Rookstorm Online

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Rookstorm Online Page 11

by Mason Roth

  "Hail them." Piper repeated forcefully. Cornelius's hands shook as he placed his hands on the receiver.

  "This is the Gilded Animus. Identify yourself." His request was met only with static. He repeated his message. Static once more. "Do you comply?" He shouted into the receiver. Finally a response.

  "We have no interest in speaking with you, gnome." A voice grunted back at him. "Hand the receiver to the party leader." Piper looked at Jeremy and then at Janelle. Both of them had assumed leadership roles in the last dungeon, but Piper wasn't really sure if either of them was truly in charge of the group.

  "Don't look at us." Janelle snapped. "This is your plan." Piper realized by her tone that she was just as apprehensive as Jeremy. Piper took a deep breath and grabbed the receiver. "What do you want with us? Why did you fire on our ship?" She asked coldly.

  The receiver crackled as the man on the other line debated his response.

  "Isn't it obvious?" He purred. “We want to take you down and take all that EXP for ourselves. Four player characters at once? We might be able to take the Alpha right now."

  Piper winced at his cruelty but pushed through with her plan.

  "That wouldn't be fair to us, or you." She tried to reason. "You would be murdering us without giving us a fair fight. I'm sure whatever EXP you gained would reflect that as well."

  "What are you proposing?" The man grunted, unable to argue with her.

  "Meet us on the ground. PVP battle. No NPCs. Just your party vs ours." Jeremy stared at her wide-eyed and finally spoke.

  "Are you really going to kill them?" He asked her, sadly. "Would you ask us to do that?"

  His eyes were downcast. "Of course not. How could you think that? We're not killing anyone. With any luck, we won't even have to fight." Everyone perked up at that statement, and they listened to her plan.

  All Piper wanted was to incapacitate the PVP raiders and save the girl. That's all. No killing. As an added bonus, they might even get a pretty nice amount of HP for disarming the raiders, but there was no way to know until they tried.

  "Humph. We agree to your terms.” The man grunted back at her. "See you on the ground." Piper handed the receiver back to Cornelius.

  "Let's do this." She said, turning to her party. "We can't let them get away with what they've done. The party nodded back at her in agreement, but Piper could tell that Jeremy still looked perturbed. There was no time to hash that out with him though. They were going to save Violet and teach these raiders a lesson.

  Chapter 13

  Cornelius brought the Gilded Animus down smoothly at the edge of the Great Rookstorm Rainforest.

  The other ship landed about 100 yards away. On the ground, Piper could see how the Gilded Animus was dwarfed in comparison. They wouldn't have had a chance if they had battled the raiders in the sky.

  They exited their airship, leaving Cornelius on board. Everyone had their weapons drawn and was prepared for a fight. Piper noticed that she and Janelle were not the only ones with upgraded weapons, and Jeremy's new axe shone in the artificial sun. It was still clockwork, but huge and double-sided. The silver edges glittered against the bronze and wove their way down the handle with grace. They watched in silence as the raiders exited their own airship. They had about five people with them, not including Violet. It wouldn't exactly be a fair fight, but they had a better chance of winning on the ground than on the air, that was for certain.

  Piper turned to her party and exchanged looks of determination. The opposing players tossed Violet onto the ground roughly before drawing their weapons and charging at them.

  "What the hell are you all doing?" Violet shrieked as she writhed on the ground. "I told you to leave me alone!" She shouted at Piper desperately. But it was already too late. There was no way that Piper was going to let one of her own be taken by these people that were worse than monsters.

  The five opposing players didn't care to exchange pleasantries; they instead were poised and ready to kill.

  The ruffian she had picked out from the ship looked to be some sort of fighter variant, but instead of wielding an axe like Jeremy, he had a heavy anvil-shaped hammer. From behind him emerged an almost identical neckbeard, though Piper didn't think they were related. The pair charged at Piper specifically with their weapons held high; they were definitely not aiming to wound, but to kill. She wielded her new pistols in both hands and called up the UI.

  Unknown. VP: ???

  Shit. She guessed she couldn't get unlimited information on player characters. But that also meant they didn’t have unlimited information on her either. The cursor in the UI did lock onto them, however, and Piper fired at their legs. One stumbled as the bullet tore through his shin, but it missed the one she had recognized from before and he still charged at her.

  She remembered she was wearing her Lightfoot Boots and leapt into the air just as he was about to come down on her with his massive hammer. She truly felt like a video game character as she did a slow summersault over him in midair and shot at the back of his ankles. The bullets grazed him but did not completely knock him out of the battle like she did his companion. From above, she surveyed how her party members were faring. Jeremy squared off with a plain-looking man wielding pistols just like her. Janelle was picking magic arrows from the air with her Gloves of Bullet Snaring as she squared off with a female caster, while Ethan was levitating the dark rogue that attempted to charge him. They were doing pretty well, Piper thought as she landed on her feet. But as soon as she was back on solid ground, she could tell something wasn't right.

