Fated for Forever [Kindred of Arkadia 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Fated for Forever [Kindred of Arkadia 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Alanea Alder

  “Ashers, did you tell him about Roger?” she asked gently.

  “Yes.” Ashby twisted his blanket into knots.

  “Did you tell Gabriel that’s why you are having issues with the way he is making decisions for you?” Rebecca asked.

  “Not in so many words. What if I say something and he…” Ashby couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “What if he reacts the way Roger did and hits you?” Rebecca asked softly. Ashby nodded knowing she couldn’t see him.

  “Oh sweetie, I’m getting such sadness from you, even at this distance. I want to drive up there and snuggle with you and make it all better,” Rebecca said emotionally.

  “You think snuggling fixes everything,” Ashby smiled, making the effort to breathe through his fears.

  “Snuggling does fix everything. Invite your prince back upstairs and pull him into your blanket nest with you. Tell him what’s upsetting you. We may be linked to our mate’s emotions, but that still doesn’t make them mind readers or smarter,” Rebecca said and he could hear the smile in her voice.

  “I love you, Becca,” he said, rubbing his cheek on the phone.

  “I love you too, Ashers,” Rebecca said, making kissing noises. Ashby hung up the phone wrapped the soft, fuzzy blanket around him and went in search of his prince.

  * * * *

  “Where did this come from?” Gabriel demanded, holding up a letter in his hand. Roman looked over absently then frowned when he saw his prince’s glowing red eyes and descended fangs.

  “It was in our normal stack of delivered mail. What is it?” Roman asked, standing and walking over to Gabriel’s desk. He took the letter then paled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone before pushing a button that allowed him to use it as a walkie-talkie.

  “Baptista, bring Larry, Moe, and Curly into Gabriel’s office immediately,” Roman said and released the button.

  “They have been with us nearly two hundred years, why do you still call them by false names?” Gabriel asked, sitting down in his leather chair trying to latch onto something normal to control the growing sense of rage brewing in his heart.

  “When we first met they refused to introduce themselves or speak to me, so I made up names for them. My personal favorites were Hickory, Dick and Dock,” Roman looked over the letter.

  “Generic paper, no scent, not even of the human who would have delivered this nor the scents from other mail. This was hand delivered. There’s nothing else to indicate where it came from. Since it was hand delivered I’ll get Frick and Frack to check the video surveillance,” Roman said, going to his desk and sending an email to the twins.

  “Sir, you needed to see us?” Baptista asked as all four men stepped into the office.

  “Ashby will have a guard twenty-four hours a day, including the time he is with me. Post a guard outside our apartments during the day when we sleep.” Gabriel stood and began to pace behind his desk.

  “Sir?” Baptista asked.

  “Show him, Roman.” Gabriel said growling. Roman stepped forward and passed the letter to Baptista. He read it over and his fangs dropped, he released a slow hiss. Montana’s eyes widened.

  “It’s a threat that reads ‘Back off or die,’” Baptista said, thrusting the note into Kurt’s hands.

  “The drug ring?” Kurt asked.

  “They feel like they are untouchable.” Gabriel looked into the men’s eyes.

  “Prove them wrong,” Gabriel said. Baptista nodded.

  “Lauri, Kurt, Montana, we’re going to do twelve-hour rotations. Lauri you’re with Montana on tracking this note down. Kurt you’re with me on protection detail. Dismissed,” Baptista said and the three mountains left the office. Baptista hung back.

  “If they are unafraid to threaten you, what must other covens be going through?” Baptista asked. Gabriel froze in place and turned to face one of his oldest friends.

  “They are scared to leave their homes,” Gabriel said quietly. “We need to find this ring and destroy them, before anyone else is hurt.” Gabriel slammed his hand down on the wooden desk.

  “Gabriel?” A soft voice asked from the doorway. Gabriel looked up and saw his angel standing in the doorway wrapped up in his penguin blanket, his blue eyes wide. Their earlier argument seemed so trivial now. Unable to speak he simply held out his hand and Ashby ran forward and wrapped his blanket-covered arms around Gabriel’s waist.

