An Archangel's Ache

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An Archangel's Ache Page 17

by Leo E. Ndelle

  Then, the Sinisters started pouring in. On the first day of attack, one of the agents had died but the other two held on. Week after week, they watched and protected their target as they fended off Sinister after Sinister. The agents were adept and held on until reinforcements came in. Their target never left the house for some reason and for that, they were thankful. Eventually, the Sinisters had eased off and the agents had one less thing to worry about for the meantime. Then, a rumor started spreading that the Sinisters had devised a new ‘weapon’ that was undetectable to the O.R.’s radar, and that this weapon was heading for the target’s location. That was when Patrick had been asked to pay the small town a special visit. The other agents were to answer directly to Patrick from then on!

  “You’re still here,” Sara said, snapping Patrick out of his reverie.

  “Fixin’ to finish this last man standing,” he replied brandishing his bottle.

  “What a chore!” Sara said and rolled her eyes.

  She snatched the bottle from Patrick’s hand, took a swig from it and returned it to him.

  Patrick smiled and took a swig as well.

  “What time you close down for the night?” Patrick asked casually.

  “Why ya wanna know?” Sara asked in return.

  “Damn curiosity,” Patrick replied with a wink.

  “You could’ve at least tried to come up with a lie or something, you know,” she flirted. “Something like, ‘Was just tryna make sure you got home safe.’ Or whatever your male instincts ask you to say.”

  They both laughed.

  “I could try, for sure,” Patrick agreed. “But would you rather I lied or told you the truth?”

  “I’d rather you told me the truth, stranger,” Sara replied in earnest.

  “And here is the truth,” Patrick said leaning forward and staring deep into her eyes.

  Sara leaned forwards and returned the stare. Then, he reached even further and placed his lips very close to her right ear and whispered, “Just asking.”

  “You snake charmer!” Sara exclaimed and threw a playful punch at Patrick.

  Patrick effortlessly redirected her punch back towards her and something about the gesture made Sara weak in the knees. Patrick noticed her colors change and knew that somehow, someway, she would have her way with him that night, whether he wanted to or not.

  “1:45!” Sara said, as her chest heaved up and down and her massive bosom threatened to jump out of her low-cut blouse.

  “You know where to find me,” Patrick said, sliding a $50 bill towards her. “Keep the change!” he added and walked out of the bar.

  Patrick could feel Sara ripping his clothes off with her eyes and that made him smile. He never intended on partaking in the local distractions when he was on a mission. Yet, stuff always happened. They were unwarranted, but much appreciated. Resistance was pointless. He glanced at his watch, which was most likely more expensive than the entire bar was worth. 10:02 pm. He adjusted his leather jacket and fedora and walked towards his rental. It was so boring to drive around when he could just teleport. He unlocked the car remotely and right before he slid behind the wheel, he heard someone call out to him.

  “Care to give a girl a ride, mister?” said a farm girl in too short a skirt and low-cut blouse that also showed her flat tummy as she walked towards him.

  Under normal circumstances, Patrick probably would have said no. He had someone lined up already. But there was something about a farm girl in a pair of boots and red lipstick that made it impossible for him to tame his libido.

  “As long as you don’t try to hurt me, ma’am,” Patrick flirted.

  “Well, I just might…” she said as she slid in the front passenger seat. “But I got a strange feeling you gonna like it,” she flirted.

  “Careful what you wish for, miss,” Patrick said with a flirtatious smile.

  Patrick revved the engine and headed towards the only motel in town. Two hours later, he drove a very reluctant girl back to her place and she made him swear to come get her again before he left town. He swore he would. He just wanted to get her home and return to the motel before Sara came by. The lady was very sore and may be unable to walk properly for a few days. But she was totally fine with that. It was all for a freaking great cause, she had said. And she could not wait for more.