  The neckbeard she had just shot was missing. Before she had time to locate him, Janelle shrieked in anguish as the caster launched an electric spell straight into her chest. She twitched momentarily before disappearing into a swirl of light. With Janelle defeated, the opposing party seemed to get their second wind. They fought furiously and aiming to disarm rather than kill became nearly impossible. But they weren't monsters; they couldn't just kill these people. Piper spotted the raider she had shot in the ankles. He had snuck off behind the fight and was now creeping up on Ethan as he sparred with rogue, his Wand of Web laid snapped on the ground. He had already expended most of his mana casting levitate but it seemed now that he was opting for a more damaging spell as fire started to course through his fingertips.

  The rogue began to shriek as the fire seared her shoulders where he had grabbed on to her. He was so focused on dealing the damage non-lethally, he didn't realize when the neckbeard raised his hammer over his head.

  "Ethan!" Piper shouted as she shot at the player. She didn't even bother making sure her shot was non lethal, she just wanted to make sure it connected. But, the timing was all wrong. The hammer moved in front of his body to block the bullet as it came down on Ethan's head.

  Piper tried to remain calm as she watched the boy's skull split and brains fall out. She felt bile rise in her throat as she aimed her last bullet before she had to cool down at Ethan's chest. She had a clear shot and Healing Bullet should be able to save him. Janelle must have re-spawned behind her in that moment, and Piper was startled by her blood curdling shriek from behind her. She fired a millisecond too late, and the bullet flew through where Ethan's body was right before it was enveloped in golden light. Janelle screamed again and charged at the player that felled her brother. The caster and other rogue were in the way, and she slashed at them without slowing her pace to clear a path to the hammer-wielding barbarian. He looked startled by her pace and didn't have time to raise his hammer to attack her before she buried two poison daggers into his heart.

  Following Janelle's lead, Jeremy stopped dancing with his gun slinging opponent and buried his shiny new axe into his chest, coating it with fresh blood. Both the barbarian and the gunslinger disappeared in the customary swirling light and the rogue and caster looked terrified as they backed up towards their ship. With another crazy-eyed shriek, Janelle sprinted after them, weapons drawn.

  "What are you doing?! Why are you going after them?
They're scared! They're retreating!"

  "They don't deserve to live after what they did to Ethan!" She screamed, slashing wildly. Piper locked eyes with Jeremy and moved forward together. They had to restrain her before she did damage that she couldn't take back.

  Piper flanked her from the right while Jeremy took the left. They closed in on her and tackled her at the waist. She swung her daggers wildly leaving several cuts on Piper's face and arms, yet she hung on tightly. Finally Janelle stopped writhing and laid still in the marsh.

  "I can't believe he's gone." She said, eyes void of expression.

  "He's not gone." Piper gasped as the poison from Janelle's daggers began to set into her bloodstream. "He'll re-spawn soon, just like you did."

  Piper released Janelle, expecting her to sit up, but she just laid there listlessly. Seeing that she was no longer trying to resist, Piper dug through her bag and uncorked her healing potion as her airways began to constrict. She downed it in one gulp and took heaving deep breaths as the poison left her system.

  "You don't know that." Janelle said, emotionless. "Last time, he took so long to come back - over an hour. He might not be able to make it with his condition." She trailed off toward the end of her sentence and was barely mumbling to herself now, words Piper couldn't make out.

  Recovered from the poison, Piper got up to unbind Violet just as the enemy ship rose into the sky. They had gotten the injured man on board and she couldn't help but sigh a breath of relief as the two men that were struck down reappeared in glowing light on the bow of the ship. Despite how awful they were, she didn't wish them dead, especially at the hands of her friends.

  "Are you okay?" She asked Violet as she untied her.

  "Yeah." She responded, holding her head. She was thrown from the ship pretty roughly and probably suffered a concussion. "You didn't have to do that though." She said glaring at Piper darkly. "I told you to stay away from me. I told you it was dangerous."

  "What was I supposed to do, let them kill you?" Piper asked annoyed. "You're safe now. That's what matters." Piper put a hand on hers as the two locked eyes intensely for longer than was appropriate. Piper heard Jeremy approaching from behind and withdrew her hand rapidly.

  "Jeremy, this is Violet." Piper introduced. The two nodded at each other tersely. "Look, Violet," Jeremy began. "I'm sure you mean well, but I think its best you be on your way." Piper stared at him incredulously.

  "Yeah I was thinking the same thing," She replied. Piper thought she almost sounded bored with him. "Anyway," She said, turning back to Piper. "Thanks again, sweetheart." Piper felt the same weird flutter in her chest as Violet touched her arm before getting up and leaving with a wave.

  "Do you at least want a ride back into the city?" Piper called after her, but Violet didn't turn around. She moved quickly and was already too far away to hear her.

  "What the hell was that?" She snapped at Jeremy, her round freckled cheeks hot with embarrassment and frustration.

  "Not now." He hissed back at her. "We have to deal with Janelle." She was pissed, but couldn't help but agree. Janelle laid motionless in the marsh through that entire exchange, and still had not moved a muscle.

