Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1)

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Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1) Page 3

by Toya Richardson

  A wicked thought came to him about how he could spend more time with her. Using his powers, thorns appeared and embedded themselves in her tyres. They disappeared once the tyres deflated. It would look as if she’d run over glass, or nails, resulting in a slow puncture. She would probably be mad as hell, but he didn’t care. This way, he could offer to run her home. He’d be happy to go and help her purchase new tyres, even though it wasn’t necessary.

  After finally finishing the fence, and several more confrontations with the hammer, he packed his tools away. Remembering he had the carving of the stag for the couple, he fished it off the back seat of his vehicle and headed for the front door. He knocked and waited for someone to reply. Mila answered. She was all smiles, bright eyes, and glowing skin. That smile faded when she saw him. Her eyes hardened and the scowl she threw his way caused him to step backwards.

  “What do you want?” It was almost a growl.

  His gaze slipped to study her plump lips. Fuck, he had been so close to having a taste of her sweet mouth. His eyes went lower to the tight blue tank top she wore. Her full breasts pressed teasingly against the fabric. Her jeans were figure hugging, accentuating her shapely legs. Man, she was sex and sin. Pure temptation.

  “What an exquisite carving. Did you make it?”

  Her eyes were wide, and he beamed under her praise. Wow, had he just turned from zero to hero?

  “Yeah. I made it for Mary and Jim. They’ve been good to me and my family. I know they love the red deer who live around here, so I thought they’d appreciate this.” He noted disappointment in her eyes.

  “Oh, this just keeps on getting better.” She threw back her head and laughed without humour.

  “What?” Elias was totally confused now.

  “Are you that dumb? Wonder what your wife would think if she knew you’d been hitting on a woman you never even met before.”

  “Hey? Oh, no. I’m single. By family I meant my brother and his wife, Mathis and Lily. And I’m going to be an uncle soon,” he announced proudly.

  Was that relief he saw in her expression? That’s right, honey. Single and all yours.

  “Congratulations. I guess you’ll be making the crib?”

  He grinned widely. “It’s my best piece ever.”

  “You’d better come in. Jim’s on the phone and Mary is cooking.”

  * * *

  When she’d answered the door to Elias, she was disappointed to see he’d put a T-shirt on. Although, it was so tight, she could still see his muscles and tight nipples clinging to the material. She really was a slave to her hormones. The sight of one hot guy and she’d turned in to a drooling wreck. The beautiful carving of the stag also caught her attention. It was stunning and so lifelike. And why, now she realised he was single, did she wish he’d actually kissed her.

  “Oh, Elias. It’s absolutely beautiful. We must pay you for it,” said Mary in an emotion-filled voice when she took the carving from him.

  “No payment required. You made Lily so happy with all the baby clothes and bedding for the crib.”

  “How are they? I haven’t seen Lily and Mathis for a couple of weeks.”

  “Sticking close to home with Lily’s due date getting closer.”

  “It’s about time a fine young man like you settled down.” Mary smiled with affection at him.

  “Oh, I have my eye on someone very special, don’t you worry,” Elias assured her.

  Mila gulped when his eyes roved over her with possession. His behaviour scared the holy hell out of her. Sure, he was hot, but she wasn’t about to drop her panties for him. She was certain his expression wasn’t lost on Mary and Jim either.

  “Where do you live?” Mila asked, changing the direction of the conversation.

  “Deep in the forest. Well off the beaten track, just how we like it,” he responded.

  “You should be careful living that far out, especially with a baby on the way.”

  Elias chuckled. “No need to worry. My family has lived there for centuries. The safest place to be.”

  “But surely you can’t keep your car close to where you live.” For some reason, this concerned her.

  “It’s okay. I can get to my vehicle easily enough if I need it,” he assured her.

  “Well, I think you should stay for dinner, Elias.”

  Mila watched while he broke into a loving smile. It appeared he cared for Mary and Jim as much as she did.

  “You know how much I love home cooking. Thank you, Mary.”

  The time passed quickly, and Elias was easy to talk to. Even though he still angered her at the way he eyed her with lust. It was obvious that her friends loved him almost like a son. He sat next to Mila at the dining table, which unnerved her further. Mary had winked at her, which annoyed her a little. Every so often, his leg would press against hers. After the umpteenth time, she put the heel of her boot firmly on his foot and pressed down on it. A warning to leave her alone. It didn’t work because, when passing plates of food, he would brush his hand against hers. The most frustrating thing about all his actions… she kind of liked it.

  When it was time to go, he walked her to her car. He waited until she started her engine; something was wrong with her tyres. She got out of her car and used her torch to check them. Two were flat.

  “Oh hell,” she muttered.

  “You okay?” Elias asked her.

  “Two flat tyres. If it had been one, I could’ve changed it, but I don’t have two spares.”

  “Don’t worry, I can take you home. Then tomorrow, I’ll drive you to get new ones,” he offered.

  “Not sure if I’m comfortable with that. I’m sure Mary and Jim can put me up for the night.”

  “No trouble at all. It’s the least I can do after my behaviour earlier. Sorry. I shouldn’t have acted like that.”

