Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1)

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Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1) Page 16

by Aubree Valentine

  Rhys looks dumbfounded and Lucy comes running in the room with a growl which only makes me burst out laughing.

  “One less thing to move, I guess,” Rhys finally says. “I can’t believe you broke your bed.”

  “You’re kidding, right? This is me we’re talking about?”

  “Fair point, well made. Now, get up so I can try to fix this, so we have something to sleep on tonight.”

  He offers his hands and helps pull me off the broken bed.

  We spend the next half hour moving the mattress, box spring and taking the broken pieces out to the garage. Once we’ve got the frame gone, we situation the box spring flat on the floor and the mattress on top of it before collapsing into a heap, together.

  “No more monkeys, jumping on the bed,” Rhys says as he wraps his arm around my waist and settles in. “Goodnight.”

  “Uhm yeah, night.” I smile to myself. “Love you.”

  “I love you too,” he gives me a gentle kiss on the back of my neck, and we both peacefully drift off.

  Rhys’ condo is spotless when we walk in the door. I expected a bachelor pad that looks a hot mess because guys usually don’t give a damn. It’s the complete opposite. I’m not sure that I’m surprised though. This place is very Rhys.

  Oversized flat screen TV, game system, huge Superman painting on the wall, but not an ounce of paint. A leather couch sits in the in the middle of the room of with a coffee table and a recliner. It’s all open space in the main area, I can see into the kitchen which is immaculate, and he has a small dining room table with just four chairs.

  “Bedrooms are down that hall,” Rhys nods in the general direction as he brings in the last bag and Reid’s playpen. “The second room is pretty empty.”

  I trail behind him with Reid in my arms. He drops the playpen and my suitcase in his room. This room is decorated in grays and blues. He has a king size four post bed, and I’m not even going to lie, I can imagine myself cuffed to the middle of it.

  “Make yourself at home,” he turns around and looks at me.

  “I’m on to you Rhys, you’re not fooling anyone.” I tease.

  He gives me his trademark smirk, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We just got here. I haven’t done anything.”

  “Yet, but I bet you have some wicked plan to keep me here. Don’t you?” I eye him suspiciously.

  “I don’t need a plan. My irresistible charm is all I need,” he kisses my lips. “I’m going to iron my work uniform and get my shit together for tonight. I’ll need to run to the grocery store too so I can grab food.”

  “Mmm, you know how to use an iron. Damn.”

  Rhys laughs. “I’m quite domesticated. And easy to live with,” he slides in the last part with a wink before he disappears into what I assume is his walk-in closet. “Kels, you ever shot a gun before?”

  His question startles me for a second but, hello – its Rhys….hot cop.

  “Uh, no.”

  “Before you go home, I’ll take you to the range. If you’re going to live in a house with one, you need to know how to use it.”

  I swallow hard and think about it. He’s not wrong. I never considered the fact that there would be a weapon in my home though. “That’s not happening this time. Pretty sure we can’t take Reid with us.”

  “Good point. But it will happen.”

  “Uhm, Rhys,” I can’t hide the nervousness in my voice as another thought strikes me.

  He walks out with his uniform in his hand and lays it on the bed. “Yeah.”

  “Do you, you know, always have it on you?”

  “Locked in a safe in my car when I’m in your house. On my person otherwise, yeah.”

  “Oh, uhm.” I’m so stupid. Of course, he’s had a gun on him or with him.

  “It’s part of the job. Here, it’s locked in a safe too. When I walk out that door, it’s on my body. Concealed if I’m off duty.” He watches me intently, waiting for my reaction that never comes.

  Because I’m not sure how I feel right now. I’ve never so much as touched a gun. I trust Rhys, but I’m not sure how comfortable I am.

  “Hey. It’s something you have to get used to. And since there will be one in our house, I’d feel better if you knew how to use it. You would probably feel more comfortable too if you knew how to handle one.”

  “I….I don’t know.”

  “Kels, I’m a cop, it’s what I do for a living. It’s not negotiable.”

  I let out a huff. “I know, I’m crazy. It feels different, weird, I don’t know why it never crossed my mind before now.”

