The Dedalus Book of Decadence, Volume 1: Moral Ruins

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The Dedalus Book of Decadence, Volume 1: Moral Ruins Page 23

by Brian Stableford (ed. )

  Then he put on his hat, and ran up to the Professor’s house with the rose in his hand.

  The daughter of the Professor was sitting in the doorway winding blue silk on a reel, and her little dog was lying at her feet.

  “You said that you would dance with me if I brought you a red rose,” cried the Student. “Here is the reddest rose in all the world. You will wear it to-night next your heart, and as we dance together it will tell you how I love you.”

  But the girl frowned.

  “I am afraid it will not go with my dress,” she answered; “and, besides, the Chamberlain’s nephew has sent me some real jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers.”

  “Well, upon my word, you are very ungrateful,” said the Student angrily; and he threw the rose into the street, where it fell into the gutter, and a cartwheel went over it.

  “Ungrateful!” said the girl. “I tell you what, you are very rude; and, after all, who are you? Only a Student. Why, I don’t believe you have even got silver buckles to your shoes as the Chamberlain’s nephew has;” and she got up from her chair and went into the house.

  “What a silly thing Love is!” said the Student as he walked away. “It is not half as useful as Logic, for it does not prove anything, and it is always telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true. In fact, it is quite unpractical, and, as in this age to be practical is everything, I shall go back to Philosophy and study Metaphysics.”

  So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.




  by Lionel Johnson

  The crystal flame, the ruby flame,

  Alluring, dancing, revelling!

  See them: and ask me not, whence came

  This cup I bring.

  But only watch the wild wine glow,

  But only taste its fragrance: then,

  Drink the wild drink I bring, and so

  Reign among men.

  Only one sting, and then but joy:

  One pang of fire, and thou art free.

  Then, what thou wilt, thou canst destroy:

  Save only me!

  Triumph in tumult of thy lust:

  Wanton in passion of thy will:

  Cry Peace! to conscience, and it must

  At last be still.

  I am the Prince of this World: I

  Command the flames, command the fires.

  Mine are the draughts, that satisfy

  This World’s desires.

  Thy longing leans across the brink:

  Ah, the brave thirst within thine eyes!

  For there is that within this drink,

  Which never dies.




  by Ernest Dowson

  Green changedto white, emerald to an opal: nothing was changed.

  The man let the water trickle gently into his glass, and as the green clouded, a mist fell from his mind.

  Then he drank opaline.

  Memories and terrors beset him. The past tore after him like a panther and through the blackness of the present he saw the luminous tiger eyes of the things to be.

  But he drank opaline.

  And that obscure night of the soul, and the valley of humiliation, through which he stumbled were forgotten. He saw blue vistas of undiscovered countries, high prospects and a quiet, caressing sea. The past shed its perfume over him, to-day held his hand as it were a little child, and to-morrow shone like a white star: nothing was changed.

  He drank opaline.

  The man had known the obscure night of the soul, and lay even now in the valley of humiliation; and the tiger menace of the things to be was red in the skies. But for a little while he had forgotten.

  Green changed to white, emerald to an opal: nothing was changed.




  by Eugene Lee-Hamilton

  There is a tale of Faustus, – that one day

  Lucretia the Venetian, then his love,

  Had, while he slept, the rashness to remove,

  His magic ring, when fair as a god he lay;

  And that a sudden horrible decay

  O’erspread his face; a hundred wrinkles wove

  Their network on his cheek; while she above

  His slumber crouched, and watched him shrivel away.

  There is upon Life’s hand a magic ring, –

  The ring of Faith-in-Good, Life’s gold of gold;

  Remove it not, lest all Life’s charm take wing:

  Remove it not, lest straightway you behold

  Life’s cheek fall in, and every earthly thing

  Grow all at once unutterably old.




  by James Elroy Flecker


  I had been awake for I know not how many hours that summer dawn while the sun came over the hills and coloured the beautiful roses in my mother’s garden. As I lay drowsily gazing through the window, I thought I had never known a morning so sultry, and yet so pleasant. Outside not a leaf stirred; yet the air was fresh, and the madrigal notes of the birds came to me with a peculiar intensity and clearness. I listened intently to the curious sound of trilling, which drew nearer and nearer, until it seemed to merge into a whirring noise that filled the room and crowded at my ears. At first I could see nothing, and lay in deadly fear of the unknown; but soon I though I saw rims and sparks of spectral fire floating through the pane. Then I heard some one say: “I am the Wind.” But the voice was so like that of an old friend whom one sees again after many years that my terror departed, and I asked simply why the Wind had come.

  “I have come to you,” he replied, “because you are the first man I have discovered who is after my own heart. You whom others call dreamy and capricious, volatile and headstrong, you whom some accuse of weakness, others of unscrupulous abuse of power, you I know to be a true son of Æolus, a fit inhabitant for those caves of boisterous song.”

  “Are you the North Wind or the East Wind?” said I. “Or do you blow from the Atlantic? Yet if those be your feathers that shine upon the pane like yellow and purple threads, and if it be through your influence that the garden is so hot to-day, I should say you were the lazy South Wind, blowing from the countries that I love.”

