Cain (Deathstalkers 2nd Generation Book 1)

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Cain (Deathstalkers 2nd Generation Book 1) Page 3

by Alexis Noelle

  “Mom, this place looks funny,” Amy says from the backseat.

  She’s not wrong. The club is a large L-shaped brick building with no defining features. There is a metal door where the two parts of the building meet. Cain opens my door and I turn to him, ready to take his hand. Before I can, he grabs my sides and lifts me out of the truck, my body flush against his.

  “I think you’re the perfect fucking height.” He places a soft kiss on the top of my head.

  “Um, I don’t think I can get down either, Cain.” Amy’s voice sounds next to us and he laughs before telling her to jump and catching her mid-air. She giggles as he sets her down and she runs for the door.

  Cain looks over at me. “You ready?”

  “I guess so. You still haven’t really said why we are here.” I arch an eyebrow at him, but he doesn’t answer. He grabs my hand and we walk toward the door. Walking in, I see that it’s a large open space with a bar running along one side of it. In front of the bar there are a bunch of tables and chairs. On the opposite side of the room there are some couches, a pool table, and a couple recliners.

  “This is the main room. It’s where you’ll hang out tonight while I’m in the meeting.” He walks me toward the bar where there are a few girls talking and standing around. I scan the room and find Amy with another little girl who looks about her age. There’s a hopscotch game drawn on the cement floor and they are laughing as they skip around.

  “Ladies.” Cain walks me up to the women. “This is Emma. Emma, this is Shaina, Ana, and Alison.” The girls all wave hi and I feel completely awkward. “I need to get to the meeting. You good?” He looks over at me and I nod. “Be nice,” he says to the girls, to which they just laugh.

  Cain walks away and I shift awkwardly.

  “So how do you and Cain know each other?” Ana asks me. She’s a little shorter than me and has light blond hair that falls a few inches past her shoulder. It’s waved in a way that makes me think it might be natural. Her round eyes are outlined in black and it gives off a hard ass vibe. The way she steps up to greet me gives me the exact opposite impression.

  “We…um, live in the same building.” I would hope he hadn’t told everyone how we met, but I really don’t know.

  “Okay,” Ana looks me over. “How much did he tell you about the MC?”

  I bite my lip nervously because this almost feels like an interrogation.

  “That look right there,” Shaina says, pointing at me. “That look says he didn’t tell her shit. What the fuck is Cain thinking?” Shaina has jet-black hair that goes almost to her belly button. Her eyes are narrow, which only makes me feel more under a microscope when she looks at me. “He can’t actually be doing what he is tonight without her knowing what she’s getting into. I’m going to find Logan.”

  She turns, but Allison catches her arm. “Calm your ass, Shaina. Cain isn’t one to not think shit through.” She turns to me. Allison looks like a mix of Ana’s softness and Shaina’s hardness. Her light brown hair is somewhere in between the two of them. She’s just about my height, and while her gaze is intense it doesn’t make me want to back away slowly. “I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re in some sort of trouble.”

  I freeze immediately. I have no idea how to respond.

  She guessed it, which means I must be giving off some vibe.

  If I deny it, then they find out I’m a liar. If I say I am, they may ask me what type.

  “So that’s a yes.” Allison turns to Shaina. “Put your protective claws away.” When she faces me again, her smile makes me relax. “Sorry, Shaina is our resident pit bull.”

  “Um, it’s okay. Honestly Cain didn’t tell me too much and when I asked he seemed to get quiet.” I shrug like it’s not a big deal, but I know it must be.

  Ana steps closer. “I’ll give you the beginner’s course.”

  “Ana.” Shaina says her name like a warning.

