Chasing Clark (Maple Hart)

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Chasing Clark (Maple Hart) Page 2

by Fel Fern

  I recovered from my initial paralysis and shook his offered hand. His fingers felt big and callused compared to my smaller one.

  “Have a seat.” Clark stumped me again when he pulled out my chair for me.

  “Um, thanks.”

  Phew. At least seated, Clark wouldn’t be able to see the hard-on I spotted for him.

  Down boy, I told myself. I was shocked by the way my body was reacting. Clark might think I was a freak or something. I took deep and steadying breaths.

  I could do this.

  I picked up my menu, trying to figure out what to order but then I noticed Clark was looking at me.

  “Is there something wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” Clark mumbled. “I know what I want to order but take your time.”

  A waiter came by and I decided on grilled fish since that seemed like a safe enough choice.

  Never order anything with bones or too much sauce on a first date. Avoid making a mess. That had been one of my self-imposed rules.

  I didn’t date much. Apart from Tag, I’ve had ill luck with men.

  “Ribeye steak for me. Medium-rare,” Clark told the waiter, then glanced at me. “Would you prefer white or red wine?”

  “Either one is fine.” I didn’t like the taste of wine much and I’ve seen the exorbitant prices of the alcoholic drinks on the menu.

  “Red then,” Clark said.

  The waiter disappeared, leaving just the two of us. Clark gazed at me quietly for a few seconds. Damn it.

  What was wrong with me?

  I always had a list of conversation topics at hand while I was on a date but I came here, prepared to bolt any chance I could.

  “I must admit, I almost skipped on this blind date,” Clark said.

  I blinked, relieved we had something to talk about.

  “Me, too! The guys my mom usually set me up with are usually jerks—not that I’m saying you’re a jerk,” I said quickly.

  “Tell me about it.” Clark rolled his eyes. “I love my family but my mom, brothers, and cousins couldn’t leave me alone after my breakup with Simon. They kept shoving random guys at me.”

  “My mom mentioned that you’ve recently ended a relationship with someone.” I pointed out.

  I blushed, realizing my mom probably told Clark I was in the same boat.

  “We’re part of the club then,” Clark said.


  “The broken hearts club.”

  For some reason, that made me laugh. That was something because I’ve sunk so low in depression that I couldn’t recall the last time I smiled or laughed.

  “You have a nice laugh.” Clark observed.

  Our wine arrived and Clark poured it for us. I took a sip, grimaced at the taste.

  “You want anything else?” Clark asked with raised brows.

  I shook my head. “No, I just don’t drink much. Never had a tolerance for alcohol.”

  “Then we won’t work out. I’m a bartender.”

  I swallowed, trying to figure out if Clark was being serious or if he was just jerking my chain.

  “Dusty, that was a joke.”

  “Oh.” Feeling foolish, I took another sip of wine.

  “Slow down,” Clark said. “I’m sorry, it’s just I’m not very good at this, at dating.”

  Clark blew out a breath and flashed me an apologetic look.

  Oh my God. This Alpha was cute.

  “It’s okay. I’m off my game, too. Apart from Tag, I’ve never really dated much.”

  “Tag is your ex?”

  I nodded. I decided it was probably better to steer the topic away from our exes. “Um, Clark? My mom mentioned you were younger than me. How old are you exactly?”

  “22 this year. You?”

  I sucked in a breath. There was a 5-year difference between us? Now more than ever, I felt way out of my league with this Alpha.

  “I rather not answer,” I automatically said.

  Clark narrowed his gaze at me. “Hey, that’s not fair.”

  “I can’t believe my mom set me up with a kid.”


  I knew I uttered the wrong words because Clark suddenly closed his hand over my wrist. My pulse raced. Clark captured my gaze with those strange and pretty whiskey-colored eyes.

  I sucked in a breath, unable to look away.



  “Don’t ever call me that again,” I said, making sure Dusty heard the warning in my voice.

