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Naughty Flings: Twelve Naughty Little Romps

Page 36

by Alexa Silver

  The butterfly lands on a flower and I crouch low, crawling through the grass. The bold little insect takes flight and lands on my snout again, right between my eyes, which cross as I stare at its rapidly fluttering wings from such a close distance. As it takes off again, I bound after, jumping and pouncing in an attempt to catch the delightfully fun pest.

  A low, menacing growl freezes me in place and I take note of my surroundings. I’ve wandered away from the stream into a dark, thickly wooded area. Slight movement in the underbrush draws my attention as a large male lion stalks into view. Lifting his blocky head, he scents the air, breathing me in and issues a growled mating call.

  Oh crap!

  Pinning my ears back, I hiss a warning, letting the male know I am not in the mood.

  The lion slowly moves forward, ignoring my threatening snarls and bared teeth. Arrogant bastard probably thinks he can just take what he wants whether I am willing or not. Well I’m not sticking around to find out. I know he will give chase but I am not about to drop down on my belly and submit to an unwanted mating. To hell with that. I’ll take my chances at out-running him.

  My low growl turns into a loud scream as I turn and flee, racing as fast as my legs will carry me. There’s no need to look back, I can hear him pounding after me as the woods have gone eerily silent. All other wildlife has gone to ground, staying far away from what is sure to be a fierce, bloody battle.

  My thoughts flash back to the past and my begging another lion to claim me. I’m not that same lioness. I don’t need a male and certainly will not bow down to a strange lion. I will fight to the death before he takes what I am unwilling to give.

  Pushing off a rock, I soar through the air, landing as if on springs, shooting forward through brush, zigging around a tree in my path. The lion is gaining on me, his hot, panted breath wafts over my hindquarters. I put on a burst of speed and run straight into the stream then up the opposite bank. I race blindly, my only thought escaping the lion until something stabs into my front paw, causing me to limp and slow my pace. The lion is on me in seconds, taking me down hard, crushing my body beneath his larger bulk.

  Oh God, this can’t be happening. Taken by force, raped, mated to a stranger. I fight with every last ounce of energy, snarling and hissing. But the male has strength and size on his side, easily pinning me to the cold ground.

  The length of his hard cock presses against my ass and my screams of outrage ring out around us. Keeping my sex low to the ground, shuffling my hips side to side, I try to avoid his attempts at penetration, crying out as his sharp claws rake my flank, tearing open flesh. The scent of my blood fills my nose as my cries of rage and fear fill my ears. Moving over me, the male notches his cock at my entrance while his open mouth hovers over my vulnerable neck.

  No, no, no, no, nooo!

  Clenching my teeth to the point of tasting blood, I wait for the dual penetration of teeth and cock that will seal my fate. Only it doesn’t come. In the next instant, his crushing weight is gone, allowing me to draw a full breath. Terrified but determined to know what’s happening, I spin around, blinking rapidly in an attempt to understand what I’m seeing. Exhaustion and fear must be making me hallucinate.

  A massive black and gray wolf has the lion by the throat. The two males are a blur of fur, teeth and claws as they fight in the dirt. The wolf yelps in pain then lunges for the lion’s throat, pulling back with his jaws full of tawny flesh and blood covering the gray fur on his broad chest.

  My vision is fuzzy and narrowing, going dark but I think I see the large wolf dragging the heavy lion away.

  A fierce howl has my eyes snapping open. I see the wolf loping toward me, his long pink tongue lolling from the side of a grinning mouth.

  A cat, saved by a dog.

  Good grief. If I had an ounce of strength left, I’d laugh my ass off.

  Consciousness flickers in and out as the wolf licks my snout and nuzzles my neck. My head is fuzzy, exhaustion making my thoughts sluggish. I’m confused by how the wolf can feel so familiar to me when I don’t know any canines.

  Everything goes black. As I surface again, the wolf is using his teeth to pull the bramble from my paw. He then carefully licks the wounds on my side, easing some of the pain.

  Alertness wavers and I discover the wolf curled up against me, sharing his warmth. In order to shift back to my human form, I have to rest and heal first. I feel safe and protected enough in the wolf’s care to allow sleep to fully claim me.


