An Archangel's Ache

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An Archangel's Ache Page 12

by Leo E. Ndelle

  “I agree,” Michael said. “For now, let’s return to our domains and think about this vision some more. This is a first for us all and we must exercise wisdom and due diligence. All in favor?” Michael asked.

  The inner circle archangels summoned and flapped their wings twice.

  “It is unanimous then!” Michael said. “We will reconvene later.”

  The archangels teleported to their respective domains. Michael stayed behind with Malichiel, though. When he was certain no one else was around, he turned to face Malichiel and gave him a stern look.

  “You did not tell them everything, did you?” he asked flatly.

  “I could not, Michael,” Malichiel cowered and hid his face in disgust. “I could not!”

  “Why?” Michael asked.

  “Because there was a second vision right after the first one,” Malichiel replied. “It’s about a rebellion from one who has fallen.”

  Malichiel was shaking his head as if he could erase what he had just been told. But what has been revealed cannot be unrevealed.

  “The second vision was clear on the fact that there was going to be a rebellion?” Michael asked. “No room for choice, whatsoever? Just stating an obvious situation to come?”

  “I’m afraid so,” Malichiel replied weakly.

  “Transcribe for me!” Michael ordered.

  Malichiel obliged and made a tablet appear.

  A fallen one will rise into rebellion. Many will fall, and sorrow, suffering, loss, and ending of existences will plague and haunt the Realm of Celestia for cycles to come; for, in her lust for power and dominion, the fallen one will stop at nothing to see her desires through.

  Malichiel remembered the look of shock on Michael’s face when Michael had finished reading the transcription. It was easy to see why Michael wanted to keep this vision secret, even though Michael had said it would be for the best interest of Celestia not to reveal the details of the vision, citing ‘panic and public safety’ as his reasons. He urged Malichiel that they proceed cautiously because they did not yet know how large her following was, if she had one already. Confronting her head-on could, in fact, incite the rebellion. Malichiel wanted to believe that Michael was being rational and objective, and Michael could very well have been. But Malichiel had no way of telling, unfortunately. He agreed with Michael, not because of Michael’s logic, but because of his feelings for the fallen one of whom the vision spoke.

  Later, Luciel visited Malichiel in his domain. They chatted about the affairs of Celestia for a while. Malichiel remembered the sudden change in the tone of the conversation. Luciel began ranting about how archangels deserved better than to be subject to one archangel, who was, for all intents and purposes, a tyrant, and a brute. Even though Malichiel had no recollection of Michael ever being a tyrant and a brute, somehow, he accepted what Luciel was telling him as the truth. Perhaps it was the way she curled her lips when she talked or the way she touched his hands as if begging him to take her and do with her as he saw fit. Maybe he was just imagining it. Or maybe Luciel knew how he felt for her and was merely taking immense pleasure in wrapping him around her fingers.

  Malichiel did not care! His feelings for Luciel had been true and deep from the moment he had laid eyes on her. Unfortunately, she had never regarded him the way he regarded her, and the fact that Luciel did not reciprocate his feelings was eating him on the inside. But Malichiel never lost hope. Even when Luciel’s relationship with Michael became official, Malichiel still held on to the hope of the eventual fruition of his desire. The prophecies had done more than create a position of importance for him among Michael’s inner council of archangels. The prophecies had created the perfect situation to make Luciel partake in his feelings for her wholly and unreservedly.

  As such, whatever Luciel said was true. She was infallible! She was right! Celestia deserved better! Archangels deserved better! Why have one person as a leader when they could all be leaders? Why not accept her offer of being together? Yes, the two of them could be together indeed! Or did she say rule together? Malichiel was not sure anymore. Maybe Luciel said they would rule together, but he heard they would be together. In any case, so long as he was with her to the end, he certainly was going to earn a place by her side. Yes! By her side! Without intending to, he summoned and flapped his wings twice. Luciel mistook his gesture for him being excited and agreeing with her thoughts. He apologized for the distraction and urged her to continue. By the time she was done, he was more inclined to join her cause.

