Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1)

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Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1) Page 12

by Aubree Valentine

  “She kept him from me.”

  “But she’s the mother of your child.”

  “And I respect that.”

  Smitty shakes his head, “When you get back, we’ll talk more about this. You should be doing right by her. Not having them live four hours away man.”

  My jaw clenches. There’s so much I want to say. Smitty likes to overstep and plays big brother sometimes, now’s clearly one of those times. I’m not in the mood for a lecture from him on what I should do, though something tells me he might have some solid advice.

  “Hey, Smitty.” I run my hand across my chin and the week-old stubble lingering there.


  “How dumb would I be if I tried to make her mine again, after all this?” I can’t believe I’m having this conversation. Sitting here talking with my partner like a fucking girl. Let alone the fact that I’m entertaining taking things to the next level with her.

  “You want to be in his life, right?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Then give it a shot.” He shrugs like it’s just that simple. “Take it from someone who came from a broken home – it’s worth it if you can make it work.”

  It’s Smitty’s advice that rings out in my head as I drive to KJ’s house and I’m wondering if I’ll regret the choice I’m about to make.

  I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve spent most of my Friday morning, pacing like a caged animal. Waiting for Rhys to show up. I’ve actually missed his presence around the house over the past month – the longest he’s been away since he found out about Reid.

  Before he left, he was making himself right at home here too. Walking around in his boxers, being all domesticated. Taking out the trash, fixing things if something goes crazy, like when the garbage disposal broke. Christ, he even cut the grass Sunday afternoon before he went home.

  It’s nice but annoying.

  Annoying because I feel like he’s hanging slightly out of my reach. Physically, he’s been here. I could touch him, and God do I enjoy touching him, but emotionally he’s stayed distant.

  When he finally pulls up in the driveway, I’m ready to run out and greet him – a lot like Lucy who’s barking and dancing around, eager to get to him.

  Reid and I are standing in the doorway watching as he climbs from his car and stretches. The minute he sees us, his face lights up with a megawatt smile. I try to control myself as he leans in the backseat to retrieve his stuff and I’m treated to the view of his firm backside.

  I hold the door open for him as he walks in with his duffle bag slung over his shoulder and bags of groceries in his hands. He leans in and drops a kiss on Reid’s forehead before walking straight to the kitchen to put the bags on the counter.

  “What’s all this?” I’m curious.

  “A few odds and ends. I wasn’t sure how the last few weeks had gone for you, so I figured I’d save you a trip to the grocery store and stock your pantry for the weekend,” he grins at me.

  “Oh okay. Uhm, thanks? You didn’t have to.”

  “Wanted to,” he winks, and he leans down and finally pays attention to Lucy who has been circling him anxiously. “Let me go set this bag down real quick then, I need a hug from my favorite guy.”

  Reid and I start putting away the groceries, okay – no, I put away the groceries one-handed while Reid babbles and tries to take everything from me. Rhys is only gone for a few minutes before he swoops back in and hoists Reid from my arms, talking to him in the sweetest Goddamn voice I’ve ever heard from a grown man.

  “There’s Chinese in one of those bags. I picked it up from the place we usually order from after I got the groceries. It should still be hot.” He says as he turns his attention back to me. “Oh, and I got a container of those puffs things. I’m not sure if he can have them yet or not, but my sister said her kids loved them when they were learning to eat solids.”

  I freeze and turn to look at him, “Your…sister.”

  Rhys looks at me like I have two heads, “Yes, my older sister. She’s got three kids of her own. We were talking about Reid, I showed her pictures two weeks ago when my parents had us over for dinner.”

  A twinge of something a lot like jealous hits me. He has a sibling. I don’t recall us ever discussing our families. And it sounds like they know about Reid.

  God, they must think I’m a horrible person for what I did.

  “You alright?” He buckles Reid in his high chair and spins him around so he can watch us as we work together to empty the remaining bags.

  “Yeah. I, well, I didn’t realize you had a sister, that’s all.”