  Heat blankets my backside while a distinct chill along the front of my nude body puckers my nipples and makes me shiver. Turning and snuggling into the warmth, I rub my nose against a wall of solid muscle and take a deep breath.


  “I’ve got you, hellcat.”

  My eyes snap open and I blink at the male holding me close. A very nude male.

  Vaulting to my feet, I pace on a bed of loamy moss trying to keep from looking as he takes his time rising. Shifters are typically comfortable in their own skin and with nudity but this isn’t some feline I grew up with. This is Jase. And he’s canine.

  Whipping around on my heel, I accuse, “You’re a dog,” in a rather shrill tone.

  “Black wolf,” he corrects, “with black jaguar thrown in for fun.”

  Which would make him what? Woguar, woar? FUBAR? I can’t help it—a snort escapes me with the last thought.

  Jase arches his brow as if waiting for me to share what I find amusing. But my humor quickly morphs into arousal as my gaze takes a slow journey over six and a half feet of USDA prime, grade-A, choice beefcake. From that shaggy dark mane to his broad, sculpted chest, over an eight-pack abdomen with a dark happy trail and defined obliques arrowing down to a long, thick, heavy cock. A very hard, aroused cock that has saliva pooling in my mouth as I wonder how he tastes. Hey, I can’t help it, I’m a red-blooded female and he’s gorgeous.

  “Like what you see, hellcat?” His hand moves forward, fist wrapping around that hard shaft. Unconsciously, my tongue snakes out to dampen my lips. On the upstroke, his thumb rubs over the damp, bulbous crown. “Want a taste?”

  Hell yes!

  Oh God, did I nod my head?

  Snap out of it, Portman. You’re a cat, he’s a dog—you’re incompatible.

  “I don’t do dogs.”

  “Not a dog,” he growls. “A hybrid mix of wolf and jaguar.”

  “Whatever.” I throw my hands up in defeat. “Sex with you would be pointless. No barb means no orgasms.”

  “What makes you think I don’t have a barb?”

  My entire body convulses with need and my eyes snap up to meet his stunning blue ones. “I…you…what?” I sputter.

  He takes a step closer and I take one back. “I’m hybrid, Haidee.” He steps forward again, stalking me like prey. “Canine and feline.” I match him step for step until I back into a tree. “Got the best of both species,” Jase purrs and keeps advancing until only a light breeze separates us. “And I can definitely get you off.” His head dips and he nuzzles the sensitive spot beneath my ear. “Multiple times.” His warm breath wafts over my ear and my entire body goes up in flames.

  He cups my nape, drawing me in, his mouth covering mine. His lips are so firm, hot, soft. And Lord, does he know how to use them. He licks the seam of my lips and unable to resist, I open for him. Surging forward, his tongue finds mine and it’s like setting a spark to a live wire. Electrifying pleasure cascades through me.

  Jase leans into me, chest raking my taut nipples and we are pressed together from shoulder to thigh. My body is burning for him, I need more. Have to have more, get closer. One thigh slides up his side, knee locking around his hip. With both hands, he cups my ass and he lifts me. My spread, soaking wet pussy ends up pressed against his shaft, trapping his length between our bodies. He growls in appreciation, holding me against his body, protecting my skin from the rough tree.

  “Say yes,” he demands between kisses. “Tell me you want this.�

  “Dying for it. For days. All I can think about.” I’m rubbing my pussy against him like a cat in heat. Aching for him. Needing him in me.

  “Say my name.” He nips my lip. “And say yes, hellcat.”

  “Christ, Jase. Yes,” I hiss. I can’t take any more. I need him now. “Shut up and fuck me.”

  Lifting and angling my pelvis away from him, Jase notches his cock at my entrance, moaning as a gush of my juices glide over him. Staring into my eyes, he drops me over his cock, stretching me, filling me with one hard thrust, declaring, “Mine!”

  Scrambling for purchase, my fingers dig into his shoulders and I grip his waist with my legs, flexing my thighs and ass, lifting along his length.

  Oh God, the friction. So good!

  Dropping back down, taking him balls deep, I cry, “Yes. Oh fuck, yes!”

