From Ashes and Embers (Ceasefire Series Book 3)

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From Ashes and Embers (Ceasefire Series Book 3) Page 6

by Claire Marta

  Taking my attention from the ashes on the floor, I check on Tink. She’s standing there, a tempting rumpled mess, trembling in shock. Crimson trickles from the puncture marks on her throat. It’s beautiful against her pale skin.

  “Tink what the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Rosella suggested an evening out.” The words are almost too faint for me to hear.

  “Ah shit. She sold you, didn’t she?”

  Bitterness shimmers in her golden eyes as she nods. “It was supposed to be a fun evening. This is not my idea of enjoyment.”

  “Never trust a demon. This is reality not some rose tinted world where good people don’t get hurt. Whatever Fae Kingdom you’ve come from has really screwed up your perception. Everyone is out for what they can get here. Show weakness and you’re just another notch in the food chain,” I tell her, cleaning my knife, on a roll of tissue left on a coffee table next to an open box of condoms, before sheathing it. “The men in here will use and abuse you. Hell, even the females. This isn’t some high-end cocktail bar. It’s a whore house.”

  Her breath comes out long and shaky. “I’m safe with you, though, right?”

  Hope hovers in her words. I’ve seen and heard it in others a million times, moments before it’s been crushed. Angelic blood runs through my veins after all. They find it easy to trust me. Born in the light, I’ve fallen into darkness, and there isn’t a pure bone in my body.

  “I never said that, Tink.” Backing her up, I don’t stop until she hits the wall. “How badly do you want to get out of here? Show me.”

  Eyes rounding and pouty lips parted, she stares up at me in wariness. “What do you mean?”

  “Show me what you’re offering. I never do anything for free.” My attention drops lower to the tattered ends of the dress she’s holding together to hide her figure so protectively.

  Her entire body stiffens. “You can’t mean…”

  I’m an arsehole. I admit it.

  I’ve never pretended to be a good guy. My soul is as black as they come. My hands tainted with the blood of the guilty and innocent alike.

  I’m a warrior.

  Perfected by the Devil himself.

  Having Tink like this is a heady sensation. I’ve never wanted a female as much as I crave her. Some other bastard would have gotten to experience her tight grasping cunt tonight, so why can’t I take advantage of that, too? I’m still here for a good time. She shouldn’t be here. We both know that. Tink is either stupid or too naive to know better.

  Lucifer’s warning about not touching her rings in my head, but for once, I ignore it. I’ve been a good little solider in the past. Loyal. Followed orders without question or complaint. What’s happening now is between me and the fairy. No one else needs to know.

  She gazes up at me with a pleading expression, but I don’t bend. Begging will get her nowhere. If she wants my help out of this situation, I want payment upfront.

  Dark eyelashes fluttering down, she attempts to shove me away as I pin her but lacks the strength to do so.

  “I can just walk out of here.”


  Her scent distracts me. It’s as sugar-coated as the rest of her. Rubbing a lock of blue hair between my fingers, I enjoy the silky feeling. “They’ll have you on the floor before you even take a step out the door. Free for all, for the males out there. You think one vamp was bad. Try fighting off a dozen. You’d be drained and fucked wishing for a death they won’t give you until they’ve degraded you in every imaginable way.”

  My words hit home.

  Pain flashes across her lovely face before defeat dulls her gaze. With trembling fingers, she lets the front of the material she’s clutching fall open.

  Swiping my tongue over my bottom lip, I drink in the sight of her. Perfect luscious curves. Enough for a man to hang onto as he pounds between her smooth thighs. Breasts high and pert, they’re plenty of a handful. I want to dirty her up. Dominate her with my own filthy pleasures. How pretty would she look with my hand print all over her delicate, flawless skin? Would her screams as I take her be just as sweet.

  Chapter Eight


  Raziel’s dark eyes devour every inch of my naked skin. I shiver in answer. Even though I’m still wearing my underwear, it feels as though he can see beneath the filmy barriers.

  Woozy and light headed from the blood loss, my neck stings from the vampire’s fang marks. He’d overpowered me so quickly I’d barely had time to fight. Not been as prepared as I should have been. A stupid mistake. I’m angry at myself for letting it happen and needing this male’s help to prevent myself from being drained.