  “I’ve got a little brother too.” He says it like it’s the most natural conversation ever.

  “Oh.” I swallow and take a deep breath. “I had no idea.”

  “What about you? Only child? I can see you being an only child,” he laughs as I narrow my eyes at him and give him the finger. “I’m kidding.”

  “Yeah well, I am an only child. Mostly. I have three half-siblings, two brothers, and a sister, all spread out across the country, and we barely speak to each other. Growing up, I only saw them on holidays at my dad’s house, they were always with their mom any other time.”

  Rhys nods and goes quiet, leaving me to my thoughts, while he sets the Chinese food on the table. I don’t particularly enjoy talking about my family. None of us have ever really been close. My mom lives on the East Coast, near Charleston, South Carolina – I see her a few times a year, she came out after Reid was born, stayed for a week. Lectured me about making the same mistakes she did and then she went back home. It’s probably been more than a month since I talked to her last.

  As a child, for several years my own parents fought over me. I saw how broken hearted my mom was every time I left to go with my dad. And I suffered my own hurt because my dad never really wanted kids. He had no problem making babies but never wanted us around. He used me as a pawn for years to get back at my mom for wanting him to claim responsibility. It went on right up until I was old enough to speak up. When I told the judge some of the things my father had done and that I wanted to stay with my mother – things finally changed.

  My dad left town. I hadn’t seen or heard from him in years until I got a call from a lawyer one day telling me that he’d passed away and left behind a small sum of money for me. It wasn’t much, but I invested it, and when Reid came into the picture, I used it toward a decent down payment on this house.

  I remember feeling bad about his passing but never really, sad, per say. Resentment for abandoning his child, for using me against my mom. And now, resentment for the doubts his actions have put in my head for relationships in general.


  It dawns on me that my reservations with Rhys are all hinged on the things my father did. I’m no better than the man in my past because I used my own child as a pawn too. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree really.

  That realization makes me understand one thing though – I have the power to change. It’s not too late, and I’m already trying to break that cycle.

  Grabbing two bottles of water and some of the puffs he picked out for Reid, I take a seat at the table and open my container of beef and broccoli.

  “You ever tried eating with chopsticks?”

  “Have you ever seen me use chopsticks?” I volley back.

  His chuckle lifts the awkward tension that I could feel creeping in. “Fair enough. Willing to give it a try?” Rhys holds up two packets of chopsticks and waves them at me.

  “Uhm, no thanks.”

  He pulls one set from the package and opens his container of food. I watch suspiciously as he tries to settle the wooden sticks between his fingers. By the time he gives up, I’m laughing so hard that my stomach hurts. Turns out, mister show off doesn’t know how to eat with chopsticks either.

  The first piece of General Tso’s chicken he attempted to pick up ends it up being flung in the air, and right into Lucy’s mouth. The second try, he faired a littl
e better – making it all the way to his face before the sticks slipped and the food land in his lap instead. I’ll give him an ‘A’ for effort though because he didn’t give up, at least not at first. About the time the chopsticks split apart in his hand, he decided to call it quits and use the plastic fork instead.

  “Well, that was nothing if not entertaining at least,” I gasp, still trying to catch my breath.

  Rhys smiles, “I really thought I could handle it. Guess not.”

  “Certainly not. You should keep practicing though,” I giggle as he stands up and rice tumbles off his clothes.

  “Lucy wouldn’t mind,” he chuckles again. “No wonder she likes me.”

  “It’s because you let her break all the rules!”

  He shrugs and gives me a crooked grin, “Whatever. Hey, you know what Kels, this weekend while I’m here – I think you need to take a day off. Take some time for yourself.”

  “Yeah, ok,” I snort as I stand up and carry my leftovers to the refrigerator.

  I thought he was joking about taking a day off.

  Spoiler alert: he wasn’t.

  I beat him to making breakfast this morning because damnit, if he cooks for me one more time, I might beg him to marry me. After breakfast? He tells me to get dressed in comfy clothes and pushes me out the door when Zoey shows up. Apparently, he’s planned a spa day for both of us.

