Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1)

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Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1) Page 11

by Toya Richardson

  She released one of her hands to place a finger over his lips.

  “I know,” she said softly, understanding in her eyes.

  Mila rested her head against his chest. He took the opportunity to run his fingers through her hair. Placing his nose to the top of her head, he inhaled her scent. It calmed him like nothing else ever could.

  “Come on, Mila. Let’s sit down.”

  She allowed him to lead her to some chairs around a table, holding on firmly to her hand, still too afraid to relinquish his hold on her.

  “I guess you didn’t get any indication as to when the scene you saw happened.”

  Mila shook her head. “Not a clue. Will Evan be okay? I feel bad he’s learned he has a mate in this way.”

  “I’m not certain what shocked him most. The way she’d put herself in danger, or the fact he actually has a mate.”

  “Not the best way to make the discovery.”

  “You realise I was being serious about your safety, don’t you? You know, when I said someone will always be watching you whilst you’re at work.”

  A soft smile appeared on her full lips. “Yes, and I do accept that. I also understand I can’t go back to my home on my own.” A shuddering sigh left her.

  “What, honey?”

  “I love that house.”

  Elias cupped her face in his hands. “I know you do, and we can still stay there together. Probably the best times will be when you’re on duty. That way, I can be one of the shifters watching you.”

  “I’m only working three days a week, so it shouldn’t be too bad. I feel awful that other shifters have to keep an eye on me, too.”

  “Hey, it’s what we do. We protect our own. The others watching will be unmated males and females. All strong warriors.”

  “What do we do in the meantime, after all my revelations?” she asked.

  “We can discuss the matters whilst we eat the barbecue. I’m guessing Lily will have given them the heads up. But there’s something else I need to do first.”

  Mila frowned and pursed her lips. “What?”

  His cock hardened inside the confines of his tight jeans. He took her to a side room, a storage area with no windows.


  “Strip. Now. I want to take you hard. I need to feel you.” He didn’t know how else to tell her that he wanted the physical connection with her.

  “Will anyone…”

  “No. They wouldn’t dare come between the Head of the Protectors and his mate. We won’t be interrupted.”

  Her pupils had dilated, and her breasts heaved up and down, her arousal and excitement driving him wild with lust as he almost tore his clothing from his body. Once naked, he pushed her against a wall. He grabbed one of her legs, making her squeal. He put it around his waist and helped her to do the same with her other one. With one thrust, he pushed deep inside her. A loud wail came from her and he stilled, wondering if he’d hurt her.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Oh, God. Don’t you dare stop. Fuck me, Elias. You can be gentle when we get home.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He pumped into her frantically. Forcefully. Mila’s moans of approval urged him forward. It wasn’t going to take long. The sound of her breath hitching spurred him on. They hurtled headlong into a violent climax. She stifled her moans by biting down on his shoulder. This only heightened his pleasure. Once spent, he let her legs fall to the floor. They held onto one another until their breathing calmed.

  “Jesus, if this is what people call make up sex, can we argue again later?” Mila asked in between giggles.

  “Absolutely,” he replied, also laughing.

  He turned serious and cupped one side of her face with his hand, his eyes searching hers.


  “You do realise I didn’t wear a condom?”

  Her eyes widened and stayed glued to his. Was she angry, happy, or confused? A grin covered her face and she placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

  “Well, in that case, you’d better make another crib… just in case.”

  She went to a bathroom on the other side of the storeroom to tidy herself and straighten her clothing. Elias stayed still, his eyes tracking her every move.

  “You’re not worried?” he asked.

  “No. Are you?”

  “No. Only, with everything that’s happened since we met, I…”

  She pulled up her jeans and walked back to him. “Look, you said it yourself, we’re going to be together forever. We’ll no doubt have loads of disagreements, and hopefully more make up sex, and I have lots to learn about being a mate. You also have lots to learn about being my mate. If a baby comes along, I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

  And just like that, she patted his cheek, kissed his lips, and headed for the door. When she reached it, she turned around and looked him slowly up and down. An appreciative murmur came from her. His cock twitched in response.

  “Elias, as much as I love to look at your naked body, a body to die for, in fact, you need to get dressed before someone comes looking for us. Oh, and by the way, I love you.” She blew him a kiss and left the room.

  While he dressed, he thanked whoever was watching over him for sending him such a beautiful and intelligent mate.

  * * *

  When Mila and Elias finally left the hall, many eyes turned to look in their direction. Some with concern, some in awe, and others with knowing smiles.

  “Holy shit. Do they know what we’ve been up to, Elias?”

  He sent a wicked chuckle to her. “Probably. Your hair is a little wild and your cheeks are flushed.”

  “Hmm, maybe you should take a look at your own wild hair and flushed cheeks. Oh, and wipe that self-satisfied smirk off your face.”

  “What if I don’t? What do you intend to do about it?”

  “Withhold all rights to sexual privileges involving my body.”

  “Never going to happen.”

  Mila looked around at everyone and noted Evan was missing.

  “Where’s Evan?” she asked with concern.

  A young man, probably early twenties, answered, “He needed to shift for a while. He’ll be back a little later.”

