Black Jade

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Black Jade Page 29

by Kylie Chan

  ‘I don’t know anything about any rehearsal,’ I said.

  Her expression darkened. ‘I told you at least three times that the rehearsal for Frankie’s coronation would be today. You’re so forgetful. I don’t know why I have someone as stupid as you minding these children. I should find someone with half a brain.’

  I shook my head. The King had never mentioned any rehearsal to me.

  ‘I want you to look after me all the time, Mummy!’ Frankie shouted.

  The King crouched to speak to him. ‘I want to be with you, my darling, but I have other things to do. Now.’ She rose. ‘Emma, take Frankie’s hand and don’t let it go.’ She clapped her hands with excitement. ‘You’re going to Heaven, Frankie, and you’ll see your new throne.’

  ‘Yay!’ Frankie shouted with enthusiasm. ‘Come and hold my hand, Emma, I’m going to see my throne!’

  The King gazed into my eyes as she put her hand on Frankie’s shoulder. ‘Try anything and these three will suffer the consequences.’

  ‘I understand,’ I said. ‘It’s worth it for him to be in the sunshine. Can we take the other children as well?’

  ‘I already told you I can’t. Why do you never listen to me?’

  I opened my mouth to say, ‘No, you didn’t,’ but Hell disappeared from around me.

  * * *

  I put my hand on my thumping forehead and struggled to sit up and look around. I was in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, on the floor against the back wall, facing the rear of the dais. Voices were echoing through the room, booming through my head and making it hurt even more, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

  The dais . . . John.

  I struggled to my feet, leaning against the wall, and used it as a support as I worked my way to the corner of the room, then along the next wall until I could see what was happening on the dais. There were no chairs in the hall, and I wasn’t capable of moving without help, so I just braced my back against the wall and watched. John wasn’t on the dais; just the Demon King, Frankie and a small group of demon Dukes. A sound engineer sat with her equipment at the back of the room, and a park bench stood on the dais in place of the Jade Throne.

  BJ, where’s the Dark Lord?

  He was removed a week ago and nobody knows where he is, Aunty Emma.

  Before you do the info transfer . . . my family?

  Everybody’s okay.

  I sagged with relief against the wall. The King was keeping his word.

  ‘Look who’s up and around,’ the King said to me. ‘Just in time to take Frankie home.’ She turned to Frankie. ‘Don’t worry if you don’t remember what to do; I will help you.’ She held her arms out to him. ‘Hop down and we’ll take you home to your little friends.’

  ‘Can we go outside for a while, Mummy?’ Frankie said as she helped him down off the bench. ‘I want to see the sky.’

  ‘Of course, darling,’ she said with pleasure. ‘All my lovely children can see the sky now. Everybody adores me.’ She took his hand and led him out of the hall.

  I leaned against the wall and breathed, trying to regain my energy. Protecting Frankie on the trip to Heaven had wiped me out.


  No reply.


  Again no reply.

  Dad says that neither of them have been heard from in a while, BJ said. I downloaded some pictures for you while you were unconscious. She quickly flipped through the photos my family had sent, projecting them inside my head. Everybody’s okay.

  My family look awful, I said. They’re all so thin and pale.

  It’s taking a while to rebuild the food distribution network, and there are still many people without homes. The King has Dad working twenty-four hours a day on the logistics.

  Put me through to your dad? I want to thank him.

  Lady Emma, Gold said. Welcome back. Are you home for good? We need you here. Morale is very low and the Dark Lord has been taken away.

  I’m here for a coronation rehearsal. I think they’ll be heading back to Hell soon. BJ just told me what you’re doing. Thanks for taking care of everyone.

  We’re rebuilding, but the corruption is hurting everybody.


  Demons have been put in positions of power on the Celestial, and if you want anything done you have to bribe them. They’re taking the pick of the resources — food and housing — and the ordinary residents of the Heavens are given what’s left over. I’m doing my best but it’s difficult. BJ tells me that my kids are okay. They’re not too unhappy, are they?

  The King hasn’t hurt them, they’re playmates for Frankie. They’re doing well and I’m caring for them. They’re missing you and Amy and the sunshine, but when Frankie’s crowned they’ll move up here and live in the Palace with him and you’ll be able to see them.

