The Book of Giant Adventures

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The Book of Giant Adventures Page 4

by Anna Fienberg

  ‘In a short time Can-Du had the engine purring, and when he put his foot down on the accelerator, it roared like a lion! We painted it a bright yellow and after a lot of argument we agreed on the name: The Valley People’s Very Own Bus Service.

  ‘I couldn’t sleep the night before the first trip to the city. The bus was going to the markets, taking all the people who had something to sell. Grandma was making mooncakes. “You can come with me and help to sell them if you like,” she said to Lotus Blossom and me.

  ‘Well, people were already loading up cherries and apples and chickens onto the roof of the bus when we arrived.

  ‘Can-Du had the bonnet up, checking the engine one last time. I peered in. He had already taught me about the rotor and the fan belt. I wanted to know more … But there wasn’t time because, just then, two strangers moved up to talk to him. As I stepped away, I heard Can-Du arguing with them but their voices were too low for me to catch.

  ‘The strangers didn’t look like any of the villagers I knew. They wore dirty long coats and wide-brimmed hats.

  ‘When one took his fist out of his pocket and shook it at Can-Du, I was shocked by how hairy it was. A prickle of fear flared in my chest. Wasn’t there something familiar about these men? But Can-Du was standing aside now, letting them climb aboard.

  ‘It must be all right, I thought. And wasn’t this The Valley People’s Very Own Bus Service after all? Everyone should be allowed on, hairy or not. But then, just as Grandma was about to take her seat, the two strangers pushed her aside and swaggered down the bus ahead of her.

  ‘“No manners,” muttered Not Yet, but he was careful to mutter it quietly.

  ‘A nasty smell was coming from the men. It was like stale water in a vase when the flowers have been left to rot. Didn’t I know that smell? I leaned out into the aisle to get a better look and that prickly feeling in my chest exploded into panic: as one stranger swung into his seat I saw him tucking something under his coat. A tail!

  ‘I looked around wildly. I tried to think what to do but the bus was packed to the brim now with people and baskets and piglets escaping, oinking up and down the aisle. And everyone was so happy, cheering and clapping each other on the back as Can-Du turned the key and the bus roared into life.

  ‘The bus bounced beautifully along the roads and Teacher Pang shouted “Congratulations!” to Can-Du at the wheel. But Can-Du just hunched his shoulders and stared ahead. Maybe he knows who the mysterious strangers are, I thought. But if so, why did he let them on the bus?

  ‘Then I noticed Mr Pang sniffing the air and wrinkling his nose. He was staring at the strangers. “I know you two!” he cried. “You’re—”

  ‘Oh Jack, his words were like a signal for everything to go wrong. Can-Du suddenly swung the wheel and veered off the road to the city, taking the track leading into the forest instead!

  ‘“Where are you going? What are you doing?” we all shouted. Grandma’s face was white and Not Yet had his face pressed against the window.

  ‘But Can-Du seemed to have gone deaf.

  ‘The strangers stood up and, as they did, they whipped off their hats, showing their horrible faces. “QUIET!” they bellowed. “SIT STILL!”

  ‘Teacher Pang didn’t obey. He leaped up and grabbed one of them by the arm. But the second stranger turned and lazily pushed him over. Teacher Pang crumpled at my feet.

  ‘I knelt down and whispered, “You know these two, don’t you?”

  ‘“Yes, they’re the demons! They raced you last year for the new schoolhouse.”

  ‘I nodded. I could hardly breathe. “What do you think they want?”

  ‘Before Mr Pang could answer there was a loud explosion and the bus came to a sudden stop.

  ‘“What the dillblot has happened now?” The demons hurried down the bus to Can-Du.

  ‘“I’ll have to look at the engine,” Can-Du answered. He opened the driver’s door, but before climbing down, he beckoned to me. “I couldn’t help it,” he whispered. “The demons are wild for buses! When I wouldn’t hand this one over or teach them how to drive it, they kidnapped my son. They told me I would never find him again if I didn’t drive the bus into the woods.”

  ‘“And if you want to see your boy again you will hurry up and fix this rattletrap,” hissed the older demon, as he pushed Can-Du out of the bus.

