Lost & Found

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Lost & Found Page 10

by Lynn Hagen

  That was strictly for Derek’s pleasure and no one else’s.

  But a little teasing was fun. Derek loved the way Steven’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as his mate wiggled on the seat.

  “Stop,” Steven said in a whisper. “Oh…right there.”

  Derek grinned. “You like that?”

  Steven’s shirt had ridden up, and Derek gazed at the faint happy trail leading from his bellybutton to beneath the waistline of his jeans. What started out as teasing was quickly turning into something more. He had to keep reminding himself that they weren’t alone.

  Which made Derek glance at Seth. The bear shifter had a look of concentration as he drove, paying them no attention, although Derek knew the guy heard them perfectly fine.

  Derek removed his hand from Steven’s shirt and cupped the hard outline in his jeans. Steven moaned and punched his hips upward. Fuck, they needed to get home. If they didn’t get there fast, Derek just might do something that would completely embarrass Steven.

  He hissed when Steven grabbed Derek’s other hand and sucked a finger into his mouth. Derek glanced back up at Seth. “Are we close?”

  Seth’s expression remained neutral. “Just a few more blocks.”

  Thank fuck, because Derek wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out. Steven was sucking his finger like he had a cock in his mouth, and Derek’s dick was straining against the fabric of his slacks. He massaged Steven’s erection and then pulled his hand away.

  “We have to slow down.” Derek removed his finger from Steven’s mouth. “If we keep this up, I’m gonna fuck you right here in the backseat.”

  Steven’s gaze flashed to the front seat, and then his mate looked at him. He looked as though he was debating what to do.

  Derek bent and kissed his mate on his nose. “You might want to throw caution to the wind, but afterward, you’ll be totally embarrassed that we fucked in front of Seth.”

  Steven swallowed and then grinned. He’d started to sit up when the SUV lurched. Steven was thrown into the back of the driver’s seat.

  “Hang on!” Seth snarled. “The bastard just rear-ended us.”

  Steven scrambled back to his seat, but before he could put his seat belt on, the SUV was rammed again. This time the vehicle spun, making Derek instinctively reach for his mate. But the SUV was spinning too fast, knocking Derek around.

  He hadn’t put his seat belt on, either.

  Derek heard metal crunching. Tires squealed. Seth shouted curses. Glass shattered. They must have been struck again because the SUV flipped more than once.

  Derek was tossed around, hitting his head on something hard. His eyes started burning, and his vision clouded, and Derek could only hazard a guess that pieces of glass had gotten into his eyes.

  The SUV slid a short distance and then stopped. They were upside down, and Derek frantically felt around for Steven. He heard Seth moan, and then the bear shifter went silent.

  “Steven!” Derek kept patting around for his mate. His eyes burned badly, and he wished he could focus, but Derek kept his eyes closed against the pain, not only in his eyes, but fuck, his head was killing him, as well as his right side.

  The sound of metal creaking drew his attention. Derek focused all his effort in listening. Someone was breathing deeply.

  And then Steven screamed as Derek heard the sound of someone being dragged from the wreckage.

  Chapter Ten

  Steven kept screaming, having no idea what was going on. His head hurt like crazy, and pain throbbed in the back of it. He felt something warm and wet slipping down the side of his face as someone dragged him from the wreck.

  The screams stopped when Steven thought it might be someone trying to help, a person with a huge heart who had jumped into action when he’d spotted the crash.

  Until Steven was thrown against a car that looked as though it had been driven in a demolition derby. The front of the car was smashed in, and one of the tires was bent at a funny angle. The windshield was cracked into so many pieces that Steven was surprised it hadn’t shattered.

  “This is all your fault!”

  Tristan grabbed the front of Steven’s shirt and shook him so hard that Steven feared his head would bounce right off. Queasiness engulfed him, and he was seconds away from throwing up. He tasted the warm, metallic spit on his mouth, and his stomach lurched.

  “Stop shaking me!” Steven tried to get Tristan’s hands off him, but the guy had a firm grip. “I’m gonna be sick!”

  “You’re gonna be more than that.” Tristan cocked his arm back and slammed his fist into Steven’s gut. “Derek is mine, you son of a bitch.”

