Love's Distance

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Love's Distance Page 3

by Flynn Eire

  “I have,” I grumbled, thinking of all the times I’d jacked off in the shower.

  Wally knew exactly what I meant too and adjusted his neck. “Lifting weights by yourself can only build up the muscles in your arms so much. When you do it with a spotter, it’s more intense, so take the edge off first. Stretch out, whatever. You get what I’m saying?”

  “Is that what you did?”

  “No,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Wish I had sometimes or had been smart enough to ask someone like you’re doing. I tried to handle it all myself and nearly crashed and burned. From what I get, there’s two kinds of people. Either they get nervous and finish too soon, too easily, or they have trouble finishing until they’re comfortable with their partner or know what they’re doing.”

  “Apparently I’m the first,” I drawled, my cheeks heating up.

  “Apparently the first can turn on some more experienced men,” Wally hinted, his eyes shining. I raised an eyebrow at that one and he nodded as he cleared his throat. “Makes them feel like studs as if they’re so awesome we can’t hold it in.”


  “Oh yeah,” he chuckled. “Sometimes I prime myself before I know we’re gonna—you know. It gets him so wound up that I walk funny the next morning.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Don’t you ever tell him I said that though.”

  “Dude, we never had this conversation. Guys don’t talk about this stuff.”

  Wally snorted. “Amen to that, brother.”

  We headed inside, and while I felt somewhat better, I still had a lot on my mind and was kinda spinning out. There was just so much to think about.

  That was probably why I didn’t drag Lloyd—Theo’s nemesis—out of his house right away when the guy showed up to put on a show at Councilman Ashton’s funeral. I was thrown by the fact the idiot made such a scene in front of the humans, trying to poke holes in Theo’s cover. That was a huge no-no.

  We hauled him out to the garage, my new favorite place to hang out apparently, and I stepped away to turn on the lights.

  Only to be knocked against the wall when someone jumped on my back.

  “You won’t send your mate to the council,” Lloyd hissed as he fisted my hair and yanked my head aside. My heart raced as I launched my fist back and punched him. “You’ll be my bitch now and do whatever I want. You’ll need my bite to survive, warrior.” His words were a bit garbled from the punch, but he was still trying to accomplish his fucked up plan.

  “Get him off me!” I roared, panicked. “He’s trying to claim me.” I slammed Lloyd against the wall of the garage and he loosened his hold slightly.

  “No biting!” Zibon screeched. I saw the shovel coming and flinched but it continued past my head and crashed into Lloyd who went flying off me. I slid to the concrete, shaking as I saw Lloyd land hard on the ground. “No biting! You don’t bite people.” Zibon kept repeating it, sounding as freaked out as I felt as he whacked him a few more times.

  “He’s dead,” Roarke muttered, coming out of nowhere and taking the shovel from Zibon’s hands. “You smashed in his whole skull. That’s decapitation, kid.”

  I stared at Lloyd’s head, wincing at how flat it was. Yeah, that was pretty accurate all right. Zibon turned around and just about fell towards me. “Did he get you?”

  “No,” I whispered. “You?”

  “No. He wasn’t trying to bite me.” Zibon shook his head as he swallowed hard, as if trying to keep from vomiting. “His fangs were so close to your neck, I freaked. I thought they pierced. You let go of him for a second to turn on the lights and so did I because I thought they were on the other side of the door and he jumped. I’m sorry, man.”

  “It’s cool, he didn’t get me,” I repeated, checking my neck just in case. I would have felt it, of course, but yeah, I just needed to touch my neck or something.


  But I couldn’t stop checking my neck. Wow. What a weird thing to have freaked me out so badly. I mean, yeah, I guess being mated against my will was a pretty big threat and crime against a person. It wasn’t like a marriage that could be undone. My mind kept racing with all the thoughts as Sam came bursting through the door from the kitchen and took in the scene. I watched him though I couldn’t seem to hear what he was saying.

  Then suddenly he was in front of me, his mouth moving as he shook me.

  Still I didn’t hear anything, glancing between him and Lloyd. Sam turned my head back to him and kissed me. Just the barest brush of his lips on mine and I snapped out of it.

