Zombie Goes To Camp

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Zombie Goes To Camp Page 4

by Zack Zombie

  That was a relief. I didn’t want to go through that traumatic experience on the Vine Cross again.


  “And the winning cabin, who will go on to the Moblympics…is Cabin Zero!”

  Those were the last words I heard at roll call this morning. Everything else was a blur after that.

  I saw Creepy later at our cabin, and I asked him, “I thought you said our cabin never gets picked!”

  “It doesn’t, I don’t know what happened,” he said. “Maybe they think you or Endy are athletic.”

  Then I looked over at Nick in his bunk, and I knew he had something to do with it.

  “You had something to do with us getting picked, didn’t you, Nick?”

  “Yep, it’s about time I paid back those Nether Rack Cretans for kicking me out,” he said.

  “How are we supposed to win this thing?” I asked him. “None of us are athletic.”

  “I don’t care if we win,” he said. “I’m just going to make sure they never forget it.”

  So in a few days, we’re going to the Moblympics. Then we’re going to be arrested as accessories to Nick’s murder spree.

  Can things get any worse?


  Well, today was Parent’s Day.

  So I had to face my Mom and Dad’s disappointing faces.

  Not to mention, they made me apologize to Endy’s parents, which was also really embarrassing.

  I just have to keep remembering my mission. And when it’s all over I’ll tell them the truth, and then they will all understand why.

  I got to meet Flapper’s parents, who were visiting from the Ocean Biome. Flapper’s Dad is an Elder Guardian, which means that he’s important and stuff. I think he works in the Ocean Monument or something.

  And Creepy’s parents I knew really well, so it was good seeing them.

  But when I looked over at Nick, I saw that he was all alone.

  “Hey Creepy,” I said, “how come Nick’s parents didn’t make it?”

  “Nick’s parents never come to camp,” Creepy said. “Every year on Parent’s Day he just sits in the hall all by himself.”

  Man, that must be tough, I thought. I don’t know how I would feel if my Mom and Dad didn’t come visit me in this prison camp.

  So I decided to go talk to Nick. Knowing him, though, he’s probably going to act tough and stuff. But Billy the counselor gave me an idea about how to make him feel better.

  “Waddup?” I said to Nick.

  “What do you want, Cretan?”

  “Nick, I have a question for you,” I said.

  “What is it?” He sounded annoyed.

  “Why was the Zombie afraid to cross the road?”

  “Why?” he said.

  “Because he lost his guts!”

  “PFFFFTTTT! That was the stupidest joke I ever heard,” he said laughing.

  I started laughing too.

  “Oh, yeah? What do you call a Zombie with a lot of kids?” he asked.


  “A MOMster!”

  “Classic!” I said.

  “How about this one: What is a Zombie’s favorite toy?”


  “A DEADY bear!”

  “Oh, yeah, what kind of games do baby Zombies play?”


  “CORPSE and Robbers!”

  We went on like this for a while. I could tell it was making Nick feel better.

  Before I left him to go say goodbye to my folks, he told me, “You know what, Zombie, you’re alright.”

  It was the weirdest thing, but I think Nick and I can actually be friends. That is, if he doesn’t poison me in the middle of the night.

  Why does that happen to Nick anyway?

  I wonder…


  Today was a full moon, so after camp activities, I met up with Steve to pay a visit to Glenda, the Swamp Witch. I brought the enchantment book with me too, to see if she could help us use it.

  When we got there, there was a light in the window of her Witch’s Hut, so we knew she was home.

  “I hope she doesn’t feed us those rotten flesh meatballs she did last time we were here,” I said.

  “I don’t know,” Steve said. “I thought they were kind of tasty.”


  “Just kidding,” he said.

  We knocked on the door to the hut, and we heard her say, “Steve, Zombie, come in. Just close the door behind you, I’m in the kitchen.”

  “How did she it know it was us?” I said.

  “Well, she is a witch, you know.”

  Glenda, the Swamp Witch

  Glenda is a witch, but she’s the weirdest witch I have ever seen. She didn’t wear a black hat or have a big nose with a mole on it.

  I wonder if I should ask her why she looks so different, I thought. Naah, she’ll just turn me into a frog or something for asking.

  We walked into her hut and went to the kitchen, and Glenda was busy making cookies.

  “Hi Zombie! Hello Steve! You’re both looking well,” she said.

  “Hi, Witch Glenda,” Steve and I both said.

  “Would you like a cookie?” she asked.

  I wasn’t sure if I should take one. But by the time I finished thinking about it, Steve ate about three of them.

  “What can I do for you boys?” she asked.

  “Well, we need to know how to use this Enchanted Book so that we can put a protective spell on ourselves and the other campers, so that we can battle the Zombie eating witch, the rotten flesh eating camp counselors, and the cafeteria food monster,” I said, out of breath.

  “Wow, that is a mouthful,” she said.

