Stranded with a SEAL

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Stranded with a SEAL Page 8

by Makenna Jameison

  “I’m decent now,” she said, smiling as he immediately turned back around.

  “Smoking hot is more like it,” he said with a low chuckle. “There’s nothing decent about it.”

  “Very funny,” she said, sticking out her tongue at him. She shimmied into her shorts and then pulled her tee shirt over her head. Her skin felt dry from spending the day in the salt water and sun. There wasn’t much she could do about it now though. Noah might have emergency supplies, but she doubted moisturizer made his list.

  “I’ve got a bottle of sunscreen,” he said, as if reading her thoughts.


  He reached into his backpack and tossed the sunscreen to her. She nabbed it from the air and then spread some over her arms, eyeing the dark clouds in the distance.

  “I don’t think this fire will last very long,” he said with a frown. “If this moves as quick as the other storm, we should probably gather up our few things and head for the trees to get some shelter.”

  “I don’t suppose you have a tent in your emergency supplies.”

  “That’s a negative, sunshine. I’ve got a couple emergency blankets though. We can huddle under one of those. And hopefully the canopy from the trees will provide some shelter. If it starts raining sideways or something though, we might get soaked.”

  She finished spreading sunscreen over her shoulders and then handed him back the bottle. Noah rounded up the few things they’d left scattered around, stuffing them quickly into his backpack as thunder rumbled in the distance.

  “Come on,” he said, reaching out and taking her hand.

  His thick fingers twined with hers, and she felt a jolt of electricity surge between them. Electricity that had nothing to do with the pending storm.

  Noah waited, watching as she stepped over a large piece of driftwood, and then they were hurrying toward the line of palm trees. A few fat rain drops began to fall from the sky and Bailey swiped them off her face, darting behind Noah under cover.

  They’d just gotten underneath when the heavens suddenly opened. She watched with disdain as the bonfire was suddenly out. Without a smoke signal or flare, they couldn’t notify anyone where they were. Of course, with the rain, she doubted anyone was out looking. Even if they had been searching, they’d have called it off.

  Noah sank to the ground, leaning back against the rough bark of a palm tree. “Come sit with me,” he said. She nodded, settling on the ground between his legs, her back to his chest. It was intimate and comforting resting against him. His muscular arms wrapped around her, and his legs splayed out beside hers.

  He was powerful and strong, yet always so careful around her. A perfect study in contrasts.

  She jumped in his arms as lighting cracked in the sky, and his lips brushed against her hair. “We’re fine, sunshine.”

  “You’re not supposed to be under trees in a thunderstorm,” she said.

  “I’m not sure we have many good options here.”

  “This storm is insane,” she said as they watched the rain pound down and the wind pick up, whipping leaves and debris through the air.

  “I don’t know, it’s kind of romantic sitting here watching the storm together.”

  She burst into laughter. “I didn’t take you for a romance kind of guy,” she said lightly.

  “I’m full of surprises,” he said, his voice husky. His arms tightened ever so slightly, and she relaxed further back into his strength and warmth. She could feel his chest rise and fall at her back, and even though they were outside in the middle of the storm, she inexplicably felt safer having him there. Having Noah hold her close in his muscular embrace.

  “I’ve watched some amazing storms from the bar,” she said, thinking of the view from the windows by the back deck. “Customers would run in to wait it out, or on particularly bad days, no one would be around. The other waitresses and I would hang out, just watching the ocean pound against the shore.”

  “I bet you’ve seen some great storms. Right there on the beach? It’s the perfect location. I’ll admit I enjoy storms more from dry land. We’ve trained in bad weather, out on ships in the middle of the ocean, and there’s nothing fun about it.”

  “What made you want to be a SEAL?” she asked.

  “I always planned to join the Navy after high school. The SEALs are the best of the best—special ops. The Army has Delta Force—the Rangers and Green Berets. SEALs are considered by many to be the most elite special ops group in the entire world.”

  “I can’t even imagine what kind of training you had to do to become a SEAL,” she said, watching the rain pound down on the beach around them. “I’m sure it was something awful.”