  “We’ll head downstairs to start checking on things,” Roman said, smiling at the way Ashby was rubbing his cheek up and down on Gabriel’s chest. He didn’t miss the way his prince’s eyes melted when looking at his mate. He had never seen his prince so open with his affections.

  “I’ll be right outside sir,” Baptista said, smiling, and both left the office closing the door.

  “What upset you?” Ashby asked, pushing his mate into his leather chair and then carefully climbing into his lap.

  “I received a distressing letter today. The men that I am investigating concerning the drug I told you about, Shifted Death, have threatened us. They may go after you to get to me.” Gabriel wrapped his arms around Ashby’s shoulders and pulled him close to his body.

  “They won’t get me, you won’t let them. When I became your mate I knew there would be risks, but it’s worth it to be with you.” Ashby said wrapping his arms around Gabriel’s neck.

  “Any risk is unacceptable. Mikhail has been trying to track them down for months. Every time we take one step forward we are pushed back five. You won’t be safe until they’re dead, but right now there’s no end in sight. What kind of life is that for you?” Gabriel said, turning his head to stare at the wall of monitors. Ashby leaned back away from Gabriel’s chest and placed both hands on either side of his face. Gently he turned his lover’s face and looked up into his eyes.

  “Just as any risk to me is unacceptable to you, being without you is painful to me. If it takes the rest of our long lives to see this through then so be it. I’m your mate and no matter what happens you are my life.” Ashby leaned forward and gently touched his lips to Gabriel’s. Softly he rubbed his nose back and forth against his mate’s.

  “I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Gabriel nibbled on Ashby’s lower lip. Ashby pulled back resting his hands on Gabriel’s chest his eyes looked downward.

  “It wasn’t you, it was me. I told you about my ex-boyfriend, Roger, but what I didn’t tell you is that because of what he did, I have a hard time letting others make decisions for me. Your innocent comment about staying with you always and buying me clothes, in my mind, felt like you were trying to control me.” Ashby stared down at his hands, which he had removed from around Gabriel’s neck. Gabriel rubbed his hands up and down Ashby’s back in a soothing manner.

  “You never mentioned any of this when we spoke on the phone all these months,” Gabriel said, running his hand over Ashby’s hair.

  “You were a fantasy over the phone. Even standing in line outside I didn’t think you really wanted me. When you’re talking to your ultimate fantasy over the phone you don’t exactly tell them you have anxiety issues stemming from the way your dead psychopathic ex-boyfriend used to abuse you,” Ashby looked up at Gabriel.

  “I was your ultimate fantasy?” Gabriel smiled. Ashby looked up coyly.

  “Even before I knew we were mates, in my heart I referred to you as my prince. I’m sorry I got so mad over your kind offer,” Ashby said, playing with Gabriel’s shirt buttons.

  “I’m sorry I assumed that you would want new things instead of your familiar items from home. I wasn’t trying to take your choices away, I was trying to keep you next to me as much as possible. I didn’t even want you leaving for a little bit to get your things.” Gabriel kissed Ashby’s forehead.

  “Rebecca was right, snuggling really does fix everything.” Ashby smiled up at his mate.

  “I like the way she thinks. We may have to invest in more snuggly blankets.” Gabriel tucked the penguin blanket around Ashby and settled
back in his chair.

  “Don’t you have meetings?” Ashby cuddled close.

  “Nothing that can’t wait.” Gabriel said, laying his cheek on top of Ashby’s head and closing his eyes.

  “I’ll borrow clothes from the twins for tonight and we can go shopping this weekend. You have a godson to shop for.” Ashby smiled as he heard Gabriel’s heart pick up.

  “Godson?” Gabriel asked looking down, eyes wide.

  “Yes, godson. Rebecca has chosen me to be her son’s godfather. As my mate, you will be his godfather as well. I can’t wait until he’s born! When we go shopping Nick told us to look out for a small rocking chair, she doesn’t have one that fits her,” Ashby yawned.