  “I blow from no quarter of the Earth,” replied the voice. “I am not in the compass. I am a little unknown Wind, and I cross not Space but Time. If you will come with me I will take you not over countries but over centuries, not directly, but waywardly, and you may travel where you will. You shall see Napoleon, Caesar, Pericles, if you command. You may be anywhere in the world at any period. I will show you some of my friends, the poets. …”

  “And may I drink red wine with Praxiteles, or with Catullus beside his lake?”

  “Certainly, if you know enough Latin and Greek, and can pronounce them intelligently.”

  “And may I live with Thais or Rhodope, or some wild Assyrian queen?”

  “Unless they are otherwise employed, certainly.”

  “Ah, Wind of Time,” I continued with a sigh, “we men of this age are rotten with book-lore, and with a yearning for the past. And wherever I asked to go among those ancient days, I should soon get dissatisfied, and weary your bright wings. I will be no pillar of salt, a sterile portent in a sterile desert. Carry me forward, Wind of Time. What is there going to be?”

  The Wind put his hand over my eyes.



  “This is our first stopping place,” said a voice from the points of flame.

  I opened my eyes expecting to see one of those extravagent scenes that imaginative novelists love to depict. I was prepared to find the upper air busy with aeroplanes and the earth beneath given over to unbridled debauch. Instead,
I discovered myself seated on a tall electric standard, watching a crowd assembled before what I took to be Birmingham Town Hall. I was disappointed in this so tame a sight, until it flashed across me that I had never seen an English crowd preserve such an orderly and quiet demeanour; and a more careful inspection assured me that although no man wore a uniform, every man carried a rifle. They were obviously waiting for some one to come and address them from the balcony of the Town Hall, which was festooned with red flags. As the curtains were pulled aside I caught a momentary glimpse of an old person whose face I shall never forget, but apparently it was not for him that the breathless crowd was waiting. The man who finally appeared on the balcony was an individual not more than thirty years old, with a black beard and green eyes. At the sound of acclamation which greeted him he burst out into a loud laugh; then with a sudden seriousness he held up his hand and began to address his followers:

  “I have but few words for you, my army, a few bitter words. Need I encourage men to fight who have staked their existence to gain mastery? We cannot draw back; never will the cries of the slaughtered thousands we yearned to rescue from a more protracted, more cruel misery than war, make us forget the myriads who still await the supreme mercy of our revenge.

  “For centuries and for centuries we endured the March of that Civilization which now, by the weapons of her own making, we have set forth to destroy. We, men of Birmingham, dwellers in this hideous town unvisited by sun or moon, long endured to be told that we were in the van of progress, leading Humanity year by year along her glorious path. And, looking around them, the wise men saw the progress of civilization, and what was it? What did it mean? Less country, fewer savages, deeper miseries, more millionaires, and more museums. So today we march on London.

  “Let us commemorate, my friends, at this last hour, a great, if all unwitting benefactor, the protomartyr of our cause. You remember that lank follower of the Newest Art, who lectured to us once within these very walls? He it was who first expounded to us the beauty of Birmingham, the artistic majesty of tall chimneys, the sombre glory of furnaces, the deep mystery of smoke, the sad picturesqueness of scrap-heaps and of slag. Then we began to hate our lives in earnest; then we arose and struck. Even now I shudder when I think of that lecturer’s fate, and with a feeling of respect I commemorate his words to-day.

  “On, then! You need not doubt of my victory, nor of my power. Some of you will die, but you know that death is rest. You do not need to fear the sombre fireworks of a mediaeval Hell, nor yet the dreary dissipations of a Methodist Heaven. Come, friends, and march on London!”

  They heard him in deep silence; there was a gentle stir of preparation; they faded far below me.



  At a point ten years farther along that dusky road the Wind set me down in a prodigious room. I had never before seen so large and splendid a construction, so gracefully embellished, so justly proportioned. The shape was elliptical, and it seemed as if the architect had drawn his inspiration from the Coliseum at Rome. This Hall, however, was much larger, and had the additional distinction of a roof, which, supported by a granite column, was only rendered visible from beneath by means of great bosses of clear gold. Galleries ran round the walls, and there was even a corkscrew balustrade winding up round the central pillar. Every part of the building was crowded with people. There seemed to be no window in the place, so that I could not tell whether or no it was night. The whole assembly was illuminated by a thousand electric discs, and the ventilation was almost perfectly planned on a system to me entirely strange. There was a raised throne at one end of the building, on which sat a King decently dressed in black. I recognised the green-eyed man, and learnt that his name was Harris, Joshua Harris. The entire body of the Hall was filled by soldiers in mud-coloured tunics and waterproof boots. These were the men that had conquered the world.