  I am mindless in my need, focused on the incredible friction generating currents of extreme bliss that blast from my pussy out through my entire body. My toes are curled tight, fingers kneading his back, body taut. Clasping my ass, he forcefully propels me up and down over his cock. Up and down. Harder and faster. Over and over.

  “Yesss. Oh yes.”

  His cock swells, stretching me almost to the point of pain, beyond full. And then I feel it, soft yet firm protrusions extending beneath the head of his cock, raking that spot high up inside my pussy. Holy Christ, he has a barb.

  My entire body seizes. “Going to…ahhh—”

  “Come for me. Take me.”

  He goes wild, bucking into me, fucking me so good. My pussy clamps on his shaft and I feel him more fully. Deeper. He’s impossibly thick, plowing through the resistance of my pulsing walls, driving me insane, keeping my orgasm going, intensifying the ecstasy.

  Throwing my head back, I scream my delight to the full moon, milking his cock, triggering his own climax. The hot splash of his cum inside me amps up my release. His head drops to my shoulder, mouth latching onto the curve of my neck. Turning my head, I give him more room. I feel the grip of his teeth on my flesh, not piercing, holding on while his lips suck over my pulse point. Still he’s coming, filling me to overflowing.

  I gasp for breath as he stops moving. His cock is still huge inside me, stretching me. And then he’s spurting again, making my head swim.

  “W-what? What’s happening?” I gasp. My one experience with orgasm wasn’t anything like this unending release.

  Keeping our bodies locked together, he somehow manages to maneuver us to the ground and onto our sides. And he’s not pulling out. I try to pull back but he holds me tight against him.

  “Don’t,” he pants. “Knotted.”

  Knotted? As in when a canine’s penis knots inside a female? “What?”

  He’s placing tender kisses up and down my neck, along my jaw, stroking my hair, making me feel…cherished. I don’t want to feel as if I’m special to him.

  “Knotted in you. Gonna take a few minutes. Can’t pull out without hurting you.”

  Holy. Fucking. Christ!

  What have I done? I fucked a hybrid canine-feline. Got barbed and knotted—at the same time. Experienced euphoria. And have likely been ruined for any other male.

  So much for fucking him out of my system.

  Chapter 4

  When I jump off the wagon, I go big and head first. Because if it’s worth doing something then do it right. And oh wow, does Jase know how to do it right. From zero sex in four years to orgasm overload in twelve hours.

  I am lying half on, half off the Murphy bed, the edge of the mattress pressing into my lower back, legs over his shoulders, heels digging into his back, fingers clutching his silky hair as he makes a meal out of me. Good Lord, what the male does with his raspy tongue should be illegal. Thank heavens it’s not or I’d be going to jail for sure.

  His tongue rubs over the tip of my clit, making me see stars, as two thick fingers fuck into my pussy, the pads rubbing my sweet spot. I cry out in protest as he pulls out, only to tremble with wary delight as a damp fingertip circles my virgin backdoor. I’m not sure about anal play, but Jase doesn’t give me a chance to protest. His tongue tantalizes my clit, distracting from the finger pressing forward and my body arches, thrilling to the dark pleasure of newly awakened nerve endings.

  The finger in my ass makes shallow thrusts, going deeper each time, until buried inside as the other two return to my needy pussy. Triple stimulation overload. My back is arched impossibly high, entire body strung tight. His teeth graze the edge of my clit and he sucks the tiny bud into his mouth with the perfect pressure that sends me rocketing into a screaming orgasm.

  As the pleasure eases, he continues to lick, nip and suck my hypersensitive clit, never letting me come all the way down, keeping me on a blissed out high. While the release is better than anything I’ve ever known, I need more. I need him, inside me. Joining with me. Fucking me.

  “Jase,” I gasp. “Please.”

  Heavy-lidded blue eyes meet mine over the length of my sweat-drenched body. I can tell from the look in his eyes that he’s not yet satisfied himself and has no intention of stopping.

  “Please. Need you. In me.”

  While there’s interest in his gaze, he doesn’t budge. Going for broke, I decide to be extremely explicit in detailing my desires. “I need your cock. Fucking me. Deep. Hard. Filling me with your cum. Please, Jase. I ache.”

