Nils Holgerssons underbara resa. English

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Nils Holgerssons underbara resa. English Page 6

by Selma Lagerlöf

rollingmotion, but these creatures did not walk--they half ran. He grew mostalarmed, however, when he looked at their feet. These were large, andthe soles were torn and ragged-looking. It was evident that the wildgeese never questioned what they tramped upon. They took no by-paths.They were very neat and well cared for in other respects, but one couldsee by their feet that they were poor wilderness-folk.

  The goosey-gander only had time to whisper to the boy: "Speak up quicklyfor yourself, but don't tell them who you are!"--before the geese wereupon them.

  When the wild geese had stopped in front of them, they curtsied withtheir necks many times, and the goosey-gander did likewise many moretimes. As soon as the ceremonies were over, the leader-goose said: "NowI presume we shall hear what kind of creatures you are."

  "There isn't much to tell about me," said the goosey-gander. "I was bornin Skanor last spring. In the fall I was sold to Holger Nilsson of WestVemminghoeg, and there I have lived ever since." "You don't seem to haveany pedigree to boast of," said the leader-goose. "What is it, then,that makes you so high-minded that you wish to associate with wildgeese?" "It may be because I want to show you wild geese that we tameones may also be good for something," said the goosey-gander. "Yes, itwould be well if you could show us that," said the leader-goose. "Wehave already observed how much you know about flying; but you are moreskilled, perhaps, in other sports. Possibly you are strong in a swimmingmatch?" "No, I can't boast that I am," said the goosey-gander. It seemedto him that the leader-goose had already made up her mind to send himhome, so he didn't much care how he answered. "I never swam any fartherthan across a marl-ditch," he continued. "Then I presume you're a cracksprinter," said the goose. "I have never seen a tame goose run, nor haveI ever done it myself," said the goosey-gander; and he made thingsappear much worse than they really were.

  The big white one was sure now that the leader-goose would say thatunder no circumstances could they take him along. He was very muchastonished when she said: "You answer questions courageously; and he whohas courage can become a good travelling companion, even if he isignorant in the beginning. What do you say to stopping with us for acouple of days, until we can see what you are good for?" "That suitsme!" said the goosey-gander--and he was thoroughly happy.

  Thereupon the leader-goose pointed with her bill and said: "But who isthat you have with you? I've never seen anything like him before.""That's my comrade," said the goosey-gander. "He's been a goose-tenderall his life. He'll be useful all right to take with us on the trip.""Yes, he may be all right for a tame goose," answered the wild one."What do you call him?" "He has several names," said thegoosey-gander--hesitantly, not knowing what he should hit upon in ahurry, for he didn't want to reveal the fact that the boy had a humanname. "Oh! his name is Thumbietot," he said at last. "Does he belong tothe elf family?" asked the leader-goose. "At what time do you wild geeseusually retire?" said the goosey-gander quickly--trying to evade thatlast question. "My eyes close of their own accord about this time."

  One could easily see that the goose who talked with the gander was veryold. Her entire feather outfit was ice-gray, without any dark streaks.The head was larger, the legs coarser, and the feet were more worn thanany of the others. The feathers were stiff; the shoulders knotty; theneck thin. All this was due to age. It was only upon the eyes that timehad had no effect. They shone brighter--as if they were younger--thanany of the others!

  She turned, very haughtily, toward the goosey-gander. "Understand, Mr.Tame-goose, that I am Akka from Kebnekaise! And that the goose who fliesnearest me--to the right--is Iksi from Vassijaure, and the one to theleft, is Kaksi from Nuolja! Understand, also, that the second right-handgoose is Kolmi from Sarjektjakko, and the second, left, is Neljae fromSvappavaara; and behind them fly Viisi from Oviksfjaellen and Kuusi fromSjangeli! And know that these, as well as the six goslings who flylast--three to the right, and three to the left--are all high mountaingeese of the finest breed! You must not take us for land-lubbers whostrike up a chance acquaintance with any and everyone! And you must notthink that we permit anyone to share our quarters, that will not tell uswho his ancestors were."