  As soon as the populace were well assembled the King made a sign to his Herald, who blew so sudden and terrific a blast with his trumpet that the multitude stopped their chattering with a start. The Herald proceeded to bawl a proclamation through his megaphone. I heard him distinctly, but should never have been able to reproduce his exact words, had not the Wind very kindly handed to me one of the printed copies for free distribution which it had wafted from a chair. The proclamation ran thus:

  “I, Joshua Harris, by right of conquest and in virtue of my intelligence, King of Britain, Emperor of the two Americas, and Lord High Suzerain of the World, to the Princes, Presidents, and Peoples of the said World, -Greeting. Ye know that in days past an old man now dead showed me how man’s dolorous and fruitless sojourn on this globe might cease by his own act and wisdom; how pain and death and the black Power that made us might be frustrated of their accustomed prey. Then I swore an oath to fulfil that old man’s scheme, and I gathered my followers, who were the miserable men, and the hungry men, and we have conquered all there is to conquer by our cannon and by our skill. Already last year I gave public notice, in the proclamation of Vienna, in the proclamation of Cairo, in the proclamation of Pekin, and in the proclamation of Rio Janeiro, that all bearing of children must cease, and that all women should be permanently sterilized according to the prescription of Doctor Smith. Therefore to-day, since there is no remote African plain, no island far away in the deep South Seas where our forces are not supreme and our agents not vigilant, I make my final proclamation to you, my army, and to you, Princes, Presidents, and Peoples of this World, that from this hour forth there be no child born of any woman, or, if born, that it be slain with its father and its mother (a fainting woman had here to be carried out), and to you, my terrestrial forces, I entrust the execution of my commands.

  “Joy then be with you, my people, for the granaries are full of corn and wine that I have laid up, sufficient for many years to come; joy be with you, since you are the last and noblest generation of mankind, and since Doctor Smith by his invention, and I by my wise pre-vision, have enabled you to live not only without payment and without work (loud cheers from the galleries), but also with luxury and splendour, and with all the delights, and none of the dangers, of universal love.”

  I expected this proclamation to be followed by an outburst of applause; but instead, the whole multitude sat calm and motionless. Looking round I was struck by the hideous appearance of mankind. It was especially revolting to look at the ears of the soldiers in front, who had their backs turned to me. These stuck out from the bullet-like heads, and made the men look like two-handled teapots on stands. Yet here and there appeared in the galleries some woman’s countenance beautified by the sorrows of our race, or some tall youth whose eyes expressed the darkest determination. The silence seemed to gather in folds. I was studying drowsily the Asiatic dresses and the nude people from Melanesia, when I heard a noise which I thought was that of the Wind. But I saw it was the King, who had begun to laugh. It was a very strange noise indeed, and very strange laughter.



  “You would perhaps like to stay here some time,” said the Wind, “and look around. You will then understand the significance of this generation more clearly, and you may observe some interesting incidents.”

  I was standing with one or two other people outside a pseudo-Chinese erection, which I at first took to be a cricket pavilion, and then saw to be the headquarters of a rifle club. I apprehended from the placards that I was in Germany, and inquired in the language of the country, which I understand very well, what was the object of this rifle practice, and whether there was any thought of war.

  The man to whom I addressed myself, an adipose person with iron-rimmed spectacles and a kindly, intelligent face, seemed surprised at my question.

  “You must be a stranger,” he said. “This is our very notable Vertildungsverein.”

  I understood: it was a Club for Mutual Extermination.

  I then noticed that there were no ordinary targets, and that the cadets were pointing the
ir rifles at a bearded man who stood with a covered pipe in his mouth, leaning against a tree some two hundred yards away.

  After the report the bearded man held up both hands.

  “That is to signify that he has been completely missed,” said the fat gentleman. “One hand, wounded; two hands, missed. And that is reasonable (vernunftig), because if he were dead he could not raise either.”

  I approved the admirable logic of the rule, and supposed that the man would now be allowed to go free.

  “Oh, yes, according to the rules,” he answered, “he certainly is allowed to go free; but I do not think his sense of honour would permit him to do so.”

  “Is he then of a very noble family?” I inquired.

  “Not at all; he is a scientist. We have a great many scientists in our club. They are all so disappointed at the way in which human progress has been impeded, and at the impossibility of a continuous evolution of knowledge-accumulation, that they find no more attraction in life. And he is dead this time,” he continued, shading his eyes to look, as soon as a second report had flashed.

  “By the way,” I asked, “I suppose you only exterminate - er - members of the club?”

  The fellow smiled with a little disdain. “Oh, it would be illegal for us to exterminate outsiders. But of course if you would like to join. …”

  “Why, that’s never a woman going over to the tree!” I cried.

  “Oh yes, we have quite a number of intellectual women and upper-class ladies of advanced ideas in the club. But I do not think that lady is an intellectual she is more probably a passion-wreck.”

  She was indeed a very handsome woman in the prime of life, dressed with a little too much ostentation and coquetry in a sleeveless, transparent white blouse and a skirt to match.

  My informant turned round to a skinny young student with hog’s-bristle hair, and made some vulgar jest about its “being a pity to waste such a good piece of flesh.” He was a super-man, and imagined, falsely I believe, that an air of bluff cynicism, a Teutonic attempt at heartiness, was the true outward sign of inward superiority. The young man fired, and the women raised the arm that was not shattered by the bullet. He fired again, and she fell on her knees, this time with a scream.


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