  I speared my fingers into his dark red hair, tugged at it. I finally took his mouth, just because I could.

  My mom and brothers would have been appalled by the way I was acting. Alphas were aggressive and dangerous by nature but I was raised better than this.

  I was taught by my family to be a gentleman. First kisses were supposed to be reserved for later but I couldn’t help myself. This Omega infuriated me on so many levels, suddenly asking me about my age.

  My mom mentioned Dusty was a little older than me but I didn’t give a damn about the differences in our ages.

  To my shock, Dusty hadn’t shoved me away, although he had every right to. The Omega caved into my kiss like he was made for me.

  Dusty closed his eyes and parted his mouth wider, letting me slip my tongue down his throat. My jeans grew uncomfortably tight.

  Heaven help me but he tasted so fucking sweet. I wanted to tear off all his clothes so I could have access to the rest of his body.

  Dusty was tall and lean, his skin creamy smooth. I wanted to run my hands all over his body, explore every inch of what rightfully belonged to me.

  Wait a second.

  Where were these thoughts coming from?

  When my mom set me up on this blind date, never in a million years did I imagine meeting Dusty.

  I didn’t understand it myself but we simply clicked, like destiny had a hand in bringing the two of us together.

  Simon was just a stop in the road but meeting the Omega right in front of me was fate.

  Someone cleared his throat. The waiter had returned with our meals. Dusty pulled away, blinking his huge blue eyes at me.

  Dusty’s pupils were dilated. His lips were still swollen from our kiss. I wanted to take him back home with me and ravage him.

  I detected sadness in his voice when he spoke about his ex earlier. Once Dusty spent the night with me, I’d make him forget the bastard who broke his heart.

  That asshole didn’t deserve such a sweet Omega like Dusty.

  “More wine?” The waiter asked.

  “No thank you,” Dusty said quickly.

  The waiter flashed us a pompous look, before walking away. Whatever. I didn’t give a damn about what other people thought, but Dusty apparently did.

  “That was so embarrassing.”

  “What was?” I asked, beginning to cut into my steak.

  I was hungry alright but not for food. I didn’t regret kissing Dusty to shut him up but I needed to slow down.

  The last thing I wanted to do was to scare Dusty away.

  “That he caught us kissing,” Dusty murmured.

  “He’s not important. Tell me you didn’t enjoy that.”

  “I did.” Dusty blushed.

  His cheeks and neck turned pink, which made him more adorable in my eyes. Enticing.

  The moment Dusty walked into the restaurant and approached my table, I committed his intoxicating scent to memory.

  Omegas gave off special pheromones that helped other Alphas identify them but Dusty smelled exceptionally good. Like vanilla and pine.

  “I’m sorry for calling you a kid. That wasn’t nice of me. I went into panic mode,” Dusty admitted.

  He started on his fish and avoided looking at me. I didn't like that one bit.

  Maybe kissing him right from the start was a mistake after all.

  “Why?” I had to ask.

  “Because,” Dusty began, then bit on his lower lip. “You’re like a ten on the hotness scale and I’m like, I don’t
know. A one or something.”

  I frowned, not realizing Dusty would have such low self-esteem.

  “Our ages don’t matter and stop worrying your cute little head off because I’m very interested in you.”

  Did that sound too corny?

  I felt unprepared for our date. Truth be told, I hadn’t thought much of it but Dusty wasn’t like the other faceless and nameless men I’ve gone out with in the past.

  “You think I’m cute?” He asked, finally looking up at me.


  We ate our food, talked a little about our exes some more before moving to more interesting topics. I asked Dusty about his interests, what he did for a living.

  “I work from home. I’m a graphic designer,” he muttered.

  Impressed, I took a sip of my wine. “That sounds awesome.”

  “Does it? Bartending seems cooler.” Dusty took a sip of his wine. He made a face and I was tempted to poke a finger in his cheek just to see how he’d react.

  “It’s only a part-time job. Before that, I worked for a big accounting firm. I got laid off.”

