by Lizzy Ford
The bond between them was always so much stronger when they were together, urging her to surrender to it, to let their bodies join the same way their souls were. She felt stripped to the core standing before him in the shower, wanting him to touch her and not at all certain he would. The idea he might reject her had never been a factor before. After her day, it made her want to cry.
“I’m not going to trade you,” he said with a shake of his head.
“Can you still love me after the past few days?”
“Yeah. I can, my little Zoey.”
The simple statement made her eyes blur.
“I kinda need you right now,” she whispered. “Will you make love to me?”
Zoey leaned into him, resting her cheek against his chest. She shuddered with a sigh at the intensity and comfort of his hot skin against hers. Declan wrapped one arm around her to pull her against him then let the other roam, fixing her wounded body. She was at home again, this time more certain she belonged in his arms than she’d ever been about anywhere else she was.
“Rule four,” he said, tipping her chin up. “Nothing comes between us. Not you, not me, not the world.” His eyes were warm, his body solid and strong. Even in the shower, she smelled his dark vanilla spice. “Got it?”
She nodded.
He kissed her. Zoey’s body came to life, the aching burn of desire tempered by a new emotion in her breast. His kisses had been gentle before, but this time, he was tender, affectionate, a lover renewing a bond with someone he cared for deeply. She marveled at his taste and the feel of his velvety mouth, astonished by how different a kiss could feel when she wanted so much to show him what she felt.
When his hands traveled her body, she knew he was claiming her officially as his. His emotion was conveyed across their bond; it was as strong as his magic, the need to feel her, to taste her, to claim her. Zoey let herself go to their shared emotions, learning the body of her lover with her hands. She tasted his skin and breathed in his scent then gripped his perfectly shaped derriere and pulled him against her. His arousal was hard and long along her belly. He groaned.
“I need you, Zoey,” he whispered, voice thick with desire.
“I’m yours, Declan,” she replied, thrilled to find no part of her disagreed.
Her response made his eyes open. He gazed at her for a long moment, the emotions across their bond hitting her hard. She didn’t know how he felt so deeply for her, when she’d done nothing but give him hell.
“Don’t you back out now,” she teased. She twisted in his grip and wriggled her ass against his arousal. “I know you can’t resist that.”
“That ass,” he growled, squeezing it with one hand. He kissed her long and sweet, his hands traveling her body. The bond between them hummed. Zoey caught her breath and let her hands roam over his chest, loving the sensation of his skin pressed to hers.
She stroked his penis with her hand then slid down his body to her knees. She licked and nibbled the head, teasing him the way he always did her. Declan’s fingers wound in her hair, and he groaned as she took all of him in her mouth. Fondling the soft skin of his testicles with one hand, she used a combination of her mouth and her other hand to work him into a frenzy.
She sensed his restraint slide and pushed his dick out of her mouth with a tender kiss. Smiling wickedly, she looked up at him, her movements stilled.
“I know you’re not fucking with an Incubus,” he whispered. The breathless note in his voice and the fire of lust in his eyes made her grin. “Brave girl.”
He lifted her to her feet and twirled her. He released his energy into her, and she groaned as the first orgasm tore through her. Unwilling to let her recover, he wrapped one arm around her and pressed her against the shower wall.
The cold of the glass against her sensitive breasts and the heat of his skin and hot water behind her nearly drove her climax to the next level, if his magic didn’t stop the pleasure in place. Neither advancing nor retreating, the sensations in her body and their bond halted before letting her feel an entire release or enter their private world. His control over her was maddening. Her body and mind refused to respond to her, and she was helpless in the arms of the Incubus.
With his other hand, Declan began to stroke the swollen nub between her legs. Stuck in mid-orgasm already, Zoey moaned at the waves of pleasure. She pressed her butt against him. His fingers moved too slowly to soothe her need.