  Mila bit down on her lower lip, concerned for the bear shifter.

  “It’s okay. He’s not going to do anything stupid,” Tia assured her.

  “This is not the introduction I’d hoped for. Sorry for all the concern I’ve caused.”

  Elias feathered the inside of her wrists. Glancing up, she smiled at him.

  “A little late, I guess. But, everyone, I’d like to introduce you to my mate, Mila.” He brought her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss on the back of it.

  “It’s really good to meet you all. I’m still coming to terms with everything. First meeting my mate and then the power of sight. It’s all a little overwhelming.”

  Another woman rose from one of the picnic tables and hugged her warmly.

  “Welcome, little sister. I’m Vera. I can help you, along with Lily and others, with your power of sight. And how to handle your mate.” She looked pointedly at Elias, and Mila laughed.

  “Thank you, Vera. I look forward to that.”

  “Come. We should eat. The kids will get irritable if we don’t. Then we can sit and discuss things,” said Elias.

  Lily took her arm and they headed off together. “You two have fun in the store cupboard?”

  Mila came to a halt and put a hand to her mouth. “Oh, God. Did anyone hear us?”

  Lily shook her head. “No, but it’s been used by other couples after heated debates in that room. Don’t worry.”

  “Thank goodness for that. And yes, the sex was great. There was one moment of concern, though.”


  “We didn’t use protection. We were a little… um… preoccupied.”

  “Are you bothered?” Lily studied her closely.

  “No, not in the slightest. Elias thought I would be, but I’m more than happy to be a mum
. I’d rather Scott Tech was gone before that happens, though.”

  Lily murmured her agreement. “Yes, especially now I’m having a daughter. If they discover this…”

  Mila pulled her to a halt. “Don’t even think it. That is not going to happen. We’ll all keep her safe.”

  As they headed over to the barbecue area, Mila made a silent vow Scott Tech would be destroyed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After eating, the children played at the edge of the clearing close to the almost completed den. The adults headed inside the hall, and two unmated shifters stayed outside to keep watch over the kids. Elias felt overwhelming pride while Mila explained her vision and events in her past which were relevant, including the death of her parents.

  “There is one thing I need to ask. If at all possible, can we continue to keep watch over Mary and Jim? They are very close to me and Drake will know this.”

  Elias sent her a reassuring smile. “Already on it. In fact, they have been watched over for a very long time. They are our friends, too.”

  “Thank goodness.”

  “What about Evan’s mate? Is there any way we can locate her?” Vera asked.

  “Any ideas, Mila?” Elias prompted.

  She rubbed thoughtfully at her chin. “I could try and get in touch with friends of Danger Man on the internet. They have secure sites which would take an army of hackers forever to get in to. Leave it with me.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Mathis concurred.

  Elias looked at Mila who was stifling a yawn.

  “Everybody, I know we still have much to discuss, but I think we should reconvene later in the week. It’s been a little stressful for most of us.”

  A murmur of agreement went around the room.

  “When do you start your job, Mila?”

  Josh, one of the young, unmated males asked the question. Elias thought a lot of him. The poor lad lost both parents and a sister while they were in animal form, courtesy of Drake and his hunting buddies. Rumour had it that Drake’s father had been furious when he’d discovered they were shifters. If a shifter is killed, they return to human form. Elias discovered Josh naked and traumatised, hiding in the undergrowth. It took a while for him to say what had happened to his family. The bodies were taken away by Drake and his associates. No doubt incinerated at the facility owned by Scott Tech.

  “The day after tomorrow, at eight in the morning,” Mila told him.

  “I’d like to volunteer to watch over you. Is that okay with you, Elias?”

  “Sure, Josh. We’ll do it together.”

  Josh grinned widely at him. “Cool.”

  After leaving Lily and Mathis at their home, Elias paused to kiss Mila passionately.

  “Where did that come from? Not that I’m complaining.”

  He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “I just felt like it.”

  “That’s okay. You can feel like it whenever you want to.”

  Elias groaned and pulled her in the direction of his home. If he didn’t get her into his bed soon, he’d take her on the forest floor.

  “I don’t mind, if it’s what you want.”

  His jaw dropped, and he came to a sudden halt. Mila walked right into him.

  “Did you just read my thoughts?”

  Mila gazed up at him, her eyes shining with wonder. “Um, I guess I did. Is that normal?”

  Elias rubbed at his jaw. “Yes, it does happen.”

  “Do you think it could have some kind of significance?”

  “Apart from you knowing what I want to do to you…” He let loose a dirty chuckle.

  She pushed away from him, laughing. He pulled her back, gathering her up in his arms. This was a perfect moment, like they were the only two people in the world. There was a slight breeze and the noise of the nocturnal creatures going about their business. After a while, he tilted her chin up so he could gaze into her beautiful eyes.

  “I’m not certain, Mila. I imagine if one of us was injured or needed help it would come in handy. It could only be one way, though.”

  And then he felt her thoughts enter his mind. Wickedly naughty images of the couple involved in all kinds of sexual scenarios. His cock came fully awake, demanding he take her. Grabbing her hand, he ran with her to his home. Mila giggled and sounded breathless by the time he got her to the front door. After kissing her thoroughly, he rushed her to the bedroom.