  Way to go, Clark. I shouldn’t be advertising my failures. Dusty might think I was some kind of loser.

  “An accountant?” Dusty asked. “I have a hard time picturing someone like you being stuck in front of a computer all day.”

  “Someone like me?” I sounded testy to my ears.

  I guess I was still sour about losing my old job. I liked numbers and my cousins and brothers always teased me about that while I was growing up.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you.” Dusty expelled a breath. “Damn, I’m being a bad date, aren’t I? I just meant you don’t look the part because you’re big, buffed, and sexy.”

  Dusty turned a bright shade of red. I couldn’t help but grin. We were both spectacularly screwing up and it was kind of funny.

  I started laughing, unable to help myself. When Dusty asked what was so funny, I told him and started shaking and giggling.

  Dusty wiped the tears from his eyes. He was smiling. Mission accomplished. A smile looked so much better on my Omega than a frown.

  My Omega?

  We only just met and I was already calling him that.

  Simon called me overbearing before. Was this what he meant?

  “You still hungry? I heard their double-chocolate brownies here are good,” I said.

  That was a complete and utter lie. I didn’t have a particular fondness for sweets and I had no clue if the restaurant’s desserts were any good at all.

  I just wanted to prolong our date a little longer. Spend more time with Dusty.

  Dusty’s eyes practically sparkled. “Oh yes, I love desserts.”

  Interesting. I filed that information away in my mind for future reference. We ordered a gigantic brownie with two scoops of vanilla ice cream on top. Two, because Dusty seemed to love ice cream.

  We talked a little more, deviated to light-hearted conversation.

  I could talk to Dusty all night. That was saying much because most of the time I couldn’t figure out what to say to my dates.

  His voice, his presence steadied me. I never felt so comfortable with anyone else in my entire life.

  The night eventually drew into a close. When the waiter passed me the bill, I realized we were the only ones left at the restaurant.

  I paid for dinner. The bill came out pretty expensive but it didn’t matter. Dusty’s company was worth it.

  “Oh gosh. I’m sorry, I babbled too much,” Dusty said as I led him out of the restaurant.

  “Did you drive here?” I asked him.

  Dusty shook his head. “I took the bus.”

  He checked his watch but it was close to midnight. The busses weren’t running anymore.

  Another opportunity to spend more time with him, I thought.

  “I should call a cab.”

  “Let me drive you home.” I offered. “I’m sober, promise. I’ll get you home safely.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Dusty beamed.

  I walked him to my car and opened the door for him. He got in. I got behind the wheel and started the engine.

  My phone beeped in the back pocket of my jeans but I ignored it. It was probably my mom, Everett or Todd, wanting to know how my date went.

  The drive to Dusty’s neighborhood felt too short. I left the car and got the door for him again. I was pulling all the stops for this Omega and I wasn’t sure why.

  I never acted this gallantly with any of the men I’ve dated in the past. I didn’t want to let Dusty go.

  “Clark, I wanted you to know I enjoyed myself tonight,” Dusty said as I walked him to his apartment building.

  I knew I had to dislodge myself from him. I didn’t want to appear too clingy. I wanted to kiss him again, to taste him and find out if it was all in my head or the chemistry between us was really off-the-charts.

  I took a step back from him, although it was the hardest thing in the world to do.

  During the drive, I concocted a game plan in my head. I’d wait maybe two days to ring him up and ask him out again.

  48-hours felt like an eternity. It was crazy how much I liked this guy. We just met and yet Dusty felt like the stranger I’ve known all my life.

  Meeting him was destiny, although before tonight I’ve never believed in destiny or fate.

  “Wait,” Dusty blurted.

  To my surprise, he edged closer to me. Dusty planted his palms over my chest. My heart started on a quick rhythm.

  My dick hardened as Dusty stood on tip-toe and gave me a goodnight kiss. It was quick and fleeting.

  I wanted more.