  “Yeh, we wanf to desfroy the momsturs beefur they get us,” Steve said with a mouth full of cookies.

  “What was that?” Glenda asked.

  “He said, we want to destroy the monsters before they get us,” I said.

  Glenda just looked at us with a look that said, you boys are so cute and so dumb at the same time. Kind of like when you look at a puppy.

  Then she asked, “How do you know they are monsters?”

  “Because…” Then I just stopped for a moment. How did we know?

  “Well, what made you think they were monsters?” she asked.

  “Well, I had this dream and, it seemed so real, and they took away my computer and video games, and…” I said.

  Me and Steve just looked at each other…confused. Then we scratched our heads and together said, “Oooohhh.”

  “So when the camp counselors were being nice to me, they were really being nice?” I said.

  “Hmm Hmm,” she said.

  “And the reason I didn’t see any mob kid body parts, in the cafeteria was because there weren’t any?” I said.

  “Hmm Hmm,” she said.

  “And the reason Nurse Golem and Billy the counselor were so nice was because they really liked me?” I said, feeling really dumb.

  Steve was still eating cookies, when all of a sudden…

  “PFFFFTTTTT!” he spit out all of the cookies and fell to the floor laughing.

  I just stood there, feeling really dumb.

  “Don’t worry, Zombie, we have all mistaken other people for monsters, and we’ve even been mistaken for monsters ourselves.”

  Right when she said that I thought about Nick. After spending time with him yesterday, I realized he wasn’t such a monster after all.

  Speaking of Nick, I wonder…

  “Witch Glenda,” I asked. “Can you use this Enchanted Book to help a Wither Skeleton that can’t control his poison?”

  “You know, Zombie,” she said. “That problem is more common than you
think among Wither Skeleton boys. It usually happens during puberty when a Wither Skeleton boy is under a lot of stress.”

  “Really,” I said.

  “The best remedy is to help him have some fun,” she said. “And you don’t need an Enchanted Book for that.”

  “Whoa,” Steve and I both said.

  “Thanks, Witch Glenda,” I said. “And here,” I added as I gave her the Enchanted book. “I don’t think I’ll be needing this anymore.”

  Steve and I said goodbye to Glenda. Steve tried to raise his hand but his arms were full of cookies.

  “Wow, Steve,” I said. “I was so wrong about camp. I guess it’s not so bad here after all.”

  “Yeah, a lot of kids say that,” he said. “They usually hate it until they get there and find out it’s a lot of fun. Crazy, right?”

  “Yup,” I said as we walked back to the camp site, eating some delicious cookies on the way.

  Friday Morning

  Today is the first day of the Moblympics, and I’m adding this journal entry because I don’t know if I’m going to make it back alive.

  Creepy on the other hand is really excited that he finally got picked to go.

  Endy hasn’t talked to me since he thought I poisoned his Endermites. Really hurts, though, because I really liked him.

  Flapper is busy doing his jumping jacks to get ready for the events. I never saw a Guardian do jumping jacks before, so I tried not to laugh.

  I walked over to Nick to see what he was doing. He had a big black bag full of swords, axes, pickaxes, TNT and other weapons.

  “Hey Nick, can I talk to you for a second?” I said.

  “What is it, Zombie?”

  “Hey, I know you’re going to go destroy the Camp Nether Rack kids, and burn their whole camp to the ground and stuff…” I said.

  “What’s your point?” he said.

  “Hey, would you mind doing it at the end of the Moblympics? The guys are really excited about being picked to go to this. And Creepy’s been coming to camp for three years, and thanks to you, it’s the first time he’s been picked for anything.”

  Nick looked at Endy and Creepy, then he looked at Flapper, and tried not to laugh.

  “Yeah, sure,” he said. “It doesn’t matter when those Camp Nether Rack Cretans get what’s coming to them, just that they do. But you don’t think we can win this thing, do you?”

  “Well, if we win, we can humiliate them, and you can blow them up after,” I said.

  Then Nick made a really big smile.

  Friday Night

  Well, today was the craziest day ever!

  All I can say is that I am so proud to be part of the gang in Cabin Zero.

  When we got to the Moblympics, the place was a real mob. All the mob kids from both camps were there and it was really loud.

  As for the course, that place looked like a scene from Zombie Ninja Warrior.

  Kinda don’t think they understand we’re only kids.

  Well, the kids from Camp Nether Rack were real tough. They kinda looked hand-picked to me.

  There was a Ghast, a Blaze, a Zombie Pigman, a Magma Cube and lastly, there was a Wither Skeleton who was really huge.

  For the Moblympics, there were five events altogether. Three events today, and two events tomorrow.

  The five events were the Telephone Pole, the Potato sack race, the Vine Cross, the Rope Climb, and the Mud Run.

  They did a random drawing for each event, and of course, I got the Vine Cross.

  Endy got the Telephone Pole, Creepy got the rope climb (which I was really worried about), Flapper got the Potato Sack race (which worried me too), and Nick got the Mud Run.

