Panda and the Kitty (Furry United Coalition Book 8)

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Panda and the Kitty (Furry United Coalition Book 8) Page 14

by Eve Langlais

  “Give me an F.”



  “U,” they echoed.


  “K,” the group echoed with laughter.

  “What does that spell?”


  “And what are you gonna do?”

  “Fuck you!” The poem was nonsensical and ribald, also perfect for the moment, as it lightened it.

  The party lasted for hours, and Maisy was still in a quandary as she tucked Peach into bed and then sat beside it.

  “Say yes, Mommy.”

  “To what, fuzz?”

  “Jakob. I want him as my daddy.”

  “I don’t know, fuzz.”

  “I do.” A sage gaze caught hers. “We can trust him, Mommy.”

  She wanted to believe. She kept hold of Peach’s hand, watching as her breath evened as she fell asleep, unable to leave her side.

  Which was where Jakob joined her. He said nothing, just sat at her feet and leaned on her. The chair creaked in protest.

  Eventually she said, “We’d have to live somewhere with a school for Peach.”

  “And a soccer team. Always thought I’d make a fine coach, and she’s just the right age to teach.”

  “I’ll understand if you need the occasional break.” Because it wouldn’t be fair for her to ban him completely from ever doing stuff with his family.

  “Nothing too dangerous or too long. If at all. After all, I’ve got different priorities now. I love you, Maze, and I’m just sorry it took me this long to figure out what was really important in life.”

  Rather than reply to his words, she let go of Peach’s hand. “I need a shower.” Standing, she took a few steps before stopping to look over her shoulder. “You coming?”

  He did. In her mouth as she knelt before him under the hot spray then again, buried balls deep inside her. Naked bodies entwined, hearts racing together.

  Bright and early the next day, Peach came bouncing in crowing, “Morning!”

  She pounced them both, demanding a hug and kiss before snuggling between them.

  Only when she settled did Maze tell her the news. “Jakob asked me to marry him. I hope it’s okay I said yes.”

  Her cub let out a squeal of excitement, but when Jakob said, “Can I be your daddy?” her brave tiger roared, and her heart burst.

  A panda and a kitty, finally getting their happily ever after.


  They didn’t break ground on the new Down Under Academy until two weeks after Mother Q was put behind bars. It would be months—more than likely up to a year—before they could move into their new home with Jakob as the professor of stealthy arts, Jax as their know-it-all when it came to cryptozoology, Uncle Kary as the dean, and his brothers and other uncles as special guests that would pop in to teach the occasional new trick. They would be hiring other people, too. Retired FUC agents who had something to teach. They might even lube an ASS or two with sweet contract deals.

  Until Jakob and his family could move into their new digs, he and Maisy were working for ARSHOL, which caused his brothers no end of amusement. Yet he’d never been happier.

  Maisy had lost the guarded look in her eyes when she looked at him, and her bright smiles made his day. Peach took to calling him Papa Bear, which, for some reason, made a few people choke. And when it was explained what it meant in certain circles, he blushed.

  Course, he didn’t mind it so much when Maisy whispered, “Ignore what they say. I think you make a fine papa bear. Now come to bed.”

  Heck yeah. If there was one thing this panda never said no to it was a cuddle with his kitty. They’d been through a lot and come out the other end a little bit scarred, but stronger for their experiences.

  They married on campus, with Peach as their flower girl, Jakob’s new half-sister as a shy bridesmaid, and his uncles wiping a few tears as they all took credit for how he turned out.

  The whole FUC gang turned out, old friends and new, to celebrate a world finally free of Mastermind and copycats.

  Shifters could breathe easily once more. Their secret was safe. Now they could—

  “Joey escaped!”

  The sudden shout saw the music halting, and people on the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the cafeteria stilled.

  It took one little flower girl fist pumping and yelling, “FUCN’A to the hunt,” for clothes to go flying and animals to burst into fur, feather, and even leathery skin.

  But not Jakob. He turned his wife into his arms as everyone ran off to hunt down crazy wild-eyed Joey—who’d apparently not been taking his meds like a good lizard.

  Jakob had no need to go chasing danger, not anymore. He had what he needed right here in his arms, which was why he kissed his new wife. Not long enough, considering it was their wedding night.

  But he had more than one priority now, such as wrangling his new daughter, who went streaking past, ready to save the world.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said with one more quick kiss.

  “Papa Bear to the rescue,” his wife said with a giggle.

  To which he uttered a big panda, “Grawr.”

  The End

  For now, but there are more stories coming! Because I’ve always been curious, I asked some author friends if they would like to write some stories based on my FUC world. As you can imagine, some of them had some interesting tales to tell. I do hope you’ll check out the new FUC Academy books and giggle as you fall in love.

  Looking for the entire F.U.C collection by Eve Langlais?

  Also by Eve Langlais

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