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Fated for Forever [Kindred of Arkadia 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  “I don’t think I can do that,” Ashby said, looking at Daniel and David, panic growing in his eyes.

  “Of course you can. I think you can do a lot more than you think you can,” Daniel said fluffing Ashby’s curls.

  “And will be right there beside you, every step of the way,” David said smiling.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Ashby asked taking a deep breath.

  “Exactly!” Daniel said grabbing both of Ashby’s hands.

  “Let’s go downstairs and show everyone exactly what you’re made of,” David said. Ashby took a deep breath and felt butterflies swarm in his stomach.

  It was just dancing at the club his mate owned, with every paranormal in a fifty mile radius standing by and judging his every move, he could do this. Right?

  * * * *

  Ashby felt like he was going to be sick. When he walked downstairs with the twins he knew people were staring at him trying to figure out if he was Gabriel’s mate. He plastered a smile on his face, straightened his back and stepped out into the club as if he owned it.

  He made sure to keep his face up and met the eyes of any new people the twins introduced him to. He pretended like he was a sultan or emperor from the fairy tale books he loved to read as a child.

  “I thought you didn’t know what to do?” Daniel asked amazed. Ashby turned to him and winked.

  “I pretended I parked my flying carpet next to the elephant caravan outside,” Ashby said, dramatically brushing the bangs out of his eyes.

  “Is that why I caught you humming Prince Ali from Aladdin?” David asked, eyes wide.

  “Yup, how am I doing?” Ashby asked, his eyes filling with the earnest innocence that the twins had come to care for. The twins began to crack up.

  “You’re totally play acting! We thought you had split personalities or something. Thank God!” Daniel said, bumping shoulders with Ashby.

  “It was the only thing I could think of to get in the headspace I needed,” Ashby shrugged his shoulders.

  “It’s cool, the other paranormals and vampires are eating the act up. No one would second guess you as a prince,” David said as he nodded to the cluster of local vampires smiling at Ashby in a fawning way.

  “Ass lickers,” Daniel said rolling his eyes.

  “Can we dance now?” Ashby begged. He had been dying to move his body, the DJ had been spinning his ass off. The twins nodded and made their way from the VIP level where the gathered paranormal leaders had congregated, to the dance floor where the everyday people were gyrating and swaying to the music.

  He danced between David and Daniel as the music moved through his veins. People pressed against him on all sides, the dance floor moving as one. After about an hour Ashby felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up into the face of a handsome man who wore a sardonic smile. The man pulled Ashby against his body, keeping a hand on his lower back.

  “I think you should play with me tonight, little one.” The man smiled showing even white teeth. Before Gabriel, Ashby would’ve been flattered to dance with such a man, now his touch seemed revolting. This man wasn’t his mate.

  “Thank you, but I’m here with someone,” Ashby said, trying to pull away.

  “You can’t be here with anyone important, otherwise they’d be watching over you,” the man said.

  “Trust me, he has made arrangements for my protection,” Ashby said, still tugging.

  “Baby, I’m over five hundred years old. There’s no one here that can take me,” the man said, leaning forward as if to capture Ashby’s lips.

  “You better let him go!” Daniel said from one side.

  “Yeah he’s spoken for!” David said from the other side.

  “Please let me go!” Ashby said. His skin felt hot where the man’s hands touched him. He was just about to call for Gabriel, when they heard a low, animalistic growl. The music stopped, the people quieted, the club went silent.

  “Take your hands off my mate,” Gabriel said quietly and coldly. The man began to choke. His hands left Ashby’s body and grasped in vain at the invisible force around his throat that had levitated him off the ground.

  “The next time a man tells you his is spoken for I suggest you listen,” Baptista said from behind the man. The choking man looked up into Gabriel’s face and his entire frame began to shake.

  “Sir—I didn’t—know…” the man stammered gasping for air.

  “Even if you did not know he was mine, he clearly stated he was here with someone. That alone should have been enough to leave him be. Baptista, please escort this gentleman out,” Gabriel said from the VIP balcony. The man dropped to the floor struggling to pull air into his lungs. Baptista nodded and hefted the man toward the front doors. Gabriel turned his eyes and met Ashby’s.