  His attitude appeared to have changed and he did seem full of remorse.

  “Okay. Thanks, Elias.”

  And as she sat next to him in his pickup truck, she wondered if this was a sensible decision to have made. Because if he attempted to kiss her again, she didn’t know if she’d have the resolve to stop him a second time.

  Chapter Four

  When Elias pulled up outside Mila’s home, warning bells sounded inside his mind. Things weren’t as they appeared. He tensed, ready to go into action. A hand touched his arm lightly.

  “Is something wrong, Elias? You seem a bit jumpy.”

  He turned to face her; her big eyes were wide with concern.

  “This isn’t a line, honey, but I need to come inside with you.”

  The urgency in his voice did the trick.

  “Okay. In fact, I’ll feel much better if you do. Something seems a little strange.”

  “That’s right, honey, your powers are starting to emerge.”

  Her eyes grew wider, although she didn’t say anything. Now she was almost certain it was his voice in her head. Before they got out, she grabbed his arm again. “Elias, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I want the truth before we leave your truck.”

  “Sure. What do you want to know?” Don’t fuck it up.

  “This isn’t the first time you’ve spoken to me via telepathy, is it? It was you when I helped the exhausted calf. You know, when Drake and his cronies almost discovered me.”

  “Yes, it was. Look, there’s so much more going on here than you realise. You’re in danger. Not just from Drake, but others as well. Now, give me your door key and stay behind me. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay. If anything happens to me, get your ass in this vehicle and head back to Mary and Jim’s.”

  A small gasp came from her. “What… what could happen to you?”

  The concern in her expression soothed his heart. He stroked one of her cheeks with reverence. “Nothing, but I always like to be prepared for every eventuality.”

  As they reached her front door, he was surprised when Mila placed her hand in his. He gave it a soft squeeze of reassu
rance. Elias put the key in the lock. It wasn’t required, though, because the door was already open. Using his animal senses, he sniffed the air. Mila’s scent overrode all others. There was also Drake’s foul smell. He couldn’t detect any others. A growl ran through him. What had that asshole been doing in her home?

  “You’re scaring me, Elias.”

  He was furious when he caught the scent of her fear. Drake was going to fucking pay for this.

  Elias shook his head. “Someone’s been here. They’re long gone now though.”

  * * *

  Mila loved Elias’s protective nature. He may have initially been an asshole, but right then, he gave her comfort. Now her main emotion was rage. How dare someone break into her home? What the hell did they want? There wasn’t anything of monetary value in there. She still had hold of Elias’s hand and didn’t plan on letting go anytime soon. It was warm and strong, leaving her feeling safe and protected. Mila turned on the lights and gasped with shock. A dummy hung from her light fitting, with a hangman’s noose around its neck. A sign was pinned to it which said, ‘Leave now, while there’s still time.’

  “Why? Why would someone do this to me? What sort of a threat do they think I am?”

  Tears fell from her eyes. Not tears of terror, but angry tears. Elias pulled her flush against him. She nestled closer, allowing him to stroke her hair and back while whispering words of comfort to her. Pushing away from him, she checked the rest of her home. Nothing else appeared to be disturbed, apart from her underwear drawer. All her bras and panties were strewn across her bed.

  “The filthy bastard! I’m going to kill Drake for this!” Elias roared.

  “How do you know it was Drake? Don’t worry, I’ll burn them all. I can’t wear them now. What the…?”

  Mila caught the smell of something on several pieces of her underwear; it was pungent and offensive… and wet. She was still a virgin but realised what it was. Drake’s semen, if it was him. Pure unadulterated rage coursed through her. Pushing past Elias, she headed for the stairs. He prevented her escape.

  “Where do you think you’re going, Mila?”

  “I am going to kill him for this. He hasn’t touched me, but I feel violated, Elias. VIOLATED.”

  Once more, he held her by the shoulders. “Honey, I want you to listen to me.”

  “What can you ever say to make this better, huh? This is my home. A place I should feel safe. Drake is going to pay for this. He doesn’t scare me. And you still haven’t explained how you know it’s him. I AM NOT LEAVING THIS PLACE.”

  Her last words were screamed out loud. Then her voice was thick with tears, some rolling down her face and spilling onto her top.

  “And that, Mila, is what he’s hoping for. He understands you’d never back down from a fight. Look,” he said, holding her face between his hands. “I don’t know you too well, but your hot temper is going to get you into trouble. And if you go after him now, you’ll play right into his hands.”

  “How could you possibly know all of this, Elias?”

  “Because I heard him and his friends discussing the fact that they know you’re taking on the role as forest ranger.”

  “And?” She stood in front of him with her hands on her hips.

  “And, they’re hoping to have a little fun with you in the forest.”

  * * *

  Elias watched while her expression changed. Anger was replaced with fear and uncertainty. Her body shook. He was going to ensure Drake paid for doing this to her.

  “Please tell me, how do you know all of this? I don’t know what to think right now.”

  “I was in the deeper part of the forest, not too far from my home. I heard Drake and his buddies. They’d been hunting…”

  “But hunting is prohibited in the forest,” she interrupted.