  Patrick thanked her for her generous words. On the way back to the motel, he thought about Sara. It was not the prospect of bumping pelvises with her that struck his fancy thus. It was the fact that her auric glow was unlike anything he had ever seen before. So was Donald’s, but Donald’s case was understandable. Patrick thought it was the coolest thing ever to share a bottle or two with a fallen angel. He considered asking for Donald’s autograph, but he did not think Father Supreme would have liked that at all.

  There was a knock on the door at 1:44 a.m. He had left the door a tinge ajar and was lying on the bed, freshly showered and naked with a small pillow on his nether region. The door slid open slowly and a freshly showered, wet-haired, sweet-smelling, high-heeled-boots-wearing and red-lipsticked version of Sara walked in with seductive steps. She locked the door behind her, without taking her eyes off Patrick. Patrick was grateful for the earlier sessions because, with the way Sara’s eyes were ravaging him, he probably would have left a marking on the pillow already.

  “Nice coat,” Patrick said.

  “Nice pillow,” Sara replied. “Whatcha hidin’ under there?”

  “I’d show you, but this whole room would get dark,” he replied without missing a beat.

  Sara could not contain her laughter and Patrick smiled.

  “Oh my God, Patrick!” Sara said between fits of laughter.

  “You finally said my name,” Patrick remarked.

  “I pay attention, ya know,” Sara replied.

  She bent over to take her boots off.

  “No!” Patrick said, and she froze in mid-action. “Leave ‘em on!”

  “Had a feeling you’d say that,” Sara said.

  She straightened herself and sat on the small table by the door.

  “How about you show me yours and I show you mine…” she added in the most flirtatious voice Patrick had ever heard.

  “Sure you want me to do that?” he asked.

  Patrick stood up and let the pillow fall to the floor, revealing his nudity.

  “Y- yes…” Sara stammered and swallowed.

  Patrick watched Sara as she breathed more heavily, but steadily, as the promise and anticipation of what was to come grew with every second. She was transfixed by his nether region, as if it was a world wonder. Patrick walked towards her and reached for the belt of her trench coat. One tug later, the belt came untied and the lapels of Sara’s trench coat came apart, revealing Sara’s resplendent and exquisite nude physique. Patrick swallowed involuntarily and cautiously reached for her skin, as if he was hypnotized by the surreal nature of the situation. Whatever she was, wherever she was from, Sara was definitely a creature that evoke every iota of his caution, curiosity and carnality in one logic-defying conundrum.

  Sara’s skin looked and felt surreal as Patrick slowly ran his fingers over her belly. He felt her energy course through his fingertips. Her energies danced between his fingertips and her skin like violet sparks of electricity. She closed her eyes and moaned to his touch. Who was this woman?! He asked himself. Or better yet, WHAT was she?! He slid his fingers up her sternum, in between her breasts and up to her neck. Her breathing became more erratic as more sparks ignited on his fingertips. Sara arched her head backward in an open invitation he was all too eager to accept. But Patrick hesitated. Sara was anything but human and the possible, unknown threat that fact alone posed gave him enough reason to snap her neck.

  But who was he to judge and execute on sight? Patrick’s every instinct told him that Sara was not evil. She was an extra-dimensional being, yes, but she was not evil. And so instead of ending her, Patrick angled his head and planted a long, soft kiss on her neck. She gasped and almost
lost her balance at the edge of the table. He kissed her neck, passionately, feeling the energy radiating from her skin to his like violet sparks of electricity. It was a most unbelievable and beautiful sight to see. Sara begged for more; more of his touch, more of his kisses, more of his passion. Her passion was unlike any Patrick had ever experienced and he had had his fair share of women during his short existence. He cupped her left breast, squeezed gently and played with her nipple.

  Sara’s moaned some more, and her body glowed with a violet hue. Patrick noticed the glow and, again, he considered ending her. But then, she parted her limbs slightly, granting him total access to her innermost sanctum and the thought of ending her evaporated from Patrick’s mind faster than a drop of water on the sands of the Sahara. Patrick reached in between her legs with his free hand. Sara gasped and shuddered as electric ecstasy swept through her body. She was frothing down there as they locked lips, and this made him smile.