  One good thing to come out of this misery. We’ll be able to see more of our kids, and you’ll be able to see more of your family.

  I hope so.

  We’re also hoping that when Frankie’s crowned Emperor, he can stop them from eating us, Gold said.

  What? I said, horrified.

  People keep disappearing, whole families. They disappear during the night. The Demon King is having senior demons executed, but it hasn’t stopped.

  Dear Lord, be careful, Gold.

  We are.

  The King returned, holding Frankie’s hand. ‘Emma, over here. Time for us to go home.’

  ‘When is the coronation?’ I said as I staggered to them, the room spinning around me. I stopped and took a deep breath, then made it the rest of the way.

  ‘Hurry up! You are so slow,’ she said. ‘I already told you: it’s in a week. We’re consulting a fung shui master to find a dynasty name for him. I think we may call him the Serpent Emperor. What do you think?’

  I put my hand on Frankie’s shoulder. ‘Serpents are wise healers. That’s perfect.’

  I came around on the couch in the living room of the little house.

  ‘About time,’ the King said from a chair across the room.

  The children were playing with their new Lego on the floor. As usual, Edu had created her own hoard of it in front of her.

  The King came and bent over me with menace. ‘The coronation is in one week. Do you hear me? Seven days.’

  ‘I hear you,’ I said.

  ‘It’s traditional for the new Emperor to give a speech outlining his policies for the realm. You write it, I don’t have time. Write the usual bull—’ She looked back at the children. ‘— the usual stuff to keep everybody happy. About five minutes’ worth. Frankie can parrot it when he’s enthroned.’

  ‘What do you want me to write? What are your plans for the realm?’

  ‘Wealth and prosperity,’ she said expansively. ‘For the right people, of course. My people. Everybody else can go to Hell. And in many cases, that’s exactly what will happen. So focus on economic growth, everyone having more money, employment for all, that sort of nonsense. Whatever politicians on the Earthly say when they’re elected. Understand?’

  I nodded.

  ‘Once Frankie’s on the throne and settled, we won’t need you any more. I’ll reward you for your good service by letting you choose where you go. You can go to the Peach Garden as Dowager Mother, or you can become a Buddhist nun. You don’t have to make the decision now. Let me know what you want after Frankie’s reign is established.’

  ‘What’s in the Peach Garden?’ I said, aware that the Jade Empress spent most of her time there.

  ‘Peach trees,’ the King snapped. ‘I don’t know. Something to do with time. Sounds boring.’ She straightened and turned to speak to Frankie. ‘I’m going now, my darling. Give me another hug.’

  Frankie ran to her with his arms out.

  She embraced him warmly, tousled his hair, and kissed the top of his head. ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you too, Mummy. I hope I get it right on Wednesday.’

  ‘You will. You’ll love your new house, and I can be
close to you all the time.’

  He held her closer. ‘Thank you, Mummy.’

  ‘I’m so glad one of you knows when to be grateful,’ she said. ‘Now let me go, I have things I need to do.’

  He released her and stepped back. ‘Goodbye, Mummy. I love you.’

  She touched the side of his face. ‘I love you too.’

  She went out.

  * * *

  Two days later the King brought Mr Li to fit us for robes for the coronation. He had a couple of demon staff to assist, and was sombre and businesslike as he measured Frankie.

  ‘Are the refugees who were in your factory all right?’ I whispered as I held my arms out for him to measure.

  ‘They are now in the Western Heavens,’ he replied in the same low tones. ‘They are assisting in the construction of the Demon King’s . . . the Celestial Regent’s new Summer Palace.’

  ‘And are you okay, Mr Li?’

  He smiled wanly, but didn’t reply.

  He finished taking notes and returned to the Demon King. ‘Gold silk for the Prince?’

  ‘Yes. And for me.’

  Mr Li stared at the King. ‘Imperial gold is reserved for the Emperor.’

  ‘We’re rewriting the rules. The robe isn’t to be Qing style; I want it more flowing and old-fashioned, like on the wuxia movies. Something to make him look glamorous and handsome.’

