An Archangel's Ache

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An Archangel's Ache Page 4

by Leo E. Ndelle

  “I’m not sorry I’m going to end you, Eliel,” Michael said confidently. “I’m just doing what I must, to protect the rest of us.”

  “If that is how you feel, Michael,” Eliel replied, making sure to address Michael by his first name only, “then so be it!”

  Eliel opened his right fist to summon his sword.

  “Consider this as fair warning, archangel!” Eliel said.

  There was a darkness in Eliel’s voice that both surprised and motivated Michael. Michael sensed the darkness in Eliel because he too had experienced, and still was experiencing, that darkness. Thus, Michael concluded he had been right after all and this strengthened his resolve to end Eliel. The last sliver of doubt he had in the far reaches of his subconscious mind about his decision to end Eliel had just been incinerated by this new version of Eliel standing before his very own eyes. But even as his resolved was strengthened, Michael also saw the possibility that his violent and dispassionate approach towards Eliel might have been the cause of Eliel’s sudden change in persona.

  “I will defend myself, even if it means ending YOUR existence, Michael,” Eliel promised.

  “You weren’t there, Eliel!” Michael squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as if he was wrestling with his conscience.

  But it did not matter anyway. His decision was final and there was no going back. When Michael looked at Eliel again, more flames flared from his mouth and eyes.

  “You weren’t there when many of our brothers and sisters fell in a senseless slaughter!”

  A flaming sword formed in Michael’s right hand. And as he was about to charge, he froze at the sight unfolding in front of him.

  Not just one, but TWO, bracelets formed and glowed on Eliel’s wrists. His body also flared with the archangel battle flame. Eliel gazed at his wrists, but he was neither surprised nor did he care. And when he looked up at Michael, the disbelief on Michael’s face was so intense that it extinguished the flames from Michael’s eyes and mouth. A flaming sword also formed in Eliel’s right hand and he raised it towards Michael.

  “NO!” Michael exclaimed. “It cannot be!”

  “Archangel Michael!” Eliel spoke in a dark, alien voice. “This is your final warning! Stand down or, by Celestia, I will end you!”

  But Michael was archangel supreme. It was his sacred duty to protect the Realm of Celestia, to protect his brothers and sisters. And if that was going to be the last thing he did, then so be it!

  “Then may Celestia decide for both of us!” Michael replied and returned to his battle self.

  Angel and archangel charged at each other. Swords clashed, punches were thrown, and kicks complimented their attacks. Michael was very skilled, and only one other archangel had ever come close to beating him. But right there, right then, he did not meet his match. Right there, right then, he met his better! Eliel, a lowly and young angel, created cycles after the Great Rebellion, was outmatching Archangel Michael on every front, in every style and in all phases of angelic combat. Michael’s body was streaming angelic light in different places. His body was beaten, his pride was bruised, but his psyche suffered the most. Archangel Michael was a leader, beaten to a pathetic angelic pulp on a physical, emotional and psychological level.

  Michael collapsed to his knees and stared upwards at Eliel. His entire demeanor was one of surrender, helplessness and utter disbelief; not at himself, but at his failure to prevent his worst fears from coming to light. Perhaps this fear had driven him to obsession. Perhaps this fear had made him a recluse. Perhaps this fear had made him the leader he had become. But his fear was nothing compared to the love he had for his brothers and sisters; the living and the fallen, the blessed and the damned.

  Michael loved them all but chose not to allow his love for them make him weak. For strength, he drew from the fountains of his worst fears and ugliest memories, swearing never to allow a rerun of history; not under his watch. But on his knees, with the tip of Eliel’s flaming sword on his chest, Michael had only one thing in mind; failure. He had given his all, he had done his best, and his intentions had been more out of love than anything else. But in the end, it was all for naught because he had failed!

  “For your sake, and the sake of our kind,” Michael said weakly, as the flames in his mouth and eyes gradually died, “do not give in to the darkness when you fall!”

