Who Framed the Vegan Vampire (The Immortality Curse Book 3)

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Who Framed the Vegan Vampire (The Immortality Curse Book 3) Page 23

by Peter Glenn

  So believe it or not, the idea for this book came from a social media post a few months back. Someone was posting about how coconut water is similar to blood and about how that meant there could be vegan vampires. Well, how was I supposed to pass up that opening in a series like Damian’s? I just couldn’t let it slip by, so Who Framed the Vegan Vampire was born.

  Then I just needed to add in some more flare and a storyline. Easy peasy. And of course I had to throw in the little joke about coconut pee. That actually came from a different conversation with a guy who was convinced water was poisonous for you. No, I’m not joking. I wish I was.

  I think my favorite scene in the whole book is the driving chase scene where Damian gets a call from his therapist. Not only do we get to see a little bit more about Damian’s life outside the cases, but the whole concept struck me as funny. My second favorite scene was when Grax’thor came to Damian’s rescue. I hadn’t actually planned that one, it just came to me in a flash. But it worked.

  So what’s next for Damian and crew? Well of course, in the next book we finally meet his older brother, which will be exciting and a little nerve-wracking. Plus he’ll finally start coming to terms with his feelings for LaLuna. Beyond that, I have several other adventures planned. We’ll even see Damian’s sister pop up before too long and delve a bit more into Mei’s universe. Should be an exciting trip for everyone. Myself included.

  Anyway, once again, if you liked the book, please leave a review. Or even a rating. It makes my day to see that I made my fans happy enough to leave a review. Plus there’s this eldritch theory that reviews help push your books up in Amazon’s algorithms and help them sell. I haven’t seen it happen yet, but you never know. And I’ll take whatever advantages I can get.

  Loved the book a lot? Give me a follow on social media, too at: www.facebook.com/authorpeterglenn OR join my mailing list: www.peterjglenn.com/email. Better yet, do both! The more the merrier! I also have giveaways (like signed copies of my books) and exclusive behind the scenes info for my facebook page and mailing list subscribers, so join the club and experience amazingness!

  I’d love to get a shout out from you in either spot and hear about what you’d like to see in an upcoming Damian novel or short story. I’ve got another five books after this one planned already, but I don’t want to see it stop there (and I’m hoping neither do you). So if you’ve got a killer idea or a joke you want to see, let me know!

  Who knows? Maybe I’ll even name a future character after you (if you want. I’d never do it without permission). Charmaine, the vampire was named after a real person that asked me about it. It could happen to you, too. Just ask!

  Thank you again for joining me on this journey and sticking with it until the very end, and I do hope you’ll join with me again in future books.

  Auf Wiedersehen.

  Also by Peter Glenn

  Immortality Curse

  How to Lose Your Dragon (1)

  What to Expect When You Have a Fae Baby (2)

  Who Framed the Vegan Vampire (3)

  Immortal Brother, Where Art Thou (Coming soon)

  Have Artifact, Will Travel (Coming soon)

  The Guardians of Kallor

  The Fhyrrstorm (1)

  The Dark One’s Reign (2)

  The Light’s Last Hope (3)

  The Sariah Chronicles

  Resistance to Magic (1)

  Betrayal of Magic (2)

  Survival by Magic (3)

  Triumph through Magic (4)


  Peter Glenn Social

  Website: www.peterjglenn.com

  Email: www.peterjglenn.com/email

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorpeterglenn




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