Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1)

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Wild Desire (The Protectors Book 1) Page 15

by Toya Richardson

  “Sorry. Mum’s always telling me off for teasing. Are you worried about your vision?”

  “Hmm, a little. I need to speak with Tia.”

  “I’m happy to come with you. Some witches, me included, have the gift of sight.”

  Mila felt relief rush through her. She was happy Luna could be with her too. They headed over to Vera’s place. She was already waiting by the door and ushered them inside. The place smelled of herbs and calmed Mila’s frazzled nerves. Tia was there too.

  Mila let out a soft laugh. “I should have known you’d sense my concern. I’m so pleased you’re here. But, Tia, you’re a healer…”

  Tia smiled a gentle smile. “It’s okay. I do have a small gift of sight which I normally use to help with healing people. The rules allow me to stay.”

  Mila flopped down with Luna close by her side.

  “Do I come out and tell you what I saw? Not certain what I’m supposed to do.”

  Tia placed mugs of a spicy-smelling liquid in front of them.

  “This will relax and calm us all. Mila,” Vera turned to face her. “Share exactly what you saw in every detail, sweetie. A vision shared is the best thing to do if you’re feeling confused.”

  Mila cleared her throat. “I saw a girl, Manuela, Morgan’s daughter. She was in a forest, or deep woods. It appeared a little like here, but not in this country.”

  “Did you pick up where the location could be?” Vera asked.

  “Spain. Her home country. How the hell I know it, I have no idea. I just do.”

  The room fell silent whilst they sipped on their drinks. Mila allowed the soothing, warming drink to relax her.

  “I also saw her mate.”

  “Tell us who,” Tia urged.

  “Josh.” She sighed and ran a hand over her brow before continuing. “I really hate this gift right about now. To know these things and be unable to do a damn thing about some of them. It’s driving me insane.”

  She stood up and paced the room. Vera went to her and prevented her from pacing any further. Her hands rested on Mila’s shoulders, gifting her with some of her strength. They sat back down.

  “There’s something I need to ask. When I saw Evan’s mate, I was physically touching him. The shock made me gasp and Lily announced I’d seen his mate and...” She pursed her lips.

  “And?” Luna asked her.

  “Why didn’t I see Josh’s mate when I touched him? We’re pretty close. He’s like a brother, so we’ve touched, and I’ve never had a vision.”

  Tia and Vera exchanged concerned glances.

  “What?” Mila and Luna asked in unison.

  “It means his mate’s future has yet to be determined.” Vera rubbed a weary hand across her forehead.

  “Surely there’s something we can do,” Mila protested.

  Tia knelt in front of her. “Mila, this isn’t something we can mess with. Everything in our world is predetermined. Much of it isn’t shown to us.”

  Mila felt tears track down her cheeks. “Does this mean something horrible is going to happen to her or Josh?”

  “No, not necessarily. It probably means there are two paths she can follow. Please, don’t let this eat you up.” Vera smiled gently at her.

  Behind that smile, though, she could see her concern.

  “I hate this gift,” Mila mumbled and began to sob.

  “Was there more? There must be something else to have you this upset,” Luna asked while she held Mila against her.

  She shook her head, sighing with frustration. “More of a feeling than anything. I sensed Manuela is in danger, but I don’t know what from… or when.”

  Tia cleared her throat. “Manuela had a massive argument with her father a while back. She’s always been headstrong and walked away from her Protector community. She hasn’t been seen since.”

  “She and her father are eagle shifters, so she could have flown anywhere,” Vera explained.

  “Oh, no. This is terrible. Can I tell Josh anything about this?”

  All three women watching her shook their heads.

  “Then what can I do about it?” She loved Josh like a brother and this only heightened her concern.

  “There is one thing we can do.” Vera tapped her lower lip with her finger, deep in thought.

  “What?” they asked in unison.

  “When Morgan returns to Spain, Elias can ask that Josh goes with him.”

  Mila looked at Vera, her eyes wide. “But he’ll want to know why.”

  “That’s an easy fix. Protectors, especially younger ones, need to experience life outside their community. It does them good to see how other communities work. Elias can request he goes with Morgan. Maybe a couple of others can go, too,” Tia suggested.

  Mila rubbed at her temples, a burgeoning headache building inside her mind. Tia went to her, took her hands from her head, replacing them with her own. The headache vanished when Tia’s healing warmth enveloped her.


  “Much. Thanks, Tia. I didn’t know about this. I have such a lot to learn. It’s really daunting at times.”

  Luna leapt up and hugged her close. “You’re not alone, Mila. We’re all here for you.”

  Mila’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at each woman in turn. “You don’t know how much this means to me. There’s one more question for now, then I think I’m done for tonight.”

  “Anything, Mila.” Vera smiled.

  “How come we were allowed to let Evan know I’d seen his mate? Or was it a mistake because Lily came right out and said it?”

  “Fair point,” Tia agreed. “Lily is an accomplished seer and knows the rules. This is where our powers, and the rules, can become a little confusing.”

  Luna laughed without humour. “Yeah, you got that right, Tia. My mother has been training me since I was tiny, and I still get confused.”