  “It’s tough. You’ve probably heard of BUD/S—Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL. There’s also parachute jump school.”

  Bailey shuddered. “You couldn’t pay me enough to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.”

  Noah chuckled behind her. “It’s a thrill like no other. Exhilarating. The high you get, when you’re falling through the air? Fucking awesome. Maybe not better than sex, but it’s a high right up there.”

  Bailey giggled, feeling herself flush. “Oh my God, Noah. Seriously? You did not just say that.”

  He chuffed out a laugh. “I did, and I was being brutally honest.”

  “Well let’s be real—nothing is better than sex.”

  “I’m with you there, sunshine.” He took hold of one of her hands, absently caressing circles on the back of it with his thumb. “But as much as I love sex, don’t worry. You’re safe here with me. I’d never do anything to make you uncomfortable.”

  “I know,” she said lightly, feeling shivers race down her spine at his touch.

  “I’m attracted to you,” he said huskily. “But I know we’re trapped here together. I know that you’re scared. My first priority is making sure you’re safe.”

  “Your first priority? Well, watch out for yourself, too. I don’t want to be stranded here alone.”

  “I’m good, sunshine. I’m used to roughing it. Pitching a tent in the desert. Hauling a rucksack around on deployments. Hell, did I tell you that even after you become a SEAL, you train for eighteen months? Only after that will they send you on deployment.”

  “Have you guys been together long? Your SEAL team, I mean?”

  “A few years,” he said, his voice low. She felt his head move behind her, as if he were nodding. “The Alpha team is stationed at Little Creek, too. Sometimes we work with them as well. But the guys on the Delta team are a tight-knit group. We’ve seen things we can’t even tell anyone about. We train together, fight together. It forges an unbreakable bond between us.”

  “I guess so. I can’t imagine risking my life with my coworkers. I mean, sure, we get drunks at the bar, but that hardly counts.”

  “I worry about you working late hours,” he said, briefly nuzzling the top of her head. “You’re a beautiful woman. And around all those drunk guys late at night? I don’t like it.”

  “Yeah. I imagine Mason worries about Taylor, too. That’s the nature of the job when you work as a waitress or bartender. I wouldn’t be happy in a nine-to-five job. I’m a night owl, so it suits me.”

  “I can’t imagine there’s ever a dull moment,” he said.

  “Nope. And I don’t even have to jump out of airplanes.”

  He chuckled, his deep laugh filling the air. The rain continued to fall from the sky, but sitting beneath the palm trees in Noah’s arms, Bailey felt safe. Secure. In their own little world. Part of her was terrified that it would be days, weeks, before they were found. But another part of her knew she wouldn’t want to be stranded on a deserted island with anyone other than him.

  Chapter 12

  Noah shifted in his sleep, his arms tightening around Bailey. Somehow after waiting out the storm and finishing off the MREs stashed in his bag, they’d fallen asleep together under the palm trees, Bailey tucked securely in his arms.

  Something felt damn right about holding
her close. Keeping her safe.

  She’d tugged his Navy sweatshirt back on over her shirt, but her bare legs were twined together with his. And all that soft, smooth skin against his own nearly made him come undone.

  His erection was pressing against her ass, and she stirred slightly, unconsciously pressing her bottom back against him.

  Noah stifled a groan.

  If they were together, he’d part her legs right now. Trail his fingers up her bare thighs, tug down those denim cutoffs and bikini bottoms, and sink deep inside her wet heat.

  She was so small compared to his much larger frame, and she fit against him perfectly, almost as if they were made to be together. Her hair still held the faint scent of coconut, and he inhaled deeply, wishing he could pull her even closer. Wishing they’d spent the night together by choice—not because they were stranded together on an island.

  Bailey stirred slightly, nestling even closer to him. “Noah?” she asked sleepily.

  “Right here, sunshine.”

  “I thought I was dreaming at first. Then I remembered where we were.” She yawned, rubbing her eyes.

