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Chloe (Chardonnay Series Book 1)

Page 27

by Hollye Davis

  A few minutes later he pulled back his breath coming out in short gasps. “Do you see what you do to me love?” She blinked up at him incapable of words. He ran his finger down her cheek and then grabbed her hand pulling her into a more lighted area, down a couple of steps to a round table with a booth that circled it. Once they slid in he draped his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer. He was very happy.

  A waiter appeared and Edwin ordered them a couple of cokes. A few minutes later Christoph with Christine came and sat next to them. Christoph, never afraid to ask whatever is on his mind inquired, “So where did you guys go?”

  Edwin didn’t answer him but shot him a look that she interpreted as, “Mind your own business.”

  As usual Christoph laughed his larger than life laugh then he leaned over to her and said, “You know Chloe, I’m so glad you forgave us and you’re here. You provide so much amusement and Edwin is actually bearable again!”

  She smiled coyly back and said cheekily, “I’ve forgiven Edwin but I never said I forgave you!”

  Christoph responded by grabbing his heart and said, “You wound me, Chloe, you really do.” She rolled her eyes and mumbled, “Actors.”

  Feeling better than she ever remembered, and a bit promiscuous, she turned her body to where she could nibble Edwin’s ear. He sat back and closed his eyes while his hand slid around her waist pulling her closer. She started kissing his neck when a voice interrupted them. It wasn’t anyone she had ever heard before.

  “So who’s the new whore Edwin?”

  She turned her head to see one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. It was Victoria’s. Chloe had studied her face one too many times. Victorias auburn hair looked like silk, falling in waves past her shoulders. Her wide blue eyes looked both innocent and seductive at the same time. Chloe felt dowdy instantly. Edwin’s hand tightly gripped her hip as he kissed her forehead and whispered, “I’m sorry about this, she’s very nasty.”

  Then he said louder. “Hello Victoria, is there something I can do for you?”

  She looked positively rabid but didn’t answer him because she was too busy staring at Chloe. It’s like Victoria could sense her weakness, “Honey, what are you doing with my man?”

  Even though Chloe knew without a doubt that Edwin could never in a million years date a woman this vicious, her heart still seized at the thought. There was always that niggling of a doubt. He hid everything else from her, why not this, too? She didn’t have an opportunity to say anything, nor did Edwin.

  It was Christoph who said, “Victoria, why don’t you take your poison somewhere else? Are you still bitter we never asked you to join us? Are you pissed that you screwed up your last opportunity with the show by getting drunk, AGAIN? Why don’t you leave Edwin alone? He was never yours and he will never be yours.”

  However Victoria wasn’t going to be put off by Christoph. Victoria swayed, grabbing the edge of the table to stabilize herself. Chloe noticed she was holding a small glass drink with a stirring straw in it.

  “Christoph, I don’t get you. You should be angry at Edwin for taking the lead in the show. You’re the better actor. Yet here you are defending the Brit and his whore.” Edwin tensed but Chloe put her hand on his leg trying to contain him. There was no need to further agitate the girl. She was clearly drunk.

  Christoph got up and snatched Victoria’s drink leaving her gaping at him. “I think you’ve had enough. If you had any sense at all you would walk away from here and not say another word.” Then he physically turned her guiding her away.

  Chloe was a bit shell-shocked not sure what to say or do. She turned to Edwin, who still looked like he was ready to come unglued, and touched his face. His eyes softened, “I’m so sorry…” He began, but she stopped him by kissing his lips sweetly.

  “Don’t apologize for other people’s bad behavior,” she whispered between kisses, “I’ve been doing it all my life and you know what? You can only improve yourself.” Edwin smiled, nodded and returned her kisses sweetly.

  As the night went on they danced some more and laughed a lot. During a fun twisting dance, Chloe was pleasantly surprised when out of the blue Kim and Cole walked up to her and gave her a hug.

  Kim explained, “Christoph and Duke told us to come tonight. So here we are!”

  “I’m sorry we’re late,” Cole said, “One of the horses decided to cut his leg and I had to make sure he was okay before we left.”

  “It wasn’t Bear was it?” Chloe’s heart squeezed at the thought.

