Born Sinner (Se7en Sinners #1)

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Born Sinner (Se7en Sinners #1) Page 29

by S. L. Jennings

  My body trembled from the simple touch; anticipation from what we’d both denied each other was there in my mind. I knew now why he didn’t come to my father with a marriage proposal. This man was wicked, and his seduction was part of his play; another stepping stone to his endgame.

  “What did I do,” I whispered brokenly.

  I hadn’t expected to be pulled into his arms, or for his mouth to crush against mine with his sinful kisses, but both of those things happened, and before I could protest, he’d taken us both to the ground. I could feel the proof of his arousal, and the sound of fabric as it was ripped apart should have scared me.

  “You forced my hand, remember that,” he whispered barely above a breath. His mouth left mine and heat sailed through my body as his mouth clamped onto one nipple and then the other. I was voiceless, and only simple moans and whimpers would leave my lips. “You shouldn’t have been the one to come; it wasn’t supposed to be you,” he said as he lifted his mouth from my breasts and gave me a prodding stare. Those eyes, as beautiful as the wild dark ocean, could see through me.

  “I loved you,” I whispered brokenly as I tried to remember who I was with. He kissed me, and this time it wrecked me. I didn’t care that he was my enemy, or that he was the purest form of evil. In this moment, he was the man I’d fallen in love with.

  I felt his hands as they lifted the skirt and petticoats of the dress I wore, and his long fingers entered my slick flesh. A scream ripped from my throat as they plunged through my flesh into my heat, and the noise of anguish that sounded from his throat brought fresh tears to my eyes.

  “Don’t do this,” I pleaded, rocking my hips, enjoying the feel of his body connected to mine intimately.

  “This is mine, just as you will always be, sweet girl,” he murmured as I rocked my hips clumsily while he used his fingers wickedly. “What you opened wasn’t meant for you, but it can’t be allowed to grow,” he whispered as his mouth rained kisses over my jawline down where my pulse beat wildly. “You won’t believe me, but I did love you, until you betrayed me.”

  He pulled away from the kisses, and his fingers left the warmth of my body. I cried out with regret at losing the drug-like state and wept. “You betrayed me,” I choked out. “You lied about everything, even what you were. I trusted you, so you’re my demon to slay!” I screamed as he pushed his fingers back inside of me, stretching me. The knife he produced with his other hand came up and sliced through my palm, taking my blood. “No,” I whispered, shocked as his eyes began to glow and his smile turned cruel. “I curse you on this night. Before the first light of dawn you shall be returned to the fires of hell from which you came. My brothers and sister will finish what I have started, and you will be sent back to where you belong!”

  His features twisted angrily. “Hell cannot hold me, witch. I will return to complete what I have started, and you will die knowing that nothing you or your coven does will prevent me from succeeding.”

  “I will be reborn, and I will remember you,” I whispered with enough force that his smile faded.

  “You’re a fool if you think you can stop me, Katarina. You set forth your own doom, along with those who follow you. You will all be cursed to relive your failures, over and over again. From this day forth, any rebirth you have will be drawn to me. I will allow you to fall in love with me every fucking time. Your coven will watch it happen and they will be unable to help you. The evil you consumed will follow you as well, because of what you’ve done. Not even I have the power to undo what you’ve unleashed. So with every new life, you’ll be cursed to relive the past in your dreams—only, when you awaken, the dreams will become elusive. At the first sign of dawn, you will only remember fragments and never see my face until I allow it; but by then, it will be too late,” he finished.

  “Isn’t it enough that you plan to kill me once?” I questioned even as my traitorous body lifted for his touch.

  “One lifetime with you would never be enough,” he said with remorse in his eyes. “I was sent here follow a specific course, one set long ago; you were not supposed to be in my way. You were as much of a surprise to me as I was to you. That’s how you fooled me, though, wasn’t it? You used my need for you against me, and I promise you this, my little witch. It will never happen again,” he whispered as he sat up on his knees and looked down at me from above. “I really wish you hadn’t opened that box.”

  His hand cradled my face as I watched his eyes. He was eerily beautiful, and yet I could sense the power that oozed from within him. I was so lost in his beauty that I didn’t realize he’d still held the dagger until it was lodged in my heart.

  Shock registered and I grew cold and, thankfully, numb as he whispered his goodbyes.

  “I will kill you for this,” I whispered as blood filled my lungs. A smile formed on my lips as blood escaped and slid down my chin. “I won’t let you win.”

  I’d awoken from the dream, and he’d been there. He’d been on top of me, watching me as if he’d been flesh and blood. He’d smiled coldly and whispered the words that had turned my blood to ice. The game’s in play, sweet witch.

  Needless to say, sleep eluded me after that. I remained awake and as the dawn broke, I watched as the words disappeared from the journal and my mind.

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