Fight to the Top

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Fight to the Top Page 2

by S. L. Gape

  “What’s up gorgeous?” Glen asked, looking concerned and handing her a shot.

  “Err…,” she held out her hand to say no, then stopped herself. No sod it, I will stay and continue to have fun, she thought. “Nothing, my darling, cheers,” she clinked his glass and downed the shot. Bleurgh, that was bloody disgusting, what the hell had she just drank?

  “What do you want to drink?” Julia asked squeezing into the bar, even in her 6 inch heels. Her very slight height didn’t give her much in the way of tallness. Albeit, unfair of her to say given the equally high shoes, that Georgia was wearing.

  “Erm, it’s okay, I just had one,” she said.

  “No that was the shot, I’m getting the drinks. I’m a bit wined out, I think I’m going to have a gin and tonic,” she said, passing over the drinks she had already got and ordering more.

  “Gin and tonic? How old are you?” Georgia said smirking.

  “Thirty-six, you signed my thirty sixth birthday card. And I happen to like it,” she said seriously.


  She heard the voice and immediately turned around, fearful at the recognition swimming through her bones. “Hi! What are you doing here?” Georgia said, looking at her ex in front of her, standing next to what she assumed was her new girlfriend given the way she was ‘attached’ to her. Oh seriously. get a grip, you silly bloody dyke, you don’t have to be all possessive. I’m well aware she’s yours now, she thought.

  “We’re out with our friends,” she pointed. “How about you? I didn’t think you liked the village? Or socialising? Or leaving the office?” she said pointedly.

  Jesus it’s been three years and you’re still pissed? Georgia thought. “Well, you know. I guess things change,” she sighed.

  “Actually, we’re out celebrating. This fine specimen,” Julia said, grabbing Georgia’s arm, “Just got a promotion today. And so, we’ve brought her out to have some…well…,” Julia looked the women up and down. “Have some real fun, with some cute as fuck women. If you wouldn’t mind, this is a private party. Shoo shoo,” she said, shooing them with her hand, and turning Georgia back around, handing her a drink.

  Georgia couldn’t believe how abrupt and harsh Julia had been, equally she couldn’t stop herself from inwardly laughing.


  They were all laughing, completely stunned at the direct approach of Julia. “She’s actually fearless. If you blew on her, she’d fall over, yet she is doing stuff like that,” one of her marketing team said.

  “I still can’t believe she shooed her. That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Ohhh, I love this song, come on let’s go dance,” Glen said, grabbing two of the staff, who Georgia couldn’t quite place. Glen equally questioned whether they were actually staff, given they looked barely old enough to be employed. He didn’t care though; he was off to the area where the residents had decided to transform in to a dance floor.

  Georgia leaned back against the bar, observing everyone as they sang like their lives depended on it. ’Nothing’s gonna stop us now,’ was the song keeping them all adjoined and loving life. “Not joining them?” Julia said to her.

  “Erm, no, not really my thing.” She smiled, sipping her drink, clearly not enjoying it any longer.

  “Really? You don’t like this song? Oh, I love it… ‘and we can build this dream together, standing strong forever’ I love it. It’s the best song for pulling funny faces and singing your heart out, see?” Julia said, pointing to their colleagues laughing.

  Georgia leant down closer. “So, why aren’t you there with em?” she smirked, realising she’d startled Julia, who now looked embarrassed and stepped farther away from Georgia.

  “You know, just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I fancy every woman within my vicinity,” she said seriously.


  “Well, you were weird outside. Then I was leaning closer so you could hear me, given how loud you were singing and you flinched like I was going to do something to you.”

  “Georgia, I’m well aware you weren’t about to touch me. Nor, did I think you were outside. You startled me is all. I’m going to dance,” she said, leaving her empty glass on the bar and joining the rest of the crew.

  Chapter Five

  Georgia couldn’t remember a time she was up so late. She was going to pay for it the next day, she could already tell. However, she was not drunk enough to let her directors and senior members of staff, who were attempting to discreetly leave with the young women, go unnoticed. They had been hanging off their every word all night. She looked on, bewilderedly knowing that most of them had wives and girlfriends.