  “We’re going to be godparents.” Gabriel smiled wide.

  “I think we’re up to the task,” Ashby said, snuggling down for a nap.

  “I know we are.” Gabriel closed his eyes, once again enjoying the peaceful moment with his mate.

  Chapter 8

  “OK everyone, I call this meeting to order.” Rebecca stood next to the table where Aleks, Ma, Kate, Bran, Caleb, and Liam sat looking at her with curiosity.

  “If this is an attempt to get a town swimming pool so you can ogle pack and pride members, the answer is no.” Aleks growled. Rebecca’s eyes widened in surprise. She brought her smartphone up and made a note.

  “Um of course not…” P.o.o.l. “OK, the real reason why we’re here,” she said, beaming at everyone while Aleks tried to peek at what she typed on her smartphone.

  “We’re also not doing a male calendar to raise money for the library,” Bran said, frowning. Rebecca furiously tapped away on her phone.

  “Nope, not that either. It’s—”

  “And we’re not doing shirtless car wash either,” Caleb muttered. Rebecca paused and tapped on her phone again.

  “No, y’all are being silly, it’s nothing like that…for now.” Rebecca smiled wide. The men relaxed.

  “OK, baby, what idea do you have brewing in that head of yours?” Aleks asked.

  “I want to modify the protective perimeter to allow for Gabriel’s coven to move to Arkadia, that’s all.” She looked around the table as everyone stared at her in shock. Ma sighed.

  “I saw this one coming, ever since Ashby was claimed by the prince.” Ma looked at Rebecca, who was oblivious to the chaos she had created.

  “Absolutely not!” Aleks roared.

  “Aleks hush, you’re being loud.” Rebecca whacked him on the shoulder.

  “No I won’t hush. That perimeter is there for a reason, to keep us safe. Specifically to keep us safe against vampires, and you want to invite them in! Woman, this is too far even for you.” Aleks vented.

  “I’m not saying I’m one hundred percent against it, but we have the boys to consider Rebecca, you have a baby on the way. Do we really want vampires in town?” Kate asked gently. Rebecca nodded quickly.

  “I know that I come off as, well…a bit of a flake, but I’m not. It’s just I have a lot swirling around up here,” Rebecca said, pointing to her head and Aleks snorted. Her eyes narrowed dangerously and he scooted a fraction of an inch away from his tiny mate.

  “Anyway. I have been digging around in the archives and found out that the original plan for Arkadia was for it to be a paranormal safe haven. Something happened and it became shifter only. I can, as Alpha Mother, invite each coven member in individually. That will allow them access, but not allow them to invite or bring anyone else into town. I can even word it so that if they turn feral the invitation is negated. I can make it so that it’s just this town, not all of the other sister towns,” Rebecca explained. Nearly every face around the table showed varying degrees of doubt.

  “Rebecca, how come you can modify the perimeter, but couldn’t undo what Ethan did when he invited the hyenas in?” Bran asked curiously.

  “I think it’s because I will be creating new exceptions. I don’t think anyone could undo a breach. It involves someone’s willing intent to allow harm, that willingness to do harm to a neighbor is old magic and only their death could close the gap. I’ll just be creating tiny little loopholes,” Rebecca explained.

  “I know you want to help Ashby, Becca, but I’m not sure this is the answer,” Aleks said softly.

  “Give us time to think about it.” Bran said, and Kate nodded to Rebecca.

  “OK, but let’s try to reach an answer soon. I have a bad feeling something bad will happen to Ashby. I want him home,” Rebecca said, sitting down in Aleks’s lap. She rested her head on his chest, trying to ignore the growing sense of danger.

  Chapter 9

  “Are you sure this looks OK?” Ashby asked, turning around in the mirror again. Daniel and David nodded enthusiastically. After Gabriel had finally let him out of his sight Ashby went to the twins with the slight problem of not having anything to wear for the night. They were more than happy to raid their closet as they were close in size.

