Legal Seduction

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Legal Seduction Page 13

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Nash smiled at the woman and then turned back to Iris with a pleading look in his eyes. “Please,” he mouthed silently.

  Iris laughed and pushed away from the table, accepting his hand and allowing him to guide her to the semicrowded dance floor.

  “Happy birthday, baby,” Nash said and pulled her against his hard body. She was conscious of where his hands landed on her lower back, just above her butt. His touch sent a delicious shiver through her body.

  “Thank you. This was very thoughtful,” she said close to his ear.

  Iris had missed being in his arms. With Tania in her house, they tried to be on their best behavior, except for the time when Nash cornered her in the bathroom for a quickie. Tania knew they saw each other on occasion, but Iris didn’t want Tania to think of her as one of those women who allowed a man to stay overnight when their kids were in the house.

  She snuggled closer, her arms around Nash’s neck, loving how good and relaxed he made her feel. When he rested his cheek against hers, turning slightly and placing a tender kiss on the side of her face, she inhaled his fresh, clean scent and snuggled closer.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  Iris smiled. “You might have mentioned it once or twice.” She had worn a short black dress Janna had sent her a couple of weeks ago.

  Nash’s breath caressed the sensitive spot behind Iris’s ear as he held her securely against his hard body; Iris thought she would melt. The tenderness of his lips against her blazing skin was almost unbearable. A simple little kiss had her fantasizing about other areas she’d like for him to touch and remembering the night of their carpet picnic. Her heart raced at the memory.

  “May I cut in?”

  Iris’s eyes flew open. A fair-skinned woman with long auburn hair and light brown eyes stood before her. She looked vaguely familiar, but Iris couldn’t remember where she’d seen her before.

  “Do you mind?” she asked Iris, a small smile across her lips that didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Even if she doesn’t, I do,” Nash growled in a low, barely controlled voice. “What are you doing here, Eve?”

  Iris glanced at Nash, surprised by the tightening of his jaw and the lethal glint in his narrowed eyes. Before the woman could say anything, Ace, Nash’s bouncer-turned-bodyguard, appeared out of nowhere. Over the past couple of weeks, Nash had received several calls that he had assumed were pranks. It wasn’t until a threatening note showed up two days ago that he started taking the situation seriously. When the police admitted to not being able to pull any prints from the note, Nigel had insisted that Nash needed a bodyguard. The fact that the paparazzi had been showing up at the oddest times helped in the decision.

  “Please show Ms. Vanlough out,” Nash instructed Ace.

  “I’m not going away, Nash!” the woman seethed, ignoring the curious stares from nearby patrons and the fact that Ace was practically carrying her to the front entrance.

  Iris remembered her now. She was an actress who had appeared in a couple of movies a few years back and had recently landed a role on a television series. Iris would think that Eve would be concerned about her public behavior, but apparently not.

  Nash pulled Iris back into his arms and returned to dancing as if nothing had happened.

  “Care to explain?”

  “That was Eve Vanlough. She and I dated for a while, but we broke up earlier this year.”

  When he didn’t elaborate, Iris asked, “Does she know?”

  “Does she know what?”

  “That you guys have broken up. It looked as though she was still very much interested in you.”

  Nash slowed his steps and leaned back to look at her, still keeping pace with the slow song. “She knows. But so that you know, there is nothing—and I mean absolutely nothing—between her and me.” He placed a kiss on Iris’s temple and pulled her closer to him. “You’re the only woman I’m interested in.”

  Is this what she had to look forward to when spending time in public with Nash? Before her conversation with Noelle weeks ago, she had experienced women flirting with Nash and giving him second looks, but since he didn’t seem to pay it any mind, she hadn’t either. But this was different. This woman was someone he had actually admitted to dating. A woman who clearly wasn’t ready to let him go.

  She wrapped her arms tighter around Nash’s neck, hoping that he was telling her the truth and that he and Eve were over.