  “Are you well, mon ange?” Gabriel asked, his eyes softening.

  “Yes I’m fine, he didn’t hurt me.” Ashby rubbed his arms. Gabriel nodded.

  “I hope that you join me soon.” Gabriel turned back to the VIP room, disappearing from sight. It was clear that Gabriel was trying to give Ashby choices instead of demanding that he join him in the VIP room. Ashby smiled. Maybe things would be all right after all. Slowly the music resumed and hushed whispers were heard throughout the club. Ashby, David, and Daniel tried dancing on the dance floor again, but it was no longer any fun. Where before he felt like he was part of the club as he moved to the bass of the music, and melded with the people, now he felt like a circus attraction. Even on the dance floor, everyone stayed at least four feet away. Grimacing, Ashby looked at David and Daniel, and the twins shook their heads.

  “Let’s head over to the bar area and have a drink,” Daniel said.

  “Yeah, let’s take a break,” David said. Ashby smiled and nodded. They easily made their way from the dance floor to the bar as everyone moved out of their way. It also wasn’t hard to get one of the coveted leather couches in the bar area, two local vampires practically tripped over themselves when attempting to get out of their way. Ashby would have found it amusing if he wasn’t so embarrassed.

  “Prince Ashby, it’s an honor to wait on you. My name is Micah, what will you have tonight?” the waiter asked.

  “I guess the cat is completely out of the bag now,” Daniel said, sitting down.

  “No hiding anymore, Ashby,” David added, sitting on the other side of Ashby.

  “I’ll just have water, thank you,” Ashby said, fanning himself between the twins.

  “Yeah I’m going to have water, too.” David threw himself back on the leather sofa trying to cool down.

  “Make that three,” Daniel said, wiping his face with a napkin.

  “Right away, sirs,” Micah said and hurried away.

  “I could get used to hanging with you Ashby,” Daniel said, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

  “Yeah we never get treated this well,” David said, putting a pillow behind his head.

  “But you guys live here,” Ashby said, confused.

  “Yeah, that doesn’t mean we get VIP treatment,” Daniel said, wiggling around on the comfy sofa.

  “The staff knows us, so they serve customers first,” David explained. All three turned their heads at the sound of glass shattering on the floor. David winced.

  “Noel will kill him if he drops anymore glass,” Daniel said, shaking his head.

  “That’s the third time this week,” David said, sitting up, straining to see over the crowd to see what had dropped.

  “Who the waiter?” Ashby asked, turning his head toward the bar as well.

  “Yeah, he’s a great waiter, everyone loves him, he’s just clumsy,” Daniel said, shrugging.

  “I think it’s funny that as clumsy as he is, he works around a lot of glassware.” David grinned evilly.

  “You’re bad,” Ashby said, smiling.

  “Well yeah, but we’re fun,” Daniel said, wagging his eyebrows. Ashby rolled his eyes and all three started laughing. After a few minutes the waiter came back out of breath
, carrying a tray with three water bottles.

  “I’m so sorry it took so long. I had these ready, and someone knocked over a stack of beer mugs. Of course the bartender thought it was me. Thank goodness they’re still cold,” the waiter said, smiling, and handed over the three bottles of water. Ashby reached into his pocket as if to pull out cash when the waiter backed away, eyes wide.

  “You…you don’t have to pay, you’re our prince. Of course you don’t have to pay,” the waiter stammered. Ashby blushed furiously. David and Daniel just grinned. The waiter hurried away to another table that was flagging him down.

  “See. VIP treatment,” Daniel said, chugging his water. Both Ashby and David unscrewed their water bottles and also began to drink. They had worked up quite a thirst on the dance floor. David and Daniel put down empty bottles and turned to Ashby.

  “So, when you think we could try pizza?” Daniel asked, rubbing his hands together. Ashby set his half-drank bottle of water on the table.

  “We could order some tomorrow. My favorite is pineapple, chicken, and feta. I love pizza,” Ashby said. All three watched the crowd, commenting on outfits and dance moves, as the music continued to blare from the dance floor.

  “I don’t know about skinny jeans on guys, it just looks odd,” Ashby said, pointing out one of the male cheetahs. He was in the middle of laughing with the twins when Ashby looked up feeling funny. He rubbed his stomach with a shaking hand.