  The golden glow around Michael’s body faded after healing his body. Michael closed his eyes and opened them again. When he spoke, he was an archangel at peace.

  “May Celestia guide you, Eliel,” he added and waited for death.

  “You never should have tried to end me, Michael,” Eliel said in the same dark, alien voice as flames spewed from his mouth and eyes.

  But when Eliel raised his sword to end Michael, the unexpected happened. The flames in Eliel’s eyes and mouth instantly vanished, his sword disappeared, and he collapsed to the floor in an unconscious heap. Michael was confused for a moment before realizing the opportunity that had just presented itself to him. Rising to his feet and summoning his sword, Michael took a step towards the helpless heap that lay unconscious on the floor. Finally, he thought, Celestia has gifted me with you. Using his left foot, he turned Eliel’s body over so that Eliel lay on his back. He stared down at Eliel for a moment before raising his sword.

  But then, Michael changed his mind. He had slain many before and only in battle. Slaying Eliel while Eliel was unconscious would leave an indelible stain on Michael’s essence. As such, Michael made his sword disappear, and he lowered his arms. His battle garments morphed into a casual outfit. Eliel had heard The Voice. It meant Eliel was special. Although he, Michael, wanted to prevent a possible negative outcome, that call was not his to make. Eliel was the third of their kind ever to hear The Voice. He, Michael, was the first, and she was the second. So, for another angel to hear The Voice after so many cycles, it must be indicative of something strikingly significant. As a leader, no, as the eldest brother, his duty was not to end Eliel. His duty was to grant Eliel what he, Michael, and the other one, never had; help!

  Eliel roused from his state of unconsciousness. When he opened his eyes, and saw Michael standing over him, he immediately tried to push himself away. But he was too weak to do anything. So, he just propped himself on his elbows and waited for his end to come.

  “Easy now, brother,” Michael encouraged, and extended a hand.

  But Eliel retreated even more.

  “Stay- stay away from me!” Eliel commanded weakly.

  Michael raised both hands in the air and stepped backwards.

  “Look,” Michael said. “I understand your concerns, and I am truly sorry for my behavior. I was rash and unjust. I never should’ve attacked you in the first place. Please forgive me, Eliel.”

  As Michael pleaded, Eliel studied him carefully, and in the end, he decided that Michael was genuine after all. Michael then took a step towards Eliel and extended a hand. Eliel looked back and forth between Michael’s hand and Michael’s face. He hesitated, still, but Michael gave him a slight nod of encouragement. Finally, Eliel nodded back and took Michael’s hand. Michael helped Eliel to his feet.

  “How are you feeling?” Michael asked.

  Eliel summoned and flapped his wings. He was still too caught up in the events that just transpired to even realize that he had just done something that only archangels could do.

  “I’ll be fine,” Eliel replied. “What happened? What IS happening to me?”

  “Come,” Michael said. “I’ll give you as many answers as I possibly can. But there are certain things I just saw that I still don’t understand.”

  Michael and Eliel sat on seats that Michael summoned from the floor of Michael’s domain.

  “Let us start from the beginning, from when you heard The Voice,” Michael began. “The fact that you found yourself in my domain is already the first testament that you did hear The Voice. Coming here is a default for one who hears The Voice because The Voice and part of my essence as link
ed somehow. So, anyone going to Uriel claiming to have heard The Voice is lying, or least, believes what they heard was The Voice. Now hearing The Voice is a very special calling and only after a fall can one awaken to that calling.”

  “By ‘fall’ do you mean falling from being an angel?” Eliel asked.

  “Exactly!” Michael replied.

  “Flap!” Eliel exclaimed. “It’s too late to turn back now, right?”

  “You could try,” Michael replied. “But you answered the call already. Even if you do try to turn back, the same conviction that made you answer the call will make you stay on track until you fall.”

  “Alright then, I must fall,” Eliel said, with fake enthusiasm.

  “Yes, brother, you must fall,” Michael affirmed. “It won’t be as bad as you imagine. You’ll just experience many different feelings; like hunger and thirst. I could give you as many details as possible, but it would be pointless. One word, though: amnesia.”

