Justiss And Graver (MC Bear Mates Book 4)

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Justiss And Graver (MC Bear Mates Book 4) Page 17

by Becca Fanning

  Suddenly, desperate for them, more desperate than she’d ever been in her life, she curled her pointer finger and beckoned them forward.

  The cubicle was small, a rectangle shape with a glass partition and open-ended. Nevertheless, they’d all fit.

  The two men looked at one another, and then Justiss reached out, pressed his hand to Graver’s shoulder and squeezed. Whatever that meant, Toni didn’t really know, but she didn’t have to. It was some silent guy talk, and she stopped caring when Aaron strode forward, grabbed a tight hold of her, and hoisted her up so her pussy brushed his cock.

  She mewled when his hands palmed her ass, and he turned her so that the water slid down between their bodies, pouring down their sides but flooding at their groin. The strange pressure had her needing more. Needing him.

  “Please,” she begged. “Don’t tease.”

  “I’m not teasing, baby,” he promised her and then pressed her against the wall, slipped his hands between them, and finally, claimed her.

  The tip of his shaft was thick. Incredibly so. Her pussy choked around him, and she tilted her head back, letting him fill her even though it hurt, letting him take charge of this, take charge of her. She let out a single whimper when he was in, then screamed when his hips plunged forward, taking his cock all the way inside her. She gasped for air, so fucking full she felt like a virgin again.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s okay,” he murmured, pressing his lips to her throat, nibbling her earlobe as he whispered the words over and over again.

  She shook her head, side to side, repeatedly as her body and mind struggled to deal with the heavy pressure in her pussy. It burned so good that the pain and the pleasure were confusing. She didn’t know what to do with herself. She wanted to push him away while holding him close… never let him go while expelling the heavy presence inside her.

  He stayed there for endless seconds, not moving, just letting the water run down them, and then she heard a slight noise. She tilted her head, saw Justiss was making his way into the cubicle, and held out a hand. He reached for it, squeezed her fingers, then loud enough to be heard over the water, but in a relatively quiet voice, said, “Turn her around, Aaron.”

  Graver didn’t move his face from between her shoulder and throat as he did as bid. Justiss moved in behind her, setting herself up as their support rather than the shower wall. His cock naturally fell between her ass cheeks and she flushed, stunned by the knowledge that she wished he was inside her there. Sharing her in all the ways her body could be shared.

  Almost like he sensed her desires, he slipped his hand down and his fingers between to tease the rosette. Pushing at the taut muscle, rubbing it, tickling it, before letting his thumb come up and brush the already jam-packed slit that was struggling to contain Aaron’s cock. She shrieked as he tried to work his thumb inside her, and Aaron stiffened but said nothing, seemingly unsurprised by having another man touch his cock. She knew, however, it was more because the caress was about teasing her, taking her to the edge, than anything else.

  Two men more heterosexual she’d yet to meet than her mates.

  She clamped her pussy down on Graver, making him groan and slowly start to shunt his hips back and forth. As he did, his teeth raked over her shoulder and throat. While he started to fuck her, Justiss continued teasing her, his cock a hot brand against her ass, his fingers a torturous reminder of new-found desires. He shared Aaron’s fascination with her shoulder so that either side of her throat was anointed with their attention, their touch.

  She shuddered when Justiss nipped her as he rocked his cock between her ass cheeks. His fingers prodded once more at the rosette, and this time, he slid one in. He curled it back so that she felt him drag the tip against Aaron’s shaft, and both she and Graver let out a deep, heartfelt moan at the sensation. Justiss made a sniggering sound, but other than that, he stayed quiet.

  Aaron, on the other hand, bit off, “She’s so tight, J. I don’t think I can hold on.”

  “You don’t have to,” he told him. “Take her. Make her ours.”

