. This goes on a while. Growling, snarling, small fights will break out especially in areas where two opposing Packs have territory in contact. Most of the time, after some skirmishes, the smaller faction will surrender without full-fledged war breaking out.”

  Tegan watched Ben take it all in before he asked Lex to follow up.

  “Two things—what happens if they surrender and what’s full-fledged war?”

  “If they surrender, their territory will be taken from them and redistributed. Spoils of war. Full-fledged war means lots of dead wolves on all sides. In Europe, thirty years ago, there was war between Packs in Spain. They lost half the werewolves in the country in pitch battles and surprise attacks. Here, we’d have to deal with drive-by shootings and car bombs from the likes of Pellini. Assassinations. That kind of thing.” Lex sighed heavily. “It won’t be pretty.”

  “If they surrender and territory is redistributed, what happens to the wolves from the losing Packs?” Ben asked.

  “They’re given amnesty.” Lex’s voice was flat.

  “Most of them,” Maxwell interrupted. “There will be trials in this case if there’s a surrender. I won’t allow anything else. Warren Pellini will stand trial or be killed in war. He cannot be allowed to live and get away with what he’s done.”

  “I hear that. Okay, I’m in one way or another. That bastard can’t be allowed to be free after this.” Ben moved closer to Tegan. His energy vibrated from his skin. She brushed her lips over his shoulder, snuggling into his body. She needed him as much as he needed her.

  “Does that mean you’ll consider joining Great Lakes? We need an Enforcer and I think you’d fit the bill. Our Third doesn’t want the job and none of the guards are capable of holding the spot I don’t think.” Maxwell avoided looking at Lex and Tegan was torn between a host of competing concerns.

  “I need to think about everything you’ve all said. Tegan and I need to talk and weigh a lot of stuff. I can’t answer you now.” Ben looked to Tegan. “We can’t answer you now.”

  After the discussion, everyone left to rest or clean up. Tegan turned to Ben and hugged him.

  “Want to go for a run?”

  “Jogging? Now? It’s three in the morning.”

  She laughed. “No, not jogging! As wolves. I need the change to help chase the last bit of stiffness from my body. You’ll feel better after a run too and it’s selfish of me but I want to see you, want to be at your side as a wolf. I didn’t see you the first time and I don’t remember when you changed at the lab.”

  He smiled. “That’s not selfish. After we got back from changing I lay there alone, so fucking alone, wanting you there with me, wanting to share it with you. If you’re sure it won’t tire you, I’d love to. And, honey? I like your voice that way. I know you’re upset the doctor said it may never go back to the way it was before but it’s very, very sexy.”

  She led him out the back doors to the trees where Maxwe
ll said they’d be welcome to run.

  “That’s so sweet.” And it was. He was such a bundle of contradictions. So tough and hard but loving and gentle too.

  “Will that mark go away when you change?” His voice dipped low when he shed his clothes.

  Her breath caught when she took him in, always affected by him. “Yes, most likely.” Her fingers sought the spot, touching it, sending tingles through her body.

  He undressed her, kissing her softly as he did. “Well, I’ll have to do it again then.”

  “Mmm, if you say so. I’m all yours. Change first please so I can see you in color.”

  She stood and watched as he fell to his knees. The air shimmered for moments and then a big black wolf stood before her, gray hair at the ears.

  Running her hands through his fur, she bent to kiss the top of his head. Her wolf practically burst through her human skin, wanting to be in charge, so she let go and gave her the reins.

  They ran for miles and Tegan remembered the joy of what it meant to run with your mate at your side. She remembered what it was like to hear Lucas run with her. Allowed herself some celebration and a last bit of mourning too. She would love him until she died. But she had a second chance and it was all the more special because Lucas had been a part of that too.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Two weeks later

  Ben paced through the small house they’d been given in the weeks after Tegan’s attack. Just a mile from the main house but still on the grounds of the Great Lakes compound, he’d admittedly begun to feel at home.

  “How many?” he asked into the receiver as he spoke to Benoit. Bodies had been found in New Orleans. Transients, same thing as in Chicago. Partially changed. Only these had been burned.

  “Six. You can’t keep putting the FBI off with Pack business as an excuse, Ben. I know you’re all dealing with some crazy shit but the Nashville office has a report of a possible serial killer of transients there and it looks like that’s werewolf shit too.”

  “Okay. You’re right. I’ll talk with Lex and we’ll get back to you.”

  “You goin’ back to Seattle or what, man? Your leave of absence is up in a week isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. My family is there. Tee’s family is there. But my life has changed drastically. Hers too. I don’t want her to feel pressured but... I don’t know.” And he didn’t. They’d avoided the topic but it had to be dealt with soon. They’d returned to Seattle briefly to pick up some of their belongings but it had felt foreign and he definitely felt weird about how the other wolves he’d run into had reacted. For the most part, Cade had asked him to stay away from the Pack house in town and to not interact with wolves beside their immediate family.

  “Okay, Ben, I feel you. It’s got to be tough. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a werewolf.” Benoit snorted. “The talk on the street says you’re all supercharged too. Wolves in Seattle are uneasy with you coming back.”

  “So I hear. I can’t explain what it’s like other than to say it’s sort of like that moment right before you go on a raid. Right before you take that first step and your body is amped and your brain is screaming and yet all quiet and focused. So fast, you can move, even as a human, so fast and you’re strong. It’s pretty damned amazing. But you know I’d never do anything to cause trouble in Cascadia. They’re Tegan’s family, my family. I want to protect them, not hurt them. It’s why I’m still here. Cade wanted us to sit it out for a while so he could lay the groundwork for me to come back. But I’ve made some good friends here. Human cops as well as in the Pack. Tegan has too.” He sighed again.