  "Let's get her back on the ship." Piper sighed. "I'm sure Ethan will be back soon and she'll perk right up."

  They walked back over to her and gingerly supporter her on their shoulders as they climbed back aboard the Gilded Animus.

  Cornelius watched, mouth agape. "Is she alri-" He began to ask, but Piper shot him a look to shut up.

  They laid her down on the velvety purple chaise by the bookcase. She laid there, not saying a word, staring into the abyss. Piper watched her for about thirty minutes before she began to pace the cabin out of worry and anger. Eventually, she strode right up to Jeremy on the other side of the cabin where he was pretending to read a book. He hadn't flipped a page since he opened it.

  "May I have a word?" She asked tersely. It was less of a question and more of a demand. She led him into the engine room so they could leave Janelle in peace. He followed her inside.

  "What the hell was that back there?" She demanded. "Why did you push Violet away? What happened to sticking together?"

  "She has too much baggage, Piper. You know that." He groaned in frustration. "They're after her. I don't know why, but they are. If we took her with us, they'd be after us too. Look what happened to Ethan." Piper's eyes welled up when he mentioned Ethan's name. She knew he was right. He still hadn't re-spawned and it had been over an hour.

  "He's gone isn't he?" Piper asked, fearing she already knew the answer. "He's gone and it's my fault."

  "You didn't kill him." Jeremy said softly.

  "It was my call." She said. "It's all my fault. If he doesn't come back... I... I don't know what I'll do-" Jeremy cut her off by pressing his lips against hers.

  At first she was startled and stood frozen as he kissed her. Soon her surprise melted away and she fell deeply into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Logically, she knew that this was neither the time nor the place, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted to feel anything except what she was feeling now. She wanted to escape the guilt.

  Jeremy's hands explored her body. He cupped her breasts in his hands and reached for the metal clasps on her vest. He broke the kiss and asked her with his eyes. She nodded and he undid her vest in one swift movement, while her hands flew to his belt. They undressed each other desperately with an animalistic desire consuming their every movement.

  Jeremy took a moment to marvel at her naked form. She took short quick breaths making her small breasts heave while her nipples stood at attention. For someone so short, his package was impressive and she starred in open lust. As if completely attuned to one another, they lunged for each other at the same moment, pressing their bodies against each other and feeling every inch of each other’s flesh. Jeremy kissed down her neck until his mouth found her right nipple. She whimpered as he sucked and nibbled on her. She tried to keep her voice down, still aware that Janelle was suffering alone in the cabin.

  As if to thwart her efforts entirely, he slipped a finger inside of her. It slipped inside easily and she moaned loudly into his shoulder. She pulled on his cock desperately as he fingered her.

  "Please." She panted. "Please... I need you." Jeremy lifted her so she was sitting on the low railing that separated the main area of the engine room from the more dangerous moving parts. She spread her legs for him and rubbed herself expectantly.

  When he pressed into her, she covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming. The pain and ecstasy from taking something so big inside of her was overwhelming and her head spun with lust. Nothing else mattered in that moment except for Jeremy inside her. He thrust into her slowly and lovingly, planting kisses on her lips and body as he went.

  "Faster." She panted. She was so close. She needed that sweet release as he filled all of her senses. He grunted in agreement and plowed into her fiercely, unable to suppress his moans or contain his desire. She buckled back against him and let out one last low moan of ecstasy as they collapsed into each other's arms. They laid on the hardwood floor of the engine room holding each other and panting as the afterglow of sex washed over them. Slowly, the fog of lust lifted from Piper’s mind and she hopped up suddenly in a panic and dashed to put her clothes back on.

  "What's wrong?" He asked hazily, still in a bit of a daze.

  "Janelle." She hissed. "We left her alone, we don't even know if Ethan is back." While she was able to escape her guilt for a moment, it had doubled, possibly tripled. How could she have been so selfish?

  Jeremy dressed quickly and followed her out of the engine room, back into the cabin. It took everything Piper had not to scream. Janelle was gone.

  Chapter 14

  Piper shook Cornelius awake. He was snoring at the helm. Not that she could blame him. It was the middle of the night.

  “Cornelius! Wake up.”

  “Huh? Wuzzat?” He looked around blear
ily. “Oh it’s you, Miss. Has that young lad returned yet?”

  Piper couldn’t bear to answer him.

  “Where’s Janelle? Did you see her leave?”

  “Oh yes! She said she heard young Ethan calling for her outside. Of course I didn’t hear anything, but I am rather old.”

  “Shit.” Piper swore and ran out of the airship.

  “Wait, take this with you!” Cornelius called after her. He held out one of the green torches that glowed in his hideout.

  “Thank you.” Piper said quickly before dashing out again.

  Janelle wasn’t in the area immediately surrounding the Gilded Animus, so Piper and Jeremy sprinted into the forest. The light the torch provided was dim but they would have been absolutely lost without it. They held hands as they maneuvered through the forest, not wanting to lose each other as the forest generated itself randomly around them. They heard a scream coming from the west.


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