  When Akka, the leader-goose, talked in this way, the boy stepped brisklyforward. It had distressed him that the goosey-gander, who had spoken upso glibly for himself, should give such evasive answers when itconcerned him. "I don't care to make a secret of who I am," said he. "Myname is Nils Holgersson. I'm a farmer's son, and, until to-day, I havebeen a human being; but this morning--" He got no further. As soon as hehad said that he was human the leader-goose staggered three stepsbackward, and the rest of them even farther back. They all extendedtheir necks and hissed angrily at him.

  "I have suspected this ever since I first saw you here on these shores,"said Akka; "and now you can clear out of here at once. We tolerate nohuman beings among us."

  "It isn't possible," said the goosey-gander, meditatively, "that youwild geese can be afraid of anyone who is so tiny! By to-morrow, ofcourse, he'll turn back home. You can surely let him stay with usovernight. None of us can afford to let such a poor little creaturewander off by himself in the night--among weasels and foxes!"

  The wild goose came nearer. But it was evident that it was hard for herto master her fear. "I have been taught to fear everything in humanshape--be it big or little," said she. "But if you will answer for thisone, and swear that he will not harm us, he can stay with us to-night.But I don't believe our night quarters are suitable either for him oryou, for we intend to roost on the broken ice out here."

  She thought, of course, that the goosey-gander would be doubtful whenhe heard this, but he never let on. "She is pretty wise who knows how tochoose such a safe bed," said he.

  "You will be answerable for his return to his own to-morrow."

  "Then I, too, will have to leave you," said the goosey-gander. "I havesworn that I would not forsake him."

  "You are free to fly whither you will," said the leader-goose.

  With this, she raised her wings and flew out over the ice and one afteranother the wild geese followed her.

  The boy was very sad to think that his trip to Lapland would not comeoff, and, in the bargain, he was afraid of the chilly night quarters."It will be worse and worse," said he. "In the first place, we'll freezeto death on the ice."

  But the gander was in a good humour. "There's no danger," said he. "Onlymake haste, I beg of you, and gather together as much grass and litteras you can well carry."

  When the boy had his arms full of dried grass, the goosey-gander grabbedhim by the shirt-band, lifted him, and flew out on the ice, where thewild geese were already fast asleep, with their bills tucked under theirwings.

  "Now spread out the grass on the ice, so there'll be something to standon, to keep me from freezing fast. You help me and I'll help you," saidthe goosey-gander.

  This the boy did. And when he had finished, the goosey-gander pickedhim up, once again, by the shirt-band, and tucked him under his wing. "Ithink you'll lie snug and warm there," said the goosey-gander as hecovered him with his wing.

  The boy was so imbedded in down that he couldn't answer, and he was niceand comfy. Oh, but he was tired!--And in less than two winks he was fastasleep.


  It is a fact that ice is always treacherous and not to be trusted. Inthe middle of the night the loosened ice-cake on Vomb Lake moved about,until one corner of it touched the shore. Now it happened that Mr.Smirre Fox, who lived at this time in Oevid Cloister Park--on the eastside of the lake--caught a glimpse of that one corner, while he was outon his night chase. Smirre had seen the wild geese early in the evening,and hadn't dared to hope that he might get at one of them, but now hewalked right out on the ice.

  When Smirre was very near to the geese, his claws scraped the ice, andthe geese awoke, flapped their wings, and prepared for flight. ButSmirre was too quick for them. He darted forward as though he'd beenshot; grabbed a goose by the wing, and ran toward land again.

  But this night the wild geese were not alone o
n the ice, for they had ahuman being among them--little as he was. The boy had awakened when thegoosey-gander spread his wings. He had tumbled down on the ice and wassitting there, dazed. He hadn't grasped the whys and wherefores of allthis confusion, until he caught sight of a little long-legged dog whoran over the ice with a goose in his mouth.

  In a minute the boy was after that dog, to try and take the goose awayfrom him. He must have heard the goosey-gander call to him: "Have acare, Thumbietot! Have a care!" But the boy thought that such a

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