Legal Seduction

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Legal Seduction Page 17

by Sharon C. Cooper

“I’m shocked they would implicate their son, knowing he would have to serve time.”

  “It sounds like he has a real bad drug problem. They tried rehab, but that didn’t work. They felt turning him in was the only way to help him. The mom suspected that he had started back on drugs, but didn’t know how bad it was until she found cocaine in his room.”

  “That’s awful,” Iris said and leaned against the back of her chair. Tania’s court date was scheduled for next Tuesday, and this was just the news they needed to ensure that all went well when they went before the judge. “I’m happy they found the person responsible for planting the drugs, but I hate seeing a family go through something like this.”

  Noelle stood. “Yeah, me, too. But there is a bright side,” she said over her shoulder on her way to the door.

  “What’s that, besides the obvious?”

  “You got a chance to meet Nash Dupree, who turned out to be the man of your dreams.”

  Iris smiled as Noelle walked out of her office. That was definitely the bright side. She couldn’t wait to tell him about the new development. She glanced at her watch. Four o’clock. Tonight was the grand opening of the new club and he wanted her by his side throughout the evening. She grabbed her jacket, purse and umbrella from the coat stand in the corner. She needed to head home so that she could make herself beautiful for her man.

  * * *

  Nash walked into his new club and a slow smile spread across his face when he heard the sounds of Bill Evans, one of the greatest jazz pianists, flowing through the house speakers. Nash whistled along with the smooth tunes of the CD, remembering why he loved jazz. He walked through the semidark hall toward the front of the building, admiring the finishing touches he saw along the way. Things had come together nicely.

  He made it to the dining area and glanced toward the stairs leading to the second floor where the VIP lounge was located. The electrician had finally fixed the lighting problem on the staircase. Now the lights between the wrought-iron railing slats illuminated a nice bluish color over each stair, providing just enough light to keep anyone from stumbling.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” Grant, the club’s manager, asked when he turned the corner and walked into the dining area.

  “I think so. Question is, are you ready?” Nash asked and shook his extended hand. Grant had been the assistant manager of Nash’s midtown club until Nash offered him the position of head manager of Platinum Pieces–Buckhead.

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” He laughed and leaned against one of the belly-bar tables, a white tablecloth draped over it. “But seriously, we’re all set. Ace is downstairs talking to the security team and I will be briefing the servers shortly.”

  “What about that black sofa in the VIP lounge? Did it get switched out?”

  “Yep, the company apologized profusely and said they don’t know how the mixup happened. They confirmed that six black leather lounge sofas with the cherrywood legs were ordered. They’re thinking that something must have gotten screwy when loading the truck. At any rate, it’s been taken care of.”

  “Good to hear.” Nash slapped him on the shoulder before he headed up the stairs to his office. “Oh.” He stopped and turned. “Iris should be here in about an hour. Let her know that I’m in my office.”

  “Will do.”

  Nash finished climbing the stairs and smiled. Maybe he and Iris could christen this space the way they had hers last week. There was definitely something appealing about making love to her in an office.

  He chuckled, pushed open his office door, and froze. “What the hell are you doing in here?” he roared.

  Eve stood near the small bar in the corner of the office, sipping a drink.

  “Hey, baby, can I fix you a drink?”

  The trench coat she wore, despite the seventy-degree weather outside, was tied at her waist. It revealed one long, tanned leg. Nash didn’t want to think about what she had on underneath, but knowing her, it wouldn’t be much.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked again, not bothering to ask how she got in. He was starting to think she was a ghost, able to walk through halls and walls without being detected. That was the only way to explain how she always managed to appear out of nowhere at the oddest times.

  He moved across the plush carpet and over to his office chair. Ace had installed an emergency button under the desk and if he couldn’t get Eve to leave on her own, he knew Ace would.

  “I came by to congratulate you on the new club...and to apologize.”

  Nash narrowed his eyes. Eve wasn’t the apologizing type, always feeling that people should bow down and worship the ground she walked on.

  She sipped her drink and sauntered to the front of the desk, twirling the sash that was barely holding her coat closed.

  “I know I have been giving you a hard time the past few months, and I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?” he asked, waiting for her to share the real reason for her sudden appearance. After her run-in with Iris, she’d showed up at his house late the same night, refusing to leave. Not only did he have to call the police to remove her from the premises, but the next morning he took out a restraining order against her. A call right now and he could have her arrested.

  “Why have you been stalking me?”

  “I haven’t been stalking you,” she said indignantly.

  “What in the hell would you call it?”

  She sat her glass down and folded her arms across her chest. “I’ve been trying to get you to understand that we belong together. Nash, can’t you see...I love you.”

  Anger crept up his spine. “So you have stalked me and set my club on fire because you’re in love with me?”

  She glanced down at the sash in her hand and said nothing. As far as Nash was concerned, her silence proved his hunch―she was behind it all. Up until a few minutes ago, he hadn’t been sure.

