Legal Seduction

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Legal Seduction Page 5

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you,” he said. “Had they taken my baby and put her in foster ca...” He rubbed his forehead, emotion flitting across his face before he cleared his throat and continued. “I probably would be in jail right now. You have no idea what you did for us in there and I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you.”

  “I’m glad I could help.” Iris fidgeted under the heart-rending tenderness in his eyes. She still couldn’t believe she had agreed to be Tania’s guardian, but right now, seeing how grateful Nash was, she was glad she had volunteered. “The next few months are going to be interesting. I don’t have a clue as to how to take care of a teenager, especially one who is as sharp as Tania.”

  Nash chuckled and it was the first time in the past couple of hours that she’d seen some semblance of the powerful man from the day before. “Well, according to the judge, I’m not the person to ask.” A moment later, he turned serious. “I have to tell you, I wanted to strangle that guy. He clearly has bought into all that crap the media have everyone believing. The judge didn’t know a damn thing about me and as far as I’m concerned, he based his decisions today on misinformation. I’m not the self-centered, skirt-chasing playboy the media make me out to be. That guy has no clue about the number of nights I have sat up with Tania when she was sick, or how I never missed a piano recital, a parent–teacher conference or her basketball games.”

  Iris didn’t miss the bitterness behind his words and wondered just how far off the paparazzi in their rendering of Mr. Nash Dupree were. Listening to him now, he did not sound like the same man the tabloids depicted. He was describing a different person. She took it all in, but knew that time would tell and the real Nash Dupree would be revealed.

  “What happens now?” he asked.

  “Well, since the judge approved having one of the partners at my firm oversee Tania’s case, Noelle Beckett, who is also a good friend, will be working with us. We’ll take care of the necessary paperwork this afternoon.”

  Iris leaned her back against the wall and held her briefcase in front of her, resting against her thighs. If only she had known the judge would threaten to take Tania away, she would have prepared some type of defense. In a juvenile-arraignment hearing, the arbitrator had the authority to take the liberties that Judge Sanderson took. Iris glanced down at her black leather pumps and then up at Nash.

  “I’m sorry about what happened in there. Judge Sanderson is usually very fair. Considering the offense, I had no idea the hearing would go in that direction and I’m so sorry I didn’t better prepare you and Tania.”

  Nash stood in front of her, his muscular body blocking her view of people walking up and down the hall. “Attorney Sinclair—”

  “Iris,” she said. “Since we’re going to be coparenting over the next couple of months, we should probably be on a first-name basis.”

  He flashed that irresistible grin that made her pulse thump harder. “Iris...I hope you’re not blaming yourself for what happened in there, because I don’t blame you. If anything, without your quick thinking and willingness to step in and help us, the hearing would have gone a helluva lot differently.”

  Iris knew he was right, but still she didn’t like to be blindsided, and Judge Sanderson had totally caught her off guard. Now she and Nash had to make the best of the situation. Iris glanced up at Nash to find him studying her. She diverted her gaze and pushed away from the wall, hoping he would take a step back, but he didn’t. Instead of saying “excuse me,” she sidestepped him, but ended up grabbing hold of his arm when she tripped over his foot.

  All muscle and all man. His hand covered hers, which was still holding on to his arm. Electric jolts shot through her body.

  “Sorry.” She snatched her hand away. It had been over a year since she’d been with a man. What was she going to do with the butterflies that bounced around in her gut each time he looked at her with those intense hazel eyes? No man had the right to look so sexy. How was she going to handle the fact that she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck, rub her horny body against his and taste his enticing lips?

  “So, how do you want to do this?”

  Iris jerked her head up and stepped back. “What?”

  He laughed and put his hands out in front of him in mock surrender.

  “Can you relax? Please? You’re wound tighter than a sixty-year-old spinster on her first date.”

  There was that smile again. Iris relaxed her shoulders. She was in a hell of a lot of trouble if he had the power to disarm her with just a smile. That settled it. She needed to stay clear of Nash Dupree now more than ever in order to maintain some type of professionalism...and sanity.