  “Hey guys, I don’t feel so good,” Ashby said, his words slightly slurred as his tongue felt too large for his mouth.

  “Yeah you don’t look so good,” David said, standing, looking around for Baptista. Daniel stood, trying to help Ashby to stand.

  “Hold on, we’ll get Baptista. He can help you to the VIP room,” Daniel said, wrapping an arm around Ashby’s waist.

  “Need…Gabriel,” Ashby said, his breathing becoming labored. Ashby staggered and swayed between David and Daniel. On uneven feet he made his way to the stairs that led to the VIP room. He was about to take the first step when he collapsed onto the stairs between the twins. In the background he heard Gabriel yelling for him. Before anyone had a second to panic, Baptista was there scooping up Ashby and running up the stairs. The twins ran behind Baptista trying to keep up.

  Gabriel met them at the top of the stairs and immediately took Ashby from Baptista’s arms.

  “Mon ange, what is wrong?” Gabriel asked frantically, his hands moving over the body of his mate. Ashby looked up, but his eyes were glazed over and he blinked repeatedly.

  “I’m dizzy,” Ashby whispered barely audible, before his eyes fluttered shut. Gabriel leaned forward nearly pressing his nose to his lover’s lips.

  “Daniel, David, come here!” Gabriel demanded. Both men ran forward and dropped to their knees beside Ashby. Gabriel leaned forward and smelled their lips as well.

  “Almonds,” Gabriel said, right before Ashby started convulsing.

  “No!” He yelled and turned to Roman who stood behind them stunned.

  “Call that lone wolf pack and see if they have someone trained to care for sick shifters. We can’t wait for the doctor from Arkadia to get here. Tell them he is a fennec fox and that he has been poisoned with cyanide,” Gabriel said, easily lifting his small mate in his arms. He turned to Baptista.

  “Find out what happened and bring me whoever is responsible.” Not waiting for an answer he rushed up the stairs to his apartments. He kicked open the door and gently lay Ashby down on the bed. He removed Ashby’s shoes and clothes, replacing them with a loose pair of boxers. He grabbed a small garbage can before he turned Ashby on his side. With tears in his eyes, he stuck his fingers down his mate’s throat. He did it twice more before Ashby was able to vomit a small amount of liquid. He prayed that it made the difference.

  “Is there anything we can do?” David asked timidly from the door, Daniel standing behind him.

  “Can you sit with him? I need to call Arkadia,” Gabriel said, grabbing Ashby’s phone from the nightstand. They nodded and eased themselves onto the bed on either side of Ashby, who seemed to be having difficulty breathing. They rubbed Ashby’s back gently and moved his hair out of his face.

  Gabriel turned the phone on and went into his mate’s contact list. He scrolled through until he found the contact he was looking for. Looking at the smiling face of Rebecca Arkadion on the contact profile he pressed Call. After a few rings a soft voice answered the phone.

  “Ashby? Why are you calling so late? Is everything OK? Why do I feel so dizzy?” she asked, sounding sick.

  “This is Gabriel, I’m afraid…” His voice failed him as his throat choked up.

  “Gabriel! Where’s Ashby, why are you on his phone, what has happened?” Rebecca began rapidly firing questions. Clearing his throat he tried to speak again.

  “Ashby has been poisoned, it was cyanide. Is there anyone you can ask about treating a poisoned shifter?” Gabriel asked hurriedly.

  “What! I knew something was going happen!” Rebecca cried into the phone before dissolving into sobs.

  “What? What the hell is going on! Who is this?” Gabriel heard Aleks demand when he suddenly came on the line.

  “Aleks, Ashby has been poisoned, how do I treat him?” Gabriel asked. The low sounds of grief coming from Rebecca was almost his undoing.

  “Hold on, I’m on my phone…Ma, I need you over here now, Rebecca has received a shock. I’m not sure how this is going to affect the baby, I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night,” Aleks said to his ma from his own cell phone.

  “OK, I’m back. What is his state?” Aleks asked in a steady voice.