  “All right. I’ll try and hold my superiors off for a few more days. Let me know and I’ll keep you updated on Nashville and New Orleans.” Benoit hung up.


  Ben turned to see Tegan standing in the open French doors. The patio led to a fabulous view of the water. He heard the birds singing and the scent of the trees and the earth hung in the air. But she edged it all out until all there was was Tegan.

  The light on her hair made it appear she had a fiery halo. Her skin had returned to that pearly glow. She wore a pretty, filmy pale blue dress and her feet were bare.

  “You look like a fairy. A beautiful fairy come to steal my heart.”

  “You’re good. Although I’ll keep that secret or your dom privileges might be revoked.” She walked into the room and clambered into his lap when he sat. “I heard the call with Benoit.”

  “I expect that’s why you look the way you do.”

  “You’re the one who’s avoided any conversation about staying or going back.” She kissed him quickly.

  “I don’t want to pressure you. Your family is there. My family is there for God’s sake. I grew up there, you did too. I can’t ask you to leave that behind for me.”

  She growled at him and he raised a single eyebrow.

  “Yeah, yeah, you’ve been giving me the punishment is coming face for two weeks, and yet, not a single bit of ass smacking or shackling or anything remotely punishment, well, fun punishment related has been delivered.”

  “You nearly died!”

  “But I didn’t and I’m alive and I need you to be yourself. All of you. I need you to talk to me about this situation and I need you to own me, to top me. I—” she shook her head “—I feel so safe when you’re totally yourself with me.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “I’ve held your wrists and bitten your neck.” His cock came to life, pressing against his zipper.

  “Mmm, God that’s good.” She undulated, grinding her pussy against his cock. Her heat found him through her dress and his jeans. “Not enough. Not for you either. You’re holding back. Don’t.”

  “I wasn’t a werewolf before. What if I hurt you?”

  The rich scent of her pussy tickled his senses as she stroked him through his jeans. “You won’t. You didn’t before. And you won’t hurt me by telling me you want to be here either.”

  “Tegan, my gorgeous red wolf, war is here and I can’t expect you to be away from your family.” He bit down on her nipple, her stuttered breath skittered through his senses.

  “Shit. Oh, more. Ben, that’s so good. Take me like you want to. No more training wheels. I’m a big girl, I can say, whoa boy too hard if that’s the case.”

  Fisting the front of her dress, he yanked, pulling it apart and baring her breasts to his mouth. Her heartbeat sped, he tasted it on his tongue along with her desire, her need and his own, mixed.

  “You’re my family. You can’t be what you need to be within Cascadia. You know that.” Her head dropped back and she moaned deep in her throat as he sucked hard on one nipple and then the other. “And, well, Cade is going to have enough to deal with without having to constantly deal with how the other wolves will react to you. We’re predators...yes, oh yes, that...” Her sentence trailed off into an inarticulate squeal and then a sigh.

  He’d sort of gotten that feeling from Cade when they’d spoken. Cade clearly felt conflicted. He loved his sister and liked Ben but there would be problems with Ben remaining a lower-ranked wolf.

  “There will be infighting. You’re too strong to be outside the Inner Circle and yet unfit for any role but Enforcer.” She managed to breathe this last bit out as she held on to his shoulders, back arched to press into his mouth.

  And there was the unspoken. His mother had refused to speak to any of them once they’d given her the news about his change. She’d gone crazy, accusing Cascadia of kidnapping Ben and changing him against his will. Going so far as to make a police report. He’d had to admit to being a wolf, which technically shouldn’t put his job in jeopardy but his boss didn’t hesitate when Ben asked for leave time.

  His father had been in regular contact as had Jillian but his mother wouldn’t take his calls at all. It hurt deeply but
he had the best thing in the universe right there on his lap and truth be told, he knew he’d be an excellent Enforcer for Great Lakes. The rest of the Pack had already accepted his dominance and he worked great with Maxwell. Chicago would be a good city to live in, to raise a family in. They could be happy but he didn’t want Tegan to have regrets. She’d lost so much, he couldn’t bear to take anything else from her.

  He stood, keeping her wrapped around him as he headed into their bedroom.

  “Go get the toy bag. It’s in the closet.”

  When he put her down, she moved quickly to the closet, her dress falling away from her body as she stepped over it, leaving a pale blue puddle of fabric in her wake. He knew she’d let it fall that way to entice him. Loved that she seduced him even as he seduced her right back.

  “Pretty panties,” he said as she returned, dropping the bag at his feet. He drew a fingertip over the front of the silky material, her wetness scorching him. Flicking idly over her swollen clit he smiled when her hips jerked forward.

  He pulled the panties off her body and breathed her in, watching her pupils widen, hearing her intake of breath, knowing it turned her on to see him that way. The panties were cool against his lips for a moment before he tossed them to the head of their bed.

  “I didn’t bring everything of course. But let’s see what we’ve got in there.” Kneeling in front of her body, he admired the long, pretty line of her, her strong legs, the naked pussy, the slight flare of her belly and hips, coral-colored nipples, hard just for him. Her eyes were glassy, her face calm. She’d already begun to slip into subspace and he’d barely touched her.

  So responsive, so beautiful and strong. And all his. That she gave herself to him so completely went through him. He knew she was a gift, every moment he was with her, he knew that. Resisting truly topping her had been so difficult and as he knelt there, looking in the bag, he wondered what had taken him so long. Perhaps a fear she’d react to him differently since she’d been so harmed, or maybe a fear he’d harm her himself. But he wouldn’t and she knew it. Suddenly everything was all right again.


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