  Hunger darkens his gaze as he withdraws his fingers and crawls up my body. Instead of driving in to me as I expect, he cups my breasts in his palms, gently massaging the large globes. Licking one nipple, he blows a stream of air over the distended peak before drawing it into his mouth and sucking.

  In this position, his cock is perpendicular to my pussy and he rocks his hips, gliding along my wet lips, driving me insane. Each breast is receiving the focused attention of his lips, tongue, teeth and being sucked into that hot mouth. But now I’m empty of even his fingers.

  “Dammit, Jase. Fuck me. I’m dying. I need that big cock swelling in my pussy.”

  With a growl he lifts his upper body and stares down between my legs before landing a stinging smack right over my clitoris.


  “Ahhh…fuck!” I gasp. The wet slapping sound, coupled with the intense sting of pleasure-pain shooting through my sensitive flesh has my hips bucking upward. Pain is not something that’s turned me on before but there’s no denying the affect his spanking my clit has on me.

  “I know what you need, hellcat. And I’ll give it to you when I’m ready.”

  If I mouth off will he do it again? Only one way to find out. Bull meet red cape.

  “Screw that. Mike would give it to me if I ask him to.”

  Slap. Slap. Pinch. Slap.

  It’s too much. My head thrashes from side to side on the bed as waves of exotic sensations assault my clit sending me headlong into orgasm and I scream his name.

  “That’s right, hellcat. Say my name. No other male. I’m the one who owns this body.”



  “Say it. Mine.”

  Slap. Pinch. Slap.

  Oh God, too much. I own my body but I’m willing to say anything to get his cock inside me. “Jase. So good. So yours. Fuck me, Jase, I’m yours.”

  With a deep, satisfied growl his cock drills into me, stuffing me full in one punishing thrust. He’s wild now, fingers digging into my hips, pulling me into each thrust, pistoning his cock like a high-powered machine. Hard and fast and relentless. Pounding into me. The wet slap of flesh on flesh joins my incoherent moans and his rumbled growls of possession. In this moment I am one-hundred percent his—signed, sealed, delivered.

  His barb extends, raking my sweet spot as his cock swells to double the girth. Each jackhammer thrust is punctuated with the slap of his pelvis against my clit and the tapping of his cockhead against my womb. The orgasm is never ending. Jase howls his climax and blinding lights burst behind my eyelids as jet after jet of hot cum fill me, overflowing my pussy to
slick my thighs. Long thrusts become short jabs as he rocks into me, still pulling my hips to meet each forward plunge.

  Finally running out of steam, Jase collapses over me, his face presses into my shoulder, his damp skin sticking to mine. The air I suck in fast as a bellows is hot and steamy, smelling of great sex and clean sweat.

  I can’t catch my breath. Can’t feel my body. Can’t see anything.

  “Holy shit,” I pant. “You killed me. I’m dead.”

  “Me too.” Jase kisses my neck and mumbles against my skin, “What a way to go!”


  We don’t try to make it out of bed. All day and night, we fuck, suck and talk about everything and nothing at all. I wake to a stinging slap on my ass as Jase levers himself up. Sunlight is streaming in through the window and dust motes dance lazily in the golden rays.

  “Get up, hellcat. You’ve got half an hour to get showered, dressed and straddle your bike.”

  “Can’t move,” I grumble into my pillow, too tired to lift my head.

  “You hear that? The showroom doors just opened. It’s Sunday. Everyone’s showing up to ride the coast.”

  “Go without me.” Me, pass up a ride? He really has killed me.

  Slap. Slap.

  Jase’s palm lands a hard smack to both cheeks of my ass. With a squeal, I turn over, tossing the pillow at him before pulling the other one over my face. His amused chuckle has me hissing in irritation. And what the hell, is he humming?

  I pull the pillow from my face just in time to see his fine ass flex as he strolls into the bathroom, leaving the door open. The water cranks on in the shower and next thing I know, Jase is singing some cheery tune.

  Lord save me from morning people.

  Crawling from the bed, I stumble my way to the kitchenette, following the heavenly aroma of espresso. There’s a full mug sitting on the counter with creamer in it and everything. Blowing across the top, I take a tentative sip and let loose a heavy sigh. He not only made me coffee, but he poured and added sweetener and cream—exactly the way I like it. I think I love him!


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