  Michael smiled for the first time since their encounter.

  “But even in your amnesia,” Michael continued, “you will always have indicators and you must choose your own path. Have faith that Celestia will never lead you astray. Trust your instincts and listen to the silent voice in you. It will be your guide.”

  “I noticed you kept mentioning the ‘other one’ who heard The Voice,” Eliel said, “and that you cannot allow a repeat of history. What happened to her, if you don’t mind me asking? I mean, I’ve read about her in manuscripts. But I think getting your perspective would help understand her story better.”

  “Of course, I don’t mind you asking,” Michael replied, and for a moment, his eyes were distant and filled with sadness. “She was my unofficial second-in-command. She was the next best among us, and she was so full of promise. But I think, even before she heard The Voice and fell, she had already sided with the darkness. When she fell, it just got worse, and when she returned, she instigated the Great Rebellion that you have heard of. Hell, amongst other things, is our constant reminder of that rebellion.”

  “I’ve heard gruesome stories about what happened,” Eliel said. “I was not entirely sure if they were all true or just embellishments.”

  “What you heard is nothing compared to what really happened, brother,” Michael affirmed. “Those of us who were there still prefer not to talk about it, but younglings like you have to be taught our history, in hopes that such atrocities do not repeat themselves.”

  Eliel could actually feel Michael’s pain; the pain of the loss of so many sisters and brothers. He felt the pain and felt the burden his leader had borne and had been bearing since then, and for the first time since their encounter, Eliel felt sorry for Michael. Everyone always spoke of him, rightly so, as a great conqueror, skilled fighter and strong leader amongst other things. But no one spoke of his pain, sorrow, grief and even guilt. Michael felt as if he failed them all; as if the butchery of that era was his fault somehow. Eliel thought about offering words of comfort to his leader but realized the futility of his intention.

  “I now understand why you tried to end me, brother,” Eliel said. “And I forgive you.”

  Eliel felt Michael’s appreciation even before Michael could offer words of gratitude.

  “Now, let us talk about you not only lasting more than three of my moves but actually beating me at every level,” Michael added. “You know, no angel or archangel has ever done that before, right?”

  Eliel tried to keep his ego in check but failed miserably.

  “That’s what I’ve heard, sir,” Eliel replied and made sure he added the ‘sir’ part in a feeble stab at humility.

  “Oh, come on now, drop the ‘sir,’ already!” Michael clapped Eliel on the shoulder. “You are near-flawless in your fighting skills. And It’s okay to savor the moment too, you know! Where did you learn how to fight like that?” Michael asked with genuine curiosity.

  “Fighting school?” Eliel lied.

  Michael gave him a sideways look and Eliel averted his eyes.

  “Well, I sometimes train when my assignments are asleep, and I try to devise various forms of attack and defense on my own.”

  That was the honest truth, and Michael was pleased.

  “You just don’t cease to impress me, Eliel,” Michael said it as a compliment and meant it.

  Eliel was deeply touched and expressed his gratitude.

  “Say,” Michael added as an afterthought. “When you rise again after your fall,” he made sure he dramatized the ‘rise’ part and both men laughed together, “and, say you decide to stay on the path of the light, would you consider sharing your fighting skills with your brethren?”

  “You honor me, sir,” Eliel was truly flattered. “Yes, I’d absolutely love to!”

  “Great!” Michael exclaimed and clapped his hands once. “It is settled then. Upon your return, we will arrange with Samael to see how he could integrate your training with his. Sounds good to you?”

  “It will be as you wish, sir,” Eliel replied.

  Michael gave up on making Eliel drop the ‘sir.’

  “Very well then,” Michael said, rising from his chair, “I’ll send you over to Uriel and she will prep you for your fall.”

  Eliel did not make any move to get up from his chair and so Michael sat back down.

  “You seemed troubled, young brother,” Michael spoke calmly. “Please, speak your mind,” he encouraged.