  “He tried to claim me,” I told him.

  “I know. You were in shock.”

  “Interesting way to pull him out,” Roarke chuckled. “That always work?”

  “Don’t be a dick, and help Zibon hide Lloyd in case someone else comes out here,” Sam snapped.

  “Fine, but I’m not kissing him,” Roarke joked. “Wally would be so pissed.”

  “He tried to claim me and make me his bitch,” I told Sam again.

  “You’re okay,” Sam whispered, cupping my cheek. “Even if he did, the council would have broken that bond. We can’t claim people against their will, remember?”

  That was the exact right thing to say. I let out a huge breath and suddenly felt like I could function again, nodding even. Sam helped me to my feet and made sure to walk closest to Lloyd’s body as he led me back into the house. I was okay by then, but it was a sweet gesture on his part. When we got into the kitchen, it was just Dottie there, the wise woman probably heard what was going on and kicked the human caterers out.

  “Is Lloyd…?” she trailed off. Sam nodded and the woman actually pumped her fist in the air. My mouth fell open. “Oh, I’m sorry for you, Bowie. I’m glad you’re okay, of course, but that demon was a danger to my boy.”

  “I understand, but please don’t act glad in front of Zibon,” I muttered, glancing at the door to the garage. “He’s going to be really torn up about this.”

  “Of course, but I promise Theo won’t be,” she chuckled. “I can’t think of anyone who will be. That man was a menace just like Councilman Ashton. This is a day for celebration.” Then she hurried over to the extra bottles of liquor and poured me a very large glass of a dark liquid. “Here, you drink this and take a few minutes to pull yourself together. I’ll leave you boys alone.” She handed it to me and then made herself scarce.

  “I can’t believe she called me a boy when I’m probably two hundred years older than her,” Sam chuckled, sitting down with me at the kitchen table. “She’s a trip. Very motherly, really sweet. Theo’s lucky to have her.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed before sipping the drink and wincing. “Wow that’s strong.”

  “Once more,” he suggested. I nodded and did it, blowing out a harsh breath. “You okay?” This time I shrugged and I hoped he knew I wasn’t talking just about Lloyd. “Did talking to Wally help?”

  He was smart enough to figure it out. I stared into his gorgeous eyes and then moved along his chiseled face, to his shorter, clean-cut light brown hair, before taking in his perfectly toned, muscular body now that I didn’t have to hide my staring. “I don’t know. I guess that depends on you and how you feel about what happened?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” he hedged. Again I shrugged. I couldn’t get my voice to work. How did I ask him if he found my coming so quickly sexy? That sounded like a question he’d have to say yes to. “Are you asking if I’m sorry I said what you were feeling was stupid?”

  I hadn’t but I gave a slight nod anyways.

  “Of course I am,” he murmured, moving closer and taking my hands in his. “I wouldn’t have been so insensitive if I’d known it was your first time with anyone, hon. And by the way, I think that’s so hot.”

  “What is?” I pushed, hoping this would give me the answers I needed.

  Sam shot me that same funny look as his thumb rubbed over my hand. Then his other hand moved to my thigh. “That your first time was with me.” He shivered slightly, a
nd I finally understood the look. He was turned on.

  By me.

  I glanced around and leaned in. “You like I’m still a virgin?” He nodded, his breath coming out faster. “Then why did you make such a big deal of it like I should apologize?”

  “Because I was shocked someone as sexy as you didn’t have a line of people begging to get in your pants,” he purred, his hand moving up my thigh. “Bowie, the way you reacted to me, how responsive you were, was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I know you were embarrassed, but I loved that my touch made you come like that.”

  And there it was. That was what I needed to know, what Wally had suggested. I felt my heart soar and now I knew what to say.

  “I dreamed of being with you so many times, Sam, I just couldn’t get control of myself,” I admitted, staring at him from under my lashes. His eyes filled with hunger, pure and raw, as his hand moved further up my leg so his fingers brushed my groin. “Sam, don’t. You could make me come again right here.”