  Aaron shuddered and as he pushed his face further into her throat, his hips sped up. He fucked her, claiming every inch, filling her to bursting until she wasn’t sure if she’d explode or implode. A constant whine escaped her as she tried to process the sensations bombarding her, until he let out a roar. Almost like that was a trigger, both men suddenly fastened on tight to her throat. They bit down, enough to hurt, enough that she struggled between them. She felt blood slip from the wound, slide down her back and front, mingling with the water as it washed away their bite. But their teeth stayed there, as forceful a presence as Aaron’s cock in her cunt. It hurt. She wouldn’t lie. It hurt more than she’d imagined, and it hurt more than how full she’d felt down below. But this wasn’t over. She didn’t know how she knew it, she just did.

  Both of them seemed to be acting like automatons. They knew what they were doing even if she suspected they really didn’t. Some other force was at work here, making them move to a different beat than the one they were used to.

  She felt the heat inside her, and knew Aaron had come. She was nowhere near release. Her clit pounded with angry desire, but her body was het up… confused… strung out and on edge. Her heart was pounding like she was close to cardiac arrest, and her lungs were burning like she hadn’t breathed. Pain cascaded through her, but it was quelled by the wet heat that slipped from her as Aaron pulled his shaft from her pussy and Justiss’s cock replaced it.

  Because of his cum, J slid in easier. It was more soothing now she’d had the extra lube and she didn’t feel like wincing at his size, because he was just as big as Aaron. The only difference was that where Aaron’s dick was straight, J’s cock kinked upward, raking all kinds of interesting places when he slid in deep.

  She sucked in a shaky breath and whispered, “What’s happening?”

  Toni knew she sounded confused, knew her voice emanated her agony at what was happening. It wasn’t like pain; it was different. Soul deep. Like something was wrong, but it was on the way to becoming right.

  “We’re making you ours,” Justiss told her as he carefully lifted her, letting her rise and fall on his shaft, not letting her have any of the control.

  “You bit me. I thought that was the claiming.”

  “It should be. But it isn’t,” Aaron told her, letting his hands come to her breasts to tease and play with her nipples. One slid down over her belly and finally fell to her clit. As he rubbed it, tweaked it and teased her, he whispered, “We’re not going to stop though until you are.”

  She gulped, hearing the vow in his words, then cried out when J let her fall all the way down onto his cock until every bit of her felt claimed by him. She was impaled upon his shaft, and though there were hands holding her up, a strong chest at front and back, two men there to catch her if she fell, somehow, the only point of contact seemed to be his cock. Deep inside her.

  It messed with her head and made her breath catch in her throat. Subconsciously, she felt ravaged by the shaft inside her, claimed and conquered by both of them, Aaron’s seed still deep inside her as Justiss reminded her she belonged to two.

  She wanted to fight, to flail, and instead, could only freeze, clamp down on his cock and pray to God he’d release her, free her from this seemingly endless penetration.

  Aaron tweaked her clit once more and sensation roared through her. Justiss moved again, lifting her up and down until she felt like a ragdoll there for their pleasure not her own. It was strange. It wasn’t how she’d imagined, and in her heart of hearts, she was disappointed. She felt full, tense, on edge. She didn’t feel hot, passionate and lustful.

  Panic was there, threatening to take hold.

  Not the panic that came when darkness fell and she was alone in the blanket of night.

  This was an emptiness. A feeling of not being complete.

  She started to cry, and Aaron, though his attention was on her pussy, on the big cock spearing her and the
clit he was intent on torturing, must have sensed her distress. He looked up, eyes flaring a little, then he leaned forward and supped her tears into his mouth.

  “Now, Justiss,” he demanded, his fingers increasing their pace until that confused desire hit her again as J began to move harder, somehow understanding what Aaron meant.

  His breaths became ragged with exertion and they both burrowed their faces against her throat once more. This time, on opposite sides. She wondered what they were doing, wondered if they were going to trace each other’s bites with their tongues and felt an odd quickening deep inside at the thought.

  But they didn’t do that.

  Instead, their teeth clamped down once more, and the pain that flooded her outweighed what she’d experienced before. It rampaged through her, ravaging her system…. decimating it. And then, Aaron pinched her clit, and where before his touch had teased her and tormented her with the promise of more, instead, it detonated something inside her. A firestorm that made the ravaging pain seem like a tiny ember dying in a campfire. This spilled through her veins like napalm, burning her in a way the pain hadn’t, claiming all of her and drowning her in the agonizing flood.