  I wanted to grip his shoulders and thrust my tongue down his throat again, to shove my hand past the hem of his jeans and curl my fingers over his dick.

  I wanted to find out if Dusty was hard for me like I was for him.

  Control yourself, I chided to myself. This wasn’t like me at all.

  Dusty pulled away and asked, “would you like to come upstairs for drinks?”

  Lady Luck was on my side tonight, I mused. I flashed him a wolfish smile.

  “A drink sounds nice,” I answered.



  I couldn’t believe what was happening. A hot Alpha was coming up to my messy and tiny apartment.


  Crap. I hadn’t cleaned up in ages and Tag’s old stuff was still littering the place. Clark hummed a song under his breath as we got into the elevator.

  Sweat dripped down my back. Maybe this wasn’t such a hot idea after all.

  Then I remembered how Clark tugged me close at the restaurant to kiss me. I had so much fun tonight. Being around Clark made me feel light and happy.

  I’ve never felt like that in a long time. We reached my floor. My unit was directly in front of the elevator.

  I halted. The feeling of euphoria that wrapped around me like a bubble evaporated at the sight of my opened front door.

  I gripped Clark’s arm by instinct.

  “What’s wrong? Is that your apartment?” Clark asked in a low voice. The Alpha tensed up and looked ready to fight anyone who posed a threat to us. “Stay behind me. I’m going to find out who it is.”

  “Clark, wait. That’s dangerous.” I protested but Clark walked right inside my apartment.

  I followed him apprehensively. I always remembered to lock my front door. I lived in a decent neighborhood and I hadn’t heard of any robberies or break-in in the news.

  Only one person had a spare key to my apartment. On the heels of that thought, I flinched as it dawned on me who my uninvited guest was.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Demanded a familiar voice, a voice I had hoped to hear.

  I wanted Tag to return my calls for weeks but not anymore. Tag suddenly paled in comparison to Clark.

  “I’m with Dusty,” Clark said in an icy and scary voice. The temperature in the room suddenly took a deep dive. Tension spiked up.

  “Wait, this is a misun
derstanding.” I got between the two Alphas who were eying each other like enemies.

  Tag always boasted about working out but I’ve been with him long enough to know Tag was a coward when it came right down to a fight.

  I had a feeling Clark could break him in half without breaking a sweat.

  “What are you doing here, Tag?” I demanded.

  “You kept telling me to take my stuff so here I am,” Tag said in a sullen voice.

  “In the middle of the night?” Clark asked behind me, sounding skeptical.

  Tag sneered at me and my heart nearly stopped. I knew that look. Whatever Tag was about to say, it was probably going to be hurtful.

  “Dusty, you’ve been whining and begging me to take you back and yet here you are—”

  Tag didn’t finish his sentence. Clark moved at an inhuman speed and had shoved Tag against the closest wall.

  “I advise you not to finish that sentence, asshole,” Clark said in a low voice. “Dusty’s with me now. You’ve got what you came for. Leave and never come back. If I see you again—”

  “What?” Tag interrupted. “What are you going to do, big guy?”

  “I’m going to kill you.” Clark delivered those words without emotion that it chilled me to the bones.

  “I get it, man. Jesus Christ. He’s all yours. He’s not even worth it,” Tag grumbled.

  Clark released him, watching him like a hawk as Tag gathered the rest of his things in a box.

  “Leave your key,” Clark ordered.

  Tag dropped his key on my coffee table and left in a hurry. He didn’t look back once. Good riddance.

  Seeing Tag act like a coward only made me ashamed of how much time I wasted pining for him.

  Tag was toxic, not good for me. Even my mom and friends knew it. I only stuck with him because I figured an Omega my age didn’t have many choices left.

  Omegas usually found partners in their early twenties. I harbored an irrational fear that I’d die, alone and miserable.

  What I wanted was to find a compatible Alpha, have children with him, and raise our kids in a nice home.

  That dream seemed far beyond my reach the more I got older and more cynical.

  That dream seemed real again.


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