Stolen Destiny

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Stolen Destiny Page 8

by Viola Grace

  He held himself deep and groaned low as he throbbed into her.

  She flexed her hands. When he lifted his head to her, she was surprised to see that his eyes were glowing violently. “Wow. I could use you as a nightlight.”

  He smiled. “I can see my eyes in yours.”

  She was going to say something, but he kissed her, and it was a slow and careful kiss. He released her arms and lifted her to hold her against him as he walked to the bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him to her as their slow kiss continued. She nipped and licked at his lower lip, grazed his tongue, and tangled her fingers in his hair. He lowered her to the bed, and his hands worked at the straps holding her skirt. The touch on her clit receded, and she gasped in disappointment.

  Kalek grinned. “Don’t worry. It’s still there.”

  She blushed, and he withdrew from her completely. He removed her skirt, and his fell straight. She muttered, “So, did keeping your clothing on help?”

  He grinned. “It did, but now that I know that restraint is not what you need, I will not make that decision again.”

  She perked up and carefully closed her thighs. “Yup. Restroom is necessary.”

  He blinked. “Why?”

  “You are all over me and seeping out of me. I just want to minimize the fusion for tomorrow morning.”

  He chuckled. “Most of the cum inside you will absorb into your body. It is only the repetition that has created the current issue. Do you need help standing up?”

  “Yes, please.” She took the hand he held out and got pulled to her feet. Slow, idle rivulets of cum snaked down her inner thighs.

  He looked down and raised his brows in surprise. “That is unusual.”

  She walked slowly down the hall. “You are going to have to explain what is unusual when I get back.”

  She cleaned up, washed her face, and pressed a cool cloth to the bite marks on her shoulder. Her eyes were bright. Weirdly bright. She stared in the mirror and saw a tiny speck of light inside her pupil. She should probably see medical.

  Sil checked out the rest of her and didn’t find anything she wasn’t expecting. She walked back out to the bedroom, and he was settled under the sheet that rode up on his hip. The clothing was gone.

  “You cleaned up?”

  He nodded. “Force of habit. A new outfit for Jornal’s arrival is already in the package area. I will be wearing something similar to this evening’s clothing.”

  He lifted the edge of the sheet in invitation. She climbed into the bed and gravitated straight toward him. He pulled her against him, and they cuddled together. She looked up. “So, what was unusual?”

  He chuckled. “The number of productive emissions and the volume. I have not experienced that before. They don’t precisely tell us what having a matched companion will be like.”

  “How does that work? Being Hmrain.”

  “We wake with all the knowledge to start our journeys on the world that we are initially assigned. We have a transport waiting, and we know that we need to either find a people or develop ways to make the world habitable. Some of us wake on a station, but others wake on worlds only knowing what we are. The only consistent thing in our design is that we all have wings of some sort.”

  She stroked his blue skin with its dark gold stripes. He had muscles in some interesting places that were close enough that she didn’t consider him truly alien. He was simply pretty.

  “Now, a question for you. What is tickling?”

  Sil blushed. “Uh. Would you believe it is a firm handshake or a pat on the butt?”

  He emitted a small laugh. “Since you just gave me an option... no.”

  “Uncontrolled laughter response. Closely relating to a panic response.”

  He stroked his fingers down her back. “How is it triggered?”

  “Light or deliberate touches on nerve clusters. Every person is different. It can be triggered by a light caress or a rapid motion of the fingers.”

  He skated his fingers over her, and he frowned with concentration. “Where?”

  “I would rather you didn’t know.”

  He lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “Where?”

  She made a face. “Bully.”

  He sighed. “I haven’t seen it before and am curious.”

  Sil blinked. “Oh. In that case.” She reached and took his hand, placing it on her ribs and the curve of her hip.

  She reached out to his arm and drummed her fingers against his bicep. “Do that.”

  He lightly flexed his fingers, and she twitched. He did it again, and she snorted, trying to ease away.

  He smiled in delight. “Where else?”

  She grumbled and showed him that she reacted to the back of her knees, soles of her feet, and under her breast.

  Kalek smiled. “Can you control it?”

  “Of course, or I would have been giggling my ass off.”

  He curved his hand down and around her butt. “It comes off?”

  “It was a euphemism.”

  He smiled and kissed her, worked his way down her neck, and flattened her back on the bed as he tugged on her breasts until she threaded her hands in his hair and arched against him. He kissed his way down her belly and draped her legs over his shoulders. She stroked his wings with her toes as he used his tongue on her and in her.

  He used his tongue and fingers to drive her over the edge as he stroked areas that were already sensitive from their previous coupling. She moaned and rocked her hips until she gasped and whimpered softly.

  He licked her slowly twice and then moved up her body to take her in his arms.

  She sighed and curled against him. “Be prepared for me to freak out when I wake up.”

  He nodded. “I will deal with that when you wake.”

  The world got fuzzy around her, and she fell asleep in his arms.

