Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1)

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Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1) Page 9

by Toya Richardson

  “I think we’d better go put some clothes on,” he whispered into her ear whilst his hands caressed her back.

  She had other ideas though. “Good idea about going inside, but no clothes… not just yet.”

  The muscles in his back tensed and she heard his breathing alter. When he looked at her, he seared her with an expression of burning desire. The blood ran thick and heavy in her veins, her sex already weeping.

  “And what did you have in mind once we go inside?” he asked, his voice low and rumbling.

  “Let’s go back to bed. I think we need to make love some more. You know,” she murmured and giggled, “just to make sure we ‘mate’ properly. We need to be certain that we’ve had the required amount of sex…”

  She didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence. Elias let out a loud roar and dragged her with lightning speed to his bedroom. And as he filled her, over and over, he reminded Mila exactly how strong their bond was.

  * * *

  After their intense lovemaking session, Elias allowed Mila to shower on her own. Their conversation made his cock throb…

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come in and give me a hand… or two hands?” she’d said while she sashayed towards the bedroom door.

  “We’re expected at Mat and Lily’s in thirty minutes, you dirty girl. If I get you in that shower, it’ll be hours before I let you go.”

  “Oh.” She’d blushed, and her bottom lip had dropped.

  His cock had twitched, but he stayed strong.

  “Promise me that after the gathering tonight, you’ll make it up to me?”

  He’d laughed. “You can count on it.”

  Elias heard her when she walked back inside the bedroom. Her scent and perfume filled the air around him. He turned to face her.

  “How do I look? I didn’t know if tonight is going to be a formal affair. All my dresses are back at my house.”

  His breath lodged in his throat. Mila wore a pair of tight-fitting skinny jeans and a midnight-blue slinky halter neck top. The colour of her blouse enhanced the beauty of her hair. He strode up to her and allowed his lips to respond for him.

  “Jesus, woman. You are so beautiful. I am glad we’ve mated because now every unmated man will know to keep his distance.”

  * * *

  The walk to Mathis and Lily’s home was only a short one and gave her time to reflect on things. Even though Mila felt sated, her body still craved Elias’s. She laughed lightly and shook her head.

  “Something on your mind?”

  Elias’s deep and sexy voice did little to tamp down her feelings of desire.

  “I can’t believe how much I still want you right now. I’m totally satisfied, but…” She didn’t know how to explain it.

  Elias stopped and tugged her arm so that she was facing him. Would she ever get used to the way he eyed her with such reverence and adoration?

  “I feel it too, honey. Just because I’ve lived so many lifetimes, it doesn’t mean I understand, either. Remember, this is all new to me, too. Our kind only mate once, unless our mate dies. This is a one of a kind relationship.”

  He paused to stare out at the forest, his eyes screwed up in concentration. When his eyes landed on hers once more, her heart thundered in her ears. His love was palpable to her. A soft smile curved his mouth, he ran a hand through her hair, and she sighed her contentment.

  “Others tried to explain the intensity shared by a mated couple. At the time, I didn’t have clue about what they were telling me. Now I can understand why they found it difficult to do so. The force of the ‘pull’ between a couple is totally indescribable.”

  Mila nodded her agreement. She pursed her lips.

  “Something else on your mind?” Elias asked, pulling her flush against his body.

  The expression in his eyes turned hungry. She slapped his hand away from her to give her some space.

  “Stop it,” she warned.

  “Stop what?” he responded, his arms spread out wide.

  “You know very well what I mean. You already know I’m obsessed with your body. My next question isn’t about sex. So stow it, or else.”

  “Or else?” A wicked smirk covered his mouth.

  “Enough. Tell me about being a Protector.”

  Elias sat on the ground, his back resting against a tree, and patted the spot beside him. She sat down, and he put an arm around her shoulder. His eyes appeared vacant and she dug him in the ribs, impatient to hear more.

  “Sorry.” He refocused on her. “Just letting Mat and Lily know we’ll be a little late.”

  “Oh, don’t do that. You can tell me later.”

  Elias leaned in and kissed her cheek. “No, it’s cool. Better to explain it now. Since time began, there have been shifters and other Supernats in this world. Our main roles have always been to protect nature and humans as much as we possibly can. It was easier years ago.” A sad sigh came from him.

  “I guess it’s harder now because of technology?”

  Elias ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, that’s part of it. There have always been people who want to take over the world. Now though, with money and advanced technology, it’s never been harder for us.

  “Sometimes, we break in to corporations such as Scott Tech. It’s dangerous, not only because they’d be tortured if discovered, but their DNA would be used in tests and experiments.”

  A pained expression crossed his face.

  “Is that what happened to you? Is that why you were held prisoner?” Her voice was low.

  He nodded. “It was my own stupid fault. I was attempting to free some humans and supernatural beings. One woman had been brutalised and I wanted to get her out of there fast. My anger was my undoing. One of the researchers was hurting her. In my anger to get her free, I took my eye off the game. I was knocked out before I could do anything.”

  “What happened to the woman?” Mila was almost afraid to ask.