  ‘The younger demon turned to us. “This is the end of the line, you dillblots! This is where you get off because we’re on our way to Xin—”

  ‘The older demon leaped back and poked his brother hard in the back. “Hold your tongue! You’re the dillblot, you DILLBLOT!”

  ‘It was starting to rain and although it was still early morning the thick branches overhead and the purple sky made the forest dark and spooky.

  ‘Grandma called out, “You can’t leave us here so far from any help. We have babies amongst us and there are wolves in the forest!” Not to mention ghosts, I thought.

  ‘The monsters shrugged; such things mattered nothing to demons. When they got out to see what Can-Du was doing, I moved over to the front window and listened hard. Soon I heard Can-Du say, “All fixed.” There was just a split second to decide if I dared to do it—’

  ‘What? What?’ cried Jack.

  ‘Well, I was in the driver’s seat, wasn’t I? So I turned the key in the ignition and the bus revved into a roar. Not Yet was right beside me. “Quick, Not Yet,” I cried, “my feet won’t reach the pedals. Can you press them down for me?”

  ‘Not Yet crouched down and I pointed, “Clutch down!” I put the gear into the first position and released the brake. We shuddered and rolled forwards. I could see the demons pulling at the door, swinging like gorillas up the side. Grandma and Lotus Blossom and Mrs Wang held onto the handle with all their strength.

  ‘“Clutch!” I cried and we moved into second gear and went a little faster.

  ‘“Hurry!” cried Lotus Blossom. “We can’t hold them off much longer!”

  ‘“Clutch and accelerator together!” I sang as we jerked and bumped and rocked in a wide circle to point the bus back in the right direction. When we shot forwards the demons went flying off the door like buttons bursting from a ripped seam.

  ‘There was a stunned silence and then a great cheer went up from the passengers. They hung out the windows, jeering at the demons. “I didn’t know you could drive a bus, Tashi,” giggled Mrs Wang.

  ‘“Neither did I,” I said.

  ‘I was sweating so much the wheel was slippery in my hands. How different it had been going for cosy little test drives with Can-Du than actually doing it myself!’

  ‘And escaping from demons at the same time!’ shivered Jack.

  ‘Yes. You should have seen those monsters jumping up and down in the dirt, shaking their fists with rage, and hitting each other! Everyone was so busy yelling at them – and I was looking at the road ahead, of course – that we didn’t notice Can-Du had flung himself on the spare tyre at the back of the bus. And now he climbed up and in through the window.

  ‘Well, when we were at a safe distance from the demons I stopped the bus and turned around to face Can-Du. “‘What will we do now?’”

  ‘Everyone had an idea. But most agreed with Mr Wu. “Let’s go straight to the city,” he said. “I have vegetables to sell. Soon they’ll spoil.”

  ‘“And my piglets won’t last much longer without water.”

  ‘“And my chickens will drown up there in the rain.”

  ‘“But what about my son?” cried Can-Du.

  ‘The villagers told him they would look for Little Can-Du but first they had to get to the city. So that is where we went.

  ‘When we’d dropped most of the passengers at the markets, Grandma, Lotus Blossom, Mrs Wang, Mr Pang and I stayed behind with Can-Du to figure out how we could find his son.

  ‘“Let’s tell each other everything we know about the demons,” said Mr Pang. “You start, Tashi, you’re the one who has had the most to do with them.”

nbsp; ‘“We mightn’t have to do all that,” I said slowly. “Remember in the bus, one of the demons said that they were on their way to Xin-something? Where could that be? Is there anywhere starting with ‘Xin’ around these parts?”

  ‘“What about Xinfeng?” cried Mrs Wang.

  ‘“Of course, it’s beside the mountain in the next valley,” Teacher Pang agreed excitedly.

  ‘“Which is riddled with caves – perfect places to hide something, or someone,” Grandma finished up.

  ‘We were all really pleased with each other until Lotus Blossom said, “But if it’s riddled with caves, how will we find the one where Little Can-Du is hidden?”

  ‘“Let’s just get there first, and see,” pleaded Can-Du, and we all agreed.

  ‘The first creatures we saw when we reached Xinfeng were the two demons.

  ‘“How did they get here so quickly?” I whispered.

  ‘“They’re demons,” Grandma answered gloomily.