  “Sometimes fate takes the lead. There must have been a reason for this to have happened. Sorry, Mila, but I cannot be any more specific about this.”

  Mila huffed out a breath; she felt exhausted. Luna patted her shoulder.

  “Time to get you home.”

  She smiled with gratitude at her newfound friend. “Sounds great.”

  “It will get easier for you, Mila, and we’re all here to help with your training. You have so much untapped power.”

  “Thanks, Vera. You don’t know how much it means to have the friendship and support of you ladies.”

  “Mila, I can feel your pain. Do you need me?”

  “I’m okay. So much to take in, but it’s fine. I need to talk to you tomorrow about something.”

  “No problem. Will you be home soon?”

  “In a little while. I love you so much.”

  “Me too, honey.”

  She refocused on the room. “Sorry, I forget Elias can sense when I’m upset. I’m going to speak to him tomorrow about Josh.”

  When Luna and Mila walked back to her home, she wasn’t surprised to see Elias heading in their direction.

  Luna grabbed her arm and whispered, “You’re a lucky lady to have such a hot mate. I can’t wait to find a guy like that.”

  They chuckled, then Mila’s heart warmed. That man really was the complete package for her.

  * * *

  Elias realised he wasn’t allowed to know the contents of Mila’s vision, but he was concerned. The pain he felt emanating from her almost brought him to his knees. The fact she wanted to discuss something with him relieved him a little. He also loved the blossoming friendship between Mila and Luna. They appeared very close. Elias had been friends with Petra for a very long time. She’d lost her mate when he was hunted down and murdered. He hoped, one day, she’d find another.

  Luna walked past him. “Night, Elias.”

  “Sleep well, Luna.”

  The sight of his mate appearing so exhausted brought out his protective side. He gathered Mila up in his arms and held her tight. Her murmured appreciation warmed his heart. Elias showered her
head with kisses and gentle caresses. When she gazed up at him, he latched his mouth to hers and kissed her with tenderness. Although he wanted to make love to her, he sensed her tiredness and stress as if it was his own. Plus, they had guests.

  “Honey, are you okay? I’m so worried about your emotions right now.”

  “I’m okay, I think. There is so much about my gifts, and our community, that I don’t understand. It’s a good job I’m immortal because it’ll take forever to get to grips with it all.”

  Elias took her face in his hands and placed butterfly kisses over her cheeks, ending with another tender one on her lips. “I wish I could help with your visions, but you have great support around you.”

  “I know I do and I’m so relieved about that.”

  “Luna and you seem pretty tight.” He loved the happy smile which tugged at her lips.

  “She’s great. We it hit off right away.”

  “That’s good because they’re going to stay for a little while longer.”

  This time, her smile widened. “That’s great.” Then she turned thoughtful.

  “Aren’t you happy about it?”

  Her thoughts were out before she could hide them. His body burned.

  “No need to worry about sexual activity, honey. I know plenty of places we can make love where you can scream to your heart’s content.”

  “Elias, you’re so bad.”

  He snickered and held his hands wide. “Nothing to do with me, honey. It was you who had the wicked thought.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Mila loved spending time with Luna. Her zest for life and wacky sense of humour were a godsend. Her mother was an angel, full of kindness and light. She was one of the strongest witches in their Supernat world, and Luna was set to be equally powerful. Petra had sad eyes, though. Luna and Mila were on a walk in the forest, searching for herbs for Tia, when Mila felt compelled to ask her.

  “Tell me to mind my own business, but what happened to your father?” Mila had already told Luna about her family.

  Luna sat at the base of a tree. Mila joined her.

  “My dad was an awesome wizard and head of our community. His role was like Elias’s, I guess. One day, he got a call to say a shifter had been injured deep in the mountains.”

  Luna was thoughtful for long moments, her eyes searching off into the distance.

  “Most of our people were on missions, and as it was late in the evening, he went alone. There hadn’t been one warning from anyone within our community that he was in danger. I still remember him leaving.” A soft, sad smile touched her lips. “He kissed my mum with such passion and then he held me close.” Tears sprung from her eyes.

  “Are you okay to carry on?”

  Luna turned to her and nodded. “My dad was always affectionate, but there did appear something a little different about his actions that day. My mum and I have discussed this over the years and we’re certain he knew death waited for him.”

  “Then why go alone? Couldn’t he have taken someone with him?”

  “No,” she responded in a hushed voice. “The danger he faced was to save our community from being discovered.”

  “Whatever was it? Were they like Drake and his father?”

  Luna shook her head vigorously and Mila felt a shudder run through her. “These were Supernats.”

  Mila’s hand went to her mouth in horror. “I thought Supernats were all one big supportive community.”

  Luna’s deep blue eyes were full of tears. “Not these. This race of Supernats is evil and has no emotions. Only the need to feed and kill. Sometimes they turn others, but not often.”

  A gasp escaped Mila’s lips. “You don’t mean vampires, do you?”

  Luna shook her head. “No. Vampires, many who live in my country, keep to themselves in the main and are no trouble. These creatures are demons and difficult to kill.”

  Luna fell silent again and Mila attempted to process this latest revelation. Of course, she should have realised if there were good creatures, it followed that there would be evil ones too.