  “Come to my office with me,” Nash whispered, his breath warm against her ear.

  At that moment, the way his voice made her body tingle, Iris would have gone to the moon with him.

  She glanced at the stage, where Mikale had transitioned into his next song, continuing to sing as if Eve hadn’t just interrupted his set. Iris returned her gaze to Nash.

  “What about the rest of the show? I don’t know when I’ll get to hear Mikale live again, especially from this vantage point.”

  Nash placed a light kiss on her lips. “I promise you, sweetheart, this will not be the last time you see him perform. You have my word. Come with me.” He stepped back and tugged on her hand.

  She smiled at him and without a word they walked hand in hand toward his office She didn’t know what he had planned in his office, but if it gave her an opportunity to taste his sweet lips, she was all for it.

  Nash unlocked his office door and directed Iris into the large, dimly lit room, locking the door behind them.

  “So, what did you want to talk about?” Iris asked softly, her heart thumping loudly in her ears. She stood across the room from him and anxiety pulsed through her veins at the raw longing that gleamed in his intense hazel eyes. Suddenly she didn’t think talking was what he had in mind.

  He stared at her without speaking. His gaze traveled slowly down the length of her body and she fidgeted under the intensity of his stare, tugging on her tight-fitted off-the-shoulder dress. Suddenly, self-conscious of her hardened nipples pushing against the thin fabric, she folded her arms across her chest. She was being ridiculous, but he was making her hot all over.

  “Nash...” she breathed just as he took two long strides and pulled her against the solid length of his hard body.

  “I want you so bad I ache.” He ravaged her lips and made quick work of sliding her dress off her shoulders, and worked it all the way down her legs, barely taking his lips from hers. He finally let her up for air and helped her step out of the flimsy garment.

  She stood before him in her black strapless bra, barely-there matching panties, thigh-high nylons and black stilettos. His gaze raked over her hungrily and Iris’s insides melted like a stick of butter sitting on a windowsill during a hot summer day.

  By the way he hurried out of his clothes, it was clear that they weren’t going to spend the rest of the evening talking.

  * * *

  “Damn, woman!” Nash said huskily. Lying on the oversize sofa in his office, he rolled off Iris and onto his back. He pulled her into the crook of his arm and yanked the light throw from the back of the sofa down over them. “I think you’re trying to kill me.”

  “I could say the same for you.” Iris swung her arm across his waist, her rapid heartbeat pounding against his chest. “You were like a madman. What’s gotten into you? I could barely keep up.”

  Nash chuckled. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Dancing with you had me all excited, but seeing you in your sexy underwear―” he shrugged “―I just couldn’t control myself.”

  Never had he met a woman who fulfilled his intellectual and sexual appetite the way Iris did. They had only had sex once since the night that Tania and Macy set them up, and that was a quickie in the bathroom. Nash thought he would explode when he first saw her enter the club in her sexy outfit. It didn’t help matters that a few other men were checking her out. Nash had been quick to get to her and remove
all doubt that she was there alone. As soon as she’d entered, he’d planted a kiss on her that had a few nearby patrons whistling and telling them to get a room. He had thought for sure that Iris would give him a hard time about the public display of affection, but instead she had ducked her head and tried to hide a smile.

  “I’ll be right back,” Nash said and kissed Iris on her forehead before making his way to the en-suite bathroom. When he returned, he climbed back under the blanket and pulled her back into his arms. In the distance he could hear the band playing one of his favorite songs.

  “What are you thinking about?” Iris asked, cutting into his thoughts.

  “Not too much, but there is something I wanted to talk to you about.” Iris stiffened in his arms. “Relax, baby, it’s not bad.”

  “Then what is it?” She lifted up and Nash met her gaze.

  “I want to talk about us.”

  “What about us?”

  “Though I haven’t been with anyone since meeting you, I was wondering how you felt about us being exclusive.”