  Sadness clouded his normally bright eyes. “She was killed.”

  They sat in silence for a while.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “Let’s get on with Protectors. We have many gifts, abilities, powers, call them what you want. It’s a bit passé, but with power comes great responsibility. We cannot use them for monetary gain, or to influence the world, or for anything which is evil.”

  “Does that mean you can go out and kill people like Drake and his father?”

  “No, honey. As much as I’d love to tear those assholes to bits for what they’ve done, it goes against our code of ethics. If we’re put in a life-threatening situation then that’s different.”

  Mila’s thoughts turned to Mary and Jim and a small whimper came from her.

  “Mila, what’s wrong?”

  “I know I’ve said it already, but do you think Mary and Jim could be in danger? They were also close to my parents and me. I’d hate to think anything could happen to them.”

  “Like I said before, we’re already on it. They’re watched all the time, just like you will be when you start your job.”

  “They know about the shifters and everything, don’t they?”

  He seemed surprised by her question. “Yes, but how…?”

  She grinned. “I just had a feeling, that’s all. When Mary and Jim came in to their home, they exchanged an expression which said they had an idea about us.”

  “It appears my mate is very astute.” He leaned down and kissed her again. “Yes, they do. Your parents knew too.”

  “About you and me?”

  “Oh, no. I didn’t even know about you until I saw you for the first time the other day. But they did understand the forest was protected. And they didn’t trust the Scott family either.”

  This relaxed her a little.

  “Good to know. I must go and see Mary and Jim again soon.”

  Elias squeezed her shoulder. “We’ll go together. They are like family to Mat and me, too.”

  “Do you want me to tell you some more?” he asked after they ha
d been silent for a while.

  “Please. I understand the protection thing. What about the rest of the world?”

  “That’s easy. We have Protectors all over the globe. There’s always someone or something in need of our protection.”

  She frowned. “You mentioned this portal. Will you ever be able to use it? Because I think there will always be evil in the world. It’ll always need your protection, won’t it?”

  “Yes and no. For instance, this area is really only under threat from Scott Tech. If we can put an end to this company, then we would be free to leave. To go to a place where everyone lives in harmony. But…”

  “But what?”

  “Some of us will probably stay, because it’s become our home.”

  “So, what if you decided to stay and then later you wanted to leave?”

  He picked up her hand and kissed it, his eyes on hers. “We can go and stay for a while, then come back again. It’s not something that will close completely. Well, not unless people discovered it. We couldn’t compromise the millions of people living on the other side of the portal. Also, when Earth finally dies, we’ll have to go through then.”

  “Would it have to be destroyed if it was discovered?”

  “Yes, but that’s not likely to happen.”

  “Have you ever been through it?”

  A gentle smile crossed his face and he closed his eyes momentarily. “A very long time ago. It’s good to visit once in a while, especially if you’re living in the same area all the time. I’ll take you there one day, I promise.”

  He stood and pulled her up with him. “Anything else you want to know? I realise I’ve only just scratched the surface with the Protectors, but I don’t want to overload you.”

  “Thanks. My head is spinning just a little. One more thing, then that’s me done for now. What’s it like being in charge of the Protectors?”

  He chuckled. “That’s not exactly how it works, honey. It’s more like an honorary title. We discuss issues between us. We’re only called in to play when there’s a setback which is proving difficult to resolve. Normally, we sit down and thrash problems out and I see it from both points of view and help to resolve it.”

  “Ah, like a diplomat or counsellor then?”

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  The compulsion to kiss him flooded her body with heat. Reaching up, she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him until they both trembled. His mouth found her neck and nibbled her skin until she whimpered. Reluctantly, he pushed away from her, breathing heavily.

  “Where the hell did that come from?” he asked, running his hands through his hair.

  “Sorry.” She giggled wickedly. “I just couldn’t help myself.”

  A warning growl emanated from him and he pushed her up against a tree, his cock pressing hotly against her stomach.

  “Oh, boy, Mila. You are going to be in so much trouble when we get home later,” he murmured.

  He moved away and took her hand, leading her towards his brother’s home.

  “Good. I’m banking on it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  They carried on walking a few more minutes when Mila caught sight of a house, similar in construction to Elias’s. Mathis and Lily were in the front garden; she watched whilst he picked some wildflowers and handed them to her. Lily placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Mathis’s hand came to rest on her belly. The expression of love they exchanged made Mila sigh, one teardrop sliding down her cheek.

  “Why are you crying, Mila?” Elias stood in front of her, his thumb chasing the teardrop away.

  “Sorry, just a little emotional…”

  “Hey, guys,” Mathis called out to them.

  The couple walked over to Mila and Elias. More tears fell down her cheeks.

  “Mila?” Lily looked concerned, as did the men.

  Mila wiped her tears away and put her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. It was the way you reacted when Mathis gave you the flowers. Made me a little emotional. Sorry.”

  Lily moved to her and Elias and his brother walked towards the house. Lily hugged her tightly and Mila cried a little more.

  “You’ve mated, haven’t you?” Lily whispered close to her ear.