  Steven doubled over, dropping to his hands and knees. He coughed and tried to catch his breath as pain exploded in the middle of his body. His eyes watered, and there was a long drool line dangling from his mouth as he wheezed.

  “Get up!” Tristan grabbed Steven by his hair and yanked him to his feet. “If you hadn’t come along, Derek and I could’ve worked things out.”

  Steven staggered sideways, grabbing for the car to stop his fall. But his hand slipped, and he hit the ground. Steven cried out at the agony on his left side. It felt like his arm was broken, but he couldn’t be sure since he’d never had a broken arm before.

  Where was Derek? Seth? Why hadn’t they crawled out of the SUV? Were they hurt, dead? A different kind of pain sliced through him at the thought of either man being killed in the crash, but especially Derek.

  Steven loved the man with all his heart and body. He didn’t want to think of a world where Derek didn’t exist. The tiger had come to mean so much to him, and tears spilled as his throat burned when he thought of the tragic loss.

  He wanted his mate.

  Steven looked toward the overturned vehicle and spotted Derek crawling out. His eyes were closed, but he was alive. Steven wanted to shout for joy, until Tristan kicked him in his chest.

  “I’m going to beat the brakes off you,” Tristan snarled. “I’m gonna break you in half.”

  When he tried to kick Steven again, instinct took over, and Steven grabbed Tristan’s foot, shoving it away. He heard someone shout that they were calling an ambulance.

  Steven really wished someone would call the cops to stop Tristan from trying to pulverize him.

  Tristan yanked Steven to his feet once more and slammed him continuously into his wrecked car. The guy made wild noises, or that could have been Steven. At that point he hadn’t the first clue where those sounds were coming from.

  “Stop! Stop!” Steven shouted. He tried to drop back down to avoid hitting the car again, but Tristan had a crazy look in his eyes as he smashed Steven’s head into the window of the passenger door. That wasn’t helping the throbbing pain already pulsing in the back of Steven’s head.

  It made it ten times worse.

  If Tristan didn’t get off him, he would knock loose whatever sense Steven had left.

  Something rammed into his back, and Steven guessed it was the side mirror. Steven cried out as Tristan curled his hands around his throat and squeezed so hard that Steven couldn’t breathe.

  Although immense pain shot through Steven’s left arm, he used both his hands to claw at Tristan’s. He tried to knee the jerk in his balls, but Tristan dodged his attempt.

  “Die, you boyfriend-stealing bitch,” Tristan said between clenched teeth.

  “What the fuck?” The shout came from the same guy who said he was calling an ambulance.

  Steven had no idea what was going on and didn’t care. He was having his life choked out of him. The blood trapped in his head made his face pound. Steven’s vision became spotty. If he didn’t get Tristan’s hands off him, the guy would kill him.

  Steven heard a roar seconds before Tristan’s hands left his neck. Steven dropped to his knees, scratching at his throat as he wheezed in much-needed air. But his throat burned as he struggled to breathe again.

  When Steven was able to look up, he saw a Bengal tiger mauling Tristan. Steven looke
d away from the gruesome sight. He felt hands on him. Someone smoothed a hand down Steven’s back.

  “Just breathe slow and steady,” Seth said. “Does anything on you hurt?”

  “My brain,” Steven gasped. “My left side, my gut, my chest, and please make Derek stop.”

  “Just stay down until the ambulance gets here,” Seth said. “Derek already took off. The people in Maple Grove don’t need to see a tiger on the loose.”

  Steven looked toward the guy standing on the sidewalk. The man’s mouth hung open as he looked down the street. “Well, one person saw him.”

  The stranger looked pale as he blinked several times, his phone clutched in his hands. Thank goodness he hadn’t taken any pictures. Not that Steven knew of, anyway. But if the guy tried to tell people about the tiger, the animal sighting could be blamed on an escaped tiger from the nearest zoo.

  Or Steven hoped it could be blamed on that. But the stranger had seen Derek shift if his shout had been anything to go by.

  Pain and exhausted made Steven look away. He’d worry about the stranger later.