  Mr Li bobbed his head. ‘And Miss Donahoe?’

  ‘Buddhist nun’s robes. Brown. All brown. She must be as plain as possible. When she’s done caring for Frankie she’ll become a nun.’

  I opened my mouth and closed it again. Being a Buddhist nun didn’t sound so bad, but I wouldn’t take the vows as long as there was any chance of me and John being together.

  ‘We’ll shave her head just before the ceremony,’ the King continued. ‘Nobody is to notice her at all.’

  He watched me, obviously waiting for my reaction. I shrugged. Wouldn’t be the first time I’d been bald, and the only real discomfort would be the stupid itching as my hair grew back. It was mid-summer and my head wouldn’t be cold, so really no issue.

  ‘When can you have the samples?’ the King asked Mr Li.

  ‘Tomorrow, my Lord. I will bring them for the young Emperor to try.’

  ‘Good,’ the King said, and waved him away.

  Mr Li smiled consolingly at me, then he and his assistants were teleported out by a couple of large Dukes.

  ‘How’s that speech coming?’ the King asked me.

  ‘Mostly done.’

  ‘Email me a copy and I’ll take a look.’

  ‘I don’t have email,’ I said. ‘Give me a computer and I’ll be able to send it.’

  ‘Oh, yeah. Give it to your guard to pass to me.’ He knelt to speak to Frankie. ‘I have to go now, sweetie, but your mother will be by tomorrow to see your fancy new clothes.’

  Frankie nodded. ‘Thank you, Uncle George.’

  ‘Be good for Emma,’ the King said, and went out, followed by his Duke bodyguards.

  * * *

  Later that evening I was woken by soft voices. I opened my eyes and saw nothing. I opened my inner sight and still saw nothing. The whisper of a woman’s voice echoed nearby, but it was difficult to place where it was coming from.

  I rose and went into the living room. There were no moon or stars in Hell, just a blank grey sky on the other side of the house windows, so I turned on the light to see. I headed to Frankie’s room to see if Kwan Yin was visiting him again.

  Something slammed hard against the front door and I jumped back with alarm.

  The door flew open and I stepped back again. A demon Prince, at least level ninety, stood in the doorway. He looked like a small fifty-year-old balding man with a wrinkled leathery face. The Duke that guarded the door was gone; the Prince had taken it down.

  The Prince grinned. ‘Two for one.’

  Without a weapon I couldn’t destroy it. I tried to summon Dark Heavens but it wouldn’t come. I needed help, and with everybody imprisoned only the King himself could take out something this big.

  There’s a Prince here to kidnap your son, I said to the King, hoping he was contactable. Don’t draw attention to yourself, I added to BJ.

  The Prince raised his hands, still grinning. ‘I’m sure you’d like to escape. Come with me and we’ll go to a lovely estate a long way away from the King, where he’ll never find you.’

  ‘Okay, anything to be out of here,’ I said. ‘Can I pack a bag first?’

  ‘Of course. And one for the little one as well.’ He came to the middle of the room. ‘Quickly, we don’t have much time.’

  ‘All right,’ I said, and went into Frankie’s room.

  Frankie’s eyes were bright over the top of his quilt in the racing-car bed. The noise had woken him. I pulled out the expensive Japanese case the King had bought for Frankie’s move up to Heaven, and tossed some clothes into it.

  ‘Out of bed, love, we’re going on a trip,’ I said.

  ‘Where to?’ Frankie said, throwing the covers off.

  ‘Somewhere safe.’

  ‘I’m safe here,’ Frankie said, unsure. ‘You’re running away! Daddy said he’d kill my friends if we ever run away.’

  ‘Your mummy sent someone to collect us, it’s okay,’ I said, closing the case. I wrapped his little robe around him and tied the belt.

  There was a roar like a large animal in the living room, and Frankie backed up, terrified.

  ‘Stay here,’ I said, and crept to the door.

  A Duke was facing off against the Demon Prince. The Prince was a big lizard-type and his head scraped the ceiling. The Duke had taken full True Form, two metres tall with a bull’s head, but he was no match for the unarmed Prince even with a halberd. The Duke was trained, however, and managed to dodge the Prince’s blows and even make a few slices at the Prince himself.

