His Bride's Shameful Training

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His Bride's Shameful Training Page 18

by Emily Tilton

  “The docking you have given them,” Dr. Brown said to Sir Henry, “has clearly done just what we both suspected it would. You have two girls who will provide you, or any natural man to whom you lend them, with all the pleasure a penis can find inside the recesses of the female form. Shall I remove the plugs, now?”

  “By all means,” said the baronet in a thick distracted voice. “Leticia, your mouth again, now. Open wide, darling.”

  She cried out as the physician removed the thick rubber that had held her so shamefully open, and then Sir Henry muffled the cry with his cock as he again demanded her mouth’s service.

  “You’ll have the girls clean their plugs, of course, when you train them at home,” the physician pronounced in a matter-of-fact tone, “and you will probably wish to have them give one another frequent enemas—or have Mrs. Farley perform the service for you on both girls, as she is quite expert in it.” Leticia heard Celia gasp at the shameful thought, and she would have gasped herself if her husband’s penis had not thrust inside her mouth at that moment.

  Then, however, he withdrew, and moved around the bench with what seemed the swiftness of a tiger, though she also thought that perhaps time for her had slowed down in some way, so that everything around her moved more quickly. Her bottom felt so vacant, so open, so exposed now—so forlorn, even—that when the head of her bridegroom’s penis pressed against the tiny ring he had decided to train so strictly, she gave a happy cry and opened to him as she had opened to the plug.

  That unambiguous welcoming of the cock in such a shameful way quickly changed, though, for Sir Henry, perhaps a little maddened by lust, instantly began to ride her upturned bottom over the bench, thrusting downward and into her cringing anus at full length.

  “Oh, please… please…” she found herself moaning. She could not bear it, she thought. He fucked her poor young bottom so hard, and it was only the very first time Leticia had ever had a penis there. She sobbed with the shame and discomfort of the ordeal, and she heard Celia weeping quietly beside her.

  For a moment Leticia felt the return of something like resentment toward her maid, for—though part of her knew the sentiment for a falsehood—none of this it seemed, then, would have happened if Celia hadn’t tattled. She wished the cock inside Celia’s bottom, making Celia cry out at its terrible invasion.

  And as it happened, and Sir Henry did move from bottom to bottom, did take the maid’s rear virginity, as Celia gave the same sounds of discomfort Leticia had, the mistress felt vindicated.

  But then Sir Henry said, “I shall finish in my wife’s bottom, as I should,” and he returned to Leticia’s bench. As he thrust inside her already sore anus, she knew very mixed feelings: Pride, that her husband wished to spend in her bottom, rather than her maid’s. Resentment, that Celia had only had to bear a few minutes of his hard anal fucking.

  Then, unexpectedly: Sympathy, that Celia would not know the consolation Leticia, it seemed, would now experience.

  For something about the lingering smart in her clitoris, and the way the penis pressed against a part of Leticia deep inside her cunny and moved it against the padding of the bench seemed to change everything. If she had thought her climax on her wedding night ecstatic, the spend she felt building just below her belly now seemed likely to tear her apart. She didn’t know how it could be, but the bottom-fucking became something beyond the world around her, and when she said, “Please,” softly, again, it had a very different tone and a very different meaning.

  She looked at Celia, then, with her eyes wide, and her maid’s answering glance showed that Celia understood something extraordinary had begun to happen inside her mistress’ loins.

  “Ah,” came Dr. Brown’s level voice. “I thought this might occur. Lady Vexin is going to have an anal orgasm.”

  Sir Henry merely kept fucking, and said in a hoarse voice, “Spend for me now, Leticia. Spend, you naughty girl.”

  With a scream that echoed from the walls of the doctor’s chambers, and a wrenching struggle beneath her husband’s pounding hips that she thought might splinter the sturdy oak of which the bench was fashioned, Leticia reached a summit of bliss higher than any she had imagined even since her husband had begun to train her body for pleasure. She sobbed, moaned, and sighed as the orgasm went on and on, and Sir Henry’s seed spurted in her bottom.