  “You thought you were dreaming that I was holding you as you slept?”

  She laughed quietly, twisting in his arms so that they were facing each other. “Yeah. Is that weird?”

  “Not weird since it’s true,” he said with a low chuckle. “I have to admit, despite being out here, I haven’t slept that soundly in ages. I liked holding you close all night.”

  “Me too,” she said, her gaze meeting his.

  He watched her for a moment, wishing they didn’t need to get up and re-light the signal fire. Wishing they had a lazy morning together where they could make love. Her lithe body beneath his would be heaven.

  Stretching her out beneath him, exploring all of her, and then making her cry out his name suited him just fine.

  Except for the fact that she didn’t seem interested in a little vacation fling.

  Bailey sat up, stretching, and she brushed her hair back from her face. Noah sat up as well, stretching his legs out in front of him.

  “Ugh. I’m so salty and sandy,” Bailey said. “What I wouldn’t give for a nice, hot shower right about now.”

  “I found a waterfall when I was exploring some yesterday—can’t promise that its hot, but it’s fresh water. Let’s try to relight a fire, have some food, and go check it out.”

  “Try to relight the fire?” she asked, crinkling her nose in confusion. “Are we out of matches?”

  “It poured most of the night, sunshine. Everything’s soaking wet. We can look for more driftwood, but I doubt its dried enough for a fire. Maybe in a couple of hours we’ll have better luck.”

  “Oh,” she said, her face falling. Noah frowned, hating to see the sadness in her eyes. Her nose was slightly red from sunburn, and her tan was already deeper than before. There was a light dusting of freckles across her cheeks that he hadn’t seen yesterday either.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

  “You’ve got a few freckles on your face,” he said in a low voice, amused that she flushed slightly. Bailey always had a quick comeback for everything, but at the moment, she looked young and innocent.

  “God, I hate those,” she said, covering her face dramatically with both hands. “As if getting shipwrecked isn’t bad enough, now I have freckles to contend with, too!”

  Noah chuckled and reached over, playfully pulling her hands away. “Why do you hate them? They’re cute.”

  She tried to pull free from his grip, but he tightened his hands around her wrists. “Noah!” she said, laughing. “Let go! They’re not cute. No one wants to have freckles.”

  “Why would I let go? Maybe I want to look at your cute freckles all day,” he said with a wink. She pulled at his grip again, growing flustered, and Noah hauled her into his lap.

  Bailey gasped in surprise as his erection nudged against her center. “Can’t help it, sweetheart,” he said, releasing her wrists. “I’ve been hard since I woke up with you in my arms this morning.”


  He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. Enjoying the feeling of her straddling him. “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you speechless,” he said, his voice gravel.

  “It’s impressive,” she said, her green eyes lighting with mischief. “A girl certainly notices a thing like that.”

  “I’ve noticed you, too, sunshine,” he said, lightly grazing his knuckles over her cheek. Her breathing quickened at his touch, and before he frightened her away, he slowly ducked lower, giving her a chance to move away. Letting her have some of the control.

  But her lips parted slightly, and then his mouth was moving over hers. Tasting her. Claiming her as his own.

  Bailey whimpered as he kissed her, her hands clutching at his tee shirt. He wished she had on nothing but that sexy little string bikini, but there was something satisfying about seeing her in his Navy sweatshirt.

  Bailey was his.

  Whether she realized it now or not, he’d been ever so slowly falling for her.

  She smelled of coconut and the ocean, quite possibly the sweetest damn scent ever. Her long blonde hair trailed over his muscled forearms, and she squirmed in his lap, so that he could feel her heat against his hard cock.

  He teased her lips with his tongue, tasting the saltwater on them, and then she opened to him. Yielded. Bailey gasped as his tongue rubbed against hers, and he tightened his arms, pulling her even closer. She lightly bucked atop him, causing his cock to twitch.

  She was soft everywhere he was hard, and he wanted all of her. Now.

  She was so small that he could easily haul her onto his cock and let her ride him, if he’d thought she was ready to have sex.