  Only rule for the games was that we couldn’t use our abilities. That worked good for us, since Endy didn’t know how to teleport yet.

  First, Endy and the Ghast had to climb the Telephone Pole. I thought Endy would win this one easy, but Endy didn’t know how to climb that well either. I guess his long arms and legs get in the way.

  So Endy struggled to get up the pole. Meanwhile, the Ghast easily used his tentacles to grab one peg at a time.

  But all of a sudden, Endy started getting the hang of it and he started to catch up to the Ghast! Next thing we know, they’re neck and neck, even though the Ghast didn’t have a neck.

  And when it was all over, Endy won by a finger! (I know, I didn’t even knew Endermen had fingers.)

  What was really crazy, was that the Ghast got real mad and knocked Endy off of his telephone pole. We were all standing there with our mouths open as he fell down. But right before he hit the ground, we hear, “BAMF!”

  Endy teleported!

  He teleported to the ground safely. And everybody cheered him on.

  BAMF! BAMF! BAMF! BAMF! He was just so happy he could teleport, he did it like ten times before he got tired.

  Then it was Flapper’s turn. I was still worried about Flapper doing the Potato Race, since he didn’t have any arms or legs. But I didn’t feel so bad when I saw he was up against the Blaze, who didn’t have arms or legs either.

  “On your mark, get set, go!”

  Flapper quickly jumped inside of his Potato sack, and started flapping up and down toward the finish line. Man, I could not believe that he could see through that thing, but it was like he had X-ray vision or something. He hopped and hopped, getting closer and closer to the finish line.

  The Blaze just stood there with his potato sack at his feet. Flapper was about half way to the finish line when all of a sudden, the Blaze started spinning around. He created enough hot air that the bag inflated. There was a metal wire attached to him and the potato sack so the potato sack wouldn’t fly away. Next thing we know, the Blaze is just walking his potato sack to the finish line like a balloon.

  Before Flapper could get to the finish line, the Blaze had beaten him really quick.

  Somebody complained that the Blaze cheated, but the judges said that a level of creativity was allowed. So the metal wire and the air poofing of the potato sack was allowed.

  Next it was my turn.

  I was so scared of the Vine Cross that my knees were knocking again.

  Tock, Tock, Tock.

  My knees sounded like a grandfather clock.

  Creepy came over and reminded me, “Remember, Zombie, just think of something funny and all your fears will go away.”

  I looked in the crowd and I saw Billy, the camp counselor, giving me a thumbs up.

  I just started thinking of Billy’s headless body being stuck on that vine for two days, and I started laughing.

  I felt much better.

  It was me against the Zombie Pigman. He reminded me a little of my cousin Piggy, but he was bigger.

  Both of our vines were next to each other. And when I looked over, the Zombie Pigman guy gave me a really mean look.

  “Go!” was all I heard as I saw the Zombie Pigman start climbing across the vine like he was on fire or something.

  I decided to take my time and pace myself.

  “One, two, one, two, one, two,” was all I said to myself.

  I’m doing it! I thought, as I started moving really fast.

  I thought the Zombie Pigman dude was definitely going to win since he was going so fast. But then all of a sudden I looked over and I saw his feet, and then his body and then I saw his head next to me.

  He was frozen with fear.

  This is my chance to beat him! I thought.

  So I started moving faster and faster and then I passed him. I’m going to win! I thought.

  But, as I was moving, I thought, man, this isn’t right.

  So I climbed back to where he was.

  “Hey Pig-dude, why was the Zombie afraid to cross the road?”

br />   “Because he didn’t have any guts!”

  The Zombie Pig-dude let out a small laugh, and I could tell he felt better.

  “What do you say we finish this race?” I told him.

  “Sounds good,” he said.

  So we both climbed the vine together to finish the race. Zombie Pig-dude was totally better than me at the Vine cross, so he won the race.

  But, even though I lost, I still felt great.

  Today was awesome!

  I’m just so proud of the guys in my cabin.

  And who knows, tomorrow, we may even win this thing.


  Creepy has arms!!!

  I can’t believe it!

  All this time, I’ve felt really sad for Creepy because he didn’t have any arms. And today I found out that not only does he have arms, but he has legs too!

  When Creepy’s rope climbing event was about to start, I wanted to prepare him so he wouldn’t be disappointed.

  “Creepy, don’t worry about this event, man. If you don’t win, it was just great that we got picked for the Moblympics.”


  “I mean, you know, not everybody is built for these things. Look at Flapper. Poor guy has got to flap around all over the…”


  In the middle of my sentence, Creepy’s event started. Creepy ran up to the rope and took a quick look at the top. Then he stared at the rope like he was becoming one with it.

  Then out of nowhere, Creepy’s back leg stumps got sucked into his body, and then out popped these two beefy arms out of Creepy’s sides. Then his last two leg stumps started growing into two long legs.


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