  She reached her hand out to take the one Celia had stretched toward her mistress.

  “There,” said Dr. Brown. “A happy household.”

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Victorian Correction Series

  Innocence Examined

  Sir Gerald is having great difficulties with Caroline, his eighteen-year-old ward. He has always been a doting guardian, shielding young Caroline from the truth about the differences between men and women and what they do behind closed doors. But now Caroline has become much too curious for her own good, to the point where he must bring himself to punish her repeatedly for hiding in closets in an attempt to witness the pleasures he takes with his mistress.

  At his wit’s end, Sir Gerald calls upon the services of Dr. Reginald Brown and his colleague Dr. James Fairleigh. After a thorough, intimate examination, the physicians decide that since Caroline is of age, it would be appropriate for her to become acquainted with the pleasures a man can bring a woman. Instead of marrying her off to someone who won’t give her the freedom Sir Gerald can afford, the men decide that Dr. Fairleigh will personally oversee young Caroline’s erotic education.

  After Caroline is made to observe Sir Gerald’s couplings for the first time, however, her wide-eyed innocence stirs Dr. Fairleigh far more than he thought possible. When she implores him to take care of her, the young doctor finds himself promising that he will. Before he knows it, she has utterly claimed his heart, and he can’t imagine her being given to anyone else. But can he rescue Caroline from Sir Gerald’s plans for her before it is too late?

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  The Duke’s School for Young Ladies

  When her governess catches eighteen-year-old Anne Solmes in the act of pleasuring herself, Mr. and Mrs. Solmes conclude that drastic action is required. Anne soon finds herself on her way to Miss Halton’s Preparatory Academy for Girls, a school founded by the famously strict Duke of Panton for the correction of young women of marriageable age. The girls of Miss Halton’s have disgraced themselves, but their future prospects may still be salvaged by means of proper discipline and training. Anne quickly discovers that her new schoolmistress will not tolerate disobedience, and that punishments for misbehavior are both harsh and humiliating.

  Though he samples the pleasures his position offers, the duke does not keep the girls of the academy for himself. It is not long before one of the duke’s associates, a handsome, dominant gentleman in his own right, seems ready to ask for Anne’s hand. But is Anne prepared to spend a lifetime with a man who expects her obedience to his every demand and who will not hesitate to punish and pleasure her as he sees fit, no matter how deeply she might blush at his mastery of her body?

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  The Lord’s Scandalous Bride

  When she is sent by her employer to the room of his esteemed guest, Lord Nele Lourcy, with the expectation that she will submit to him in any way he pleases, Susan Grant has no idea what is in store for her. To her surprise, she
soon finds herself not only receiving a humiliating bare-bottom spanking, but confessing to years of naughtiness and wanton behavior as well.

  Lord Nele Lourcy is not the type of man who would be expected to take more than a passing interest in a girl like Susan Grant, but as she pours out her story to him he feels all but compelled to make her his own. He takes her in his arms and vows to guide her back to the path of virtue, chastising her firmly when needed but rewarding her obedience with pleasure unlike anything she has felt before.

  Neither Nele’s family nor the rest of London society respond kindly to a lord taking a fallen woman as his bride, however, and soon the unlikely couple are forced to flee to America. But when danger follows them across the ocean, will Nele decide that Susan isn’t worth the trouble, or will he keep her at his side—and in his bed—no matter the scandal it creates?

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  The Modesty Cure

  Desperate to escape an unwanted marriage to an unsavory man, eighteen-year-old Amanda Eaker is delighted when James Coventry, a handsome gentleman with powerful connections, promises to rescue her. But after she is spirited away in his carriage late at night, Amanda soon learns that James has very specific plans for her, and those plans leave no room for her modesty.