  * * * *

  Kalek looked at his prize with her breath caressing his chest. Jornal might threaten or bluster, but he was not leaving the ship with Silhouette. Kalek had absorbed enough energy from her that evening to send Jornal through the hull. The meeting the following day was going to be interesting. Jornal was not known for his good temper, and this was going to make it worse.

  Chapter Ten

  Being kissed awake was a new sensation. She was eased out of sleep, and soft feathers touched her face and back.

  She sighed and turned away from his mouth, burying her face in his wing. He chuckled.

  Silhouette sleepily moved around and climbed over his bemused self to cuddle up against the wing lying behind him.

  He laughed. “Fine, you want me for my feathers.”

  She mumbled. “Partially. They just feel so nice against my skin.” She rubbed herself slowly against his wing and giggled when the other wing folded back and swatted her.

  He grumbled. “Come over here.”

  She smiled and ducked under his wing and tumbled to the bed in front of him. “Morning.” She picked up her braid with the feather tied in, and she brushed it across her lips.

  He pulled her against him and kissed her with far more intensity than the gentle brush of lips that had woken her. He lifted his head. “Good morning.”

  The light in the room had come up automatically, and she could see all of him at her leisure for the first time. She blinked. He was aroused. She would be blind not to notice that. “How did that go in?”

  She reached down and stroked his cock with a light touch.

  “It went in because you let it.” He murmured it.

  “So, where is that other thing?” She ran her fingers over him, and he shuddered.

  He sighed, and a small section of hide that she hadn’t known rose up and extended. She touched it, and the tip flattened into a pad and wrapped around her fingertip, massaging and flexing. It was on a thick stem that was only visible when extended. She giggled when it squeezed hard. She pulled her finger back, and the stem stretched quit
e a distance. “Oh, wow.”

  The suction started, and she blinked. She tried to get her fingertip loose so she could continue her exploration. She tried shaking it off, but it was on firmly. “Okay, I am done exploring.”

  He chuckled.

  She bent and licked the small appendage softly, he shuddered, and she licked it softly again. She tasted musk, salt, and something that made her heart pound. The appendage released and gripped the tip of her tongue. She laughed and closed her lips around it for a moment. It released quickly, and she leaned back, rubbing her tongue along her teeth.

  Kalek was blinking. “That was new.”

  She moved up against him, stroked his chest, and licked his neck. She faced him. “Familiarity breeds confidence; confidence breeds experimentation.”

  “That is quite a bit of breeding.” He smiled.

  She blushed. “So, when do we have to face Jornal?”

  Kalek groaned. “Two hours from now.”

  She slid her leg up the outside of his body. “So, no time for anything else?”

  He looked at her. “I want to take my time with you.”

  “Are you getting rid of me any time soon?”

  He grinned and shook his head. “No.”

  “Then, time is something we have.” She stroked his erection slowly. “I have a little extra energy this morning. Are you willing to help me with that?”

  He didn’t hesitate. He rolled her to her back and slid a hand between her thighs, groaning when he found her slick and ready. A few thrusts with his fingers proved her situation, and he slid into her with a low grunt.

  She held tight to him and rocked up to him as he thrust into her with a rapid beat. They slammed together for two minutes, and then, the waves of tension inside her started to break. She gasped and clutched at his arms, and he continued to thrust until he leaned forward and bit down on her shoulder while growling with his cock jerking inside her.

  She gasped as he slowly calmed down and released her flesh from the bite, licking at her shoulder. She grumbled. “What does the licking do?”

  “Assists in closing the wound and removes the venom from your skin.”

  She blinked. “Venom? You never mentioned venom.”

  He grinned. “I didn’t mention the sucker either. Surprise.”

  The smug look on his expression was extremely amusing, and she chuckled, but he was still inside her, and it was disconcerting. “Do you ever lose the erection?”

  He looked wary. “It doesn’t come off if that is what you are hinting at.”

  She snorted and stroked his left side with her right leg. “Not that, does it ever... is it ever not ready for sex?”

  “No. I am always simply waiting for the opportunity.” He smiled and nuzzled her cheek. “Now, we need to shower and change and get you something to eat.”

  “Um, you need to pull out of me first.”

  He groaned. “If Jornal puts one foot out of line, I am going to put him through the hull.”

  He slid out of her, and she closed her thighs. He helped her to her feet and held her for a moment before they began the bustle of the morning routine. He handed her a tablet. “Here is a map of the ship. You expressed an interest during dinner.”

  She smiled and looked at the map, flipping through the levels while he was in the shower. When he emerged, she eased past him, and she used the solar shower. She felt squeaky clean, but a step let her know that she was still seeping semen or whatever his mystery fluid was.

  She had undone the previous day’s braid and was walking along to the bathroom so she could brush her hair. She heard voices from the living area but shrugged and continued until she had untangled any friction-related snags.

  Kalek met her with clothing, and he smiled. “Nitska has offered to help you with your hair. She has the kind of pins you described and is skilled with braiding.”

  “So, I am getting fancy hair?”