  It took her a handful of seconds to realize this wasn’t pain. It was pleasure. It was more than she’d ever known, more than she’d ever thought to know. It was like an avalanche. It took over her, fulfilled her, until that jagged sense of being incomplete disappeared.

  It was replaced with an overwhelming fullness.

  And she knew, right then, as an orgasm that was so powerful it almost hurt her, that she was theirs.

  In every which way.

  They’d claimed her.

  And that was the last thing she was capable of thinking, because that avalanche soared once more, cascading over her senses until, for the first time in her life, she embraced the dark and let herself tumble away from the light, to the silence and peace of the night.

  “What the fuck just happened?”

  Justiss ignored him as he maneuvered away from Aaron and took their mate—she was, without a doubt, theirs now—to the shower spray. He didn’t mind being ignored because the question had been mostly rhetorical.

  The Claiming had happened. It just hadn’t happened the way he’d assume it would.

  Clearing his throat, he moved nearer to both his mates and helped prop Toni up. J grabbed the soap, did a perfunctory wash that cleansed her of cum and blood, and then turned the water off.

  “Get a towel,” Aaron told him, taking all of Toni’s weight, which was ridiculously unsubstantial. Now she was naked, he saw how poorly she’d been caring for herself. Her collarbones had hollows, and her stomach caved in to the point of emaciation. Regardless, she was beautiful, but the need to care for her was intrinsic. She was tall for a woman, and he knew she should have a bit more meat on her bones, even if it was just for health reasons.

  Seeing her like this inspired all kinds of feelings in him. Pride because she was his. Lust because she was beautiful. Love because she made him feel whole. All that mattered to him was that she was healthy and safe, and even if he had to make her eat, he would. Or he’d die trying.

  J carefully patted her down, dumped the towel after he dried off, then took Toni from him again. Her back was damp and her hair moist. They’d done a shitty job of drying her up, Aaron realized, so after he dried off too, he grabbed another towel and headed into the bedroom. Seeing Justiss was about to put her in bed, he murmured, “Let me wrap up her hair. Otherwise it will be uncomfortable for her.”

  Aaron lay the towel on her pillow, motioned for J to put her down on the bed, and then covered her hair up as best he could. Hell, he’d never done anything like it before, but he figured it was better than a damp pillow and a wet and stiff neck in the morning.

  “You tired?” J asked climbing into the bed to Toni’s left.

  “Knackered.” He took the other side. “You?”

  “Exhausted. Had a good meeting with the Prez though. Bodes well.”

  Aaron switched the light off. “That was late for a council meeting.”

  “Wasn’t really official.”

  Deciding council matters could wait, he asked, “What are we going to do about this fucker, Rodriguez?”

  “Make him pay.”

  The words were silken… soft. They made Aaron grin because he knew behind that gentle tone, J meant business, and that was the kind of business he wanted to discuss. Regardless, he murmured, “We’ll talk about it later.”

  “Without a doubt. Let’s just get some rest. She needs to sleep more than we do, but after the Claiming, she’ll be more at ease if we’re with her, so we need to rest as long as she does. Ideally, anyway.”

  “Shouldn’t be hard. That was a lot more intense than I figured it would be.”

  J cleared his throat. “You and me both.” He went quiet. “Did you…?”

  “Did I what?” Aaron asked into the darkness. Then, when silence was his only response, he whispered, “Did I hear Her?”

  The covers shifted. Aaron heard Justiss’s feet fidget under the covers. “Yeah. Did you?”

  “We must have needed her help.” He’d never thought to be in contact with the Goddess once in his life, never mind twice. That had been more disturbing than comforting.

  “Yeah. After that first bite, I knew the Claiming wasn’t complete.”

  “Me too.” He quietly whistled out a breath as memories of the Goddess’s words filled his mind. She’d guided them, helped them claim her. That, in itself, was a blessing. Her presence was like their coming together had been sanctified. It was a heady feeling. “She’s ours now though.”