  “You should,” he hissed as he leaned in closer. “I want to see it this time, Bowie. You hid from me and I didn’t get to see it. You tried to stop the pleasure I wanted to bring you. I want you spread out on the bed and to watch you come. I want to do it over and over and over again as many times as we can. Now that I know you’re still a virgin and you waited for me, I’m going to show you everything, treat you right, precious as you are, that you won’t ever have your needs not met.”

  Wow! I was panting, staring at him with wide eyes. “You really liked it that much?” He nodded. “There’s a bathroom right—”

  I was out of my chair and being dragged off before I could finish. I stumbled after Sam and down the hall. Then he just about threw me in the small half-bath, before closing us in. I gasped as he unzipped my cargo pants and shoved his hand in my boxer briefs.

  “Are you mine now, Bowie?” he growled. “No more running? No more hiding? You want to be with me?” I nodded as I leaned my hands back on the counter, staring at him with my mouth hanging open. I couldn’t get over this aggressive side to the sweet, kind Sam I knew.

  I loved it.

  “Jesus, you are like a drug,” he hissed as he stroked me, leaning in, and kissed my collarbone. “You came so fast because I pulled your hair, didn’t you?” I felt my cheeks flush so hot my vision swam as I looked away. “No hiding! Tell me.”

  “Yes, yes I loved it,” I admitted, my voice so quiet I barely heard it.

  His hand moved to my head, and he fisted my hair, yanking my head to his. “Then come for me now.” Then he mashed my mouth to his as he squeezed my hard cock as he jacked me off. My body listened, coming all over his hand. He swallowed my screams as I experienced the best orgasm of my life.

  But he didn’t stop. My dick stayed hard and he kept stroking me.

  “Pull up your shirt,” he ordered. I did and he leaned over and licked my nipple as he rested me back against the mirror. “You’re going to be quiet this time so I can watch you come, hon. I like that you’re loud, but I don’t want anyone else to hear you, to share you, okay?”

  “I’ll try,” I gasped, melting, my body not being used to such teasing.

  “Good. Try hard.” He gave me a feral grin as he glanced down at my cock. “You got huge in all the right places, Bowie. I can’t wait to feel this in my ass. I love to ride a big cock. I know you think I like little guys, but I don’t. It was an oddity that I was attracted to you when you were a pre-trans. I like big men.”

  I swallowed loudly and closed my eyes, hating that what I was about to say might ruin our fun but needing to anyways. “So I’ve heard. I’ve heard you’re up for anything.”

  He froze but then kissed each of my nipples slowly, lovingly. “Are you mad? I thought you didn’t want me, Bowie. I was trying to move on. It was just sex.”

  “No, not mad,” I muttered. “We weren’t together or anything. I’m just getting this different picture of the Sam I thought I knew.”

  “A bad picture?”

  “No, just one I don’t know what to make of.” I opened my eyes and stared down at him. “I don’t know what I’m doing here, Lasam.” He blinked at me when I used his full name. “I don’t want to get played or end up a mess like Wally. I’m trying to be honest and talk to you about things instead of running. I’m just not sure I’m doing this right so I’m sorry if I’m not.”

  “There’s no right or wrong, but you’re not being a jerk or throwing things in my face,” he assured me. Then he took a deep breath and let go of my hair, but kept stroking my dick. “Yes, I like to be in charge in bed, but not with hook-ups. It’s more with people I’m serious with. I’m serious about you, Bowie. You got under my skin from the moment we met.” I nodded. “But I won’t always want to be in charge. Sometimes I want you to take control and ravish me.”

  I felt my face go pale. “I have no idea how to do that.”

  “You will. You won’t be inexperienced for long,” he swore to me. Then he shocked the fuck out of me by dropping to his knees and swallowing my cock. I shoved my fist in my mouth to keep quiet as I stared down at him bobbing his head as his violet eyes stared up at me.

  No, I didn’t hold out all that long. Sam swallowed every drop and then kissed me until I was mushy when he was done. He tucked me back into my pants and pulled down my shirt. He smirked at me as he reached for the doorknob but I moved my hand past him and kept it closed before I pinned him to the door.