  “Do you really think that would stop him? He doesn’t only hunt animals, Mila. Why do you think most of the hikers who’ve gone missing are women?”

  Mila put her arms around herself and closed her eyes. “Right now, my head feels like it’s going to explode. We should go to the authorities.” She pinned him with her eyes.

  Elias ran a hand through his hair and shook his head sadly. “Scott Tech has paid informants working for the police, right to the very top, too. If you tried to report this, you’d wind up in jail… or worse.”

  He left the words hanging. Mila turned her back on him and stomped down the stairs. Elias followed her. Her emotions beat at him like a physical pain. She was in turmoil. Confused and yet resolute. Whatever she decided, he wasn’t letting her out of his sight. When he reached her, she was on a chair, pulling down the dummy. The chair wobbled, and she almost fell. He caught her in his arms. Tremors ran through her.

  “Honey, you’re in shock. I want you to come home with me tonight.”

  “But this is my home. And will I be any safer with you after your behaviour when we first met?”

  He sat down with her on the sofa, brushing her hair away from her face. “I behaved like an asshole and I’m truly sorry. But right now, it’s not safe here. You’ll find it hard to understand but I could never hurt you. You have to believe me.”

  Her expressive eyes landed on his once more. “Will I honestly be safer with you? Wouldn’t it be better for me to stay with Mary and Jim?” she asked in a hushed voice.

  “Mila, I’d give up my life to protect you. I am not capable of hurting or taking advantage of you. If you stay with Mary and Jim, you’ll only put them in danger, too.”

  That did the trick; he knew how much they meant to her.

  “Okay. Let me grab some things first.”

  “While you’re doing that, I’ll clear up the mess in your bedroom. I’ll burn your underwear, bedding, and the dummy out back.”

  Mila surprised him by placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Elias.”

  “My pleasure, honey. Anything for you.”

  * * *

  Mila was in utter turmoil. Thoughts of starting afresh, with a role she loved, were fast disappearing. Once more, Drake Scott had ruined everything. She was now almost certain he’d been responsible for her parents’ deaths… especially after what Norman had intimated earlier. But why? Had they discovered something about his father’s company?

  When she was younger, she remembered a conversation between her parents and Mary and Jim. She was supposed to be asleep in bed, but she could hear part of their conversation. Rumours relating to Scott Tech’s illegal practices. They’d mentioned something about shifters, but she didn’t understand what they meant by that term. Shifters had been tested on to try and develop the ultimate killing machine. The unstoppable soldier.

  When she grew older, her books of choice were paranormal romances. This was where she’d been introduced to shifters. People who could change into the shape of an animal; some of them possessed magical powers. But this was all fantasy and myth… wasn’t it? Now, well now she wasn’t so certain what to believe.

  After grabbing toiletries and clothing, she headed down to the washing hamper. There was some underwear in there; perhaps Elias would let her put it in the wash. Images of Drake relieving himself over her most personal clothing brought bile to her mouth. She rushed to the downstairs toilet where she was violently sick. Elias was there in a flash, holding her hair away from her face.

  “Go away,” she moaned, attempting to push at his solid form.

  “It’s okay. I’m used to seeing Lily throw up. Poor girl had terrible morning sickness in the early stages of her pregnancy.”

  She gave up fighting him. Once she’d emptied the contents of her stomach, Elias led her back to the sofa. He went to her kitchen to fetch her some water. Smiling her thanks, she drained the contents of the glass and handed it back to him.

  “This is getting to be quite the habit, isn’t it?”

  He stroked her hair with affection. “Do you feel up to leaving now? I’ve put your things in the truck.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. She swiped them
away with her hand. Now she had to be strong. Nodding her agreement, she took the hand he offered and headed out the door. Momentarily, she stood to watch whilst Elias secured the front door. Somehow, she realised she wouldn’t be returning here… at least not for a while. And never on her own.

  * * *

  Elias took a sideways glance as Mila slept beside him, her head resting up against the window. They’d been driving for about an hour and there was still a little way to go before he parked up. Then the rest of the journey would be on foot. He took this time to contact his brother through telepathy.

  “Thank God. Where have you been, Elias? Lily and I have been going out of our minds here.”

  He could just imagine the ear-bashing he’d received from his feisty sister-in-law.

  “It’s long and complicated. And I won’t be alone when I get back. My mate will be with me. Mila.”

  There was silence and then he swore softly. “Jesus. Does she actually understand all this?”

  “No. I still have to figure out how to tell her. I have to have her with me. Her life is in danger from Drake Scott. He broke into her house earlier today.”

  His brother swore some more. Louder this time. “What has that shit done now?”

  Elias explained everything which had taken place.

  “Fuck, the dude is insane. You’re doing the right thing bringing her here. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he knows about her powers, even if she doesn’t. If he gets her, I can imagine she’ll end up in his dad’s facility.” The cautionary tone in Mathis’s voice wasn’t lost on him.

  “I understand, and that’s why I’m bringing her back. We didn’t get off to the best of starts either.” He cringed when he thought back to his actions.


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