  Amanda is to be enrolled in a unique school run by James’ friend Dr. Reginald Brown, whose specialty is teaching particularly innocent brides to surrender their bodies fully to the men who will be their husbands. Her protests upon being informed of this merely earn Amanda a sound spanking on her bare bottom, and before long she is blushing crimson as she is led naked from James’ carriage into the school that will be her home until he makes her his wife.

  Though it seems that each new lesson from James and Dr. Brown is more shameful than the last, Amanda finds that submitting to her future husband’s practiced dominance is more pleasurable than she could have ever imagined. But will a modest girl like Amanda ever truly be ready to offer herself completely to the man she has grown to love?

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  His Blushing Rose

  When she comes of age, it is made clear to beautiful, innocent orphan Rose Hale that she will soon be required to surrender her innocence to the esteemed gentleman Julius Summersby, a suitor personally selected by her guardian. Though she is initially delighted to be courted by such a powerful, handsome man, it isn’t long before Rose is shocked to find herself stripped bare and put on shameful display during an outing with her future husband.

  Rose’s reluctance to submit to Julius’ demands earns her a painful, humiliating strapping on her bare bottom, but his mastery of her body arouses her intensely and she is left longing for more as he claims her in every way.

  Despite his strict discipline, Rose looks forward to the day Julius will make her his bride, and she jumps at the opportunity to take up residence nearer to him. But when she arrives in London, Rose discovers that his plans for her have changed dramatically and she will be no more than a mistress. With her reputation already all but ruined, can she dare to hope that a better man will rescue her?

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  Examined and Corrected

  After she is caught in the midst of a scandalous indiscretion, eighteen-year-old Ginevra Audley is soundly birched in front of her finishing school classmates and then brought to Dr. Reginald Brown for further correction.

  She is made to strip completely and display herself shamefully before the stern doctor, and when she is disobedient during the intimate, humiliating examination, Ginevra is punished in the most embarrassing of ways. Once Dr. Brown is finished with her, Ginerva is handed over to a handsome young gentleman who will train her thoroughly and then take her as his bride.

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  Kept for Training

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  More Stormy Night Books by Emily Tilton

  The Count’s Discipline

  Geoffrey’s Rules

  Tamed by the Highlander

  Their Firm Men

  Bought and Trained

  Bred by the Spartans

  Her Doctor’s Orders

  An Extreme Marriage

  Breaking Abigail

  At Leo’s Command

  Her True Lord’s Claim

  The Emperor’s New Pony

  The Outlaw’s Daughter

  Old-Fashioned Values

  Stolen by Her Master

  Under His Watch

  Trained at the Castle

  Her Shameful Audition

  An Indecent Awakening

  Saved by the Highlander

  Controlling Caitlin

  A Punishment Exam for Jane

  Buying His Mate


  Bought by the Doctor

  Bound and Initiated

  An Indecent Voyage

  The Sergeant’s Claim

  A Legacy of Dominance

  Thoroughly Trained

  Shared by the Barbarians

  A Wife’s Correction

  Begging to Be Owned

  His City Girl

  Governing His Bride

  Reformed for the Senator

  A Punishment Marriage

  In Loco Parentis

  Drastic Measures

  Their Wayward Wives

  His Little Troublemaker

  Five Naughty Little Girls

  Claimed by the Machine

  A Concubine for the Trillionaire

  The Immortal’s Pet

  Tamed by the Sheikh

  The Correctional Program

  Taken from School

  His Old-Fashioned World

  The Oak Street Method: Wendy

  The Billionaire and the Wedding Planner

  Shared by the Billionaires

  The Oak Street Method: Ginnie

  Her Old-Fashioned Husbands

  The Mercenary’s Girl

  Sold to the Billionaire

  In Need of a Master

  The Oak Street Method: Frankie and Mary

  Trained by the Trillionaire

  Theirs to Use

  The Oak Street Method: Heather

  Emily Tilton Links

  You can keep up with Emily Tilton via her blog, her Twitter account, her Facebook page, and her Goodread
s profile, using the following links:








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