  She hesitated before speaking. “Are you sure that’s what you want? What about Eve?”

  “Iris, Eve is a nonissue. And to answer your other question, yes, it’s what I want. I have never felt for another woman what I feel for you. The more I’m with you, the more I want to be with you, but I need to know if you feel the same way.”

  Iris nodded. “I do. Nash, these past couple of months with you have been wonderful, and I’d like to see where this could go. Now that doesn’t mean that I’m not concerned about us being seen in public right now, and don’t get me started about that kiss you laid on me earlier.”

  Nash grinned. He knew she would bring that kiss up at some point. “So, Counselor, does this mean that we’re a couple?”

  Iris laughed. “Oh, I guess,” she said, feigning disinterest.

  Nash wrapped both arms around her and pulled her on top of him. “I’m thinking maybe we should seal this agreement with a little somethin’-somethin’.”

  “Ooh, I like the way you think, Mr. Dupree.”

  A loud knock at the door caused Iris to jump and pull herself out of Nash’s arms. She made a move to climb over him, no doubt to hurry and get dressed, but Nash stopped her. “Whoever it is, I’ll get rid of them.” He slid into his pants, not bothering with his shirt or socks. Only a few people had access to the hallway that led to his office.

  The persistent person knocked again and Nash hurried to the door, wanting to pummel whoever had ruined the moment.

  “What?” He swung the door open ready to launch harsher words at the intruder. At first no one was there, but then Nigel stepped in front of the doorway.

  “We have a situa...” he started, but stopped after a quick glance at Nash. “Uh...never mind. I’m sure I can handle it.” He turned on his heels and hurried away.

  Nash grinned and shook his head before he closed and locked the door.

  “So, where were we?”

  Chapter 13

  Iris pulled three evening gowns from her closet and laid them across the bed as she mulled over which one to wear. The night of her birthday, over two weeks ago, Nash had asked her to attend a fund-raiser with him as his date. Despite Noelle’s warning about them being seen together while Nash was dealing with his custody issues, Iris had accepted.

  “Where do you see yours and Nash’s relationship going?” Macy asked. She stood next to Iris, examining the evening gowns.

  “I’m taking one day at a time,” Iris said. “Of course I would love to get married and have a family one day, but I don’t want to jinx this. I want our relationship to naturally progress and if it leads to marriage, wonderful, and if not—” she shrugged “—I’ll look at it as an awesome experience.”

  Who was she kidding? If things didn’t work out between her and Nash, she would be crushed. He was the first man to ever make her feel special, make her feel desirable.

  “I’m sure Nash was as surprised as I was that you agreed to be his date for that upcoming Holding It Together annual fund-raiser. I attended it a couple of years ago and it’s a huge deal. A lot of movers and shakers will be there and this event is usually widely publicized. Are you ready to see another photo of you and Nash in a magazine or in one of the local newspapers?”

  Iris hadn’t thought of that, but she didn’t want to keep saying no to Nash regarding public appearances, especially one that supported single parents of children with leukemia. Last week she saw him in a photo with an actress who starred in Tyler Perry’s last movie and her heart dropped. Nash had explained that he and the woman had done a commercial together earlier that year and were friends. But that didn’t stop the tabloid from speculating that he was involved with the pretty actress.

  “I’m not sure I’m ready. I still question whether or not it’s a good idea to put our relationship on display, but I want these little hussies to know he’s off the market.”

  Macy’s eyebrows shot up and she jumped off the love seat. She pumped her fist in the air. “Go ahead, sis, claim your man! Let those little gold-diggers know what’s up.”

  They both burst out laughing. Iris didn’t know what she would do without her sisters. Since the death of her mother, Janna and Macy had been her rocks, and it didn’t matter that they weren’t biologically related; the bonds they shared were ones she would treasure until her dying day.

  They collapsed on the love seat. “I know I initially gave you a hard time about Nash, but I have to admit, I like him. He’s definitely not like I thought he would be; granted, all I had to go on was what I saw in those trash mags, but I can honestly say I think he’s a great catch.”