“Declan!” she whispered. “Fuck me!” She was at the point of climax within seconds, driven there by the movement of his body against hers and the flow of emotions and sensations across their bond. The ache between her legs was crippling; caught between the cool shower and his heat, she wouldn’t have been able to stand without his body at her back.
“Oh, no,” he said. “Someone needs to learn what happens when she teases an Incubus.”
She felt him stop her from orgasm with his magic and squirmed, desperate for release.
He kept stroking and sliding his fingers in and out of her, pushing her farther and farther without letting her go, claiming her leisurely. Finally, his penis replaced his fingers at the opening between her legs. He penetrated her with a few quick pumps.
Zoey arched, held back by his magic. Declan’s chuckle was ragged, his own restraint nearly broken.
“God I love fucking you,” he whispered. “Purr for me, my little pussy.”
Sex energy tore through her, wringing a cry from her throat. She clawed at the shower wall, frenzied with need, but trapped by the strength of his body. Declan’s hand returned to her clit while he moved in and out of her, faster this time. He withdrew from her core, the tip of his penis tickling the sensitive skin around her anus. He pierced the tight ring fast this time. The pleasure-pain of his thick manhood entering her made her world explode.
Her climax broke over her in waves that wracked her body and left her unable to stand without his support. Panting, completely lost to the intense sensations of their bond, Zoey soon felt his orgasm. As strong as hers, it rippled through her, making her body convulse harder. She was driven near unconscious by the level of ecstasy that consumed her. Limp, she let herself float in the pleasure and the sex energy they created.
Declan braced one arm against the shower to steady them, his heavy breathing in her ear. He rested against her.
“Strike three. You’re mine,” he whispered.
Zoey’s body shook from the intensity of their lovemaking. He withdrew from her and turned her around. She wobbled. Declan laughed and wrapped his arms around her.
“Too rough?” he asked.
“I don’t think I can walk yet,” she whispered with a husky laugh. “But I wouldn’t trade walking for you any day.”
“Good. When this shit is over, we’ll go on vacation. You, me and a few bottles of massage oil. I’ll show you a few things. You won’t walk for days.”
A thrill went through her. She closed her eyes, smiling, as he fluttered gentle kisses over her face. With her ear pressed to his chest, she was able to hear his steady heartbeat. Combined with the sound of the rainforest shower heads, it was enough to lull her into a doze.
He turned off the shower and toweled her off quickly. The sudden loss of warm water and cool air conditioning made her nipples harden. Declan smiled and took one in his mouth, his hands sliding up her sides. Zoey huddled against his body, breathing in his scent with a sigh. Her eyes closed.
Declan kissed her, deep and slow. She smiled when he lifted his head.
“C’mon, kitten. I wore you out. You need some rest,” he said, grinning.
She was too sated to object. Or walk. Declan lifted her easily and carried her out of the bathroom, setting her down gently. She sank into the comfortable bed and clung to him when he tried to release her.
“No,” she ordered him sleepily.
He laughed and climbed over her. His arms went around her, and he pulled her into his bare, heated skin. Zoey was out before the cocoon had a chance to claim her.
; Chapter Nineteen: Declan Tricked
Declan held her as she fell straight away into deep slumber. He kissed her face gently, loving how yielding her supple body was in his arms. He probably used too much of his magic in the shower, but she provoked him in a way no woman ever had. As tired as he was, he wasn’t going to let himself sleep yet, not until he knew how Olivia activated her sleeper agents.
In the morning, when he took his spot as the Chief Enforcer, he was inheriting the political land mine his father had dealt with for so long. A good night of sleep would be nice, but not if it meant he didn’t wake up. Just because he talked her out of the trance she was in earlier didn’t mean he was able to do so before she killed him in his sleep.
Declan sighed, bemused by his circumstances. His mate sated him in a way no other did and yet, he couldn’t sleep beside her as they should be. It was his second night without sleep; the headache that plagued him since yesterday grew worse as his blood slowed from its frenzied high.