  Leaning down, Raz’s lips tickle my ear. “Suck my cock and make me believe you want it, if you want to get out of here.” The heat of his body radiates through my chilled skin. He’s so close his masculine scent cocoons me. Shaggy mane of brown hair falls to his shoulders. The dark scruff of stubble on his square jaw makes him look dangerous.

  He’s joking right? Staring up into his grim face, I see he’s not. “No. You had a peek. You’re not getting anything else from me.”

  Yes, I want him, but I don’t want my first time to be in a whore house. I want something better than this sterile looking room to lose my virginity.

  “You want out of here or not?” There’s a subtle threatening edge to his voice.

  I do, but I’m not giving him a blowjob to do it.

  There’s another alternative open to me, but it leaves me cold. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Not like in the past. Those nightmares already haunt me. It would also betray the fact I’ve been lying to him about who I am.

  Placing a hand on his chest, I managed to inch some distance between us but only because he allows it. Beneath my palm, I feel his strength. “I’m a vestal virgin…I’ve never been intimate with a male in that way before, and I refuse to do it now out of blackmail.”

  Surprise shows on his face. “Bullshit. With a body like yours, you’re made for sin. I don’t believe some guy hasn’t had you already.”

  Heat floods into my cheeks. “It’s true. My family has…traditions, and I have remained pure.”

  In truth, it’s a decree from my guardians. They’re stuck in the old ways. Relics from a forgotten time. Although up until now, I’ve never met a male who has turned me on as much as this Nephilim.

  “You know that’s not a turn off, Tink. It just makes me want to take you up against this wall and experience your first orgasm all over my cock,” he tells me, capturing my wrists and pinning them up against the hard surface above my head. “Or maybe I’d fuck you with my tongue first. Show you all the ways I can shatter your innocence before I take your purity. And I would take it. Destroy it while you scream my name your sweet juices coating my face and tongue.”

  “Raz, please don’t.” Twisting, I try to break free of his grasp, but he’s far too strong. I can’t deny the needy thrum as heat pools between my legs. Sex between us is inevitable, but I don’t want it to be like this. Not here.

  Chapter Nine



  Tink truly is an innocent in a lion’s den tonight.

  The thought just makes me harder. My dick straining against my zipper, all I want to do is find it some release in her clenching, tight, hot pussy. I’ve always stuck to more experienced woman. Females who know what they’re up for even though they’re always nervous in my bed because of who I am and my size.

  Tink’s nervousness is so thick I can practically taste it. I want to see her pouty lips wrapped around my cock. Listen to her cries and screams as I tear away her innocence. Unleash the beast I am on her until she knows nothing but my touch.

  The sound of the door registers, shifting my focus.

  We don’t need company. I’m just about to get what I’ve been lusting after and nothing and no one is going to stop me.

  Peering over my shoulder, I spot the three vampires. “I’m busy in here. Get the fuck out.”

  Their ey
es are on the ash pile on the floor, which used to be their friend.

  “What did you do to Lenny?” One of them snarls, bearing his fangs.

  Releasing Tink, I swivel to greet them. “What does it look like dipshit?”

  They don’t like that. Something dangerous ripples through them, and I know I’m just about to be knee deep in vamps.

  Cracking his knuckles, the blonde in the bunch steps forward. “Get the Fae. I’ll deal with him.”

  Primitive possessiveness swells up so fast the desire to break every bone is his body claims me. Shoving her behind me, I position myself between Tink and the males.

  “You don’t have the balls,” I taunt.

  They think they can fuck me up? I have a surprise for them coming. I’ve been bathed in blood since I was ten years old. Some vampires with overinflated egos aren’t going to best me.

  He’s on me in a blur.

  Blocking his punch with my forearm, surprise springs across his features right before I plough my other fist right into his jaw. It must be made of glass, because he goes down quickly.

  “Who the hell do you think are you?” One of the others spits.

  “Raziel, the Devil’s right-hand man and the last face you spineless bastards are going to see.”

  Oh yeah, that gets them scared. I scent their fear, and it’s de-fucking-licious. These predators are facing something higher up on the food chain, and from their expressions, they might just wet themselves.