  “You look hot!” Daniel said, grinning.

  “Gabriel is going to love it!” David said, fluffing Ashby’s soft blond curls.

  “It’s not really me,” Ashby said unconvinced.

  “Exactly!” the twins said together.

  “Which is why it’s going to have the kind of impact you need. This is like your coming-out party as Gabriel’s mate. You have to look the part, send a message,” Daniel said. Ashby looked down at his low riding jeans and sheer white button-down.

  “What exactly is the message I’m sending with this outfit? Twenty-dollar blow jobs?” Ashby asked.

  “Hey! We wear this, too, you know,” David said, frowning. Ashby ran his hands over his face.

  “I’m so sorry, this outfit is amazing. It’s just so…” Ashby paused.


  “Provocative?” the twins asked. Ashby nodded.

  “I guess I’m not used to being center of attention,” Ashby admitted. The twins looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “What?” Ashby demanded.

  “Sweetie, you have looked in a mirror right?” David asked, gently turning Ashby around to look into the full-length mirror.

  “Darlin’, in the vampire world you could get any man you wanted. You are so beautiful it borders on being sinful. If he hasn’t already, I will bet you my iPad that Gabriel has already called his favorite artist to commission a painting of you…” David explained.

  “Probably in the nude…” Daniel interjected. David shot him a dirty look.

  “As I was saying. You are gorgeous, how could you not know that?” David asked. Ashby shrugged.

  “With shifters, strength is nearly everything. You need to be strong to hunt, to kill, to eat, to protect your pride or pack and young. I’m small and girly. My hair is long and my voice is squeaky and I’m short and my animal is a small fox, the smallest fox in the world. In fact I’m small even for a fennec. Throw in the fact that I knew I was gay and I was always picked on,” Ashby admitted, staring down at his feet.

  “You stop that right now! If those Neanderthals couldn’t see the beauty in front of them, then fuck them. You’re ours now, you look down for no one. There is a coven full of men and women who would happily kill anyone who insulted you. You may have been picked on before, but that is a thing of the past. You’re our prince now Ashby. If you allow others to look down on you, you insult the ones who care about you, and in the vampire world you are second only to Gabriel. So when you walk down those stairs and into the public for the first time as our prince you need to sell that outfit,” Daniel said, his voice full of emotion.

  “You won’t be charging for blow jobs, honey, they will be lining up to offer them,” David said with a wink. Ashby wiped his hand across his eyes and just grabbed both twins in a fierce hug before pulling back.

  “Nic was my only friend for the longest time. He always looked out for me. Then Rebecca came along and she opened up everyone’s eyes that people were more than our animals and we met Rian, Damian, and Kate. They are the only ones
who really made me feel good about myself until you two,” Ashby said, smiling shyly.

  “Oh my God he is so damn adorable! I just want to eat him up!” Daniel hugged Ashby in return.

  “Don’t let Gabriel hear you say that,” David joked and Daniel went pale.

  “True,” he said wincing.

  “You know, he’s not the big, bad monster you think he is,” Ashby said, getting kind of mad at the way people kept getting scared of his mate.

  “To you he’s not. You’re his mate, to the rest of us, he is one badass motherfucker that you don’t ever…ever…want to piss off…like ever,” Daniel said.

  “Think of it this way. Good parents are parents that instill the fear in their children, that if they screw up they would rather die than face their parents right? It doesn’t mean those parents don’t love their child or try to do the best they can for them and protect them, it just means that child has a sense of right and wrong and consequences.

  “Vampires are like really strong, powerful children. Gabriel has to be cold and calculating to instill that type of fear into an entire people. But we as his coven know more than anyone exactly how caring he is. He has sacrificed a lot to try to keep our people safe. But in order for him to pull that off, the very people that he loves have to fear him more than anything,” David explained, his eyes sad.

  “Which is another reason why tonight you have to be more than Ashby the ice cream parlor owner. You have to be our prince, you have to show everyone that you not only support Gabriel and everything that he does, but you also have the strength to stand beside him.


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