  However, Malichiel did not communicate his decision to join Luciel just yet. He still had certain things to take care of. For now, he would continue to ‘side with Michael’, at least in the eyes of Michael. Malichiel designed a special domain to house ancient tablets, as well as safe hiding places using encryption glyphs that would prevent anyone but Michael and himself from accessing such sensitive information. As such, his rank in the inner circle had risen above the others’ because he was now a transcriber for The Logos.

  Michael had asked him, Malichiel, to keep the second prophecy a secret for strategic reasons, but when he had received the third prophecy, he could not understand why Michael wanted him to keep it a secret; unless it was solely for Michael’s personal reasons. Malichiel concluded that Michael had a secret agenda and that made Michael untrustworthy. Luciel had her own secret agenda but she had shared her secret agenda with him…because she loved him, and he loved her. This was the final straw that broke the feather on Malichiel’s wing; Michael’s dishonesty and Luciel’s honesty. Malichiel then decided to join Luciel’s cause.

  Alas, the perfect plan had taken a nasty turn that had resulted in far too many existences ending, Luciel’s and Zukael’s incarceration, and the rest of the rebellion being banished to his putrid parody of paradise they had dubbed Hell Realm. The first few moments in their new home epitomized chaos. But relative to what they had just gone through during the rebellion, it was bliss. Malichiel conceded to the fact that Maziel had done a great job with the realm’s infrastructure. Given his very special role during his period in Celestia and his present importance to a much grander plan, Malichiel had asked for a private domain, away from all the buzz in the realm. He had refused to give up his old name and hated the new name ascribed to him. He watched Maziel ascend to power by wit and slaughter. Maziel’s courage and strength were admirable. However, his leadership was a different matter altogether.


  Malichiel returned from memory lane to the quietude of his domain. Kazuk would pay for his insolence, Malichiel swore to himself. But he would have to exercise patience… a lot of patience. He had heard whispers of others nicknaming him ‘The Silent One’. He thought it was flattering. He knew why Kazuk needed him and he was aware that Kazuk was only making empty threats about ending him. Malichiel knew he was too valuable; even far more valuable than she was. For now, Kazuk could feel secure. For now, Kazuk could feel he was in control. For now, Kazuk had won the battle. But what Kazuk, in his infinite wisdom and even more infinite ignorance, did not know was that a war was coming that would dwarf the Great Rebellion. And when the war began, Kazuk would be the very first to fall! Malichiel would personally see to it.

  Maybe he had to suffer humiliation to be reminded of who he was and who he had become. Malichiel… No! No more! Celestia was history. Hell was the present. The Silent One closed his eyes and smiled. He felt the burning of the mark in between his shoulder blades and his essence was infused with a form of energy that Malichiel was not used to. He felt the life course through his being. He relished the feeling. He accepted it. He surrendered to it.

  Malichiel summoned his wings and they burned with a blood-red flame. His eyes opened, and blood-red flames spewed from them. The evilest laughter erupted from his throat as the mark between his shoulder blades burned even more, infusing his being with more of that alien intoxicating and invigorating power. As he roared with even more evil laughter, the walls of his domain trembled in accordance. Senior Archangel
Malichiel, transcriber for The Logos was dead and gone, and Metatron had arisen!

  “Oh Kazuk!” he roared. “War is coming! I hope you’re ready!”



  ALMOST A WEEK after his fateful encounter with Lithilia, Walter Peabody was sitting on his twin-sized bed in his shoe-box-sized studio apartment watching an English Premier League football game. Walter cursed out one last time before switching off the television. There was no way his team could recover from such a slaughter in seven minutes. He slid off his bed and headed for the loo. He thought he heard his cellphone ring while he was taking care of business, but shrugged off the thought. He then made it to the fridge in two steps. He fished for his yesterday’s-dinner-now-lunch sub and took a bite of it. His hunger made him immune to the foul taste and smell of the food. The phone rang but he ignored it. No one important anyway, Walter thought.