  “Well,” she murmured while Elias helped her off with her clothing, “I guess we’ve just proved it is a two-way thing.”

  * * *

  Mila wanted to go back to her home the evening before she started work. Her uniform was there, and it would be easier for her to travel to work because it was closer. She and Elias shifted to get to his vehicle. It was the second time she’d transformed in to a deer, and he’d been right, it was much easier and not painful like the first time. It was such a sense of freedom to gallop through the trees with the wind in her coat. If anyone had asked her to describe the sensation, she didn’t think she’d be able to.

  Elias put all his focus on a large piece of undergrowth. Some of the plants, she knew, were toxic. Her mouth gaped open in wonder while she watched the vegetation slither away to leave his truck visible.

  “That’s a neat trick. You’ll have to teach me,” she said when she touched the vehicle to ensure it was real.

  “It’s not something which can be taught. It’s one of the many abilities our kind possess. Like your gift of sight, not everyone has that power,” he explained while he fished clothing from under one of the seats.

  She was grateful for the fact Elias had left some of her clothes in his truck, too. He always kept spare clothing in there. He’d told her that if they shifted whilst wearing clothes, they’d be ruined. Torn to shreds as the transformation process took place. Whilst getting changed, she attempted not to look at Elias’s hot body.

  “Don’t forget, honey, I can read your thoughts. And smell your arousal.”

  She let loose an exasperated laugh. “Hmm, this is going to cause a problem, I think.”

  Sleep didn’t come easy for her that night. Thoughts and images of Drake in her bedroom kept crowding her. Even though they’d elected to sleep in one of her spare rooms, the place didn’t quite feel like home anymore. Drake Scott had ruined her happy memories there with his acts of vandalism. Mila got out of bed and went downstairs to get a glass of water. Drinking deeply, she gazed out over her garden and to the forest beyond.

  Something caught her eye. A slight movement on the periphery of her vision. Initially, she thought it might be Drake. For some reason, she sensed it was a friendly presence rather than a danger. Unlocking the back door, she headed out into the garden.

  “Who’s there?” she called out into the inky blackness.


  “Come on. I know you’re out there. Come out where I can see you,” she demanded.

  There was a rustling sound just beyond the treeline.

  “I can’t come out.”

  “Is that you, Josh?”

  A hand touched her arm and she let out a squeak. “Don’t creep up on me like that, Elias.”

  “You shouldn’t be out here on your own. It’s dangerous.”

  “Sorry, but I sensed whoever it was. They aren’t a threat. Anyway, it’s Josh.”

  “What the hell are you doing out there, Josh?” Elias asked.


  “Well, come on out,” Elias ordered.

  “I can’t… I’m naked. I didn’t expect anyone to spot me, or I’d have tied some clothes to my legs.”

  Mila stifled a giggle.

  “Hang on a minute. I’ll get you something to wear.”

  “It’s okay, Elias. I was heading back anyway.”

  Mila took pity on him. “You can stay in the spare room for tonight. I was about to make a drink. Come and join us.”

  “Why did you have to say that? I was going to wake you up extra early and make love to you all over the hou

  “I’ll make it up to you, and anyway, I feel sorry for him.”

  “Softie. Okay, you win.”

  Mila went inside while Elias gave him some clothes.

  By the time the men entered, Mila had made a pot of coffee and was in the process of pouring it into mugs.

  “That smells good.”

  Mila studied Josh’s open, friendly face. He had deep, golden-blond hair which hung just below his shoulders with huge grey-green eyes beneath long lashes, and a lightly stubbled face. The guy was very handsome, but she could see sadness behind his smiles. She felt she wanted to mother and protect him. An arm snaked around her shoulder, chasing her thoughts away.

  “Yep, my initial diagnosis was correct.”

  Mila frowned at Elias’s words. “What diagnosis?”

  He kissed her cheek. “That you’re a softie.”

  Josh coughed lightly. He was embarrassed and obviously realised they were communicating telepathically.

  “Sorry, Josh. That was rude of us. Come and sit down in the living room. I’ll show you to your room after we’ve had a drink.”

  Mila ushered him inside and let out a shriek when Josh growled low in his throat. His eyes darted around the room.

  “Josh?” Mila’s voice sounded shaky.

  Elias went to him and put an arm around his shoulder. “It’s okay. He isn’t here. It’s just the last remnants of his scent.”

  Mila sat down and let out a broken sob. “I don’t think I can live here anymore.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” Josh said.

  She shook her head and looked over at Josh. “This isn’t your fault. That man desecrated my home and his scent will always hang in the air. God, I could tear him limb from limb.”

  Mila was taken by surprise when Josh sat beside her and hugged her. Even more surprised that Elias didn’t warn him away from his mate. She held him close and overwhelming love flooded her. This poor young man needed security and family… and she wanted to give it to him.

  When they broke, she pressed a sisterly kiss to his cheek. “One day, he’ll get exactly what he deserves for what he’s done to all of us. I promise.”


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