  “Oh, no, no, you would’ve known before now if it was Bear. It was the gelding, Ketchup.”

  “Awww, poor Ketchup” She said.

  “He’ll be fine.” Cole nonchalantly swung his arm over Kim, who gave Chloe a huge grin.

  Winking at Edwin, Chloe said, “I’ll be right back,” and then grabbed Kim’s hand and took her off to the corner.

  “Okay, what’s going on with you and Cole?!” Excitement rushed through her at possibilities. She wanted this for Kim and Cole.

  “He kissed me!” Kim squealed.

  Chloe grinned, “It’s about time.”

  “That guy moves slowly,” Kim agreed nodding.

  “We have a saying in Texas and it’s ‘He moves as slow as molasses on a cold winter day,’” they laughed.

  “Have you asked Cole to the prom yet?” Chloe asked.

  “I haven’t asked him yet, but now I’m sure he’ll agree.”

  She and Kim were giggling when Victoria stepped up a touch too close to Chloe and with slurring words and waves of alcohol emanating from her said, “You think you are something, don’t you?” Victoria waved her finger in front of her. “Allowing Jason slobber all over you, but you’re just another groupie and he’ll screw you and leave you like all the others.” She then poked Chloe in the chest with her manicured finger.

  Chloe grabbed her finger and said, “Then why do you care?”

  Victoria looked dumb blinking at her as if she couldn’t come up with a comeback. Taking advantage at her obvious confusion, Chloe let go of Victoria’s finger and grabbed Kim’s hand, leaving the inebriated idiot to her own company.

  Chloe asked Kim, “Is she still there?”

  Kim answered, “Yeah, sending you death glares. Boy you just piss off beautiful people or something.” Chloe chuckled, that was the truth, but she was done allowing them to walk all over her.

  When they arrived back at the table, no one was there. She looked for Edwin and Cole but couldn’t find them. She asked Kim and she pointed over to the top of Cole’s head to Edwin who was standing next to him. The boys were surrounded by a group of rabid looking women. Both carried anxious expressions but when Edwin made eye contact with Chloe he relaxed, turned to Cole, and the next thing she knew both men were physically moving the women aside making their way toward them.

  She watched him walk toward her, enjoying the light that shined from his eyes, igniting her. Kim leaned over to her and said “Good grief, Chloe, the heat you two put off is positively dangerous.” Chloe laughed.

  Edwin slid in next to her and kissed her on the cheek. He whispered, “I love you.” She would never get tired of hearing that. He asked, “Are you ready to go?” He also knew her real well.

  She thought a moment and as much as she wanted to leave, she answered, “We should spend some time with Kim and Cole.”

  So they stayed for a little while longer, for Kim and Cole’s sake, but the music and atmosphere was beginning to take its toll on her. Edwin sensed her fading and he dug out his phone texting someone. They told their friends bye and escaped out a back door she don’t think very many people knew about. There was a limo waiting.

  Sometime during the ride she must have fallen asleep because her next memory Edwin was pulling her out of the limo in front of the cottage. The limo driver said, “Have a nice morning, Mr. McRoy.” and drove off.

  “Oh…uhhh, I’m not used to that. Do you want me to call you Jason?” She asked sleepily.

nbsp; “Absolutely not, I’ve always been Edwin to those who know me.”

  “Good, I like Edwin, Jason not so much….he’s a stranger. Edwin’s my horse.” He choked on laughter. She was so tired she didn’t even realize what she had said until a few moments later when Edwin was still snorting out laughter. She patted his chest, “Oh, you know what I mean.”

  He helped her up to the cottage front door and took her to her bedroom where she collapsed like a rubber doll.

  “You’d think you were drunk.”

  “Mphfff” She initially said but when she turned her head she said, “I feel like it.” He laughed.

  “Chloe, You’re too funny.”

  “Huh?” and she passed out. Sometime in the morning when she woke up her wig was gone and her hair was loose. She turned toward Edwin who was playing with a lock of it.

  “I like your hair.”

  She laughed.

  “I kind of liked the brown straight hair, it made me different and I was fun.” She grinned at him.