  Walter collapsed on his bed and picked up his phone. Three missed calls and two voice messages. Caller ID: Unknown. Walter furrowed his eyebrows. He did not recall hearing the phone ringing thrice. He shrugged and tapped on the first message.

  “Hello, Mr. Peabody! Just calling to say ‘howdy’ and to check on you. I’m not sure if you even gave me the right number because I’ve called twice already to no avail. Well, I’ll try again, and hopefully, I’ll get you next time. Ciao amore!” Lithilia’s voice said over the phone.

  Walter stifled a scream and slapped himself across the face.

  “Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!” he cursed out loud.

  Walter hurried to the second message, tapped on it with a shaking index finger and listened. His heart was racing, and he hoped he had not just screwed up a very big opportunity.

  “I forgot to tell you… I miss you (giggles). Bye now!” Lithilia said.

  Walter screamed and smacked his temple several times with his free hand! How could you be so freaking stupid, Walter?! he thought. When the phone rings, you pick it up, you imbecile! He cursed himself.

  Walter stood up from his bed and paced around his studio. He stared at his phone on the bed and wished he had a way he could get her caller ID. He cursed and smacked himself in the head several times as he continued pacing around his studio apartment. Maybe she’s toying with me, he said to himself and stopped pacing. He let out a heavy sighed and thrust his hands in his trouser pockets. He had to be real with himself.

  “She’s not going to call me back,” he said to himself. “Yeah! She’s way out of my league, anyway.”

  And yet, even in this epiphany, Walter Peabody held on to his vision of Lithilia and himself becoming an item. They would move in together, have a life together, raise a family and so on. The odds were stacked against him and yet, he clung to the last sliver of hope he could cling to.

  Walter’s phone started ringing again, yanking him back to reality. He held his breath and stared at his ringing phone. The caller ID read ‘Unknown’. Finally, realizing that he had to act quickly before the call went to voice mail, Walter picked up his phone, accepted the call and cleared his throat.

  “Hello?” he said in a husky voice and cleared his throat again.

  “Hello! May I speak with Mr. Peabody, please?” asked a lady at the other end of the line, but it was not Lithilia’s voice.

  “Speaking,” Walter replied with a heavy dose of disappointment.

  “Oh, hello Mr. Peabody,” the lady said. “I’m Maria Winslow from the Local Times. I’ve read some of your blogs and I was wondering if you had a minute to discuss a job opportunity with us, please.”

  “Uh, okay, sure!” Walter replied with a mixture of excitement, confusion and surprise. Job opportunity? He thought.

  “Thank you, sir. Please let me know when you’re ready,” she said.

  “I’m ready, Ms. Winslow,” Walter replied and lay back on the bed.

  This might turn out to be a not-so-bad call after all. Job opportunity? Hopefully, it’s a permanent one too! Walter mentally slapped himself to stop the ramblings in his head.

  “Thank you, Mr. Peabody,” said the lady. “I read your blog about the possibility that Adam and Eve were not the first to be created. Tell me, Mr. Peabody, how did you come about this theory?”

  “Wait a second!” Walter exclaimed and bolted upright. “I never blogged about that!”

  “That’s because you told me about it, silly!” Lithilia erupted on the other end of the line, and she burst out laughing. “I got you good, didn’t I?! YES!!!!” she exclaimed triumphantly.

  “Oh my God, Lithilia!” said Walter.

  He was so relieved to hear her voice that he thought he would either faint or cry. He was not sure which was more emasculating.

  “I could never have guessed it was you. You faked that voice like a pro!” Walter said and joined her in her laughter.

  “That’s for making a girl call you a million times before you finally pick up the damn phone, mister!” Lithilia said playfully. “You’re not supposed to leave a girl hanging like that!”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Walter replied. “I hear you loud and clear. Although in all fairness, you were the one who kept me hanging! And why are you calling from a blocked number, by the way?”

  “Hey, a girl can’t give away all her secrets on the first or second date now, can she?” Lithilia rebutted.

  Walter could feel her smile in her voice, or so he thought.

  “Does that mean we’re going on a date soon?” Walter asked.