  The Demon King stormed through the front door in True Form — like a Snake Mother, but blood-red where they were black. The Duke moved back to guard me and Frankie. The King and the Prince swung at each other, each landing some good blows. The Prince grabbed the King in his mouth and shook him.

  The door to the bedroom next to Frankie’s opened and the other children poked their heads out, then stood in the doorway watching the demons fighting. Edu grinned with excitement, but the human children looked terrified.

  ‘Stay there,’ I said. ‘Go back into your room.’

  ‘Emma!’ Little Jade yelled, and ran across the living room to me.

  The Duke scooped her up and brought her to me, then collected the other children in his massive arms and carried them to me as well. I pushed them inside Frankie’s room.

  ‘Stay in here where it’s safe,’ I said, and stood guard in the doorway.

  The Duke took position in front of me, his massive back blocking my view so I was forced to peer around him.

  The Prince backed up and concentrated with his hands out to attack the King with energy. He was trying for Kingship.

  ‘Stupid bastard,’ the Duke said under his breath.

  I jumped when I felt something next to me. The children had crept up beside me and were watching with fascinated horror.

  The King caught the energy and slammed it into the Prince so fast the Prince staggered backwards. The King pressed the attack, moving forward on his coils and grabbing the Prince’s head with one hand and his shoulder with the other. He ripped the Prince’s head off and ate it, opening his jaws wide to fit it in. He crunched the head, then tore the Prince’s left arm off and ate that as well.

  I ushered all the children into the room, closing the door behind us. I knelt to speak to them. ‘It won’t hurt you. It was protecting you.’

  ‘It ate the other one,’ Frankie said, his voice hollow.

  ‘They will never hurt you.’

  ‘They’re like the big scary black ones with snake tails, but they’re bigger and scarier. It ate the other one!’ Frankie said again.

  I pulled him into an e
mbrace. ‘I will protect you, darling, they’ll never hurt you.’

  ‘Promise?’ he said into my shoulder.


  ‘Really?’ Matthew said.

  I pulled him in as well. ‘Really. They won’t hurt you.’

  ‘I’m scared, Emma,’ Little Jade said.

  The door opened and we all turned to see. It was the King in Kitty Kwok form.

  ‘About time you grew some brains,’ she said to me. She knelt and held her arms out. ‘Are you all right, my darling?’

  Frankie didn’t run to the King; he sidled up to her then nestled against her, his face still stricken with fear. ‘There were monsters.’

  ‘No monster will ever come in here again,’ she said. ‘And I’ve decided. Tomorrow we’ll move you to your new home. You’ll never have to be afraid of them again.’ She nodded to me. ‘Pack the rest of his clothes and toys. I don’t want to risk another Prince taking a stupid chance. We’re moving him up tomorrow.’

  ‘What about us?’ Little Jade said.

  ‘You too. Go back to bed, the monsters are gone. I’ll protect you,’ the King said. ‘Leave us, Emma. I want to tuck my son in and explain that he’s in no danger.’

  I took the other kids into the living room. I restored the sofa, which had been knocked over, but there were no other signs of the battle that had taken place. The Duke stood next to the front door, still in True Form, his bull’s face expressionless.

  I took the children into their bedroom, and they crawled back into bed.

  ‘Can you stay a while, Emma?’ Matthew said.

  ‘I’ll stay while you go to sleep.’

  ‘You’re all scared,’ Edu said with scorn. ‘We don’t have to worry while Father is in charge. Nobody’s been able to defeat him in more than a thousand years.’

  ‘They were monsters,’ Little Jade said as she snuggled under the covers, then threw them over her head.

  ‘I’ll stay here,’ I said. ‘You’re perfectly safe. Now go to sleep; we’re going somewhere really nice tomorrow.’

  None of them replied. Too traumatised.

  Why didn’t you go with the Prince? It was a chance to escape, BJ said.

  A demon Prince has good reason to kill Frankie. If it was just me I might think about it, but I won’t jeopardise my little boy.


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