  “No, Chloe it was you. It was you letting go. I liked it, but I like this Chloe, too.” He kissed her nose, then her chin, then her jaw…

  “Did you hear that?” she asked Edwin.

  “No,” He was trailing his kisses down her neck. She heard the knock again.

  “Umm, Edwin, I think someone is at the door.” but he ignored her. He was at her collarbone and she was having a hard time concentrating.

  “At our bedroom door, EDWIN!” She yelled, pushing him away. He laughed as he gave one last nip on her jaw.

  “Who is it?” Chloe yelled.

  “Kim,” she answered, “open up!”

  Chloe checked to see if they were decent then hollered, “Come in.”

  Kim busted through the door but stopped with her jaw gaping when she saw Edwin. He was bare-chested, his well sculpted tanned torso glowed in the reflective light from outside.

  Chloe narrowed her. “Hellooooo. I’m like right here.”

  Kim blinked a few times and turned red. “Oh yeah, well I actually had a purpose here, if I could just remember what it was.” She was still staring at Edwin’s bare chest. Edwin grinned bigger and Chloe rolled her eyes, scooped up his shirt and threw it at him.

  “Put your shirt on, for God’s sake, I think she’s going to have a coronary.” He laughed while sliding the shirt on.

  Kim cleared her throat, clearly trying to gather her thoughts. Chloe finally gave up and asked, “What’s in your hands, Kim?”

  When Kim looked down it was comical to watch because she finally realized why she was standing in their room.

  “Oh yeah! I thought you guys might want to read this.” Kim thrust out a computer print off. Then she looked at Edwin and explained sheepishly, “Since I met you and your friends, I’ve been a bit obsessed reading all the blogs and junk out there about you guys. Most of it’s wrong but this morning some gossip on that news website, JXL or something like that, was interesting. Anyway here you go.” She pointed at the papers.

  Chloe gave an amused look at Edwin who was expressionless. She started reading it out loud.

  “In a rare sighting the Chardonnay cast was spotted living it up last night at local hot spot exclusive club.”

  Chloe looked at Edwin amazed, “Geez that’s fast.”

  He looked at his fingernails, “Welcome to my life Chloe.” She shook her head and continued reading.

  “Bombshells Christine, Penelope, and Sandra escorted unknown newbie speculated to be the newest cast member of Chardonnay.”

  “Oh good grief, that’s ridiculous,” Chloe rolled her eyes. Kim and Edwin shared a look.

  “The long-legged sexy brown-haired friend sent a tidal-wave of reaction through the exclusive club but it was good-boy star Jason McRoy’s reaction that startled most spectators. Reports said that McRoy claimed mystery girl almost immediately on the dance floor in a very public display of affection. McRoy is notorious at being an extremely private person and has been consistent in his denial about his relationship with co-star Victoria Bouche. Bouche, who is no stranger to clubs, also put in an intoxicated showing at the club. Reports said that the reception of the soon to be former co-star was cold at best. Bouche seemed steamed by the fireworks going off by McRoy and friend. The question is who is the beautiful mystery lady? She may be the next big star on Chardonnay, or she could be simply a hook-up for McRoy. Reports say that it was obvious their acquaintance had been long established before this night.” JXL.

  “Wow! That didn’t take long did it? And seriously, ‘long-legged brunette’ get real folks. Such sensationalism!” Both Kim and Edwin stared at her.

  Kim said softly, “Chloe, you think the description of you is wrong? I mean seriously? You don’t think you caused a reaction when you dressed like that and everything?”

  Chloe shook her head. “I mean the reaction wasn’t about me, it was about Edwin hooking up. Totally not news worthy!”

  “Chloe, I probably tell you this like every single day, but you’re so weird!” Kim stomped out of the room.

  She looked at Edwin and said, “What did I say?”

  He shook his head and said, “Love, you are unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I wish there was some way I could convince you that you’re beautiful and talented and wonderful…but I guess I’ll just let it go and tell you that I love you. We can work on all the rest for the rest of our lives.”

  Her heart sped up at the thought of being with Edwin forever. She’d do anything for the rest of her life, as long as Edwin was there. She kissed him sweetly then got out of the bed. He groaned his disappointment.