  You’ve got to give me credit. I only freaked out a little bit at the thought of leaving Reid alone with him. Not because I don’t trust him, I’m sure Rhys has it under control, but I don’t leave Reid with anyone except Crystal or Zoey.

  Okay, so I’ve only texted him twice since we left. I wanted to be sure he knew where everything was, just in case.

  “So, Zoey. How long have you known about this little plan?”

  Zoey smiles coyly. “He might have called me last night. If you think I was about to turn down a day at the spa,” she laughs. “I’m going to Dylan’s next weekend. I need a good wax too.”

  “Ah, so it’s Dylan now huh?”

  “Shut it. At least I’m getting laid. Unlike you.”

  “Oh, I’m getting laid,” I chuckle. “That may be the only thing happening, but it’s happening.”

  “Bitch! And you’ve been holding out on me?”

  “Right because that was a phone call I wanted to have with you,” I roll my eyes at her. “Hey Zoey, speaking of Smitty, I think I might need his help.”

  “Uhm, okay. For what exactly?”

  Sigh. “I’m moving to Tallahassee.”

  I probably should have waited until Zoey puts her coffee cup down. She coughs and sputters for a moment. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

  “This thing between Rhys and me? It’s gone on long enough. The back and forth every other weekend has to be taking a toll on him. He said before that he wishes we were more of a family. So, I thought, I’d start with closing the distance between us, geographically anyway. I’m pretty sure he’s sticking around. This will make things easier for all of us. It’s what’s best for Reid.”

  “Whoa. Well, I can’t say I didn’t see that coming. Honestly. I’m surprised it took you this long. But, what do you need Smitty’s help for?”

  “Oh, right. I’d like his opinion on safe areas to move to.”

  “Uhm. Ask Rhys. You know, the hottie sharing your house with you twice a month.”

  “No. If I ask Rhys, he’s going to go caveman on me and take charge. That or he’ll insist that we move in with him.”

  “Failing to see the problem here, Kels.”

  I toss my head back against the headrest and groan. “We’re totally not there yet. If I moved in with him, I’d really have a hard time keeping my hands to myself for one thing.”

  “God, it sucks to be you,” she taunts.

  By the time our spa day is finished, I can honestly say that for once, in a very long time, I feel utterly relaxed. Rhys Mitchell outdid himself. An hour-long massage after getting a manicure and pedicure was just what the doctor ordered. All of it was more than I could have ever expected, especially when we were finished, and it was time to leave. The salon wouldn’t take my credit card. Or Zoey’s. Instead, we were both informed that two kind gentlemen had already taken care of things.

  “Oh, Dylan is so getting laid,” Zoey’s voice sing songs as we get back in her car.

  “You’ll need to give me a minute. I’m still speechless.”

  “I say, Rhys has earned himself a blowjob. That message was amazing.”

  “What? No. Stop.”

  “Riiiiiight. Sure. I forgot you’re a nun.”

  It would be really wrong to punch my best friend, I repeat to myself. She’s got it all wrong.

  I am going to have to find a way to repay Rhys though, that much is a given. Especially since I walk in from my spa day to a sleeping baby, a spotless house and dinner on the table.

  This weekend with Rhys is very different. I’m not quite sure if I like it, or not.

  The home cooked meal isn’t the only thing I notice. No, as I move closer to the kitchen. I notice Rhys, holding a glass of wine. He’s dressed in dark wash jeans and a black polo shirt that hugs his muscular chest like a glove. His hair is perfectly styled, as usual.

  My God does he look delicious standing in my space like this.

  “Uhm, hi?” I manage to squeak out.

  “Hi,” his voice cracks.

  Good, he’s clearly off balance here too.

  “How was your day? You look relaxed,” he says as he hands me the glass of red wine.

  I take a long sip before I reply. “It was very nice. You didn’t have to go through all this but thank you. Truly.”

