Smut University: The Complete Series

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Smut University: The Complete Series Page 1

by Kahlen Aymes


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  About the Author

  Also From This Author

  The Remembrance Series

  The Trading Yesterday Series

  One Step Closer

  The After Dark Series

  The Famous Novels

  CONNECT with Kahlen!

  Upcoming Titles

  Thank You for Reading!

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  Copyright © 2019 -2020 Kahlen Aymes

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  Copyright © VitalikRadko

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  ISBN (eBook: 978-0-9996713-3-7)

  ISBN (Paperback: 978-0-9996713-4-4)


  This book is dedicated to my good friend (and very first beta reader), Ali Halbmaier. She was assigned to me through Project Team Beta when I first began writing Twilight fan fiction in 2009. She offered great encouragement and guidance during a time when I needed it the most, was so helpful and so integral in my becoming a writer.

  This book title was inspired because Project Team Beta offered an online course for writing sexy love scenes and it was called SMUT UNIVERSITY, and we both signed up together.

  Ali, I will forever value you and am so grateful for your friendship. I love you.




  “I hear the professor is to die for,” Michelle, my best friend and roommate uttered, looking around the lecture hall with wide blue eyes. She was beautiful in the traditional big boobed, blonde-haired, pouty lips way with the sort of innocent vulnerability that men flocked to. “I wonder if he is still as handsome as those pictures that I found online. How he’s not married is beyond me.”

  I was opening a blank document on my laptop preparing for the notes I would type onto it throughout the next hour, while she took in the students around us who anxiously waited for the infamous professor to enter at the front of the room.

  I’d begged off sitting in the front few rows that she’d requested of me, insisting on sitting mid-way up and in the center of the big hall in the Corner Building of Columbia University. The room didn’t seem wide, but the rows of seats rose up several stories from the front of the room where a platform in front of a large digital screen had what looked like an old antique desk sitting off to one end.

  I rolled my eyes at Michelle’s over-the-top enthusiasm for the yet unseen man who would teach our class. I had to admit, inwardly I was somewhat awe-struck, but not for the same reason as Michelle. She had a sort of hot-for-teacher fetish, and it helped if the professor was indeed, hot. I’d seen pictures of Jaxon Michaels on the internet and a few television interviews he’d done when he released his last couple of books. He did have a Ph.D. in English and Comparative Literature, but more than that, he was a New York Times bestselling novelist, who only moonlighted as a professor of Creative Writing at Columbia. No question, he was smoking.

  Glancing up and looking around the room for the first time in the five minutes since we’d arrived, I notice the diversity of the people filling the seats around us. Many were laughing and chatting, but few had their heads buried in their computers, as I did.

  I leaned to my right to where my friend was seated, and I spoke softly. “Maybe he has a big brain and a teeny weeny,” I offered, a sly grin sliding across my face.

  My friend huffed and sat back in her seat, clearly offended that I’d even consider such an absurd possibility. “What?” Michelle scoffed indignantly. “Not likely.”

  I laughed out loud as glee filled me. I wasn’t sure why it made me so damn happy that she’d consider the possibility ridiculous. “How do you know? Do you think just because he teaches a class about writing love scenes, he’s automatically hung like a horse?”

  “Actually, it has crossed my mind,” she stated emphatically. “I mean, the man writes such hot sex, he had to have experienced it! He must have a treasure trove of techniques.”

  It was my turn to have intentionally wide eyes as my mouth flattened into a thin line and I shook my head. “Ever heard the saying ‘those that can, do, and those that can’t, teach?”

  “Buzz kill,” she muttered.

  “Maybe he reads a lot,” I added. “Good writers are voracious readers.”

  I was still grinning as I continued to yank Michelle’s chain. During the three previous years at Columbia most of my instructors and professors had been impressive, but it was fun to see Michelle squirm. She was probably right; the name of the course alone had the seats in this huge auditorium packed from the first row to the last, but unlike my horny friend, I was here to learn from a master.

  “Oh, my God! Professor Michaels is so sexy!” Another female student sitting behind us swooned loudly.

  “I know. If only we would have gotten here sooner, maybe we would be sitting closer to the stage.” The second woman was less obtrusive and her voice much less boisterous.

  Michelle nudged my arm with her elbow. “Are you listening to that? I told ya.”