  “Undoubtedly.” The soft satisfaction in Justiss’s tone had something settling inside Aaron.

  “We’re doing this, aren’t we?”

  “You mean, sharing a mate? Yeah. We are. And we’ll do it as damned best as we can for her sake.”

  Aaron’s lips twitched, and as peace filled him, he realized sleep was close. “Night, J.”

  “Night, Aaron.”

  He shut his eyes, reveling in the sounds of the two people who mattered to him most being at his side. The gentle murmur of their breaths, the soft shifting of their limbs as they moved under the chilly sheets… All of it was perfect and far more than he ever thought he’d have in his life.

  At that moment, Aaron knew his loyalty to the Clan, as deeply as that ran, was nothing to the sentiments that tied him to Toni and Justiss.

  He’d killed for The Nomads.

  What he’d do for his mates, Aaron didn’t know. It should have frightened him, the depths he knew he’d sink to just to keep them safe, but it didn’t. Instead, it made him realize he was fully grown now, no longer the cub that most of the Clan viewed him as.

  Killing Moses had taken him from prospect to patched—the latter a short ceremony thanks to his already being on the council. But claiming his mates had taken him from cub to man.

  And woe betide anyone who failed to realize that.

  Chapter 11

  Four weeks later

  Hearing the gruff tone rounding the corner, Aaron prepared himself for what was about to come. The tall Latino doctor stepped out into the darkness of the parking lot, his attention on his phone and the person on the other end of the line when it should have been on the shadows.

  Before his eyes could adjust, Graver reached for the phone in the hand of the bastard who had attacked his mate’s hands, threw it to the floor, and dug his heel into the electronics.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Rodriguez, Toni’s manager, shrieked. “Do you know how much that fucking phone cost me?”

  “No. And I don’t care.” Before Rodriguez could bitch any harder about his goddamn piece of shit status symbol, Aaron lunged forward, slipped his forearm against the bastard’s throat and dragged him back against him. Heading for the shadows, he ignored the other man’s struggles. His attempts were pitiful at best, but against a Shifter with his hackles firmly up, the fucker had no cho

  When he felt the wall of the hospital’s reception at his back, he took a quick glance around to make sure he was still out of range of the limited CCTV within the parking lot. Seeing he was good to go, he spun around and smashed Rodriguez into the wall.

  Dazed, the man gawked at him. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m your worst fucking nightmare.”

  “Take my wallet, man. The keys to my Porsche are in my pocket. Just don’t fucking hurt me.”

  Aaron’s upper lip curled in disgust. “I thought you liked pain.”

  He stiffened. “What?”

  “Or is it that you like giving it just not receiving it?”

  “That fucking whore. She was begging for it. And I paid her extra to keep her fucking mouth shut. Are you her pimp?”

  “I might as well be,” Aaron growled. Disgust filled him at the realization Toni wasn’t the first woman he’d hurt, but it gave him the perfect excuse to beat the ever-loving crap out of him without leaving a trail of breadcrumbs right to the MC’s door. “I’m going to make you pay until you realize what a sick fuck you are. I’m going to make you wish you weren’t the perverted bastard you are.” He punctuated his statement with an uppercut to the gut, one which had Rodriguez coughing and gasping as he bent over, folding in half around Aaron’s fist. “What are you?” he peppered, a demand in his tone. When Rodriguez just spluttered, he snarled, “I asked you what the fuck you are?”

  “I don’t know, man. I don’t fucking know,” Rodriguez whined.

  Graver shot his knee up, sinking it between the bastard’s legs until the man was doing more than whining. Pumping his fists into the man’s face, he hissed, “You’re a perverted bastard. You don’t deserve to walk on this fucking earth.” Each word he topped with a punch, a hit, a fist or his knee or elbow aimed at some soft part on the weakling in his grasp.

  It wasn’t a fair fight. It could never have been. Not between a male Shifter and a human. Not even the MMA fighters could keep up with a Shifter in his prime, but this bastard was weaker than most—in body and spirit. He got off on making himself look bigger, better, stronger by demeaning those weaker than him.


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