  "Chill, Shay, go get a shot and loosen up." She shoos her hand while Allison laughs. "As I was saying, this is the main room. Everyone stays in here unless you have a room at the clubhouse. Only the brothers get rooms if they request them. There are a few left empty for surprise visitors too. Upstairs." She points to a staircase toward the back of the room that I hadn't noticed before. It's metal with a railing and it leads up to a small hallway. "Those are the officers’ rooms. Completely off-limits unless you're invited, which I have a feeling you will be." Ana gives me a wink before turning behind us. There are two girls standing in what looks like bathing suit tops and the tiniest skirts I've ever seen. "Those are a couple of the club girls. Unless you need to interact, keep your distance."

  “Yea, if you think Shaina has claws, she’s got nothing on them,” Allison says with a laugh.

  “Hush,” Ana replies to her. “This introduction is to not scare her off. It might be nice having another girl around here aside from you bitches.”

  A laugh bursts from my mouth before I can contain it.

  “I like this one,” Allison says as she walks toward the bar.

  “So what did you mean by club girls?” I look back and see one of them with red hair staring at me.

  “Well…that’s a little bit more than I intended to tell you, but what the hell. Club girls are here to keep the boys who don’t have an old lady happy.” She rolls her eyes.

  “An old lady?” All I can picture is some grandmom walking around with Cain.

  “Yea, my mom always hated that damn title no matter how respectful it is,” Allison says as she walks up holding four shot glasses. “Shaina, get your moody ass over here.” Allison hands everyone a glass.

  I look back, checking on Amy again, and she is still playing.

  “Come on, Shay, you always do the toast?” Ana looks back at Shaina, who walks over to us.

  “Shots up,” Shaina says and everyone raises their glasses. I put mine up, wanting to ask what it is, but I also want to be a part of whatever they have going on. "We drink to those who love us. We drink to those who don’t. We drink to those who fuck us, and fuck those who don’t!”

  I laugh as they all take the shot and then quickly follow suit.

  “If you’re gonna stick around at least you take a shot better than some of the other Barbies,” Shaina says before walking out of the room.

  Ana puts a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t mind her. She has a stick permanently up her ass.”

  “Or she needs one,” Allison says and we all break out in laughter.

  “Good to see these girls left you in one piece,” Cain says as he walks toward us.

  I nod and smile at him.

  “Don’t worry. I did your job and gave her the rundown,” Ana says sarcastically.

  Cain looks over at her, pissed. “How much of a rundown, Ana?”

  She shrugs with a smile and then walks away with Allison in tow.

  Cain turns back to me, his hands resting on my hips. “Ready to go?”

  “Yep,” I say, turning to where Amy is still playing. “Come on, Amy!”

  “But, Mommmmmmmmmm, I want to stay and play.” Her whiney voice gives away how tired she is.

  “It’s time to go,” I say, praying she doesn’t make a huge scene.

  “But I—”

  “Hey, what do you say if we come to a party here next weekend?” Cain says as he bends down in front of her.

  Amy’s eyes grow wide. “Will my friend be here?”

  “Yep, plus a bunch of other kids.”

  Amy jumps up and down and gives Cain a hug.

  “Ready now, Miss Amelia?” He offers her his hand.

  “You can call me Amy,” she says as she takes his hand.

  Cain looks back at me with a smile.

  I follow them, knowing I need to be careful.

  Cain Russell is exactly the type of man I could fall in love with.

  Chapter Five


  Sitting outside the daycare waiting for Emma to get off is something I thought would get old quick. It’s be
en a week since I started and I can’t get enough. I love seeing her with the kids, though. The way they make her smile, you can tell she genuinely cares about them. I park my bike so I have a view of the fenced-in backyard and when the blinds are open I can see in the classroom. Every once in a while I catch her glancing to see if I’m still here. The way she smiles when she sees me does something to me I’ve never experienced before.

  Anytime I’ve had to leave for club stuff I’ve called one of the prospects in. Usually it’s Evan because I know he’s got his shit straight. He’s been with us for about six months, so I know he will probably get his patch soon. While he’s still a prospect he is definitely my go-to. I’ve been having him bring my truck here in the afternoons so I can drive home with Emma and Amy.