  ‘They didn’t see us because they were already busy climbing up the mountain. I cautiously followed, leaving the others waiting in the bus. There was only a thin track winding around the mountain and just as Grandma had said, the steep sides were scooped out as if a ghost monster had taken enormous bites from the rock.

  ‘I crept along at a good distance, backing into the shadows if the demons stopped or turned around. But they hurried on, past dozens of shallow caves. Suddenly, they dived into a wide, deep cave. I waited. Soon they ran out again, carrying an empty water jug. I watched in the shadows until they were out of sight and then slipped into the cave.

  ‘It was black as night inside and I had to shut my eyes for a moment to get used to the dark. How would I find anything in this gloom?

  ‘“Who’s there?” a trembly little voice threaded through the darkness. I took a couple of steps towards the voice and made out a small bundle tied up against the wall of the cave.

  ‘Little Can-Du cried with joy when he saw me but I told him, while I was undoing his ropes, that there wasn’t any time to lose. Already demon voices were floating back. What to do?

  ‘I spied a tall oil jar in the corner. “Quick! Jump into this,” I said, giving him a leg-up and stuffing the ropes in on top of him. “When the demons leave the cave again, rock the jar till it tips over and run down the path outside. Your father will be waiting for you in the bus.”

  ‘There was no time for any more. The demons were standing at the entrance of the cave. “Tashi! What are you doing here?” cried the first demon when he caught sight of me. “Where is Little Can-Du?”

  ‘“The Grand Vizier of, er, of Zenadu took him home to his father. The Grand Vizier is very annoyed with you.”

  ‘Then I took a piece of ghost cake out of my pocket, popped it into my mouth and walked through the demons and out of the cave.

  ‘Outside, I ducked down behind some rocks, listening to the demons argue about what to do. When I saw them charging out and up the mountain, searching other caves, I whistled softly and Little Can-Du crept out. We tore down the hillside and scrambled into the bus.

  ‘“Let’s go!” I cried, and so we did.

  ‘Little Can-Du had a cuddle from Grandma and Mrs Wang while Teacher Pang and Lotus Blossom asked again and again for the story of our escape. And do you know, we were back just in time to pick up our passengers in the city.

  ‘“Just don’t expect every trip to be as exciting as this one.” Can-Du smiled grimly at me, as we dropped our last passenger off.’

  Jack jumped as they heard the school bell ring across the park. ‘Whew! That was the strangest bus trip I ever heard of,’ he panted as they began to run. ‘But you know, ship cruises can be even worse.

  ‘I mean, you can’t get off a ship until you reach port, not unless you want to be eaten by sharks. My Uncle Joe had to swim for ten kilometres once, when pirates attacked his boat in the Caribbean. Imagine, he had to swim to Jamaica!’

  ‘Now that would be a good story,’ said Tashi as they hung up their bags. ‘When did you say your Uncle Joe is visiting again?’

  But Jack didn’t answer because he’d just realised they’d left the soccer ball at the park.


  ‘Has anyone seen my sunglasses?’ asked Mum as she picked up her keys, ready to walk out the door.

  Jack and Dad burst out laughing.

  ‘They’re on your head!’ crowed Jack, collapsing onto the sofa.

  ‘You think you’re so funny,’ sniffed Mum, whipping the glasses into her bag, ‘but you weren’t laughing when you lost your skateboard last week.’

  ‘That’s right, Jack,’ said Dad. ‘You were about to ring the police, remember, when I found it under your bed.’

  ‘Yeah well, you didn’t find it on my head, did you?’

  Mum giggled. ‘Now that would have looked funny.’

  ‘I know a story about mysterious disappearances,’ Jack said slowly.

  ‘Oh, do you now!’ said Dad. ‘Well, I’m ready for a mystery. Pity you have to go out, darling.’ Dad winked at Jack.

  ‘A Tashi mystery?’ asked Mum, flinging her bag down on the table. ‘Why should I miss out? Just because I’m the woman here, I have to go out and do the shopping.’ Mum glared at Dad. ‘Well, I’m just not having it!’

  ‘No, neither am I,’ agreed Dad. ‘It’s plainly unfair. Think how many women in history have missed out on fabulous stories—’

  ‘Fascinating conversations—’

  ‘Really good jokes—’

  ‘Just because they had to go out shopping,’ finished Dad. ‘So, sweetheart, why don’t you sit down here beside me and we’ll change the course of history right now.’