  “Right, you bailing too?” Glen asked, barely able to stand any longer.

  “I think, you should be bailing. But yes. I haven’t eaten, and I’m suddenly faced with some very angry tummy rumblings. I think I’m going to go and hunt down a late-night takeaway and go home,” Georgia said.

  “Ohhh, let’s go to curry mile. There’s taxis there, and it’s open all night. I could murder some Indian. Come on, the last three standing,” Glen held up his arms as if championing himself.

  Julia looked at Glen, concerned. “Hmm, sure you can manage that, buddy? I’m game, I’m bloody starving, too. I literally had a cocktail sausage and a satay stick from the buffet, but I’m unsure you can do it,” she said seriously.

  Glen was laughing to himself. “Didn’t think sausages were your thing?” he chuckled. “Anyways, yes, it’s fine. Come on, Georgia. You can come and have a final supper with us low levellers. I only live close by. I will drink water and eat, and then I hopefully won’t get too much of a bashing when I get home.” He smiled, falling backwards, causing the two women to grab each arm of his.

  “Well, I guess I have no choice, given the state you’re in. I am putting my foot down, we are drinking soft drinks,” Georgia said seriously, walking him over to the taxi.

  “Most of them you can only drink soft drinks, or bring your own booze in now anyhow,” Julia said, holding him up the other side.

  They got in the taxi and told the driver to go straight to curry mile, both women praying Glen would make it there without being sick.


  “Glen, you’re going to get us thrown out, and we’re starving. Come on, wake up,” Georgia scolded him. “Is he always like this?” she turned looking to Julia.

  “He’s always shitfaced, yes. To be honest, he doesn’t normally come with us to the final bar. Glen, your wife just called,” she said, smirking to Georgia.

  “What? Shit,” he said, opening one eye, rolling his head around like Churchill the nodding dog. “Stop moving you pair, it isn’t funny. Come on, stop playing silly buggers. Stop it! Ohhh, I can’t, I must leave. Ladies, it’s been a pleasure. I’m deeply troubled that I’m leaving you two alone, and I want stories,” he smirked, and pointed to them. “Lots of stories Monday,” he said, still smirking and pointing his finger, to what they could only assume was supposed to be them. “But my manhood is far too important to me. She will chop it off if I don’t get home immediately,” he said, falling backwards. “Ooops. Sorry there, mate,” he said, shaking the young man’s hand that he had virtually fell on, before he bounced like a pinball out of the restaurant.

  “Amazing! What the hell do we do with that food?” Georgia said seriously.

  “Well, you may as well take it, if you like it. You can have it over the weekend.

  “Why would I need it and you wouldn’t?” Georgia asked accusingly.

  “Erm, well, you don’t have to. I just thought that you…well you work a lot so it means you don’t have to worry about food,” Julia said shyly. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you,” she added quietly, scorning herself for pissing off her boss.

  Their starters arrived and the women sat in uncomfortable silence, enjoying the food. “Look, I’m sorry, I was out of line before. It was a nice offer, I just hate people thinking that I’m this sad, lonely sp
inster because I have chosen to work my arse off and make something of myself. I’m not saying I’m the only one. I know others are making things of themselves, but just because I choose this option and not the whole marriage, two-point-four kids, and white picket fence thing, equally doesn’t mean that I can’t look after myself.” Then she remembered the recollection of her regular empty fridge and polo’s diet.

  “On the contrary, Georgia, nobody thinks you’re a sad spinster. Everyone loves you, we all love working for you. I think people are only concerned and want you to let up, just a little, you know? Do this. Come out with us, just once a month? Get pissed and end up in an Indian at...” She looked at her watch. “Sodding hell, it’s quarter to three in the morning! Where did the night go? They…no, we all know and love you, and just want you to have a happy, healthy work life balance.”

  “Yeah, well I guess some of us aren’t built that way. Is it really quarter to three? Shit, I don’t think I’ve been awake this late since my twenties, unless it was work related,” she said distantly.

  “And that’s exactly my point. Foods good, isn’t it?” Julia said changing the subject.

  “Yes very, we may not have anything to wrap up of his,” Georgia said pinching more of Glen’s starter.