  I’m caught off guard when he steps forward and takes the wine glass from me, setting it on the counter. Then he wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my forehead.

  “I know I didn’t have to,” he says as he lets me go and steps back. “Someone might have mentioned it was your birthday, so I thought you should celebrate. Consider it a gift from Reid.”

  “Oh.” My heart deflates a little. “Well. Thank you for helping him put all this together,” I try to laugh it off.

  Rhys takes my hand and leads me over to the table, “Let’s eat before the steaks get cold.”

  We eat in a comfortable silence like we’ve been doing this forever.

  There’s no foreplay. No intimate touches. It’s just us and the silence.

  When Reid wakes up from his nap, Rhys pulls two tiny cupcakes from the fridge and lights a candle – singing happy birthday to me in the most obnoxious voice. Reid smiles and giggles, which makes it the best birthday yet.

  We share dessert and even let Reid taste the icing before Rhys ushers me off with my baby boy in my arms, so he can clean up the little mess that remains.

  I think I’ve got it bad.

  We’re in the living room, the television is on Sports Center, and I’m lying on the floor playing with Reid while Kelsey is stretched out in the chair working on her laptop.

  She hasn’t caught me yet, but I’ve been stealing glances whenever I can. She’s really into whatever it is she’s working on, and her fingers are flying across the keys. Every once in a while, she’ll stop typing, I can see her eyes moving back and forth as she reads what’s on the screen. She’ll pause and sigh then the clicking starts again, and she’s back at it.

  Part of me wonder’s what she’s got going on in that mind of hers. Then again, do I really want to know what it’s like inside her head while she’s putting a story together? All the wicked things she must come up with.

  I know the answer to that question. The answer is a resounding yes. Her mind is a crazy, naughty, and hot place to be. It has to be with the books she writes. Books I’m not ashamed to say, I’ve read.

  I had to have something to do in my spare time after all. Speaking of…

  “Hey, Kels,” I call out and wait for her to stop.

  “Hmm,” she looks up for a second.

p; “When’s the next book coming out? Which one are you working on now?”

  “Oh,” she blushes. “I’ve still got a way to go on this one yet. It’s a standalone. It will be a month or two before its ready.”

  “I get a signed copy, right?” I wink, and she giggles.

  “You’re a dork.”

  “Hey, listen, all jokes aside. I was hoping we could plan a get together sometime so my family can meet Reid,” I tell her.

  Kelsey looks at me over the top of her laptop, “Uhm. Yeah, sure, of course. I’m sure I can find the time to bring him to you for a day, you know. To meet your family and stuff. I can find something to do for a few hours, maybe go to the mall – sit at Starbucks and write.”

  “Whoa, what do you mean? You’ll come with him right, to my parents?” I turn to face her and notice the panic on her face.

  “No. It’s fine, you can take him to visit your parents. He’s yours too.”

  “Ours. He’s ours, and I want them to meet you too.” It’s the truth. I still haven’t made a move, but this is a big deal for me. I desperately want to bring her into my world.

  “That’s okay. I’m sure they do not want to meet me.”

  “Why not?” Now, I’m confused.

  “Maybe because I kept Reid a secret? I’m sure they hate me.”

  I move closer to her and take her hands in mine. “Hey, listen, they may not have been thrilled at first, about any of this. But I promise they do not hate you. My sister’s happy she won’t be the lone girl, and my parents can’t wait to get to know you.”

  “Did you hit your head on the way here or something? Was there some sort of accident at work? You’ve lost your mind. Meeting the parents? How do you plan to introduce me? Does Kelsey, the woman I’m fucking, work?”

  “Watch your mouth,” I scold, annoyed that she thinks that’s all she is.

  I expected a fight from KJ when I brought it up, hence why I waited until I was about to leave. But I didn’t expect her reservations to come from her presence as my parents met their grandson for the first time.

  I anticipated the opposite, that she’d resist the meeting then compromising on it being okay only if she was there.


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