He cuddled with her as she slept, burying his face in the nape of her neck to smell her heady, sweet scent then wrapped his thigh across hers again. He couldn’t get enough of her. The only time he felt remotely close enough was when he was inside her. Even if he started his new job exhausted, at least he had his soul-mate. The record time it took to win her was going to earn him quite a few laughs from his brothers.
Relaxed, Declan let her sleep for a few hours before his desire overcame his compassion. He used a trickle of his magic and his hands to draw her from sleep. She was wet before she was fully awake, and her eyes fluttered open. Zoey’s smile and blue eyes were completely unguarded for the first time since he’d met her. The sight and feel of her absolute surrender made his breath catch. Tenderness unfurled in his breast, along with an emotion stronger than he expected to feel after knowing her for three days.
“You ready for more?” he teased, kissing her nose. “I’ll be gentle this time.”
“Rough or gentle, I can take you,” she said in a low voice, a spark of fire in her gaze.
His emotion and the bond made the night unlike their first two. Their lovemaking was unhurried, yet consuming, his body burning for her with depth he never expected. His mouth and hands touched and tasted every part of her in an attempt to absorb and remember everything about her. He used his magic to hold her before orgasm and again to take them to the shared place where they sank into themselves while their bodies joined. Uninhibited, Zoey’s body responded to his slightest touch in a way that drove him wild.
They made love twice more. Zoey’s fast breathing was a turn on, but he sensed her taxing days and his lovemaking left her drained. She shook beneath him from the receding waves of pleasure that rippled through him. Declan sank beside her, holding her gaze to maintain their connection as long as possible.
“You’re different today,” she said in a husky voice. She ruffled his hair then traced a finger across his features. He kissed her finger as it reached his lips. “Calmer or something.”
“So are you,” he replied. “Purring.” He kissed her long and deep.
“Declan,” she groaned when he moved away. “You’re killing me.”
“You’ve got two more nights of it. Tonight didn’t count towards your bet, since I gave you a pass.”
She laughed. “Are you devising more ways to bring me back to your bed?”
“Absolutely. You purr like a kitten now, but you’ll be roaring like a lion by noon. Until you agree to be in my bed every night, I’ll find new ways to keep you coming back.”
“Sounds like a challenge,” she said. “How long can an Incubus go without his soul-mate?”
“You don’t want to test me,” he warned. “If I have to hunt you down…” His gaze went to her lips. “I’ll catch you, and fuck you until you’re purring again. You won’t leave my bed for days.”
She flushed, eyes glittering. “We’re a good pair, aren’t we?”
“Complete opposites.” He smiled.
The reminder that their day jobs put them at odds made a shadow cross her features. He felt her confusion.
“Rule four,” he reminded her. “You’re mine.”
“It’s gonna be hard.”
“It won’t be as bad as you think.” He didn’t know if it was true or not, but he hoped so.
“You can come with me,” she offered. “Help Team Rogue.”
“You can spend every night here without making me hunt you down. It’s not gonna happen that way. At least, not at first,” he said. “Things are influx. They change daily.”
“Everything, but us.”
She touched his face. “I don’t understand what that means.”
“Whatever happens, I’ll never deny you. My door is always open. This is your home, okay?” he whispered and kissed her forehead.
The warmth in her eyes turned tender. He kissed her forehead again lightly.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, even if you slaughter every Cambion in the city.”
“I believe you. Everyone is afraid of you,” she said.
“You don’t need to be.”
“I think I know that now.”
“I’ll still charge you for healing,” he reminded her. “Unless you decide to come here every night without me chasing you down.”
“I’ll just have to be more careful.”
“Bullshit!” he exclaimed.
Zoey laughed.
Declan kissed her breathless again. “You’ve got a mission this morning. I’ll tell you about it over breakfast. Hungry?”
“Hell, yeah.”
