kresh: savage, giant, yellow wolves
krill, the: enchanted sword of Loric, a mystery to the New Lords, wakened to power by Thomas Covenant
Kurash Plenethor: region once called Stricken Stone and later Trothgard
Kurash Qwellinir: the Shattered Hills
Lal: a Cord of the Ramen
Land, the: generally, area found on the Map
Law of Death, the: the separation of the living and the dead
Lena: a Stonedownor, daughter of Atiaran and Trell, mother of Elena
Lifeswallower: the Great Swamp
lillianrill: woodlore, or masters of woodlore
Lithe: a Manethrall of the Ramen
Llaura: Heer of Soaring Woodhelven
Loerya Trevor-mate: a Lord
lomillialor: High Wood, a wood of power
Lord: master of the Sword and Staff parts of Kevin’s Lore
Lord-Fatherer: Berek Halfhand
Lord Foul: the enemy of the Land
“Lord Mhoram’s Victory”: a painting by Ahanna
Lordsfire: staff fire used by the Lords
Lord’s Keep: Revelstone
loremaster: ur-vile leader
Loresraat: Trothgard school at Revelwood where Kevin’s Lore is studied
Lorewarden: teacher at the Loresraat
loreworks: Demondim power laboratory
Loric Vilesilencer: Old High Lord, son of Damelon Giantfriend
lor-liarill: Gildenlode
Lower Land, the: land east of Landsdrop
Maker, the: jheherrin name for Lord Foul
Maker-place: Foul’s Creche
Malliner: Woodhelven Heer, son of Veinnin
Mane: a Ranyhyn
Maneing: ceremony of becoming a Manethrall
Manethrall: highest Ramen rank
Manhome: main dwelling place of the Ramen
Marny: a Ranyhyn, Tuvor’s mount
marrowmeld: bone-sculpting
Mehryl: a Ranyhyn, Hile Troy’s mount
Melenkurion abatha: phrase of invocation or power
Mhoram: a Lord, later High Lord, son of Variol
moksha: a Raver, Jehannum, Fleshharrower
Morin: First Mark of the Bloodguard, commander in original Haruchai army
Morril: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Callindrill
Murrin Odona-mate: a Stonedownor
Myrha: a Ranyhyn, Elena’s mate
Oath of Peace: oath by the people of the Land against needless violence
Odona Murrin-mate: a Stonedownor
Old Lords: Lords prior to the Ritual of Desecration
Omournil: Woodhelven Heer, daughter of Mournil
One Forest, the: ancient forest which covered most of the Land
One Tree, the: mystic tree from which the Staff of Law was made
orcrest: a stone of power
Osondrea: a Lord, later High Lord, daughter of Sondrea
Padrias: Woodhelven Heer, son of Mill
Peak of the FireLions: Mount Thunder
Pietten: Woodhelven child damaged by Lord Foul’s minions, son of Soranal
Porib: a Bloodguard
Power of Command: Seventh Ward of Kevin’s Lore
Pren: a Bloodguard
Prothall: High Lord, son of Dwillian
Puhl: a Cord of the Ramen
Quaan: Warhaft of the Third Eoman of the Warward, later Hiltmark, then Warmark
Quest, the: the search to rescue the Staff of Law
Quirrel: a Stonedownor, companion of Triock
Ramen: people who serve the Ranyhyn
Ranyhyn: the great, free horses of the Plains of Ra
Ravers: Lord Foul’s three ancient servants
Revelstone: Lord’s Keep, mountain city of the Lords
Revelwood: seat of the Loresraat
rhadhamaerl: stonelore or masters of stonelore
Ridjeck Thome: Foul’s Creche
rillinlure: healing wood dust
Ringthane: Ramen name for Thomas Covenant
Rites of Unfettering: the ceremony of becoming Unfettered
Ritual of Desecration: act of despair by which High Lord Kevin destroyed the Old Lords and ruined most of the Land
Rockbrother, Rocksister: terms of affection between men and Giants
roge Befylam: Cavewight-form of the jheherrin
Rue: a Manethrall, formerly named Gay
Ruel: a Bloodguard, assigned to Hile Troy
Runnik: a Bloodguard
Rustah: a Cord of the Ramen
sacred enclosure: Vespers hall at Revelstone
Saltheart Foamfollower: a Giant, friend of Thomas Covenant
samadhi: a Raver, Sheol, Satansfist
Sandgorgons: monsters described by the Giants
Satansfist: a Giant-raver, Sheol, samadhi
Satansheart Soulcrusher: Giantish name for Lord Foul
Seven Wards, the: collection of knowledge left by Lord Kevin
Seven Word, the: power-words
Sheol: a Raver, Satansfist, samadhi
Shetra Verement-mate: a Lord
Shull: a Bloodguard
Sill: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Hyrim
Slen Terass-mate: a Stonedownor
Soranal: Woodhelven Heer, son of Thiller
Soulcrusher: Giantish name for Lord Foul