  “You’re nothing but your master’s lap dog.”

  Blondie decides to run off his mouth. Picking himself up off the floor, he rubs his jaw. Obviously, I should have punched harder.

  Not waiting for them to make their next move, I unsheathe my dagger from its hiding place. “Let’s hope you’re right then, or you’ll be eating your own spleen before I’m done.”

  Their hands twitch toward the guns in their shoulder holsters.

  “Tink, get your sweet arse down and behind cover.” Not checking to see if she obeys, I lunge forward grabbing blondie by the scruff of the neck. His eyes go wide when I jerk him toward me. Forearm squeezing his windpipe, I move him around using him as a shield. He jerks at the impact of the bullets. Shoving him headlong, I ram him into his friends. They go down under the weight as he falls.

  No mercy. I’m a war machine. They better start running, because when I come out to play, I don’t leave anyone who attacks me standing. Adrenaline pumps through my veins. I’m unbeatable. They should know that. They're messing with the best. Hell’s at my fucking feet, and that isn’t going to change.

  The first one to regain his feet pulls the trigger of his weapon. Dodging, I don’t miss the blade he comes at me with a split second after. Pain roars down my side, but I ignore it. I’m on him before he even has the thought to fire a second time. Knocking the gun aside, I smash him into the door.

  Taking a hold of his face, I jam my thumbs into his eyes, palms cupping his cheeks. He shrieks in agony, fingernails clawing at my hands. Grinning, I don’t stop until I hear a pop. Writhing, sobbing he crumples to his knees when I finally release him. I haven’t permanently blinded him as he’ll heal, but his suffering is real. A reminder of who he’s been fucking with.

  Pathetic. They’re nothing but fodder. For hired guns, they don’t have any balls of steel. One of the first things Lucifer taught me was to resist torture. If you ignore pain, you survive. Feel nothing and live.

  Yanking the blade in my side free with a grunt, I attack the last vampire standing. The knife cleaves through his flesh with little resistance from stomach to sternum. I leer, staring him right in the eyes as I gut him like a fish. When I reach his heart, I dispatch him with a chuckle.

  Adrenaline and the thrill of the kill has me flying on a high.

  Tink is still standing exactly where I left her. Lips parted slightly, she can’t take her eyes of me.

  Stalking toward her, I grab the nape of her neck with a blood covered hand. She doesn’t fight. Comes willingly when I tilt her face up to mine. Kissing her hard, my tongue forces its way between her lips. She tastes better than I imagined. I’m painfully hard. If we weren’t still in danger, I would already be deep inside her, listening to her whimper.

  “Put your clothes back on before I do fuck you up against the door.” Taking three steps back, I give her room to obey.

  Snatching up her ruined dress, she shrugs into it, clasping the sides to keep them together. “Can you teleport us out of here?”

  If only it were that easy. We’d have been out of here ages ago and fucking on my bed.

  I shift the weight of the bloodied knife in my hand. “No. They have a dampening field around the place that negates that ability. One sure way to make sure clients don’t skip out without paying.”

  “What do we do?”

  “Get to the exit. Once I’m outside, I can transport us back to the fortress.” Moving to the door, I listen carefully to the noises outside.

  “But there’s more of them out there!”

  Glancing at her impatiently over my shoulder, I see her trepidation. “Did you really think this was going to be easy? It’s a fucking nest. Best we can do is fight our way out. These arseholes are young vampires. They don’t have the kind of powers the old ones do. That makes them predictable and hot headed.”

  Paling, she shakes her head from side to side, sending her rainbow hair rippling around her elfin face. “No…no I…I can’t fight.”

  “You don’t have any powers? No fairy magic to distract them?”

  Averting her eyes from mine, her teeth sink into her plump bottom lip. “No…nothing for combat.”

  Fuck me, she has the most tempting mouth I’ve ever seen. Dragging my dirty thoughts from the little colorful temptation beside me, I focus on the door. “Then stay behind me.”

  Not waiting for her reply, I walk right out into the hallway, head held high. I sense Jane behind me. If she’s clever, she’ll keep out of the way.