  “I need to talk to Kim, okay?” He nodded grumpily.

  She quickly threw on some shorts and walked out to find Kim sitting in the living room just watching the ocean. Chloe ruffled Kim’s hair on the way to the kitchen to put on the coffee for Edwin and to start some breakfast. Kim followed her.

  “So how steamy did things get last night with Cole?” Chloe asked.

  Kim gave a telling blush.

  “What time did you get home?” Chloe asked while pulling eggs out of the refrigerator.

  “Oh about 3am and you know what? No one noticed. Crazy huh?”

  “Well that’s not the worst thing that can happen to you but I totally understand it would be nice to know someone cared.”

  “Yeah. I did ask Cole to the prom though.”

  Chloe swung around to face Kim, “Really? What did he say?”

  “He said he’d go.” Kim said unenthusiastically.

  “Well don’t act too excited.” Chloe answered sarcastically.

  “Are you sure you won’t go?” Kim gave her a pleading look.

  “You know I can’t. With Edwin and everything…it’s impossible.”

  “What if you asked Tom, I know he would give his right arm to go on a date with you, much more for the prom.”

  “No, I’d never do that to Edwin. Tom’s a good friend and all but it wouldn’t be fair to anyone to use him like that.”

  “You wouldn’t be using him and I’m sure Edwin would understand.”

  Chloe shot her a “you’ve got to be kidding me look.” Then went back to heating the frying pan.

  “Just forget about it Kim. You can report the whole thing to me. Besides, I don’t want to attend any after school event that had Britney being crowned.”

  “Good point,” Kim said, but she still seemed down about it. “How about just going with us, I swear it won’t be awkward!”

  Chloe gave her a “you gotta be kidding” glance.

  “You’ll have Jody,” Chloe said hoping to cheer Kim up but it didn’t work. She looked like her dog just had a litter of kittens.

  Chloe went to set the kitchen table when she noticed Edwin in the living room pacing. She frowned and walked over to him.

  “What’s wrong, you didn’t get a call or something? You aren’t leaving again are you?”

  “No, not leaving. I was thinking about the prom.”

  It took Chloe
a minute to answer wondering why in the world he was thinking about prom. “Prom? Why?”

  “I want to go.” This set Chloe back as she shook her head, not sure she had heard him right.

  “What?!” She asked a bit alarmed.

  “I’ve never been. It’ll be cool.” He must have lost his ever loving mind, she thought.

  “Edwin if you go, you know it’ll be crazy.”

  “I think I have it figured out. I’ll make some phone calls. Besides we have time right? When is it?”

  “In February,” she answered.

  He sighed, “of course it is.” Shaking his head, “I can make it work.”

  Kim was jumping up and down in the kitchen forgoing all pretenses of not eavesdropping. She came running from the kitchen and slammed into Edwin and her for a very enthusiastic hug. “Thank you!!!!!” Kim said laughing.

  I had worked so hard for so long to forget about any holiday. I didn’t want to hate them but I kind of did. It seemed that holidays just pointed out how alone I was or it gave people excuses to be crueler because of the guise of stress. Now, even though I know I am not alone anymore, and my life is much improved, nearly perfect, I still can’t seem not to hate holidays - just a little bit. – Chloe’s diary

  Chapter 18


  Christmas was coming too quickly and she didn’t know what to give Edwin – it was very stressful. She thought Christoph might offer some suggestions but when she hung up with him she said out loud to nobody, “He’s worthless.”

  Aunt had walked in during her outburst and laughed, “Well I could’ve told you that.” Then she waited a second to add, “Who are we talking about?”

  “I’m talking about Christoph. I called to ask for help on Edwin’s Christmas gift and you know what he told me? Get him some cologne.”

  “He’s worthless,” Aunt confirmed and sat down next to her.

  “How can I help?” In which they sat for a long time discussing what she should get Edwin. It was difficult when the man had everything. They decided something out of the ordinary and that was when she finally got an idea. She smiled at Aunt, rose from the couch, and went to her room to pull down her box of things she had collected throughout the year. It was so full that the lid barely fit on it anymore. She sat on her bed and sorted through them for a long time, as she separated them she smiled at each memory, loving him more.


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