  “I’d venture to guess the uniform and being in my world probably has something to do with it. What are you worried about, as far as my service weapon is concerned? Tell me. I can promise you it’s not as big of a concern as it feels for you.”

  “Says the man who handles one every day.”

  “Which is why I said, you should know how to handle one too. So that you’re comfortable. This isn’t something I take lightly. I know you know that. The safe is out of reach and childproof. Not that we have to worry about that right now, but I would never leave it somewhere accessible to anyone but me. Even when I’m the only one here. If it’s not on my body, it’s locked up.”

  “So, you don’t sleep with it on your nightstand?” I ask mostly joking.

  “Hell no. Never.”

  “Okay, okay… I think I need a second. You iron your uniform. I’m not sure if I can handle watching that right now,” I tease.

  He gives me another kiss, and I leave him to it while I make a bottle for Reid and try to get him to eat some pureed carrots too. We’re just finishing up, and I’m wiping him off when Rhys comes out to check on us.

  “You want to come with me while I grab groceries? You’re more than welcome to stay here if you want to chill instead,” he offers, sweetly.

  “I should go with you. So, I know where it is, in case I need anything and you’re not here.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’m ready when you are.”

  Coming in from work Monday morning, I go about my usual routine. Dropping my keys on the table by the door. Untucking my shirt and working on the buttons as I head to the bedroom. As soon as I reach the threshold, I stop in my tracks.

  I lean my body against the door frame and take it all in.

  Kelsey is curled up on my side of the bed with one of my pillows cuddled tightly in her arms. Reid is asleep in his playpen right next to the bed. They both look peaceful and 100% comfortable in my space. If I could, I’d commit this scene to memory forever. I never want to forget it or the feeling of absolute joy and peace it gives me.

  I linger for a little longer before I go back to my usual routine. By the time I’m down to my boxers and ready to hit the shower, Reid’s smiling face is looking up at mine when I step out of the walk-in closet.

  There’s no fighting the smile on my own face, “Good Morning, little dude,” I whisper, trying not to wake Kelsey. I lift him up and head out to the living room, pulling the door shut partially behind me.

  He eats a container of baby cereal with fruit and drinks a bottle while I drink a protein shake and sip on a cup of coffee. When Kelsey joins us, I’m sitting on the couch with him, playing with his cars.

  “Hi,” she pulls her hair back and ties it up with a ponytail holder. “I would have gotten up with him.”

  “All good. I made a pot of coffee, drink yours and then I’ll go get my shower.”

  She moves around the kitchen like she owns the place. After she’s taken her first drink of coffee, she turns and leans across the counter, so she’s looking at me. “Breakfast, I can make something.”

  “I’m good, I had a protein shake. I fed this dude too. But help yourself.”

  She pulls open a drawer and grabs a spoon then a container of yogurt from the fridge. With that in one hand, she picks up her coffee and joins us on the sofa.

  “How long has he been up?” She yawns.

  I check the time, �
��A half hour, maybe. I’m not sure if I woke him up while I was shuffling around or not.” I shouldn’t watch her eat her yogurt. When she licks the spoon, I have to fight back a moan. Clearing my throat, I ask how her night went and if she slept well.

  “I did actually. Your bed is surprisingly comfortable. How was work?”

  “The usual.”

  “This feels all domesticated and shit,” she laughs. “You can go shower, I’ve got this guy. Don’t let us mess up your routine.”

  Standing up, I move so that I’m hovering over her and lean in, “You two couldn’t possibly mess up anything,” I give her a kiss and take my ass to the shower.

  Feeling refreshed, I pull on a clean pair of shorts and debate sleep versus watching Reid and Kelsey hanging out on my turf. That might sound creepy as shit, but it’s a big damn deal to finally have them here with me.

  My next two shifts end the same way. I come home to Kelsey curled up in my bed, Reid asleep until I start moving around. Then he’s up and ready to hang out with me, and every time Kelsey wakes up, she gives me shit for not waking her.

  This shift’s already ran over by a half hour, but I think I might finally be able to get out of here now.