  “Good, I was starting to worry you had some eating disorder. You never seem to bloody eat,” she said half serious and half joking.

  “Yes, I know. I never appear to have time. It’s not healthy I know, but when I do eat, I really do as you can see.” She smiled, taking more food.

  “Well you could do with a bit of feeding up. So, are you up to much this weekend?” Julia asked.

  “Oh, you know, I need to do a few bits of work, and then, I will probably just relax. How about you?”

  “Do you not even have a break at the weekend?” Julia said sadly.

  Georgia had never felt bad about all the work she had put it, since she never really did anything outside of work. Tonight, she’d had a lot of fun, and strangely it was with people who were also highly driven. Hitting home, that maybe she could have a night out once a month and do something other than work, especially on a weekend. “Yeah ummm, not really, I guess I lost a lot of my friends and that when I started working so hard. I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. Weirdly I have kind of gotten used to it, and like it that way.”

  “I didn’t feel sorry for you, Georgia. I just think it’s unhealthy. Well, if you fancy something different, my friends are dragging me to a speed dating night tomorrow. You are more than welcome to come. The more the merrier,” she said, smiling.

  “Thanks for the offer. But, I don’t think too many men would be impressed that I wasted their two minutes, five minutes or whatever when I end it on, and oh, I’m gay,” she laughed.

  Julia went to say something when their main courses came up, so she didn’t continue.


  “Sorry, you were going to say?” Georgia said spooning the food on her plate. “As the food arrived?”

  “Ohhh, it doesn’t matter, it’s fine,” she said quietly.

  “What? No, say it. Please? I suddenly feel that I have done something to offend you. I can be very…blind, so I don’t want to worry I have offended you somehow. If I have done or said something, I need to apologise,” Georgia said, looking at her Marketing Director seriously.

  Julia sighed heavily. Putting her fork down. “There wouldn’t be any boys there,” she said.

  “Excuse me?” Georgia was confused.

  “You said you didn’t want to come to speed dating because the guys wouldn’t be happy. There won’t be lads there,” she said, tearing off a piece of naan bread and concentrating on her food again.

  Oh, you mean…?” she said, turning to look at Julia. “You’re gay?”

  Julia laughed sarcastically, shaking her head. “Yes, I’m gay,” she said.

  “Oh bollox, did I know you were gay?” she asked, more a question to herself than Julia. She was racking her brain. They had worked together a number of years, had she told her? Georgia would have remembered. Had Georgia just really offended her?

  “No, don’t worry, you didn’t know, you were completely unaware of my attempts to get you to notice me for my first couple of years here,” she said quietly.

  “Shit, what? You were flirting with me? Really? And I missed that. Did you make it clear? I’m so sor...,” Georgia said, putting her arm on Julia’s and feeling completely awful. She was a very attractive woman, well aside from the fact they would look horrific with the 2ft height difference. But she would never intentionally hurt anyone, and now she felt that she might have been a complete arsehole to this woman.

  “George, seriously relax. It was a long time ago. I’m over it now. I guess the more you ignored me, the more I wanted you. And you have nothing to apologise for. You are career minded, and you don’t let anything get in your way. For the record, I made it very, very clear,” she said, returning back to her food.

  “Career minded. Wow, that didn’t hurt one bit,” she sighed. “What do you mean, you made it very clear?”

  “I wasn’t looking to offend, this isn’t a ‘tit for tat’. I genuinely like you as a person. I’m not attracted to you, and it’s been great to have you be a part of tonight. But, I’m not after you any longer, so you can relax,” she said plainly. “Have you ever seen the movie love actually?” She looked at Georgia.

  “The interlinking one? Lots of stories? Christmas?” she responded confused.

  “Yes,” Julia laughed, surprised that she had time for movies. “Well, in the beginning the American woman, she’s into a guy in the office and everyone knows, including him. Well, it was kinda the same. Only, you were the only one whom didn’t know,” she said, raising her eyebrows as she returned to her food.

  “Wow,” Georgia said, putting her fork down and pushing her plate back.

  “Please don’t, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Julia said, concerned.