  My head snapped around and I locked eyes with her. I couldn’t help rolling them again. “You’re kidding!” I admonished, using my pen to point to the front several rows of seats by the lectern that were full of eager young women. I imagined that classic scene from Indian Jones where the woman in the front row had “I love you” painted on her eyelids so that when she blinked the professor saw it. I also figured that if this man was as hot as everyone said, he’d have a similar reaction as Harrison Ford had in the

  “He must get sick of all this unbridled and sophomoric adulation,” I observed dryly. “Unless he’s a narcissist.”

  “Oh, my God, Addy,” Michelle moaned. “Can’t you stop being such a smarty pants for five minutes? Do you even have a vagina? Why don’t you just hole up with your books while I get in a few private lessons?”

  “You think that you’re the only one with that idea, Michelle? Look around? The poor man probably has a sort of super-human resistance to the constant flow of estrogen flooding the air around him; either that, or he’s gay.”

  My friend’s mouth dropped open in horror as she considered my words.

  The bawdy woman behind me, who had obviously been listening to our conversation, leaned forward and stuck her face between mine and Michelle’s. “Um, no way, honey. The man ain’t gay.” Her eyebrows shot up and she shook her head. “Trust me.” I shifted in my chair to get a good look at her. She was middle-aged and looked a bit out of place in the sea of twenty-something students, but maybe she was making a career change.

  Ain’t? my mind protested. And, this woman was in a 400-level writing course?

  “See?” Michelle looked at me smugly. “Dr. Michaels is not gay.”

  “No, he’s definitely hetero,” the woman said empathically. “Mmmmm! Mmmmm! MMMMM! All man, that one!” She must have done some sort of clenching thing with her whole body because she made the air rush around me.

  Startled by the woman’s outburst, I glanced over my shoulder at her and her companion; a more delicate, deer-in-the-headlights looking woman sitting to her left.

  I bit my lip so I wouldn’t start giggling, though Michelle was openly smirking. I was about 300% certain there was absolutely no way this woman had carnal knowledge of our bestselling professor, and even had doubts that she was a serious student, but I decided to humor her anyway; just for shits and giggles. Maybe she was a Jaxon Michael’s groupie.

  Even my hormone-filled friend was taken aback and was having trouble holding in her amusement.

  “Wow,” I said, drolly. “I guess I should have brought an extra pair of panties to shimmy into halfway through this class.”

  The timid younger woman sitting next to the more obnoxious one, piped up softly. “If they last that long. He’s a real panty-melter.”

  I was surprised to hear this from her, considering her demeanor. “If only his name were Professor Melter, then, huh?” I challenged, the dimple in my cheek deepening when my mouth slid into a grin.

  The first woman looked as if she’d suddenly seen the face of God or discovered the cure for cancer. “Ya know what? I’m gonna start calling him Professor Panty-Melter instead of Dr. Michaels! That’s genius!”

  I forcibly stopped myself from laughing and concentrated on the screen of my laptop, noting the time in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, silently praying for the class to start so this asinine conversation could end.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be very receptive,” I added dryly, under my breath. Clearly, this woman wasn’t here for the class, but rather, the handsome author teaching it. “I’ll concede he is handsome, but these scholarly types can be boorish and stiff.” Not that my limited experience afforded me any sort of insight, I silently acknowledged. Still, all of this talk of Dr. Sexy had me curious if the man would live up to the fantasy.

  “Stiff works for me,” Michelle added, grinning, and playing along.

  “I know, right?” The woman behind me swiped a hand through the air in front of her and snorted out a laugh.

  “Hi, I’m Michelle Monroe and this is my roommate, Addison Tomms.”

  “Glad to meet you,” the more extroverted of the two said. “I’m Brandy Dickenson, and this mousy little thing is Cheryl Simms.”

  I threw her a dirty look from the corner of my eye, sure the two behind us couldn’t see me. My eyes widened as if to ask Michelle why the hell she was encouraging her?

  Michelle was twisted in her seat to engage in a full-on conversation with the two of them, but at the larger woman’s hurtful comment, I shifted to look at Cheryl who was hunched in her seat with downcast eyes. I felt badly for her and it wasn’t as if Brandy, her so-called friend, was any kind of catch herself.

  “Are you majoring in creative writing?” I asked, making sure Brandy could see I was speaking directly to Cheryl.

  “Journalism,” the girl answered meekly. “I’m mainly taking this class because Brandy asked me to.”

  “Well, at least this should be interesting,” I said.