  Patrick played with the protuberance in between her lower lips and Sara gasped louder as more violet sparks of electricity danced between his fingertips and her drenching nether region. She clutched the back of Patrick’s neck and buried her chin in the crease between his right shoulder and neck as Patrick worked his magic. She convulsed, and her body tensed up so much that Patrick thought she was about the shatter into in billion China pieces. But Sara let out a scream of exhilaration and release before she collapsed onto his body. She was panting, savoring the first round of climax, before she took over.

  Sara groped for Patrick’s hardness as he slid her coat off her body. As violet sparks of electricity danced between her and his hardness, Sara was the closest thing to perfection he had ever seen, the closest thing to perfection he had ever touched and, as Sara stooped and took him in her mouth, she was the closest thing to perfection he had ever experience.

  Patrick felt her life force encase him and she savored in his as they glowed together in a most beautiful violet hue. Patrick felt every molecule of his being come alive with the supercharged energy of this extra-dimensional creature that was pleasuring him in ways that he was sure he would never experience with anyone else! Their beings were tingling to a resonance that Patrick could not explain. Even though Patrick’s basic instinct to remain cautious was still strong, he could not help but relish the new sensation he was experiencing. Whatever this… creature… was, he would let her have him, all of him and however she wanted.

  Patrick tossed caution out the window. He was no longer afraid. As he surrendered, he sensed Sara had arrived at the same conclusion. In an unspoken symphony, the pair relinquished all they had, and all they were, to that present moment. She stood up and pushed him on the bed. Her eyes were closed. And when she straddled him and opened her eyes, they glowed with a violet brightness. Sara took his metallic protrusion and guided him in. Violet sparks of what looked like electricity danced around her body and his in jagged patterns. There was no electric shock in these energy movements.

  And Patrick felt his energies go nuclear, infused and resonating with the much higher energies radiating from this extradimensional perfection in the flesh. It was beyond sexual. It was beyond giving. It was beyond receiving. It was something to do with reaching out and letting go. It was something that Patrick could not describe. It was something that could only be felt and experienced. As such, instead of ending Sara, Patrick entered her warm, drenched tightness. And in that moment, as the violet sparks of electricity went berserk all over their bodies, sizzling with otherworldly passion, and illuminating the dimly lit motel room with its bright violet flashes, Sara became the perfection Patrick had never imagined.

  The pair lost control and gave in completely and unreservedly to every carnal inclination they could muster. Hours burned away, but not nearly as quickly as the couple burned their interchange of energies. And then, at the final stretch, Sara slid her legs from Patrick’s shoulders and wrapped them around his waist. With the fluidity of a violet, humanoid amoeba, she flipped Patrick over and straddled him. Her hips ground, pushed and pounded against his in a rhythm that only countless sessions of erotic escapades could evoke.

  Patrick could feel her building to something that was beyond a climax. For a fleeting moment, he was concerned for this new alien energy that seized his being and invoke another alien energy within his being that he was ignorant of its existence. But that fear was only for a fleeting moment. Sara’s face contorted, and her body became more rigid as she increased her frequency of her pelvic pounding. Her breathing became more erratic, her eyes sealed shut, and her lips parted as if she was about to scream.