  Iris leaned over and bumped shoulders with Macy. “It means a lot to hear you say that. I like him, too...a lot. As a matter of fact, I think I’m in love with him, and it scares the heck out of me. What if he doesn’t feel the same way?”

  “Oh, please. I’ve seen the way Nash looks at you and how he treats you and I have to admit, I think he’s falling hard.”

  Iris grabbed hold of her sister’s arm and grinned. “You really think so?”

  “Girl, yes.” She stood and pulled Iris up with her. “Now, let’s get serious. We need to decide which of these gowns is going to knock the socks off your man tomorrow night.”

  * * *

  Nash stood at the bar nursing his second scotch, wondering what was taking Iris so long. This was the night of the Holding It Together fund-raiser. Two weeks ago, when he’d asked Iris to be his date for the event, he thought for sure she would decline and tell him they needed to keep their relationship quiet awhile longer. She’d shocked him by agreeing to attend, but called him a couple of hours ago and said that she would have to meet him and Tania there. One of her clients who was on probation had gotten into some trouble.

  Nash sauntered across the crowded ballroom of the Marriott Marquis toward his table. Dupree Enterprises was one of the major contributors for the event, sponsoring a table of eight for $4,000. As far as Nash was concerned, it was well worth it. Holding It Together had a good reputation of supporting its families. Now if only he could get his bad attitude together, maybe he could actually enjoy the evening.

  For the past couple of weeks, Iris had been the first thing he thought about when he woke up and the last thing he thought about when his head hit the pillow. It was freaking him out. Never had he ever felt so strongly for a woman, wanting to spend every waking hour with her. He was having a hard time adjusting to the unfamiliar need to know where she was and what she was doing at all times.

  “She’ll be here, Uncle Nash,” Tania whispered in his ear when he reclaimed his seat. It amazed him how intuitive she was. “And wait until you see her dress. It’s going to blow your mind.” She grinned.

  Yeah, that’s all I need. Iris in a sexy dress with other men gawking at her all n
ight. When had he become the jealous and possessive type? It was Iris. She was everything he wanted and needed in a woman, and it scared the hell out of him.

  As if his mind had conjured her up, Iris walked in and his stomach bottomed out. Breathtaking wasn’t a strong enough description to describe how she looked tonight. He didn’t understand how she could get more beautiful each time he saw her. She was an absolute knockout in a red, strapless ball gown with sparkling gems on the bodice of the dress; her hair was piled on top of her head with a few curly tendrils hanging in her face.

  “Close your mouth, man. Something might fly in,” Nigel teased when he walked back to the table carrying two glasses of wine, one for him and one for his wife.

  “I told you her dress was going to blow your mind,” Tania whispered again. “Doesn’t she look hot?”

  Not trusting himself to speak, Nash could only nod. He noticed Iris glancing around the large ballroom, looking for them. A small smile tilted her lips when she spotted him, and all the blood in his heart rushed to his groin when their eyes connected.

  He blew out a ragged breath. This woman did wicked things to him and he didn’t know if he would ever get used to the way his body reacted whenever she walked into a room. He stood and fastened his suit jacket. He needed to taste those ruby-red lips of hers; her bewitching smile tugged on his heartstrings like a master puppeteer.

  Nash had taken a step, but stopped and turned back to let Tania know that he’d return shortly. Three steps into his short journey to Iris, and the one person he didn’t want to see blocked his path.

  “Going somewhere?”

  His gaze traveled down the length of Eve in her white off-the-shoulder gown. The long, flowing material fell smoothly over her thin body, but Nash could honestly say she no longer had that loin-stirring effect on him.

  “Eve,” he greeted her drily. “As a matter of fact I was going somewhere. Excuse me,” he said, with all intention of walking around her.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” she asked, her hand gripping his arm.


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