Sparlimb Keelsetter: a Giant, father of triplets
springwine: a mild, refreshing liquor
Staff, the: a branch of Kevin’s Lore studied at the Loresraat
Staff of Law, the: formed by Berek from the One Tree
Stonedown: a stone-village
Stonedownor: one who lives in a stone-village
Stricken Stone: region of Trothgard before renovation
suru-pa-maerl: a stone craft
Sword, the: a branch of Kevin’s Lore studied at the Loresraat
Sword-Elder: chief Lorewarden of the Sword at the Loresraat
Tamarantha Variol-mate: a Lord, daughter of Enesta
Terass Slen-mate: an elder of Mithil Stonedown, daughter of Annoria
Terrel: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Mhoram, a commander of the original Haruchai army
test of truth, the: test of veracity by lomillialor or orcrest
Thew: a Cord of the Ramen
Thomin: a Bloodguard, assigned to Lord Verement
Tohrm: a Gravelingas and Hearthrall of Lord’s Keep
Tomal: a Stonedownor craftmaster
treasure-berries: aliantha, nourishing fruit found throughout the Land
Trell Atiaran-mate: Gravelingas of Mithil Stonedown, father of Lena
Trevor Loerya-mate: a Lord
Triock: a Stonedownor, son of Thuler
Tull: a Bloodguard
turiya: a Raver, Herem, Kinslaughterer
Tuvor: First Mark of the Bloodguard, a commander of the original Haruchai army
Unbeliever, the: Thomas Covenant
Unfettered, the: lore-students freed from conventional responsibilities
Unhomed, the: the Giants
upland: plateau above Revelstone
Upper Land: land west of Landsdrop
ur-Lord: title given to Thomas Covenant
ur-viles: Demondim-spawn, evil creatures of power
Vailant: former High Lord
Vale: a Bloodguard
Valley of Two Rivers: site of Revelwood
Variol Farseer Tamarantha-mate: a Lord, later High Lord, son of Pentil, father of Mhoram
Verement Shetra-mate: a Lord
viancome: meeting place at Revelwood
Viles: sires of the Demondim
Vow, the: Bloodguard oath of service to the Lords
Ward: a unit of Kevin’s Lore
Warhaft: commander of an Eoman
Warlore: “Sword” knowledge in Kevin’s Lore
Warmark: commander of the Warward
Warrenbridge: entrance to the catacombs under Mount Thunder
Warward, the: army of Lord’s Keep
Wavenhair Haleall: a Giant, wife of Sparlim
b Keelsetter, mother of triplets
Waynhim: tenders of the Waymeets, Demondim-spawn but opponents of the ur-viles
Whane: a Cord of the Ramen
Wightwarren: home of the Cavewights under Mount Thunder
Winhome: lowest Ramen ran
Woodhelven: wood-village
Woodhelvennin: inhabitants of a wood-village
Word of Warning: a powerful, destructive forbidding
Wraiths of Andelain: creatures of living light that perform the Dance at the Celebration of Spring
Yeurquin: a Stonedownor, companion of Triock
Yolenid: daughter of Loerya
Books by Stephen R. Donaldson
“The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever”
Lord Foul’s Bane
The Illearth War
The Power that Preserves
“The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant”
The Wounded Land
The One Tree
White Gold Wielder
“The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant”
The Runes of the Earth
Fatal Revenant
Against All Things Ending
The Last Dark
“Mordant’s Need”
The Mirror of Her Dreams
A Man Rides Through
“The Gap Sequence”
The Real Story
Forbidden Knowledge
A Dark and Hungry God Arises
Chaos and Order
This Day All Gods Die
The “Axbrewder/Fistoulari” novels
The Man Who Killed His Brother
The Man Who Risked His Partner
The Man Who Tried to Get Away
The Man Who Fought Alone
Short Story Collections
Daughter of Regals and Other Tales
Reave the Just and Other Tales
Table of Contents
Title Page
What Has Gone Before
Part I: Revelstone
1: “The Dreams of Men”
2: Halfhand
3: The Summoning
4: “May Be Lost”
5: Dukkha
6: The High Lord
7: Korik’s Mission
8: “Lord Kevin’s Lament”
9: Glimmermere
10: Seer and Oracle
Part II: The Warmark
11: War Council
12: Forth to War
13: The Rock Gardens of the Maerl
14: Runnik’s Tale
15: Revelwood
16: Forced March
17: Tull’s Tale
18: Doom’s Retreat
19: The Ruins of the Southron Wastes
20: Garroting Deep
Part III: The Blood of the Earth
21: Lena’s Daughter
22: Anundivian Yajña
23: Knowledge
24: Descent to Earthroot
25: The Seventh Ward
26: Gallows Howe
27: Leper
Other Books by This Author
Thomas Covenant 02: The Illearth War Page 55