  She glanced up, tears lacing her eyelashes. “Nash, we were once very good together. I can’t believe you didn’t come to me when all those things happened to you. There was a time when I could make all of your worries go away, make you forget about the troubles of your day.”

  Nash stared at her, dumbfounded. “That’s what this was all about? You set stuff up to happen to me and then I’m supposed to run to you for comfort?” he roared and leaned forward, his palms on the desk. “Have you lost your damn mind?”

  A wicked smirk slid onto her lips. “Of course not, silly. But I think you probably forgot how much pleasure I brought you.” She undid the sash of her coat and it slid off her shoulders and onto the floor, leaving her with only a white see-through teddy on.

  “Get out of my office and stay the hell away from me!”

  Nash pushed the emergency button seconds before a quick knock came from the other side of the door and it swung open.

  “Nash, I have some good...” Iris said as she stepped into view, but stopped short. She glanced from Nash to Eve and then back at Nash, shock distorting her beautiful face. Her hand flew to her chest, tears welling in her eyes as she backed away. “How could you?” she said in a tone just above a whisper before she bolted out of the room.


  “Iris!” He hurried from around the desk and to the door. Ace showed up in that moment, his gun drawn, and blocked his exit.

  Nash swung back around to face Eve, anger driving his long strides toward her as fear showed on her face.

  “If anything happens to her, or if I can’t get her back―” his face was inches from hers as rage churned in his gut “―I will make you regret the day you ever met me.”

  He snatched his keys from his desk and glared at her before turning to Ace.

  “Have her arrested for harassment, ignoring a restraining order and...for arson. I want her ass behind bars.”

  * * *
r />   Iris sped down the street despite torrential rain pounding against her windshield. She couldn’t believe Nash would cheat on her. They hadn’t been back together a good week and he was already in the arms of another woman, and not just anyone. Iris wished she would have taken the time to scratch the little hussy’s eyeballs out before she bolted from the room.

  “How could I have been so stupid?” She slammed her hand against the steering wheel, tears clouding her view. She had trusted him and look where it got her! Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could someone who is supposed to be so smart not see this coming?

  She dodged in and out of traffic and hopped on the highway heading north toward Macy’s house. A bolt of lightning lit the sky and Iris jumped at the sudden roar of thunder. She decreased her speed as the rain came down harder, limiting her visibility even more. She swiped at her tears. She just needed to get away, needed time to think.

  Iris heard her cell phone ring. It had rung several times since leaving the club and she knew it was Nash. There was no way he could talk his way out of what she had seen with her own eyes. The sight of Eve standing before him in only that lacy getup was enough to make Iris want to throw up. A week ago, that was her standing before him in nearly nothing, prepared to give him anything he wanted.

  Her violent emotions matched the intensity of the storm brewing outside, and they gripped her with such force she thought she would die. Never had she loved a man as she had Nash. There was nothing she wouldn’t have done for him and this was the thanks she received! How could he? How could he throw away what they had after all that they had been through? He’d sworn to her that he and Eve were over, yet she was in his face the moment Iris’s back was turned.

  An hour later, Iris pulled into Macy’s driveway, hoping that her sister had already left for the grand opening. She would’ve preferred to go home, but Tania was there and Iris didn’t want Tania to see her like this again. Thinking of Tania made her cry harder. In a few days, Tania and Nash’s legal issues would be over and Tania would be back home with her uncle. This was not how things were supposed to end.

  Iris glanced in her rearview mirror and wiped her face, trying to pull herself together. Terrible regrets assailed her, but this wasn’t the first time her heart had been broken. She survived before; she would survive again.

  She grabbed her purse and bolted out of the car, running to the door as fast as her four-inch heels would take her. Searching for the key on her key ring, she prayed that Macy wouldn’t still be there. No sooner had she thought that, Macy swung the door open.

  “Where have you been?” she yelled. “I’ve been worried sick about you ever since Nash called and told me what happened. How could you just take off like that in this weather without giving him a chance to explain what you thought you saw?”

  “I know what I saw!” Iris stomped past her sister and didn’t stop until she reached the kitchen, not caring that she had tracked water into the house.

  “As an attorney, you know better than anyone that you don’t convict someone until you hear all of the arguments, or whatever the hell terms you people use,” Macy shouted, her arms flailing. “You already know that this Eve person is a troublemaker. Why would you take off like that?”

  “You didn’t see how she was dressed. I know Nash and how he feels about sex in his office.”

  Iris knew the moment the words left her mouth from the shocked expression on Macy’s face that she had said too much.

  “Well, don’t stop now, Iris,” Nash’s voice boomed from the doorway of the kitchen. She swung around, nearly tipping over on her heels, shocked to see him. “You didn’t tell her that you’re the only woman that I have ever made love to in any office or that you’re the only woman that I ever want to do that with.”

  “Okay, you know what―” Macy covered her ears “―this is way too much information.” She rushed out of the kitchen, but yelled, “And don’t you dare do anything on my kitchen counter.”