  Sara leaned forward and dug her fingers into Patrick’s chiseled chest. As she sailed towards her grand finale with every gyration, Patrick inched closer towards his. His body stiffened, and Sara could have sworn she was resting her hands on two big, dark diamonds in the name of a chest. Their energies were in sync, their frequencies were in resonance and in that moment, Patrick and Sara, two creatures from different dimensions, shared a bond that made them one and inseparable. They could feel every ether and energy from each other’s existential experience. It was beyond body. It was beyond mind. It was something birthed in being! A violet, non-consuming flame started forming all over Sara’s silhouette as she raised her head to the sky and her body tensed in a prelude to a-

  There was a scream of ecstasy and release that resonated through multiple sonic frequencies at the same time. Creatures from far and near, across various realms and dimensions heard Sara loud and clear. But that was nothing compared to what Patrick’s eyes did not see as he himself shared in Sara’s scream of indescribable release. But Patrick did not need his eyes to behold what he was already experiencing in their momentarily unified and inseparable being. Besides, his eyes would have tainted the knee-bending, awe-inspiring, worship-worthy sight of the violet, non-consuming flames on Sara’s silhouette exploding with the beautiful brightness of a supernova, as the couple achieved a simultaneous climax worthy of an applause from Creation itself.

  The separation of their beings followed the brilliance of their culmination. Sara collapsed into Patrick’s arms. She remained in that position, on top of him, for a few minutes. Neither of them said a single word. There was nothing to be said and there was nothing that could be said. How could anyone put into words what could only be communicated by experience. For both Sara and Patrick, they truly each were the perfection that each of them had never, ever imagined.

  Patrick adjusted a passed-out Sara on the bed. He held her sleeping form close to his body. Sara slept in his arms as if Patrick’s arms were the heaven she had been seeking all her life. It had been six hours of non-stop erotic ecstasy and worldly wildness. And while Sara slept peacefully in his arms, Patrick stayed awake, wondering who or what Sara was. She was neither luper nor chuper, nor was she Sinister, angel nor demon. Sara was unlike anything he had ever encountered in his line of work. It was not just that Sara was from another dimension. She was unique; very beautiful and unique.


  At the concierge of the motel, a stranger walked in and rang the bell. A young lad emerged from the back room and walked towards the counter.

  “Top of the mornin’ to you, sir,” he said with unnecessary glee.

  Marijuana would do that to people sometimes.

  “Good morning to you, sir,” the stranger replied. “I’d like a room, please?”

  “How long, sir,” asked the lad.

  “Just a day,” the stranger replied.

  “Alrighty! Please fill out your name and sign here. And I’m gonna need some ID, as well.”

  The stranger obliged and handed the lad his passport. The lad made a copy of it and returned it to the stranger.

  “And that’ll be $30 please,” the lad said and sniveled.

  The stranger handed the lad two $20 bills.

  “Keep the change!” the stranger said.

  The lad’s eyes lit up as he envisioned replenishing his stash of weed with the extra $10.

sp; “Wow, thank you-” he turned the form around – “Mr. Peabody! Here’s your key and it will be Room 221. Up the stairs and to your right! It will be the third door down. I hope you enjoy your time with us.”

  “You’re welcome and thank you,” Walter said, picking up his suitcase and walking towards the stairs that led to his room.



  “DID SHE SHOW up?” Lithilia asked as Kazuk walked in.

  “No, she did not,” he replied and sat on a chair he summoned.

  “She must’ve had a good reason,” she said, walking up to him.

  “Maybe,” Kazuk agreed, his voice loaded with disdain. “Or maybe she was just reminding me who’s boss!”

  “Sorry about your ego,” Lithilia smirked and Kazuk glared at her.

  “Everything doesn’t have to be perfect, you know?” she added.

  Lithilia thought his pettiness was becoming insufferable.

  “This has to be perfect, Lithilia!” Kazuk said. “EVERYTHING has to be perfect for this to work! Don’t you get it?”

  “I do understand that everything must be perfect,” Lithilia said. “Despite what you may think.”

  Kazuk closed his eyes, summoned his wings and flapped them twice to calm himself. He then made his wings disappear and turned to face Lithilia.

  “I meant everything concerning this plan!” Kazuk said.

  “Because you cannot tolerate another fiasco like last time, right?” Lithilia finished his statement for him. “Yes, my love, I know. I’m only trying to offer some support.”


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