  Eliel opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. Michael waited patiently until, finally, Eliel spoke.

  “Sir,” he said. “I never wanted anything else other than to be a mere angel! I take immense pleasure and satisfaction watching over my assignments and just doing my job. I never asked to hear The Voice. Flap! I never even wanted to be an archangel.”

  Eliel shook his head and sighed. He scratched his back without even realizing he was wingless. Michael smiled kindly. He’ll catch up soon enough to his new status! Michael said to himself.

  “And now,” Eliel continued. “I heard The Voice, fought for my life, almost killed you, and was taken over by some strange energy! I mean, flames were coming out of my eyes and mouth, and my sword was also ablaze. Even my wings were on fire, like yours were. I don’t even know how I summoned the archangel battle flame! To top it off, I had two bracelets! Not just one! TWO! And you’re the only archangel with two bracelets, sir! You and YOU alone! I don’t know what all this means, and it’s just really confusing right now!”

  Eliel spoke from his mind and heart. His emotions were genuine: from his ignorance of the situation, confusion, fear, to everything. Angels always had their wings and could not summon the archangel’s battle flame. That is, flaming weapons, mouths, eyes and wings (for Michael’s inner circle) usually before battle. Other archangels could summon the archangel flame on their weapons and wings, but not from their eyes and mouths. Every archangel wore a bracelet on the wrist of their dominant hand. These traits separated archangels from angels. Until his fight with Michael, Eliel was just an angel. And now, he was not just an archangel. He was something else; maybe even something entirely new to the realm and dimension. Michael could feel young Eliel’s desire for clarity as well as his desire to not fail. He placed a hand over Eliel’s shoulder and squeezed gently.

  “There are certain answers to your questions that I cannot help you with, brother,” he said. “Not because I want to keep secrets, but mostly because I, myself, do not know the answers. I am assuming this is why YOU are the one who got chosen to hear The Voice. Part of your falling experience will include you finding the answers to these questions. And like I said before, as long as you listen to the voice in you, you will never be led astray. So, fear not and take comfort even in what the unknown holds for you, alright?”

  Eliel sighed, looked at Michael and nodded.

  “Alright, sir,” he replied and stood up. “Thank you very much.”

  “No, thank YOU, brother,” Michael replied, and the two angels pressed hands. “Now, Uriel is wa
iting for you,” he said. “You will be her only student until you are ready to fall.”

  Eliel nodded and turned around to teleport to Uriel’s location.

  “I’ll see you around, brother,” Michael said telepathically.

  “Thank you again, sir,” Eliel replied and teleported away.

  Michael stared at nothing for many moments. His mind raced in many directions. How come? Could it be that Eliel was The One? Eliel had passed all the basic tests, almost at the cost of Michael’s existence. Firstly, Eliel had heard The Voice. Secondly, Eliel had bested him in combat. Thirdly, Eliel had summoned the archangel battle flame and spoken with that voice that was… non-angelic! Moreover, Eliel had had two bracelets during combat! Not one, but TWO! It just did not make sense! How could this be? Eliel was so young and, yet, he had exhibited more characteristics of The One than any other angel or archangel. And the best part was that Eliel never wanted any of this in the first place.

  Could it really be him? Michael believed he knew the answer to this question already. He replayed the words of the prophecy over and over in his head. He had memorized every glyph on the tablet. And so far, Eliel had fulfilled every single glyph of the prophecy except for what happens beyond the fall. Uriel was the only other archangel in Celestia who knew of this prophecy and hence why she was in charge of interviewing and testing potential candidates. Eliel’s polarization had to be tested.

  So, was Eliel really The One? Michael asked himself the question yet again. And, yet again, he knew the answer already. Perhaps that was the true reason why he wanted to end Eliel from the start. But with Eliel defeating him, everything was now in Celestia’s hands. If Eliel was truly The One, then his success would mean peace in the dimension. Should Eliel fail, it would mean the complete annihilation of their kind. Either way, Eliel’s success or failure would have a common outcome: Michael would no longer be archangel supreme.



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