  The truck pulls up and I look down at my watch. I see it’s almost time for her to get out. “Thanks, Evan, you’re the only prospect I’d trust to drive my bike.”

  He gives me a nod before getting on and pulling away. I lean against the truck as I watch people come in and out of the door. Emma comes into view, stopping at the front desk. The girl behind her hands her something and her face freezes, looking as if she’s just seen a ghost. I take a few steps forward then she looks at me and I run toward her.

  Pulling on the door, I realize it’s locked. Emma looks at me, but it’s like she can’t move.

  “Cain!” Amy says as she pushes on the door, letting me in. I scoop her up in one arm and grab Emma’s hand with the other. I know I need to get her out of here and to somewhere safe. She gets in the truck as I help Amy get buckled. I run around to my side and get in, looking over at her.

  Her hand is clutching the note so hard that her knuckles are white. She is staring in front of her as if she looks anywhere else she’ll break down. I decide I need to let her be until I can get her safe and figure out what the hell that thing says.

  I pull out of the lot and speed down the road.

  “Cain, are you lost? This isn’t how we go home,” Amy asks from the backseat.

  “We aren’t going home right now. We are heading to the club.”

  Amy gasps. “Yay!”

  Emma doesn’t react at all. When I pull up to the gate Jay immediately pulls the gate open. Jumping out of the car, I go to Amy and help her out. “I know Casey is here. Want to go find her?”

  She nods and jumps out of my arms, running into the club.

  I open Emma’s door and she is still in the same position. She must be in shock. I wonder if it’s been this bad every time. “I need you to either get out of the truck or I’ll carry you. I don’t want to pick you up if you don’t want to be touched.”

  She doesn’t respond to me but moves to get out of the truck. I want to help her, but I don’t know what’s going through her head right now. When she starts walking toward the club, I know I’ll need to bring her somewhere we can talk. I take out my phone and press Logan’s name.

  He answers on the first ring. “Yea?”

  “You in the office? I just got here and we have a problem.”

  “Yea, come in.”

  I hang up the phone and catch up to Emma.

  “Can I take your hand?”

  She doesn’t answer, but does give me a small nod.

  Walking through the main room, I see Ana hanging out. “Hey, Amy just ran in and she’s playing with Casey. Keep an eye?”

  She nods and glances over at Emma with a concerned look. I keep walking with her until we get to Logan’s office. The door is open and when we walk in he’s sitting behind his desk. I lead Emma to the black leather couch.

  “Give me the note.”

  She sits down and hands it to me. I walk over to Logan as I’m unfolding the crumpled up piece of paper.

  You knew this would be coming

  You know you’re mine

  I don’t know why he’s watching you

  Or why he’s been at your apartment

  Get rid of him before I do


  We haven’t seen anyone around her work or the building. I hand the note to Logan before I tear it to fucking pieces. Logan picks up the phone and asks someone to come to the office.

  “I want his fucking head,” I say through closed teeth.

  The door opens and Dom walks in. Logan hands the note to him. “Try and get a print off it. You got that file ready?”

  “Just finishing it up. I’ll send it over in a few.” Dom takes the note and walks out.

  “What file?” I look over at Logan.

  “Same background shit I run on the club girls. I know you’re in this shit already, but I wanted some information.” He says it like it’s not a big deal that he’s running a background check on Emma. After I already claimed her and she’s a part of this club, even if she doesn’t really get it yet.

  “She’s not a fucking club girl.” It takes every ounce of control I have not to pound his ass right now. He’s been giving me shit about Emma since the beginning and I’m fucking done with it.

  “I know that. You made it clear at church. Doesn’t mean you know shit about her, brother.” He shrugs like what he’s saying is no big deal.

  “When this shit comes back clean you need to fucking drop whatever issue you have.” I shove his shoulder.

  “Done,” Logan replies as a small cry comes from behind us.

  I turn and see tears rolling down Emma’s cheeks. Shit.

  I walk over to her, sitting down. “I know you’re a mess right now, but I need you to talk to me. Is it okay to touch you?”