  “What happened?”

  Luna breathed deeply. “They lured my father out to a desolate place. A location most of us avoid because of its evil. We’ll never know exactly what happened for certain. Some of our shifters went in search of him when he didn’t return. They…”

  Luna sobbed hard. Mila held her close, allowing her powers to soothe her.

  “They found what was left of him at the very edge of the forests where we never usually go. It appeared my father had gone there expecting to find an injured shifter. They… they tore him to pieces, Mila.”

  For a long time, Mila cradled her friend to her. “Did they ever find the demons that killed him?”

  Luna shook her head. “They never leave the confines of their territory. They lure travellers and hikers to them. They use illusions to make them appear normal to humans. By the time they realise their mistake, it’s far too late.”

  “Why lure your father there?”

  Luna laughed without humour. “They are afraid of our kind, Mila. They would love to see us all dead. I always had a feeling my dad knew what was waiting for him.”

  “Do you think they were testing your community’s powers to see how strong they are?”

  Luna tugged at her lower lip. “That’s our guess. My dad wouldn’t have gone down without a fight. He probably took some of them with him. And now, when we get any kind of distress call, we go ready and prepared to meet them head on.”

  Mila shuddered. “Let’s hope they get the message. It’s bad enough dealing with Drake and Luther. Don’t know how I’d cope with demons.”

  “Let’s hope you never have to meet them. But if you ever do, Mila, I know you have the powers to kick their asses back to hell.”

  A noise distracted them. Mila smiled when she saw Elias heading their way with Petra close by him.

  “Oh, shit. My mum must have sensed my distress.” She got up. “I’d better tell her everything’s okay.”

  Mila stood, and the girls hugged each other.

  “Thanks for listening, Mila.”


  Luna went to her mother and they headed off down another path in search of Tia’s herbs. Elias stood in front of Mila, his expression filled with love and awe.


  “You amaze me each and every day, honey.”

  “What have I done now?”

  “Petra told me Luna has never spoken to anyone about her father’s death. Yet she told you everything. This is a real breakthrough.”

  “I’m just happy to be there for her. Luna is a great friend now.”

  * * *

  When Elias and Mila came down the following morning, Luna and Petra had already left the property. Luna left a note on the kitchen counter…

  “We’ve gone to visit Angel. It’ll give you guys time to discuss Josh.”

  Elias glanced over to Mila who was making coffee.

  “What’s this about Josh?” He waved the note at her.

  She finished making coffee and placed two mugs down on the counter top. A frown covered her beautiful face and he sensed her unease. Picking up the two mugs, he headed for the living room. Mila followed, tugging thoughtfully at her lower lip.

  “I know you can’t tell me about your vision, although I guess it had something to do with Josh.”

  Mila fixed her eyes onto his. “Yeah. I wish I could tell you…”

  He placed one fingertip to her lips. “I’ve been alive for centuries. I understand the nature of your visions.”

  She huffed out a breath. “When Morgan goes back to Spain, Josh needs to go with him. Preferably with others so he doesn’t become suspicious or feel singled out.”

  Elias smiled, brushing a hand across her peach-soft cheek. “An easy fix. Do you know that some of us visit other communities?”

  She nodded. “Yes. That’s why the girls thought it would be an idea for others to go, too, so Josh doesn’t question
why he’s going.”

  “Morgan, like Luna and Petra, is staying on for a few more days. Josh can return with him when he finally goes back.”

  A single tear tracked down Mila’s cheek. “I really wish I could tell you more. I worry for Josh. He’s so vulnerable.”

  Elias pulled her to him, caging her within the safety of his arms. He knew she had a soft spot for Josh and thought of him as a brother.

  “Whatever fate has in store for him, he will be strong enough to deal with it,” he assured her.

  They were silent for a while. He thought about a conversation he’d had with Mason before he headed back to his community.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one with something on my mind.”

  “You’re not. I had a chat with Mason about security.”

  “Security seems to be a hot topic at the moment.”

  “Yes, it is. We’re both concerned about the safety of Supernats and humans living close to Scott’s facility.”

  “I can understand that. As the two communities closest to it, I guess it falls to you guys to come up with some kind of plan.”

  Elias smiled and placed a soft kiss on top of Mila’s head. “Got it in one. We’re going to meet up within the next few days to discuss it.”

  She sat up, rested one arm on the top of the sofa, and faced him. Man, staring at her would never get old.

  “Where will you meet?”

  “There’s a diner about halfway between our communities. The owners have been our allies for generations. We normally meet there.”

  “A bit of a strange venue, isn’t it?”

  “Not really. It’s well-protected with wards. And not a place any of our enemies would expect us to frequent. Petra and Morgan will also attend to give their advice and ideas.”

  Mila frowned and pursed her lips. She looked so adorable.

  “Come on. I know you have another burning question for me.”

  “Just one for now. How is it protected?”

  “Ah, easy. To anyone hoping to use the diner, it looks as though it’s closed. Using our powers, it will appear that no one is inside.”

  “Hmm, getting my head around all of this is going to take me the rest of forever, isn’t it?”


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