  He lightly thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, showing her exactly how he wanted to claim her. Precisely how he’d make love to her. Her little whimpers and moans were driving him crazy, and he slid his hand up her side, beneath the baggy sweatshirt.

  Tugging the tiny triangle of her bikini top aside, he palmed her full breast, kneading and caressing the soft flesh. His thumb grazed over her taut nipple, and she whimpered and writhed atop him.

  “Let’s take this off,” he said huskily, and she helped him lift the sweatshirt over her head. Tossing it to the side, he undid the string behind her neck, letting her bikini top fall. She was beautiful and perfect—full, creamy breasts, whiter than the rest of her tanned skin. Her nipples were a beautiful rosy shade.

  She reached behind herself to untie the string at her back, inadvertently thrusting her breasts closer to him. Unable to stop himself, he caught her slender wrists behind her back, holding her in place, then ducked lower, sucking one taut bud into his mouth.

  She squirmed with pleasure, crying out his name in surprise.

  Her tits at his face were too tempting, and soon he was licking her nipples, teasing her mercilessly. She bucked on top of him, shamelessly rubbing her core against his cock, whimpering. He lightly rubbed his whiskered jaw over one breast, watching her shudder at the sensation.

  Hell. He’d barely even begun to touch her, and she was writhing on top of his lap like he’d been driving her crazy for hours. Like she couldn’t wait another moment for him.

  “I want to taste you Bailey—everywhere.”

  “Noah,” she whimpered, her eyes heated with lust and arousal.

  “Lay back for me, sunshine,” he said, his voice gruff. “Put your head on the sweatshirt. I need to taste your sweet pussy.”

  He helped her slide off his lap, and then she was lying back on the sweatshirt in the soft sand, her blonde hair fanning around her, her bare breasts bouncing lightly as she moved. Noah easily undid the button of her denim shorts, sliding down the zipper. Her trembling hands shoved them down, right along with her bikini bottoms, and then he was sliding them all the way off her shapely legs.

  She was completely bare at her sex, and he groaned at the delicious sight. Arousal d
ampened her lower lips, and he trailed his fingertips over them, watching in fascination.

  “Noah,” she pleaded.

  He lifted his fingers to his mouth, tasting her arousal, and groaned in satisfaction. “I’m all yours, sunshine. I want to taste you and tease you and make you cry out my name. I want to watch you come undone. I want all of you, gorgeous.”

  “You have me,” she breathed, her breasts rising and falling as he gazed down at her.

  He put her legs up and over his broad shoulders, spreading her wide for him. She was vulnerable and sexy as hell in this position. Bared to him. Soft. Wet. Perfect.

  Her pink, damp folds were the prettiest damn thing he’d ever seen.

  And he was dying to taste all of her. To feel her pussy quivering against his mouth as she came. To sink his fingers deep inside her molten core.

  He ducked lower, running his tongue up her slit as she whimpered for him, and then he parted her folds with his thumbs, revealing her fully to his gaze.

  Noah didn’t waste any time, just dove right in, pleasuring her. He lapped up all of her juices, trailing his tongue through her swollen folds, loving the little sounds of pleasure she made. She tasted like the sweetest nectar imaginable, delicious and just for him.

  And he didn’t want to just taste her. At the moment, he wanted to devour Bailey.

  Every gasp she made sent male pride surging through him, and his cock grew impossibly harder, straining against the confines of his swim trunks.

  He licked and lapped at her again and again, then trailed his tongue up to her tiny bud, circling it as she bucked against him in pleasure. He pushed closer, spreading her thighs even further with his broad shoulders. Having Bailey spread before him like this was a fucking wet dream come true. Her breasts bounced as she whimpered and writhed. Her creamy thighs were spread around his head. And her tiny cries of pleasure were nearly making him come undone.

  He flicked his tongue over her clit, and she screamed in pleasure.

  Not willing to let up, he gripped her hips, holding her in place as he moved his tongue faster and faster over her swollen bud. Laving against her. Forcing her to feel nothing but him.


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