  “You know what, Mr. Peabody,” Lithilia replied faking exasperation. “Sometimes, I feel like I have to spell everything out to you letter by letter.” She sighed audibly.

  “Alright, alright!” Walter replied with a chuckle. “Didn’t wanna assume anything. When and where?”

  “Now and your place,” Lithilia replied. “Unless it’s too soon for you?”

  “No!” Walter replied, making an instant recovery from his shock. “Not at all too soon! In fact, it couldn’t be soon enough!”

  Walter bit his lower lip to stifle the curse that was about to erupt from his lips. Why the hell was he sounding like a horny twelve-year-old! He sprang from his bed and glanced frantically around his studio like a panicking, caged animal. Suddenly, the pitiful state of his apartment slapped him in the face. What if Lithilia did not like his place? Why would she anyway? She was way too… Walter could not find the right word to describe her. Sophisticated? Yes, she was too sophisticated for him, talk less of his abode. And there was no escape from the inevitable. Walter could prolong her coming over to his place as much as he wanted to. But he would have to bring her over someday.

  “Walter?” Lithilia spoke gently. “Are you there?”

  Walter’s shoulders drooped, and he hung his head in shame and self-loathe. There was only one thing left to do and if it cost him his opportunity with Lithilia, then, unfortunately, so be it! With that in mind, Walter decided on full disclosure.

  “Lithilia, I must let you know something-” he began, but she cut him off.

  “You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?” Lithilia asked sadly.

  “No, not at all!” he replied quickly. “God, no! I’m not seeing anyone.”

  “Phew, you got me worried for a sec, Mr. Peabody!” she said.

  “Didn’t mean to,” he apologized. “I just wanted to let you know that I live in a tiny and not-so-accommodating place and that-”

  “You’re as broke as a joke?” she asked nonchalantly.

  Walter was too surprised to reply.

  “Well, just to let you know,” she added a-matter-of-factly. “I’m not coming to see you because you’re the richest bloke in the block. I’d like to just spend some time with you, beyond the formalities of a tea shop setting… And also, I have a story to finish ha-ha!” she added. “Is that okay with you? I certainly don’t mean to impose.”

  Walter was deeply touched by her sincerity and humility. He felt so stupid for misjudging her and for letting his insecurities get the better of him. He felt like he had hit a lotte
ry jackpot. Okay, maybe like the second prize, which was still better than nothing. Well, when he actually did hit THAT…

  “That sounds lovely, Lithilia,” Walter replied earnestly. “And, by all means, you’re not imposing at all. I would love to spend some time with you as well. I’d text you my address, but I still don’t have your number.”

  “I have a pen and paper,” Lithilia offered.

  Walter gave her his address.

  “Thanks,” Lithilia said with a tinge of glee. “See you in two hours.”

  Two hours! Holy crap! Walter thought. That meant Walter had two hours to give his abode and himself the best do-over possible. Walter immediately went into panic mode. He paced back and forth, unsure of what to do or where to start. He reeked of no-shower-and-shave-in-days and shame. His tiny place stank even worse. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? No! No! No! Walter was frantic. This can’t be happening? And why would she still not give me her number? Walter finally summoned the courage the snap himself back to reality and went to work at once. There were more pressing matters at hand than worrying about why Lithilia still would not give him her number.

  Walter vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed, emptied the trash, changed the sheets, shaved and showered. Eighty-nine minutes later, his apartment was looking like an alien territory to him; it was the cleanest it had ever been ever since he moved in. He did another tour of inspection for good measure and was pleased with himself. From wall to wall, his domicile looked and smelled great. From armpit to armpit, he looked and smelled great as well. Then he remembered there was no food or drinks and let out an expletive. But before he could order some Chinese food, there was a knock on the door. He let out a curse and walked towards the door.

  “Who is it?” he asked impatiently.

  “It’s your favorite porn star, honey,” Lithilia replied casually.

  “Oh my God, woman!” Walter grinned as he opened the door.

  He met a much wider grin than his. In one hand, Lithilia had a bag containing deliciously smelling Chinese food, and in her other hand, she had a bottle of white wine.


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