My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3)

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My Expectation (My Escort Series Book 3) Page 10

by Kia Carrington-Russell

  “It’s perfect Damon, and besides it’s not like I am going to get any smaller over here,” I laughed. “I want the chance to still have some shape about me in photos before these two destroy any figure I might have left.”

  “TWO?!!!” Megan yelled from the hallway. Damon and I both looked at her. I didn’t even hear her come down the hall. “Two babies?! As in twins?!”

  Damon gave me a suave smile and left a kiss to my lips before dashing away. “I will leave that one with you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  A week had flown by like the snap of my fingers. So much had been arranged and yet we still had a few things to go. I was impressed by our teamwork and ability to not only continue our busy work lives and schedule, but also plan our wedding. We had kept it quiet from colleagues for the time being. We didn’t want a huge amount of hype created and media poking their noses in. We wanted this to stay quiet and involve only family. Of course, that was only the wedding. As soon as Megan had found out about the twins our plan of secrecy was outed. Michelle had phoned Damon hours later with questions.

  I had no idea how she found out but my only link between Megan and Michelle was Hayden. I hadn’t yet asked him if he was the one that told her because he wasn’t in Manhattan; he had gone back to Ithaca for his own work until he came back tonight to take Damon on his buck’s party.

  When Hayden and I thought of others to invite to it, we decided to keep it at only Hayden and Damon. It wasn’t that Damon was a loner, but he had many acquaintances but not so many male friends. He often liked to keep to himself and although charismatic, I felt he was only himself around Hayden. I found it ironic considering their mutual distrust in one another when they first met.

  Megan and I decided that for my hen’s night we would have a spa day tomorrow and a girl flick movie tonight. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I didn’t want anything elaborate and enjoyed the idea of having some needed relaxation. I hadn’t taken much time out for myself in months but since discovering I was pregnant and the proposal, Damon and I were changing in small amounts and putting ourselves first. Although our workload was still great and something we would never truly be satisfied to leave, we were spending much needed time together and planning.

  The only three women I would’ve considered inviting to my hen’s night was my mother, Cassidy and Michelle. All of which couldn’t make it. Mom still had the boys; Michelle still had a new born and Cassidy wasn’t yet back in the country, although she promised she would be there on the big day.

  I began looking at honeymoon locations as Damon and I planned to take two weeks for it. Although the timing wasn’t the best, Michelle practically forced us to take the time off and would take over her previous role as CEO. I was grateful for that. It has been a while since Damon and I had any sort of vacation time together. My fondest memories were of us in the Bahamas, although that left a bitter sweet taste as well. We had come so far since those insecure days.

  Damon wanted to surprise me with the honeymoon. I’ve already travelled to so many places that I was intrigued by what he’s decided on and agreed. I loved the excitement of surprises and things that were out of my control, he was the only person I could share this with.

  I waited at home for Megan patiently on the couch. I had some light jazz music playing in the background as I flicked through photos to best accompany my written piece. I had taken a few and it was always difficult to narrow it down to which ones should go into the magazine and what ones should be placed as teasers on the website.

  Damon walked in. I looked at the clock and realized it was already six. I didn’t expect him to stay in the office too late and he still had no idea why I wanted him to be free for the night.

  “Hey you,” he purred as he sat beside me on the couch. He loosened his tie and looked over the images. He seemed tired. He rested his head on my shoulder and I began brushing my fingers through it lightly. He rested his hand on my stomach making small swirls. I haven’t yet felt much movement and was still experiencing extreme nausea. Right now I felt perfectly healthy, it seemed to only hit me mid-day for some bizarre reason. “No Megan?” He asked.

  “She’s out at the moment,” I said as I flicked through the photos with consideration. Pudding sat across from us napping. The fat lazy cat was now content after whining at me for his second meal of the day. Damon began nibbling down my neck and along my shoulders. I shuddered under the warmth of his lips and tried to focus on my laptop.

  “De-stress me,” he simply said. I snapped the laptop shut knowing there was no way I would be able to focus if he was in a mood like this.

  “In what way?” I responded slyly. He continued his kisses before his hand began to rub over my inner thigh. I quivered with anticipation and my heat had already begun pounding. I couldn’t think clearly with Damon so close and breathtakingly mine. I kissed him back and adjusted myself. I forced him back into sitting position so I could sit on top of him. He pushed my hair away from my face as I rested my knees over him and straddled him. I was hungry for him and wanted to take charge.