  “You’re mine too now, right?” I murmured as I trapped his smaller frame against mine, feeling suddenly possessive. He went slack against me and I saw heat in his eyes.

  Apparently I did know how to turn the tables on him. He licked his lips and nodded. “Oh yeah. No one else, I swear, hon.”

  “Good.” I reached down and grabbed his ass, digging my fingers in as I buried my face against his neck. “So this is mine?”

  “Yes,” he gasped, his hands circling my neck. “Oh god, Bowie, yes.”

  I went with my gut and tried to play this out to give Sam what he seemed to crave. “I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve thought of you naked. Wanted to feel your ass around my cock since I transitioned. I might finish fast because it’s you and what you do to me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t fuck you all night, Lasam. I’m young enough to recover and just keep pounding into you until you’re done for.”

  “I love that you’re using my real name,” he moaned as he kissed up my neck. “As soon as the humans are gone, I’ll get myself ready and meet you in bed, okay? We’ll finally be together, hon. We’ll make love for your first time and then you can totally fuck my brains out all night.”

  “Thank you,” I choked out, touched he was so considerate of my virginity. I wrapped my arms around him and we held each other for a bit.

  Until someone knocked on the door to use the bathroom at last. Sam went out first, and I followed him, ignoring the shocked expression of the human woman who was standing there.

  At least she couldn’t tell the bathroom smelled like sex. That was something at least.


  Everyone was busy making arrangements for getting rid of Lloyd’s body or cleaning up after all the humans that had come over or something, but I noticed Theo wasn’t around. I went to check on him and found him sitting on a window bench in what looked to be the estate’s library.

  “You want to talk about it?” I asked gently, not wanting to startle him.

  “Not really,” he muttered. “I know it’s fair that I don’t feel bad Lloyd’s dead, that I’m glad for it even. Doesn’t make the guilt leave that I’m glad over a person’s death.”

  “Yeah, logic and the heart tend to conflict,” I chuckled as I sat next to him on the bench. “It’s really pretty here but I don’t think anyone would blame you if you didn’t want to stay, Theo.”

  He bobbed his head. “I was thinking about that. I don’t want to leave, maybe just gut it, clean the juju here, make it mine and Evan’s instead of the Ashton ranch or whatever.

  “I think that’s smart.” We sat for a few minutes and simply stared out the window.

  “You want something,” he said quietly and it actually made me jump. “I know when people want something, Sam.”

  “Sorry, I really just came to check on you,” I muttered, shaking my head. “I heard you say something earlier and it’s got me thinking, so I guess I do but that’s not why I came in here now. Today’s not the day, Theo. I’d never—”

  He chuckled and patted my arm. “Dude, I could use the distraction. I know you’re not some money-grubbing lobbyer. If there’s something you need, just spit it out.”

  “Need? No. Something I’ve been working on, playing with the idea of for a while.” I twisted my hands together and glanced at him. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but it’s hard not to sometimes with our hearing. I caught part of your conversation this morning with Evan about giving pot to the kids with cancer.”

  “You’re on my team for that?” He raised an eyebrow at that one.

  “No, not really,” I chuckled, leaning back against the paneling and pulling my feet up onto the seat. “I’m with you on skirting the rules at times.” I waited to see his reaction to that. When I saw only interest, I continued. “So, I don’t own a big fancy pharmaceutical company or have real capabilities, but on my own, at the infirmary, I’ve been working on some ideas and theories about extracting what the healing agent is in our saliva.”

  “You wouldn’t be sitting down with me if it was just an idea,” he accused as he pushed off the wall and sat up straight. “What have you really been up to?”

  “Am I talking to Theo or a councilman-to-be?”

  He looked hurt. “You know that answer.”

  “I have to check, Theo,” I sighed. “Well, okay, so I’ve been studying it, running cultures, how long it’s potent, likelihood it can be replicated, stuff like that, but I can only go so far on my own. It’s just something I’ve been playing with since we’re not allowed to insert ourselves into the human world or help them with anything paranormal that could out us.”


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