  “Do you want to come by our house and get some of Tania’s things, or do you want me to drop her stuff off? Either way is fine with me, although I must warn you, she’ll probably want to pack herself. She pitches a fit when I even act like I’m going to step across the threshold of her precious sanctuary.”

  “Oh, uh, well,” Iris stuttered, “I thought that maybe we’d go to the office first to speak with Noelle, and then maybe we’ll head to your place.” Lord help me.

  Chapter 4

  Iris pulled into a long cobblestone driveway a few hours later, awed by the most spectacular two-story brick home that looked like something out of House Beautiful. She had been in the Johns Creek area only a few times, but hadn’t been in this part of exclusive multimillion-dollar homes.

  “You can park over there,” Tania said, pointing at the last of the four garage doors. Iris couldn’t understand why one person needed a four-car garage. As if reading her mind, Tania added, “Uncle Nash parks his precious Aston Martin Vanquish in this one and he rarely drives it. It was a birthday gift to himself last year.”

  “Wow, that’s some birthday gift.”

  Iris thought she had splurged on her $1,500 Louis Vuitton bag a few months ago, but that was nothing compared to spending almost $300,000 for a car.

  “Hey, ladies, come on in.” Nash opened the front door before Tania had a chance to use her house key. “Did Tania give you directions or did you have to fend for yourself because she was so engrossed in that phone of hers?”

  If Iris thought the infamous Nash Dupree looked tempting in a tailored suit, Nash in a short-sleeved polo shirt that stretched across his chiseled chest and hugged his rock-hard biceps was downright delicious. When did he have time to work out? From what she heard, he worked sixteen-hour days as she did, yet his body looked as though it had been masterfully sculpted, while she was barely able to maintain her size-eight figure. There was no doubt he participated in some type of physical activity. His long legs, encased in jeans that hung low on his hips and accentuated his thighs, were almost too much.


  “Huh?” Her eyes met his gaze and she realized he probably caught her gawking at his body. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so fascinated by a man. “Oh, I’m sorry. mind was somewhere else. What were you saying?”

  His mouth curved into a knowing smile. “I asked if Tania was able to get you here without being on her cell phone the whole ride.”

  A smile found its way through Iris’s embarrassment when she remembered how much she enjoyed Tania’s company during the ride. “She steered me in the right direction and I’m happy to say she didn’t get on her phone once. We talked all the way here.”

  “Now that I find hard to believe.”

  Nash closed the door behind them and Iris glanced around the impressive foyer. She took in the spectacular teardrop crystal chandelier and elegant twenty-foot columns that stood on each side of the entrance into the main part of the house. The imposing dual-curved staircases evoked the splendor of the room and drew her eyes up to the tall beamed ceiling.

  “Uncle Nash, you act like all I do is talk on the phone.” Tania’s vo
ice brought Iris back to the present. “Where’s Gram?”

  “In the kitchen.” Tania kissed her uncle on the cheek, dropped her backpack near the staircase on the right and took off around a corner.

  On the ride there, Tania had told Iris about their housekeeper, Ms. Dalton, and how she was more like a grandmother than anything else. When Tania’s parents died, Ms. Dalton stepped in to help Nash with Tania. Since Nash’s parents had died some years earlier, Ms. Dalton, a good friend of Nash’s mother since grade school, had made herself Tania’s honorary grandmother.

  “Your home is magnificent.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Did it come with the beamed ceilings or did you have the beams added?”

  “Added.” They stood between the curved staircases, gazing up at the ceiling. “We vacationed in Spain the year after we moved to Atlanta and the vacation house we stayed in had magnificent wood beams throughout the place. I vowed then that the next house I built or purchased would have them. Come on, let me show you around.”