  Steven heard the wail of sirens as he rested his head on the ground. “Is…is Tristan dead?”

  “Let’s worry about getting you to the hospital,” Seth said. “I’m sure as soon as Derek gets home and gets dressed, he’ll meet us there.”

  Steven burst out crying. “I want Derek.”

  “I know.” Seth continued to rub Steven’s back. “He’ll be with you as soon as he can.”

  Steven was loaded onto a stretcher, and the paramedic wrapped a plastic collar around his neck. Everything was terrifying, and he was glad Seth was with him, or he might have freaked out.

  No sooner had Steven been wheeled into the hospital than Derek showed up. Steven tried to sit up so he could hug his mate, but he’d been strapped down.

  “Kenny and Russell are on their way.” Derek ran a hand through Steven’s hair. “Everything is going to be okay, kitten.” He pressed his lips to Steven’s ear. “You’re mated to me, which means you’ll heal ten times faster.”

  Steven wished he would heal in the next ten seconds because everything on him screamed in pain.

  An IV was inserted into his arm, and the next thing Steven knew, he was knocked out.

  * * * *

  Derek carried Steven through the door as Matilda and Katie ran to him. His mate had finally been released from the hospital and was quickly recovering. He had a bruised left arm and a few scratches and cuts, but his head was fine, and Derek was very relieved about that.

  His mate had struck his head in the crash, but aside from a killer headache, nothing had been damaged. And as soon as Derek had shifted that day, he’d healed from the wounds to his eyes. He saw perfectly now, and he was glad of that. He was able to look at Steven’s beautiful face as he entered the kitchen.

  “How are you doing?” Matilda asked as her hands fluttered near Steven. “Is there anything I can get for you?”

  “Vanilla bean ice cream,” Steven said. “And a really good movie to watch. The selections at the hospital sucked.”

  Katie grinned. “I see he’s just fine.” She winked at Steven. “I’ll grab the DVD while Derek tucks you into bed.”

  “But I’m not tired,” Steven complained.

  Derek nibbled at his mate’s ear. “I promised a certain someone I’d suck him off after dinner. It might not be the same night, but a promise is a promise.”

  “Never mind.” Steven yawned loudly. “I’m beat.”

  Matilda smiled. “Do you still want your ice cream and movie?”

  “Maybe later.” Steven grinned up at Derek. “Much, much later.”

  With Steven curled in his arms, Derek walked to their bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind him and placed Steven on the bed. Derek rubbed his jaw. “I’m not sure you’re ready to have sex yet. You were just released from the hospital, kitten.”

  Steven wiggled around, stripping his clothes off. He moved slowly, but he seemed determined. “I’d have to be dead to turn sex down.”

  “Slow down, spider monkey. You might not have broken anything, but you’re still sore.”

  Derek stared down at his mate, and his heart fluttered as all the emotions he felt toward Steven gathered in his chest. He hadn’t wanted to kill Tristan. Derek really hadn’t. But Tristan had forced his hand when he’d pulled Steven into the messy situation.

  No one hurt Steven and got away with it. That was a line Derek dared anyone to cross. The next son of a bitch who thought to hurt his mate would be quickly buried without Derek losing a night’s sleep.

  Fuck trying to take a less savage route. Steven was his entire world, the reason Derek’s heart beat and he drew air into his lungs, and anyone foolish enough to threaten what Derek treasured most was asking to die.

  Derek grinned when Steven lay eagle-spread on the bed, his creamy soft skin exposed for Derek to drink in. “I’m ready for that blowjob you owe me. I ate all my veggies on my plate that night.”

  “That you did.” Derek stripped and crawled into bed. He bit his lower lip when Steven squeezed one of his nipples. The sensations made Derek’s dick hard while he skimmed his hand down Steven’s side. “What’re you doing?”

  Steven gave him an evil smile. “Torturing you. Is it working?”

  Derek pointed at his cock. “You tell me.”

  He grabbed Steven’s hand and nipped the heel of his palm before he scooted down the bed and settled between his mate’s legs. “Now it’s my turn to torture you.”

  He didn’t rush things, even though Steven looked as though he was ready to explode from the anticipation. Derek ran his nose along his mate’s inner thighs, inhaling his wildflower scent, letting it envelop him.