  He grinned. “And formal clothing.” He unfurled the pack in his hand. “Hold still.”

  He dressed her in ninety seconds, complete with ribbons winding from her shoulders down her hands.

  The straps that held the breast band up left the bite marks from that morning and the night before clear.

  “So, what does your venom do?”

  He smiled. “It makes my feeding more efficient. It fine-tunes you. As does the emission, but the venom is faster.”

  “What does the... emission do?”

  “It works on your reproductive system. At this point, we are at the edge of compatible; the contribution you have received is closing the distance so that the next time you are receptive and I am in rut, progeny are more likely.”

  “Is that the end game? Little winged people?”

  He grinned. “It is. I think a little girl with your hair and my wings would be stunning.”

  She swallowed. “Geez. It is like they have told you that appealing to the idea of a smaller version of myself would be more convincing than a smaller version of you. I think either would be very cute.”

  He paused. “I think I am jealous of a creature that doesn’t yet exist.”

  She smiled and stroked his cheek. “How come you get to wear boots and a shorter skirt?”

  “Because I am not the companion of the captain of the ship.” He kissed her forehead.

  “It’s a pity. He’s a pretty nice guy, but he has a weird fashion sense.”

  He turned her around and swatted her butt. She called out, “Don’t tease.”

  Nitska was sitting at the dining table with a series of haircare supplies that looked a little odd in her hands. “I have volunteered to assist you in looking appropriate today.”

  “Um, how do you know how to do this?” She sat in the chair in front of Nitska.

  “Korvil has a lot of tourists, and braiding hair is one way to bring in some spare cash. Everyone does what they can to get a little more for their educations and families. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun world, but we all have to pitch in to take care of the visitors.”

  “Did Kalek already tell you what he wants?”

  Nitska chuckled. “He did. Byrcal formal. I have three younger sisters, so I can manage it in half an hour.”

  Nitska’s orange fingers got to work braiding, weaving, and pinning. She smoothed the hair down by dipping her fingers in water, and when she wove the feather into the back of her hair, Sil felt that her head was in some kind of a cage.

  “This would be easier if you had two mirrors, but it looks good. Nice and even. The captain said he would help you unravel it... later.”

  Sil snorted. “Of course, he did. At least I get to keep my feather.”

  “Your feather? It looks like one of the captain’s. Did you pull it out during a delicate moment?”

  “Um, when I was put in the cell next to his, I woke up with it in my hand. I had told him that his feathers looked soft.”

  Nitska walked around her. “And he just gave you one?” She whistled softly. “That is a first.”

  Sil didn’t do more than smile slightly when Kalek came back into the room with cuffs and one of those long robes with heavy embroidery on it. His boots were glossy black, and his skirt was the same type of heavy silk from the day before. He smiled and nodded. “Well done, Nitska.”

  She nodded. “I can help take the braids out later.”

  “No, I can manage.” He nodded. “Silhouette, are you ready to go eat?”

  She got to her feet. “Yup.”

  Nitska offered, “I can take her.”

  Kalek paused and tilted his head. “Very well. Bring her to the shuttle bay when the arrival claxon sounds.”

  “Yes, Captain.” Nitska looked to Silhouette and jerked her head toward the door.

  Sil walked up to Kalek. “You don’t need to eat?”

  “Not particularly. We are built for survival, which means our food requirements are minimal.”

  She paused. “Um, see you s
oon then.”

  He nodded, and she left, feeling weird, like she should have kissed him goodbye. The door was closing when a hand caught it and pulled it open. Kalek kissed her quickly and smiled. “Always when you arrive or when you leave. Got it?”

  “Yes, Captain Kalek.” She smiled. “See you soon.”

  She turned and rejoined Nitska, and her new acquaintance linked arms with her as they walked down the hall.

  When they were out of earshot as far as Nitska guessed, she asked. “So, he bites?”

  Silhouette nodded. “He does.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  She thought about the slight burn mixing with the pleasure rippling through her. “Not as much as one would think.”

  They headed down the lift and exited as they talked about how busy the dining area would be.

  They started passing crewmen near the dining hall. Nitska murmured, “I also wanted to ask you something else.”

  They got into line and got their trays. The servers looked at Silhouette and were careful with their portioning. Instead of letting her carry her own tray, one of the servers came around and carried her food to the beverage station, where she selected her tea and then cutlery, and since it was breakfast, there was no dessert station.

  Her food was carried to a table, and Nitska walked behind, snickering.

  When they were settled at the same table where she had eaten with Kalek and Yamet, Nitska whispered, “Doesn’t it drive you crazy?”

  Sil ate some of her soup. “What?”

  “Having everyone stare at you.”

  Sil shrugged. “There are less than a dozen people on board who resemble me. I would be stared at regardless.”

  “He wrapped you like a gift,” Nitska muttered.

  Sil grinned. “And he will unwrap me later. We are in an acclimatization period. He also needs to show off for the incoming Hmrain. So, I will dress up, play my part, and keep Jornal’s warship from firing on us just so someone else can play with me.”


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