  They roamed through one side of the first floor, Nash pointing out artifacts and artwork that he acquired during his travels, giving informative details about each. When they walked past a guest room—which was in addition to Ms. Dalton’s living quarters and the four bedrooms that he mentioned were upstairs―Iris wondered why three people needed so much space.

  “How tall are you?” Nash asked.

  Iris frowned. She wondered what brought on the unexpected question. They had just walked into his office.

  “Five...nine. Why do you ask?”

  He shrugged. “Just wondering.” He perched on the edge of his desk and studied her as she stood in the middle of his large, masculine office, trying not to fidget under his thorough perusal. “Did you ever consider going into modeling?”

  Iris laughed and turned away. “Yeah, right, like anyone would choose someone like me to model any of their fashions.” The floor-to-ceiling wall of books drew her attention and she walked over to them, fingering one of the vintage tomes that occupied a shelf of other antique volumes. “The only thing I would have going for me in that industry is my height.”

  With two long strides, Nash was standing before her. “What do you mean, ‘someone like you’?” he asked, his eyes narrowed and his hand on her elbow turning her to face him.

  Iris wondered if he was serious. “Nash, you of all people know the modeling industry seeks women who are not only tall, but who are reed-thin, who have a...” She threw up her hands. “Oh, I don’t know, a sexy walk and a drop-dead gorgeous face. I might be tall, but I have way too much meat on my bones. My hair is not straight enough, and I’m not pret—”

  “Don’t.” He cupped her face between his hands, his lips only inches from hers. “Don’t say it.”

  “Don’t say what?” she asked hoarsely, her throat suddenly dry. His nearness made her senses spin and she willed herself not to lean forward and connect her lips with his. All it would take is a small tilt of her head for their mouths to meet. She knew she should step out of his grasp, but her feet wouldn’t move. Heck, she could barely breathe. The intense heat from his gentle yet powerful touch against her face had her immobile. It was no wonder women flocked to him. Everything about the man exuded sex appeal and his touch, so tender, yet strong, sent a spark to every nerve ending within her body.

  “Don’t even think about saying you’re not pretty enough.” The pad of his thumbs stroked her cheeks, lulling her into a submissive trance.

  The night before, she had dreamed about kissing Nash, their lips mating with an intensity of two people who were madly in love.

  “You are one of the most desirable women I have ever laid eyes on,” he said, his head tilted and his mouth hovering over hers. “So whoever told you otherwise lied.”

  Then Nash’s mouth covered hers and spirals of ecstasy surged through her body. He kissed her slowly, as if he had all the time in the world. His lips caressed hers with a polished mastery, boldly taking what he wanted. Her body melted into his and she found she no longer wanted to pull away. His tongue tasted like wine and peppermint as it explored the inner recesses of her mouth, his soft, thick lips pleasing her way beyond her dream.

  He moved his hands from her face, one going to the back of her head, the other to her waist, pulling her close. The logical part of her brain screamed, Step away, Iris, but the passionate, deprived woman in her, who hadn’t been kissed this thoroughly in over a year, said, Go for it. Iris ran her hands slowly up his chest, loving the way his muscles rippled beneath her touch. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him, intensifying their connection.

  Her body pulsed as his mouth and hands stirred a sensuous flame within her that she’d never felt with another man. Growing up with two sisters who were constantly pursued by the opposite sex when no one ever gave her a second glance was enough to make her feel less than attractive. But within a short period of time, Nash Dupree had not only made her feel desired, but also sexy. At the moment, Iris wanted to throw caution to the wind and let him have his way with her.

  “God, you taste good,” he mumbled against her neck, his hands cupping her butt.

  A moan rose from the back of her throat when she felt his erection against her pelvis and her eyes flew open. Breathing hard, she jumped back and covered her mouth with her hands. What in the hell is wrong with me? His weak-in-the-knees kiss had made her forget where she was and who he was—the city’s most notorious playboy. The last thing she needed was to be pulled into his seductive web and then end up with her feelings hurt and her heart broken. Been there, done that.