  Eyes slide our way the second we step out into the main room. In that frozen moment, I see their gazes flick from me to Jane. The fact I have vamp remains scattered all over me is a middle finger in the face to the undead arseholes still breathing. My expression is unreadable, no fear, no smug smirk.

  “Son of a bitch!” A larger blood sucker hollers as he pumps in and out of a whore doggie style. “Kill him!”

  All hell breaks loose.

  In an instant, a dozen or more vampires are flying at me. Knife at the ready, I end the first two who reach me first. They’re a distortion of movement and hissing. Gorged on blood and at their peak.

  A fist ploughs into my jaw. Head snapping back, I momentarily see stars. The strength behind it was enough to break a human’s neck, but I’m far from mortal. They’ve pissed off the wrong guy.

  With a lunge and flick of my wrist, my assailant’s guts spill out all over the floor.

  Shouts erupt around us. Clientele join the fight, attacking the mercenary vamps with rage and passion.

  Ducking, I barely miss a bottle as it goes whistling over my head to smash into the face of another goon. Tables are upturned, the sound of screams and smashing glass joins the chaos. Launching my knife across the room, it embeds neatly into the chest of the male who gave the order. Jeans still bunched around his knees, he sags on top of the bitch he’d still been pounding his cock into. With the force, I know it went deep enough to pierce his heart. Right on queue, he explodes into ash.

  The woman screams as he disintegrates. Behind her, fragments of his leftovers coating her bare back and arse.

  A glance ensures Tink is tucked safely in a corner, with some other women trying to escape the fighting. The thought of one of the vamps manhandling her again brings with it dark urges. They won’t get a second chance. I’ll stake every last fucking one to guarantee it.

  Scooping up a half-drunk bottle of beer I take a long chug of the contents. The liquid slips down my throat with ease. Side stepping, I watch a vamp take a nose dive into the wall
. A sickening crack ensues. Blood spouting from his broken nose, he covers it with a hand.

  “You stupid shits are going to regret this.” His threat is muffled by his crimson slicked palm. “You’ve made the wrong kind of enemy tonight.”

  Sucking my teeth, I break the bottle against a table the rest of the alcohol drenching the darkly stained floor with all the other spilled liquids. Ramming it into his chest, I give it a vicious twist. His scream fuels me on. I know the sharp jagged edges are tearing up his insides. I’m done playing games.

  “Get the fuck out. If I ever see you here again, you won’t leave breathing.”

  Blue eyes bore into mine with such hatred I’m surprised he doesn’t burst into flames with the effort. “You better watch yourself, Nephilim, payback will be coming.” His voice is tight with pain and rage.

  “Yeah right. I’m shuddering in my boots.” Mockingly, my attention sweeping the room. “I’m not the only one you’ve picked a fight with fangboy. You’re outnumbered, and the way your friends are being dusted, it isn’t looking good for you either.”

  The vampire’s narrowed gaze follows mine. Only a handful of his nest are left. A heavy layer of dust coats the strip club’s floor. His confidence falters. Scuttling sideways, he runs for the door. Awareness ripples through the space. With one fleeing, those left turn tail and join him.

  Not exactly the evening I had planned but exhilarating none the less. Feet crunching over the glass shards that litter the ground, I stalk toward the bar. I need a drink. Something strong enough to keep the sweet buzz going.

  The air is alive with excitement as the crowd begins to right tables and chairs. There’s nothing like bloodshed to get the heart pumping. With it comes baser urges and desires. I’m more in need of a fuck now than when I started. If I don’t get sex tonight, there’s going to be trouble.

  Rescuing an unopened bottle of beer from the top of the bar, I crack it open with my teeth. Downing a mouthful, I watch Tink walk gingerly toward me, trying to avoid the mess. Her brows are creased in concentration. Delicate hands still clasping the sides of her torn dress together, she does her best to keep herself covered demurely but even then, I get glimpses of her pretty white panties and creamy thighs. Her innocence is intoxicating, more than the alcohol I’m consuming. She projects an aura of fragile gentleness that shouldn’t exist in my world. It’s also dangerous. You need to be strong here in the Hell dimensions. The weak don’t survive. Jane doesn’t belong here. She can’t take care of herself. What just happened has cemented that. Letting her wander freely is something that’s going to have to change.


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