  * * *

  Nash wanted to be mad, but he couldn’t. Iris was dressed in the sexiest outfit he’d ever seen her in, and she took his breath away. The steel-gray strapless dress stopped a few inches above her knees and fit every inch of her curvaceous body to perfection. Despite her red, puffy eyes and her hair, originally pinned up on top of her head, but now curling around her shoulders, she was still the most beautiful woman in the world to him.

  “You look amazing,” he said and moved closer, encouraged that she hadn’t moved a muscle since he walked into the room. “What do I have to do to prove to you that you’re the only woman in my life, that you’re the only one I want?”

  She swallowed but didn’t speak. Her chest heaved, bringing more attention to her bountiful breasts, and Nash wanted to do just what Macy warned them not to do—take Iris right then and there.

  “I can swear on mine and Tania’s lives that I will never, ever want another woman the way that I want you, but somehow, I doubt that would be enough for you.” He stopped in front of her. Her enticing scent was doing wicked things to his body, sending sparks of desire to his every nerve ending.

  She still didn’t speak, so he kept going. “Maybe if I drop down on one knee—” which he did “—and ask you to spend the rest of your life with me, so that I can prove every day how much I love you and need you...then maybe you’ll believe me.”

  Keeping his gaze on hers, he pulled a small velvet box from the inside pocket of his tuxedo jacket. Tears streamed down her face, and her hands covered her mouth.

  “I had planned to do this at the club tonight, but my uninvited guest ruined my plans, so I guess I have to go to plan B.” He opened the black box and held it out. “Iris Marie Sinclair, would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  She cried out and lunged into his arms, practically knocking him over.

  “Yes, yes, I would be honored to be your wife.” She slung her arms around his neck and crushed her lips to his.


  Three months later

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Iris handed her wedding bouquet to Macy, her maid of honor, and then stepped into Nash’s arms. When his mouth covered hers, she melded her body against his and it was as if the rest of the world disappeared, leaving only the two of them. Every time he kissed her, he roused a passion that started at the top of her head and worked its way to the tip of her toes, making her want even more.

  His mouth teased hers, taking her lower lip between his teeth nipping, sucking and licking.

  Nash wrapped his arm around Iris’s waist and pulled her close to his side. He placed a kiss against her temple. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, Nash. I love you, too.” Tears rolled down her cheeks and Macy shoved tissues into her hands. Iris had thought for sure she would get through the wedding without crying, but Nash always found a way to do something sweet and unexpected.

  For the next few minutes, Mikale serenaded them, one song after another. If anyone had told Iris a year ago that she would be marrying the man of her dreams on a beautiful island, with the Caribbean Sea as the backdrop, she would have never believed it. She had once thought of her life as a nightmare, losing her mother at a young age, going from foster home to foster home, and then working long hours with no one to go home to. But now she was living a fairy tale.

  When the singer finished, he congratulated them and agreed to stay for the reception. Nash pulled her into his arms and kissed her again, promising to make their honeymoon a time to remember.

  “Okay, you two, save some for later,” Janna said from behind them and everyone laughed. Nash had flown her whole family to Ocho Rios, Jamaica. He had made a special trip to New Jersey to escort his new mother-in-law, who was afraid of flying, to the wedding. Mama Adel and Ms. D. got along beautifully, enjoying being around the “young folks,” as th
ey referred to them.

  “Everyone, may I have your attention?” the wedding planner said. “Once the couple and wedding party finish taking pictures, the reception will be held on the terrace.” She pointed to the area of round tables near the bandstand gazebo.

  When the photographer said he wanted a shot with her, Nash and Tania, Iris glanced around wondering where Tania had disappeared to. She finally spotted her, several yards away, staring out into the ocean.

  Iris squeezed Nash’s hand. “I’m going over there to check on Tania. I’ll be right back.”

  “All right.” He pulled her in for a kiss before releasing her hand. “Hurry back.”

  “Tania, honey, are you okay?” Iris asked when she got closer. She wrapped her arm around Tania’s bare shoulders. As one of the bridesmaids, Tania wore a light gray off-the-shoulder dress that stopped just below her knees. “Why are you over here by yourself?”

  She glanced up at Iris, tears lacing her eyelashes. “I was thinking how happy I am that you and Uncle Nash got married. Out of all of the women he dated, you’re the only one we both liked.”

  Iris chuckled. “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

  She was also glad that Eve was out of their lives, at least for now. They had hoped she would spend years behind bars, but it looked as if she would only pay a hefty fine and spend a few months in jail. Iris couldn’t care less what happened to her, as long as she stayed away from her family.

  “So you’re okay with us living under the same roof permanently?”

  Tania smiled. “Definitely. I always wanted to have a mom. I only remember bits and pieces about my mother. What I remember most were her hugs. Kinda like the way you hug me, making me feel safe and loved.”

  Iris wrapped both her arms around Tania and kissed the top of her head. “I will always love you. Actually, I should be thanking you.”

  “For what?”

  “For bringing us all together. Though I don’t want you to ever get into trouble again, I have to admit, something good came out of you getting picked up by the cops.”


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