  “Have dinner with me,” he blurted out and took a step forward while she took a step back.

  Her mind raced. She couldn’t have dinner with him. Not only was he a ladies’ man, he was her client’s guardian. Well, technically Tania was no longer her client since Noelle had taken over the case, but still...

  “No,” she said, out of breath, and moved farther away. She needed to pull herself together so that she could go in search of Tania and get the hell out of there. Being attracted to him wasn’t right, but damn if it didn’t feel good to be in his arms. A potent shiver of pleasure skittered across her skin as she recalled how amazing it had felt to be touched by him. She knew now more than ever that she would have to keep her distance. The unfamiliar feelings she was experiencing weren’t normal―she barely knew the guy and it would behoove her to discourage him from setting his sights on her.

  “Nash? Nash, where are you two?” A voice came from nearby and within seconds, a short, plump woman with a toasted-pecan complexion and a friendly smile stood just outside the office. “I had to come see the infamous defense attorney whom I have heard so much about since Tania walked in,” she said, and limped into Nash’s office.

  Nash was slow to turn away from Iris, but eventually did. “Sorry, Ms. D. I should have stopped by the kitchen with Iris before I started showing her around.”

  “Yes, you should have,” she scolded, her hands on her rounded hips. “No matter how hard I try teaching him and Tania good manners, sometimes it feels like I’m talking to myself,” she said to Iris.

  Nash towered over his affable housekeeper, and though Ms. Dalton wasn’t his mother, the love and respect that glittered in his eyes toward her couldn’t be missed.

  “Iris, if you haven’t already guessed, this is Ms. Dalton, our more-than-a-housekeeper.” Nash snaked one of his long arms around Ms. Dalton’s shoulders and pulled her close, placing a kiss against her temple.

  She swatted at him good-naturedly. “Don’t try to be all sweet and thoughtful now.” She winked at Iris. “How are you, my dear? It’s nice to meet you.” She hugged Iris and her warmth embraced her. That, along with the smells of vanilla and cinnamon, took Iris back to her childhood, when her foster mother would greet her with a hug at the door after school.

  “Thank you for what you did for Tania and Nash today.” Ms. Dalton leaned back, her hands on Iris’s upper arms. “Are you hungry? Sure you are,” she said before Iris had a chance to respond. “Dinner is ready. Let’s go.”

  Nash shook his head and chuckled. “She pitches a fit if we don’t eat while the food is hot,” he said, answering Iris’s questioning gaze while they obediently followed behind Ms. Dalton.

  * * *

  After dinner, Nash said goodbye to Iris and Tania and closed the front door behind them, and then leaned against it. He had had a hard time focusing throughout dinner with Iris sitting across from him. She had the most arresting eyes he’d ever seen, and remembering their kiss from earlier didn’t help. He couldn’t stop thinking about how good her soft lips had felt against his and how perfectly she fit in his arms. Had she not pulled away, there was no telling what would have happened in his office. He hadn’t planned to kiss her, but those eyes, those tempting lips and the innocence in her gaze drew him in.

  He released a weary sigh and pushed away from the door.

  “Now that’s the type of woman you need to be thinking about settling down with,” Ms. Dalton said when he returned to the kitchen.

  “Aw, Ms. D., don’t start,” Nash groaned. He rubbed his temples in preparation for the speech he knew was coming. It was a lecture he had heard more times than he cared to remember and the topic never changed—it was time he got married. The only thing different about this version is that she actually liked Iris, which was a first. Over the years, she hadn’t liked any of the few women he had brought around, especially Eve.

  “Iris is smart and cute, and I can tell she’s not going to tolerate any nonsense from you.” Ms. Dalton placed a second slice of sweet-potato pie on the bar in front of him and busied herself around the spacious kitchen. She wiped down the granite countertop near the sink and then moved to clear the stove. “And did you notice how well Tania responds to her? That little girl needs someone like Iris in her life. Who knows? This whole mess could be a blessing in disguise.”


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