  “Rhys!” Smitty yells before I walk out to the parking lot.


  He jogs to catch up with me. “I’m coming over later. After I nap and shit. I wanna meet this kid of yours.”

  “Fucking Zoey,” I shake my head. “How is it that when I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, she was all tight-lipped, but she has no problem telling you my business?”

  Smitty laughs, “Behold the power of persuasion my friend.”

  “I don’t want to know. Call first man. And good Lord, give me enough time to get some rest.”

  “God forbid you don’t get your beauty sleep.”

  “I didn’t get this pretty without it,” I flash him a smile and bat my eyes like a girl.

  “Weirdo. I’ll call you.”

  We part ways, and I drive home to my two favorite people.

  This morning, I walk into Kelsey trying to pacify Reid who is pissed off about something. Naturally, when I walk in the door, he spots me and starts to calm down.

  “Da da!”

  My feet freeze in place, I think…that just happened. My kid said ‘dada.’

  “Ugh. He’s such a punk,” Kelsey laughs. “Of course, he wants you. I carry him for nine months, he looks just like you and his first word is ‘dada.’ It’s cool. Mama is going to open that bottle of wine we bought at the grocery store.

  I let out a hearty laugh and swoop in to pick up Reid who squeals at me. “It’s not my fault that he loves me,” I tease. “You might want to save the wine though. Smitty’s coming over later. Mostly to be a pain in my ass, no doubt. But he wants to meet Reid too,” I call over my shoulder as I head to the bedroom with Reid in my arms.

  I sit him down in the playpen for a second and the kid looks like he’s going to lose his shit and start wailing.

  “Hey, hey hey, I’m changing out of my uniform, and then I’m all yours. Give me five minutes.”

  I talk to him the whole time I’m undressing, locking up my Glock, and putting my service belt up. Thankfully that’s enough to keep him calm until I’m done. He’s giggling and blowing bubbles, bouncing away in the middle of the playpen by the time I’m done, but the minute he spots me again, his arms are up in the air, and he’s ready for me.

  Smitty shows up later in the afternoon, and I’ve got to admit, I’m shocked that he’s bearing gifts. Something tells me he had some help from a saucy little blonde woman.

  He gives Kelsey a welcoming hug then makes a beeline for my kid like they’re best friends. I fully expect Reid to freak out at the strange man encroaching his space, but shockingly, he doesn’t. Instead, he holds up the toy he was just chewing on and hands it right to Smitty like it’s a peace offering.

  “Thanks, kid, I’ve always wanted a slobber covered thingamajig.” Kelsey and I both laugh at him as he gives it back to Reid. “I think you should keep it though. Seems to me like you’ve already claimed it.”

  While we’re all hanging out and waiting for the pizzas I ordered to be delivered, Kelsey’s phone rings. She moves into the kitchen to answer it but Smitty and I can still hear Zoey’s loud voice on the other end, maybe not enough to know what she’s saying – but we certainly know it’s her on the other end.

  “Yes, he’s here… Yes, he brought presents… I don’t know, I guess he does, hold on, I’ll ask Rhys…” Kelsey looks up and me and smiles deliciously.

  “Kels,” I warn her, not trusting what she’s about to say or do.

  “What? Zoey wants to know if Smitty looks sexy as fuck playing with our kid.”

  Smitty and I bust out laughing when Zoey starts yelling through the phone. He stands up and moves in Kelsey’s direction, taking her phone right out of her hand.

  “Yes, gorgeous, I look sexy as fuck playing with my little nephew...No, he’s mine, I claimed him…well yeah, I might share that, but I’m not sharing him.”

  “I guess I’m done talking to her now,” Kelsey rolls her eyes. “Did he really think he needed to buy all these toys for him? It was super sweet though.” She sits next to me on the couch and leans into my shoulder.

  “I’m sure you’re meddling best friend had a lot to do with it. Smitty would have handed you an envelope with gift cards or cash. He’s not really much of a shopper. I would have paid to see him shopping for baby stuff though.”

  “I’m surprised he’s not hating on me.”

  I tilt her chin up so that she can see my face. “He’s always been Team KJ, even after he found out about Reid.”