  Several guys three rows in front of us were joking about the content of the course, huddled in a group surrounding the one who had the open syllabus on his computer and, in general, acting like a bunch of complete morons. Uttering words like pussy and cock, then bursting out laughing as a collaborative; clearly amused with themselves.

  One of them caught my eye and lifted his chin in a suggestive nod. He was standing behind the group, his eyes roaming over my face and lowering to my breasts. He was boyishly attractive, but I could only assume from his behavior mirroring that of his friends that mentally, he was twelve.

  “Please make it stop,” I moaned, breaking eye contact, then rubbed the crease between my brows with two fingers of my right hand. I settled back in my chair and got ready to take notes. It was almost time for the class to begin and I could only hope these idiots would cool it once the professor began speaking.

  I felt a light touch on my shoulder and moved my head a half-turn in response to Cheryl’s summons. “Yes?”

  “What about you? Is your major creative writing?”

  “Uh huh,” I affirmed. “If all goes well, I plan on publishing my own novel someday.”

  “Oh, wow! Romance?” Brandy piped up and I nodded. “You might get a lot of office time with the professor, then. I hear Dr. Hottie gives extra help to aspiring novelists.”

  I was hoping to get him to take a pass at the first draft, I admitted to myself. At least, a couple of chapters, before the semester was over.

  “It’s a wonder you aren’t at least attempting to write one, then,” Michelle told Brandy. “Obviously, you’re taking the course for the eye candy. Right?”

  “You’re one to talk,” I said, sliding Michelle a knowing glance. She didn’t know but I had already started writing my novel in secret. No one knew. She also had no idea that I devoured every one of Jaxon Michael’s novels, and I was waiting with bated breath to hear what he had to say about my work. The man had a gift; his words could reach into my chest and squeeze, and a few paragraphs later arouse me to the point of embarrassment. He had a ridiculous talent. Insane.

  “Believe me, I’ve tried. My attempts have been pathetic,” Brandy answered. Instantly her demeanor changed to one of euphoria, and she sat up straighter, as if at attention. “Oh my, God! There he is!”

  After a chorus of exclamations, the auditorium fell silent as a tall, handsome man entered from the right side of the platform.

  I swallowed my disdain for Brandy’s obnoxiousness but refused to encourage her libido-charged adoration of the professor. My eyes immediately went to the front of the room. If I were honest with myself, I was just as hungry for an eyeful as the rest of the women in the room, except that apparently, I was more adept at hiding it.

  I didn’t know exactly what I was expecting, but he wasn’t it. Most intellectual types at Columbia, especially the younger ones, were sort of hippies, some of the more extreme even looking like they hadn’t shaved or showered in days, showing up to class with overly long hair, a half-grown beard, flip-flops, sometimes with socks, or rumpled from top to bottom. The female professors were more aware of their appearance, so not as sloppy as many of the men, but many fell into that category, too; which was cool. Appearance didn’t have anything to do with intellect. That said; Dr. Jaxon Michaels was none of the above. He was like a model from the cover of GQ magazine. Perfectly groomed and put together.

  He was maybe early to mid-thirties and tall; his expensive, dark tailo
red suit fitted him to perfection and emphasized the strength in his broad shoulders, arms and torso, before tapering in to a slim waist. I could tell, even at this distance, how the fine material was pulled taut over his muscled thighs. He wore dark rimmed glasses that didn’t detract from the handsome face, strong jaw or high cheekbones.

  Or the hair. God, the hair; it had that perfectly messy look that left every woman in the room slack-jawed. He had that perfect, freshly fucked look that should have seemed out of place but didn’t; the subtle spattering of stubble on his jaw only punctuated it, and conjured visions of muscled flesh all twisted up with mine in rumpled sheets. He obviously had a habit of running his hand through it.

  Fuck, he was beautiful.

  I found myself swallowing at the dryness that had suddenly overcome my mouth, my tongue taking a swipe over my lips.

  “Damn,” Michelle whispered under her breath. “He’s even hotter in person, if that’s possible.”

  That was saying something because Michelle had quite an overactive imagination. For weeks she’d regaled me with pictures and information she’d dug up about him online, and worse, made me suffer through her many fantasies of private tutoring sessions ending with mind-blowing sex on his desk.

  “I just hope he’s a good teacher,” I said softly trying to deny the reaction of my own body at the professor’s incredible looks. Of course, he was a good teacher. His writing alone belied that.


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