  ‘Deal,’ said Mum.

  ‘So,’ began Jack, ‘the whole thing started with Ah Chu.’

  ‘Oh dear,’ said Mum, reaching for the tissues, ‘are you getting a cold?’

  ‘No,’ sighed Jack. ‘Remember Ah Chu, Tashi’s friend back in the old country?’

  ‘Ah yes, Ah Chu,’ grinned Dad.

  ‘Well, things had been mysteriously disappearing in the village. One morning Ah Chu stumped up the path to Tashi’s house and spluttered, “You’ll never believe what was taken from our place last night – my old undies! They were hanging on the washing line!”

  ‘Ooh, yuk,’ said Dad. ‘Who’d want to steal second-hand undies?’

  ‘Exactly,’ said Jack. ‘Then Lotus Blossom ran up close behind and said, “Guess what – the thief came to Precious Aunt’s house last night and took her painted silk fan!’”

  ‘They were all quiet for a moment, thinking. “We’ll have to put a stop to this,” Tashi said at last. “Two visits in one night and there’s no pattern to what is taken. It’s always a mixture of valuable and useless things, like your broken spinning top last week, Lotus Blossom. People have started buying locks for their doors; we’ve never had to do that before.”

  ‘“I think it could be someone like the Foo brothers – they’d do it for a dare,” said Lotus Blossom.

  ‘“Maybe, but I don’t think those boys would take things that people treasured. Like your grandfather’s gold watch,” Tashi argued.

  ‘“I don’t know,” said Ah Chu. “Some of their friends would dive in first and think later.”

  ‘“All right,” said Tashi, “for the next few days we’ll play with them after school. There would have to be a great pile of things in their room by now, too much to hide easily.”

  ‘Four days later, the three friends met again. “Well, that was a waste of time,” said Lotus Blossom crossly.

  ‘“It was your idea,” Ah Chu reminded her. “And I don’t know what Ping’s mother thought when she came in and found you looking through her cupboards. Just as well Tashi was able to think of a good excuse.”

  ‘“Anyway,” Lotus Blossom went on as though Ah Chu hadn’t spoken, “I think we have overlooked the obvious person.”


  ‘“Your Uncle Tiki Pu. He’s the most dishonest
person in the village.”

  ‘Ah Chu looked uncomfortable but Tashi didn’t mind. It was true. “But why would he take underwear and broken toys?”

  ‘“To put us off the scent!” Lotus Blossom cried triumphantly.

  ‘Tashi wasn’t sure, but he agreed to go to Tiki Pu’s house that afternoon because he knew his uncle was out playing cards with some visiting merchants. After an hour’s rummaging through the mess that Tiki Pu lived in, they did not find one thing that had been stolen.

  ‘“Now I suppose we’ll have to put all this jumble back,” groaned Ah Chu.

  ‘“I don’t see why,” said Lotus Blossom. “He’ll never notice the difference.” As she spoke she turned towards the door. Standing there was Tiki Pu.

  ‘“Looking for something?” he asked in a nasty, silky voice.

  ‘There was a long silence. Tashi swallowed. “I came to ask you to dinner tonight, Uncle, and we were just tidying your room for you while we waited.”

  ‘Tiki Pu didn’t believe a word of it, but he gave Tashi a false smile and said, “Tell your mother I’d be delighted to come and that she mustn’t go to too much trouble.”

  ‘“That means he’ll expect all his favourite dishes,” groaned Tashi as they walked home. “My mother will kill me.”

  ‘A few minutes later Tashi was running up his garden path. He popped his head in the kitchen window and called, “Tiki Pu said he’d love to come to dinner tonight, Mum, and you mustn’t go to too much trouble.”

  ‘“What? Why—” She dropped her pan.

  ‘“I’ll be back soon,” said Tashi quickly, as he ran after the others.

  ‘They walked on in silence until Ah Chu said suddenly, “A funny thing happened last night. I woke up just before first light and felt a bit empty. So I went to the kitchen to look for a little snack. I was just eating a bowl of cold noodles at the window when I saw your grandma go past. She was walking along as if it was bright daylight, not hesitating, although she didn’t have a lantern and it was black night.”


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