  “You didn’t. I don’t know what I’m more bothered about. The fact that I have not noticed a beautiful woman flirting with me, or the fact that I’m seemingly a self-obsessed arsehole, that clearly everyone is aware of,” she said sadly.

  Julia felt awful. “Listen, you really aren’t self-obsessed. I can assure you, none of us think that. And… thanks for the kind words,” she said, embarrassed. “Come on, let’s not waste a good night. It’s been a ball. Who knew you could be so much fun?” she smirked, banging her shoulder.


  After a few minutes arguing over who was going to pay, they eventually left, with Georgia winning the battle on the basis that she was clueless to years of wasted flirting.

  “So, which direction do you need to go in? You back in town?” Georgia asked Julia, unsure of where she lived.

  “No, I don’t live in Manchester, I need to grab a cab as I missed my last train. We can get a couple of taxis down here.

  “Why have you missed your train? It’s ridiculously late, where do you live?”

  “Oldham, and before you start, don’t flatter yourself?” she winked. “I do this every month remember, all the ‘sociable’ guys, we go out once a month. Each month, I miss my train and pay for a taxi,” Julia laughed.

  “Oh, Erm. I wasn’t thinking that, I wasn’t flattering myself. I… I certainly wasn’t assuming that you had stayed out just…to try…well, to try and get…well you know what I mean,” Georgia said.

  Julia stopped, turning to face Georgia. “No, I don’t actually,” she smirked. “Please enlighten me?”

  “Oh, piss off. Come on, you can crash at mine. I know you aren’t after me anymore, and I have a room. Tomorrow you can do the ‘walk of shame’ in the light, and get on the tram for a few quid, rather than forty quid for a taxi,” Georgia said, linking her arm through Julia’s, enjoying the time she’d spent with the woman tonight.

  Julia was ready to object, prior to Georgia linking their arms, but she just went with it. Granted,
she no longer had any romantic feelings for the beautiful woman. But they were still two single women, and she was incredibly hot, so if an opportunity arose, she certainly wouldn’t bat her away, Julia decided drunkenly.

  Chapter Six

  “Here you go. I’ve got some PJ’s for you, and I was going to ask if you wanted a drink, but it’s after three so I don’t think that’s probably the best idea I ever had,” Georgia said. “If you need anything else, help yourself. I have waters in the fridge. You’re lucky, I have been shopping. Normally, it’s empty. And there are spare, unopened tooth brushes in the main bathroom, just by the front door.”

  “Blimey, even organised at home. Must have a fair few unexpected guests to have a selection of spare toothbrushes,” Julia smirked.

  “Piss off. Right, I’ll let you crack on, I need to brush my teeth badly. There was far too much garlic in that food,” Georgia said, walking past Julia as they both stepped in front of the other at the same time.

  “Sorry,” they said in unison. Julia sidestepped the opposite way this time, just as Georgia did the same. They smiled at each other.

  “This isn’t awkward at all,” Julia said. “Apologies, I will stand still. You go where you need to.”

  Georgia shook her head, smirking down at the woman. “My room’s this way, therefore, I shall walk to my left,” she grinned.

  “Wow, was that an offer?” Julia walked backwards, raising an eyebrow to Georgia, who was looking back at her over her shoulder.

  She continued looking forward, shaking her head. “You’re ever so naughty.”

  “Ohhh, you don’t have a clue, boss.”


  One word, one bloody word was causing this much of a stir inside of her. She knew it was only the drink causing the reaction. This was all very new to her; drinking sociably, flirting, having a single, good-looking lesbian in her home at three-thirty a.m. You can’t do this, Georgia kept telling herself. Hearing the way she said boss in that alluring manner though. It wasn’t even the fact she called her ‘boss,’ many of her staff did. It was definitely how she said it. The way it rolled off her tongue, that naughtiness, the provocativeness to it. It wasn’t fair on her. She needed to stop reliving the words she was ‘over her now’. She couldn’t dare go near her, it wouldn’t be fair. But, God she was horny, she’d not been with anyone for ages. And the stress of the last couple of would have been the best blow out. No, behave. She turned over and covered her head with the pillow, before hearing the knock at the door.


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