  She nods as she turn to me and collapses against my chest. I’m going to kill this asshole and make him wish he never fucking lived.

  “I…need…to…go,” she says between trying to catch her breath.

  I pull back some and lower my head so I can look in her eyes. “No, you’re not going anywhere. We will figure this shit out.”

  Her head shakes. “No, I don’t want you to get hurt. I’d rather him hurt me than put anyone I care about in danger.”

  I look over at Logan, knowing he’s listening. His eyes are focused on Emma, and I know he’s thinking she’s as real as I’ve been telling him.

  “You have no idea who you’re with, huh?” Logan says and Emma looks over at him. “Trust me when I say that Cain can handle this shit. This fucker will wish he never even looked your way.”

  Emma looks at me and rests her forehead against mine. “I’m scared.” Her voice shakes.

  I pull her close to me. “I have you. You’re mine and I won’t let anyone fucking touch you.”

  As she relaxes against me I look over at Logan.

  He smirks at me as he mouths ‘you’re fucked.’

  Logan and I always said we didn’t want to get tied down by old ladies. We loved the MC life and all the freedom that came with it. He knew at first when I was claiming Emma that I was doing it just to protect her and I was willing to do it because I had no intention to ever have an actual old lady. Except now I’m falling for her.

  I flip him off because I know he’s right.

  I’m fucked.

  Chapter Six


  I gasp for air.

  It feels like there is a rock in my throat.

  When I open my eyes, he’s looking down at me.

  “I told you that you’d never get away from me. I’ll always find you. You’re mine, Emma.”

  A large knife comes into view in his other hand. “Now go to sleep as I go take care of Amy and that dirty biker trash.”

  His hand squeezes my throat and my vision starts to blur. I hear Amy scream and try to move, but I can’t.

  I try to scream, but nothing comes out.

  My eyes spring open as my hands go to my throat. My chest heaves like I need to catch breath that had never been taken from me. Looking around, I see that Amy is gone and I jump out of bed and run for the door. It opens and Cain runs in.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks as he looks me up and down.

  “He…he was h
ere,” I say, unable to catch my breath. “Amy…she’s gone. He took her.” I try to run past him, but he catches me. “Let me go! I need to find her.”

  “Emma, calm down. She’s fine. She’s eating breakfast in the kitchen right now. I was just with her.” He pulls me against him and I rest my head on his chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat match my unsteady breaths.

  “It just…it seemed so real.” My hands clasp his shirt as his hold tightens on me.

  “I know. You’re safe here, though,” he says against my hair, his hot breath tickling my neck.

  We stayed at the club last night. Cain found a spare room for Amy and me. He stayed upstairs in his room, and I realized that’s why Ana had made the comment that I’d get the invitation to go up.

  “Come here.” He takes my hand and leads me over to the bed. His hand trails up my arm and eventually wraps around the back of my neck. “I will keep you and Amy safe. I fucking swear it. I know you’re scared and I get why. You have a whole fucking army at your back now. That asshole has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.”

  I take a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  I look up and meet his eyes. “For the first night I met you and every night since then, for the way you are with Amy, for how gentle and understanding you’ve been with me, for everything you are.”

  Cain moves closer, his lips gently touching mine, and my hand tightens around his wrist as a small sigh rolls off my lips. His hand tightens in my hair as he pulls me against him more. I gasp and his tongue slowly strokes mine. I love the way he tastes like mint. I let myself relax into his kiss and enjoy the slow way his teeth drag across my bottom lip.

  "Mommy, I—" Amy walks in but stops once she sees us. She giggles and then runs into the hallway. "Aunt Ana! Mommy and Cain were kissing!" she yells.

  I can’t help but start to laugh as my head falls against Cain’s chest.

  “Hey, at least she didn’t scream ‘ew’ or ‘get off my mom’.” Cain smiles at me. I have no idea how I got so lucky to have him walk into my life that night. “So there is going to be a party tonight.”


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