  His tiger purred.


  Derek pressed a kiss against Steven’s soft skin. “Yes, spider monkey?”

  Steven gave him a warm smile. “I love you.” He brushed gentle fingers through Derek’s hair. “With my whole heart,” he added.

  Derek kissed his other thigh. “I love you with my whole heart, too.”

  He rubbed his cheek against Steven’s leg, reveling in the feel of his mate’s body pressed against him. It had been a few days since the crash, yet Derek still felt shaken.

  He could have easily lost Steven, but he forced those thoughts aside as he kissed his way up to Steven’s nuts and mouthed them.

  Steven groaned, spreading his legs farther apart. The taste of his scent drove Derek crazy. He worked his way up and licked Steven’s cock until he reached the head.

  “This is torture,” Steven mewled as he tossed his head back and forth. “Just suck me off already.”

  “You might want a fast release, but you know you like to take things slow.”

  Steven glared down this body at Derek. “That still doesn’t mean I can’t beg.”

  “And I love hearing you beg.” Derek took Steven down the back of his throat, using his throat muscles to squeeze his mate’s cock. Crazy noises escaped Steven as Derek swirled his tongue around the head, lapping at his mate’s salty nectar.

  “I’m begging! I’m begging!” Steven howled as he slapped his hands against the bed.

  Derek grinned around Steven’s shaft. He fucking loved when he made his mate fall apart. Seeing Steven so aroused and riding the edge was a high in itself.

  After slipping a finger into his mouth to wet it, Derek worked the digit into Steven’s ass. His mate gave a short, high cry before he came down Derek’s throat.

  Steven gasped and shuddered as Derek slipped his finger free. He reared back, bent sideways to grab the lube in the drawer, and then lathered his cock as he gazed at Steven. “Move in with me.”

  “I…um…what?” Steven looked as though he was trying to get his brain cells working again. His eyes were glassy, and he was flushed.

  “I asked you to move in with me, kitten.” Derek pressed the head of his cock at Steven’s hole but didn’t enter him. He knew Steven had an independent s
treak, but after what had happened, Derek would feel a lot better knowing Steven lived under the same roof.

  “You’re not gonna fuck me unless I say yes?”

  Derek smirked. “This is my blackmail tactic. If you want my dick in your ass, you have to say yes and mean it.”

  Steven looked hesitantly at him. “Can I still work at the diner?”

  Derek didn’t like the idea, but he didn’t want to smother his mate. Steven would be in good hands. He not only worked with his brother but he would be surrounded by shifters.


  Steven grinned. “Then fuck your spider monkey.”

  Derek drove in to the hilt. He paused long enough to drown in the feel of Steven’s tight body wrapped around his cock before he started moving. His mate curled his legs around Derek’s waist and held on for the ride. Derek had no idea how lost he’d been until he’d found Steven—his spider monkey. His kitten. His best friend and his lover.

  His mate.

  Steven arched his back and shouted Derek’s name as he came again. He clung to Derek as Derek sank his canines into Steven’s shoulder, deepening their bond.

  He wasn’t sure what the future held, or if Pete would try to contact him again, but Derek was sure he could handle whatever was thrown his way just as long as his kitten kept clinging to him.

  * * * *

  “What do you want me to do with this?” Kenny asked when he exited Steven’s bedroom. “It looks like a twisted piece of plaster.”

  Steven crossed the room and took his artwork from his brother. “I made that in pottery class, and thanks for calling it that.”

  Kenny blushed. “Sorry.”

  Most of Steven’s apartment was packed. Russell and Derek had offered to help, but it had been a while since Steven and Kenny had spent time alone together.

  “I’m proud of you, Steven,” Kenny said. “Even though you’re moving in with Derek, you did pretty good for yourself on your own.”

  Kenny looked around the apartment, but Steven could tell his brother was trying to hide his unshed tears. In truth, although he loved his independence, his life had been lonely before Derek. Steven had put up a good front, and hadn’t wanted Kenny moving in with him just because Steven had been lonely, but he was glad Derek had asked him to live with him.


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