  “You’ve got good family and friends. I’m not sure I’d have that much grace.”

  “Well, I’d kick their asses if they didn’t like you. I can be very intimidating when I need to be,” I give her a wink.

  “Dude, no one is intimidated by you,” Smitty rejoins us and hands Kelsey her phone back. “Your girl said call her later and feel free to send her some pictures of me swooning over the boy. I’ll give you a hundred bucks not to send her a single picture.”

  “What’s the deal with you and Zoey anyway?” Kelsey asks.

  “She likes me,” he shrugs.

  “Even I knew that much,” I interject.

  “We’re just having fun. She’s not ready to settle down, I don’t think I am either. I enjoy her company when she’s got time for me. That’s all it is to it.”

  “That might be what she’s telling you, but I’ve known Zoey for a long time. There’s more to it than that.”

  Smitty shrugs. “I’m okay with our little arrangement at the moment.”

  Chaos. My life is pure chaos right now. I came back from Rhys’ place on Monday night. Tuesday morning Reid had his follow up appointment and got the all clear for now. Then I got a call from my real estate agent with an offer on my house.

  If I chose to accept it, the buyers want to close in thirty days. That means, I only have that much time to pack up and move. And find a place to move to, or at a minimum, find a storage unit for the stuff I want to keep until Rhys, and I find a place we can agree on. Staying with him for a week or so, wasn’t all that bad but I was still hoping to find a place of my own.

  There were a few that I liked but nothing that Rhys approved of. He claims they were not in the safest neighborhoods. I think he’s still trying to keep me close. Which, I may not mind so much after all, not that I’m telling him that.

  Tossing the last outfit in my suitcase, I zip it up and set it on the floor. Crystal should be here any minute to watch Reid.

  Did I mention in the midst of that craziness, I’ve got a book signing this weekend?

  Like clockwork, the doorbell rings. At the same time my phone dings.

  I’m reading the message as I walk to the front door to let Crystal in.

  Rhys: Hmm, imagine that. I’ll get to see you again already. I just
got a last minute call – someone wants me at this New York signing.

  I hadn’t even considered his name was on the roster for this signing. Shit. As stupid as it sounds, I’m not sure that I’m ready to let the book world know we’re in love. I’ve always preferred to keep my personal life separate. Damn. I can bet he’s not going to pretend I don’t exist.

  Me: Well, how about that. This should make things very interesting. The question is….are you bringing your cuffs ;)

  Rhys: Hell no. I don’t plan to be tethered to anything this time. Besides, I don’t trust you.

  “You ok girl? You look like someone just kicked your puppy.” Crystal asks as I let her inside.

  “What? Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Stressed about the move and this signing. And now I’m about to cry about leaving you behind.”

  “Girl, please. You need to take this opportunity. Go be with your man and raise your babies together.”

  “Whoa! Calm down. Baby… BABY, not plural girl.”

  She laughs, “I’m just sayin’ I’d have ALL his babies.”

  “Dear Lord, you’re as bad as Zoey.” I stick my tongue out at her and stop in to kiss Reid on the forehead while he naps. Then I’m out the door and on my way to pick up Zoey so we can head to the airport. I don’t check my phone again until I’m sitting outside of her apartment waiting on her to come out.

  There’s four new texts from Rhys. Part of me wants to ignore them – but this is all on me. It’s not his fault.

  Rhys: That’s not what I meant. I hope you know that.

  Rhys: Shit, Kels, I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t mean it that way.

  Rhys: I’ll bring the cuffs and let you attach me to a chair this time if it makes it better ;)

  Rhys: Ok. That was a bad attempt at humor. I hope, maybe, you’re driving and not ignoring me because I’m an asshole.

  I think for a minute before responding.

  Me: You can be an asshole. But that was fair. I won’t be tying you to anything. Because I’ll be in my room, with Zoey. No boys allowed.

  Rhys: Guess that means Reid and I get to have a boy’s night. Hmm. Maybe he and I can do a photo-shoot together. He’d look great in one of those mini speedos, don’t you think?


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