An hour later, after a quick meal, Zoey gave him a lingering kiss of farewell before she left to meet Vikki. Tired but relaxed, Declan turned on the shower and retreated to the bedroom. He grabbed her pillow and breathed in her scent then hugged it, missing the warmth of her skin already. The anxiety and frustration he experienced before their third night was gone, replaced by a deep-seated sense of peace. The connection between them was strong, stable.
Aware that his father was likely to be at the operations center already, Declan texted him to ask about the Professor. The response was fast:
We just had tea. He’s fine.
Declan snorted and forwarded a note to Zoey, knowing she’d be concerned. He rubbed his eyes. If not for the headache, he would be perfect. He drank a liter of water then refilled his favorite water bottle.
A knock at the door altered his path from the bathroom to the entrance. Not expecting visitors, he opened it anyway, surprised to see Zoey there.
“Oh, no, you’re not skipping out are you?” he asked, smiling.
“Vikki’s running late,” Zoey said.
Her eyes were green. A tremor of something he couldn’t explain went through him. Declan blinked a few times, irritated with himself. Her eyes were blue, as they should be. He began to think his headache was making him see things.
“I’ve got a few minutes,” Zoey hinted.
“Always time for you,” he said and drew her into his arms. He kissed her hard, anticipating a hot, fast quickie.
Expecting the bond to open between them, he was surprised when it didn’t. His body didn’t immediately respond to the stimulation of holding her in his arms, either, and he wasn’t able to feel her arousal. It was like she wasn’t really there. But she was. Declan closed his eyes. He deepened the kiss, another thought forming in his mind. He once doubted any Halfling would be able to keep up with him. Was this a sign that Zoey couldn’t all the time?
“What’s wrong?” she whispered.
“Nothing,” he said and slid his hands up her shirt. “Come inside.”
In the elevator, Zoey frowned suddenly. Something felt…off. She shook her head, aware she was in a building where there were nothing but Incubuses and Cambions. Of course her instincts would be tingling! She glanced at the text that popped up on her cell.
Professor is doing well.
Her eyes went up, towards Declan’s apartment. She wasn�
��t certain what it was she felt through their bond; it wasn’t as easy for her to interpret as it seemed to be for Declan.
The elevator dinged, distracting her. Vikki and Wes appeared as the door opened to the sub-basement of the building.
Zoey grinned. Vikki snickered and Wes shook his head.
“Thank god,” Wes said.
She stepped out, body humming and calm. Wes handed her an earpiece with a look of warning. She put it in place, then met Vikki’s gaze.
“Welcome to the family, I think,” Vikki said.
“Omigod, that was an awful one.” Zoey grimaced. “I thought someone from the Sucubatti would be here. How did you pull babysitting duty, Wes?”
“I’m the most patient of the Enforcers,” he replied.
She started to laugh then realized he was serious. Vikki was smiling.
“This is a self-initiated mission. Olivia wasn’t available to talk this morning. You have one mission today,” Wes said. “Then we’re out. Nothing wild.” He looked between the two. “I’ve been told the Zoey-Vikki combo is a nuclear holocaust waiting to happen. No bullshit. One fuck up from either of you, and your soul-mate gets a phone call. Got it?”
They nodded.
“We’re grabbing the Sucubatti records. They’re on hard drives the size of my hand. There are five, all black, in a building that’s now possessed by Cambions. You can guess what might happen if they fall into the wrong hands.”
Whose hands are the wrong ones? Zoey wanted to ask, her mood growing troubled. She tried hard not to show it, but she couldn’t help thinking that handing over the Benefactors’ records to the Incubatti was somehow…wrong.
“Why do you need those?” By Vikki’s puzzled tone, she thought the same.
“The history of the Succubus society is important to everyone,” Wes said. He led them off the elevator.
Zoey and Vikki exchanged a look. They climbed into a van equipped to be a mobile armory. Impressed, Zoey started picking out weapons. Uniforms sat in small lockers; the clothing and boots were in their sizes. Wes closed the van door and waited a few minutes. They changed and armed themselves, speaking in sign language about the hard drives.