  Mila nodded. Her tears stopped, and she felt her face flood with heat.

  “It’s normal to be emotional after such an intense time. I was the same with Mat. He actually called for Elias. He thought I was ill, or had done something to upset me.”

  Mila laughed. “Ah, so that’s why Elias left us alone.”

  “I guess so. How does it feel now you’re joined to him for life?”

  A smile covered Mila’s face while she reflected back to the first time they’d made love.

  “This will sound so sappy, but it’s true. It was beautiful. He was so attentive and…”


  “God, I honestly thought the Earth had moved.”

  Both women chuckled and then Lily turned serious. “Look, Mila, you know I’m a seer. But I can actually sense why you’re also feeling this way.”

  Mila bit her bottom lip. “Go on then, because I’m scared to say it out loud. I haven’t been with him long enough to have these deep feelings, have I?”

  “You want to have his baby.”

  Lily’s statement was so calm and cool that it stopped Mila in her tracks. Her hand went to her mouth. Even though she wanted to deny it, she realised Lily spoke the truth.

  “But I hardly know him and yet, I want to be a mum. The mother of his child. I’ve never thought about kids before.”

  Her eyes strayed to where Elias stood with his brother by the front door. As though he sensed her eyes on him, he turned and smiled. Momentarily, she imagined being pregnant with his baby.

  “It’s because you’ve mated for life. Your souls called to one another and it’s only natural you want his child.”

  “But what if we can’t live together? What if we drive each other up the wall?”

  Lily chuckled. “These are all the things I thought before I mated with Mat. It was part of the reason I took off. But it works, it honestly does. If you two were apart now, it would feel like your heart was being torn in two. You’ve made love and your bond will only get stronger the longer you’re together.”

  Mila felt a little more relaxed and sighed.

  “Come on.” Lily took her by the hand. “I want to show you the crib Elias made for our baby.”

  When they walked up to the men, Elias caught her gently by the arm. “You okay?”

  His words were so soft and gentle, and his eyes had softened.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just going to take a look at your handiwork now.”

  “I’d rather my handiwork was making love to you, running my hands and mouth all over your gorgeous body.”

  His wickedly dirty chuckle in her mind caused her breath to hitch.

  “Stop it, Elias!”

  “Hey, no naughty mind-talk in front of my pregnant wife.” Mathis winked at Mila and she blushed.

  “Men. Ignore them, Mila. Why don’t you two see to lunch while I show Mila the nursery?”

  When Mila entered the room, her eyes widened, and a gasp left her lips. The room was all in bright colours. The wallpaper depicted many different kinds of animals and the carpet was deep-green like the forest floor. The ceiling was pale blue with fluffy white clouds painted on it.

  The crib in the centre of the room caught her attention. It was made of light wood, which shone brightly as though it had been highly polished. The head and end panels had all manner of woodland creatures carved into them. The headboard had a stag, a hind, and several calves in a family group. The bottom was small creatures with trees surrounding them. And the rails were carved in the shape of flowers and different kinds of trees. All were smooth, so the child wouldn’t hurt itself.

  An arm snaked around her shoulder. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Mila turned to face Lily. “It’s amazing. I’ve seen a stag carving he made for Mary
and Jim. But this, it’s…Words fail me.”

  Mila couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. She heard Lily let out a little moan. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. The baby’s getting very active lately. Would you like to feel it?”

  Mila nodded. Lily took her hand and placed it over her tummy. Little kicks hit the palm of her hand. And then she saw it. A pretty little blonde girl, running through the forest giggling. Her hair flowed out behind her like a golden flag. Daughter. Mathis and Lily were having a girl.

  “Oh my God,” she breathed and fixed her eyes on Mila’s. “You saw our child, didn’t you?”

  Mila nodded.

  “Is everything okay in here?” Elias asked.

  The men stood in the doorway. Their gazes fell to Mila’s hand, which was still pressed gently to Lily’s stomach.

  “She saw our child, Mathis.” Lily’s voice was filled with emotion.

  “Do I need to keep this to myself until the baby’s born? I… I don’t know what the protocol is here. What if the vision I saw is wrong?” She pulled thoughtfully at her bottom lip.

  “What do you want, Lily?” Mathis asked her.

  “I want to know. Mila’s vision is true. I could see it in her eyes.”

  Mila watched Elias’s reaction. He nodded and smiled with encouragement.

  “Daughter. You’re having a lovely little daughter. The image I saw was an older child, maybe three or four years old.” Tears fell from her eyes once more. “She’s going to be so beautiful.”

  Lily hugged her, and Mathis did too.

  “We’ll give you guys a minute. Mila?” Elias held his hand out to her.

  * * *

  Elias sensed Mila had experienced a vision and headed for the nursery with his brother straight away. His mate appeared very emotional since they’d arrived at his brother’s home. He took this opportunity to get her on her own for a few moments. They headed for the kitchen.

  “The crib you made is beautiful, Elias. You have such a gift. That little girl is going to love it.”

  He grinned under her praise. “Thank you. It was a real labour of love.”


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