  “Before losing consciousness, he was complaining that he was dizzy, he is having trouble breathing, and I can’t wake him,” Gabriel explained as Roman came up behind him. “Report,” he said to Roman holding the phone away from his mouth.

  “One of their pack is a medic, he’s on his way. ETA should be ten minutes,” Roman said, watching Gabriel pace the floor with Ashby’s cell phone.

  “Gabriel, do you have any idea how much he ingested?” Aleks asked. Gabriel turned to the twins.

  “What did you three have downstairs that could have been poisoned?” Gabriel asked.

  “All we had was water. David and I finished our bottles, but Ashby only had half of his,” Daniel explained wiping his eyes.

  “He had about half a bottle of water. When we got upstairs I got him to vomit maybe two to three ounces,” Gabriel said, waving Baptista over to his side when he appeared in the doorway.

  “He may have a fighting chance. But whoever did this knew about shifters. Certain poisons and drugs we just piss out. Cyanide is one of the few that actually hits us harder than humans,” Aleks explained.

  “I can get Doc Claybourne out there, he can be there in about an hour,” Aleks said.

  “Send him. I have a wolf pack medic on his way that should be here in about five minutes. But I want a doctor to examine him as well. I want to take every precaution. Mating with me will give him immortality but he is still vulnerable to shifter weaknesses,” Gabriel explained.

  “Of course you do, he’s your mate.” Aleks’s voice became slightly muffled as if he turned his head.

  “No we are not going to Purgatory, you can barely stand. You better get that sassy ass of yours back in bed. We’ll visit him when he’s feeling better,” Aleks said gently to his mate.

  “Call us with any and all updates. As you can hear, my mate is not taking this well, she and Ashby are extremely close. She’s getting the effects of the poison through their bond,” Aleks said, his voice sounding stressed.

  Suddenly it struck Gabriel exactly how this could also impact the Arkadions. Could Ashby dying hurt the young Alpha Mother?

  “They’ll be OK,” Gabriel said with a shaky voice.

  “There’s no other choice,” Aleks replied.

  “I’ll call as soon as his condition changes.”

  “Doc is on his way.” Aleks said and then the c
all ended. Gabriel turned to Baptista who stood beside the shaking Micah.

  “Just tell him what you told me,” Baptista said gently. Micah nodded.

  “I was the one who served Prince Ashby, David, and Daniel their water. After I took their order I ran back to the bar to get their water. I was excited that I got to serve Prince Ashby, so I wanted to be quick. I placed the water bottles on my tray when a stack of the beer mugs was knocked over. But I swear it wasn’t me this time Prince Gabriel! Of course Rhys didn’t believe me, so I helped clean up the glass. When I was done I picked up the tray and gave Prince Ashby his water. It didn’t look tampered with or I would never have given it to him!” Micah said emphatically.

  “I believe you Micah, can you go back downstairs and help Noel close up the club?” Gabriel said. Micah nodded and hurried from the apartment.

  “I remember hearing the glass break, but I assumed it was Micah, too,” Baptista said, running a hand over his shaved head.

  “Whoever poisoned Ashby knocked over the glassware to distract Micah and either poisoned the bottles on the tray or replaced them with tainted ones,” Gabriel said, walking over to stand at the foot of the bed.

  “They were replaced. We don’t sell this brand of water,” Baptista said, holding up a zip lock bag with the three water bottles in it.

  “I’m telling you he called us here!” A voice was heard from downstairs.

  “Let them up now!” Gabriel yelled and seconds later the rapid steps heralded the arrival of the lone wolf pack living outside of Brighton.

  “This way,” Gabriel said, pointing to the bed. Immediately the man in front went to the bed. David and Daniel got off the bed and stood to one side as the wolf shifter began to gather Ashby’s vitals.

  “I heard downstairs you think it was cyanide, do you have any proof?” the man asked as he was taking Ashby’s pulse.

  “You don’t believe our prince?” Baptista bristled beside Gabriel, who raised a hand to quiet him.

  “I smelled almonds on his lips and on the lips of Daniel and David. It evidently hits shifters harder than humans, but has no effect on vampires, which explains why Daniel and David are fine. We have the water bottles we believe to have been used to poison my mate,” Gabriel said, indicating to Baptista to hold up the bag.


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