  I rubbed my hands eagerly on his pants which were still buttoned up. Slowly and between kisses I began to unbutton his shirt. The lean muscles beneath aroused me and I ripped apart his shirt hungrily. He looked at me almost in surprise. “Easy tiger, I can’t go through so many shirts daily,” he teased with a smile. He cupped the back of my neck and leant me towards him for a hard long kiss. It wasn’t the only thing that I could feel was hard and was eager to feel him inside of me. My hands trailed down his chiseled stomach as my fingers lightly danced over his zip.

  He began to unzip the back of my dress and toy with the back of my bra.

  The front door rattled and Hayden and Megan walked in. Damon and I broke our kiss and looked at them.

  “Well ummm, don’t I feel awkward for walking in,” Hayden said. He frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt awkward for doing that to anyone.”

  “Really?!” Megan whined. They both had a handful of groceries. “In the very spot I sit and eat popcorn?”

  “Megan...” Damon began teasingly as he zipped up my dress. Neither of us were embarrassed, much to my surprise. “Is this where I tell you that there is probably no safe place in this apartment for you to eat your popcorn?”

  “Gross,” Megan said throwing down her bags on the bench and covering her ears. “Go get changed, you have a date with this man meat.” She pointed to Hayden. “And I have a Hen’s night with this horny mom to be.”

  Still sitting on Damon I looked at him with a suave smile. “Happy buck’s night,” I said. He gave me an uncertain glare but Hayden was quick to intervene.

  “Don’t you dare think I will let you out of tonight! I have already put way too much planning into it. And remember whatever happens at a buck’s night stays there.”

  “Have fun,” I toyed and kissed Damon. I slightly closed his shirt before leaving his lap with a sway in my hips. My heart and body was still pounding for him. Although I was frustrated I couldn’t finish, I knew I would have him whenever I wanted for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Twenty-Two- The Wedding

  A lot of thoughts raced through my mind in this very moment while sitting in the white limo in front of the butterfly sanctuary. I was wearing the dress that caught my eye and matched my figure. The bump, which was once unnoticeable, began to round and I was starting to have sensations which didn’t seem to be nausea. Although Damon wanted so badly to feel them, I still think it was too soon for him to be able to.

  Megan sat beside me looking between the entrance and me. I just needed a few minutes. I was so happy that this was finally happening but my heart still raced and I needed to calm myself. Dustings of glitter were on my shoulders and arms from the light cream that Cassidy had applied. She had done my hair and make-up giddily as she caught me up with all her adventures and what she was going back to. She really had changed and was even more beautiful now. She had the confidence of a woman who no longe
r wanted to be looked at by men unworthy of her.

  She had met someone on her journey. She told me all about him. At first they were both strangers. For the first few days they didn’t exchange names, say what they did for work or where they were from. They simply enjoyed one another’s company. To my surprise although Cassidy wasn’t as fluttery as she used to be when speaking about men, she was very infatuated by this one. I had hoped that he was someone kind and would treat her sweetly. It was ironic that after so many years of searching for love that the moment she had given up and rebuilt herself was when she should find it.

  My mother gave me one of her old necklaces to wear. It matched the dress perfectly and it felt more personal. It was a beautiful array of pearls which dangled down the back and emphasized the backless dress which I loved so much. I held onto white roses and pink lilies as I took another controlled breath. I had pearls around my left wrist and a lace white garter which was tight on my inner thigh.

  I took another easy breath. Megan looked at me worriedly but said nothing. The limo driver was watching us in his rear view mirror. I felt like I was suffocating. Everything I had once stood for, my independence, my work life, my singular life. . . that was all I once had. My world had expanded and made room for Damon and now for my two children whom I would love so much. So much was changing and in this pivotal moment I felt it on my shoulders.

  I was happy and this was what I wanted. I loved Damon so much. I eased my breathing and focused only on him and imagined him waiting there for me in his suit. He would’ve been just as nervous as me. We knew more than anything that we wanted to be married, we wanted to sign a piece of paper which stated we would be together for life. We wanted this day with family to rejoice. We wanted to be together for life unconditionally. I took another breath and pressed my hand to my stomach. My heart rate had slowly started beating normal.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I said to Megan. I thought only of Damon and walking my way through those doors so I could greet him, the love of my life. The limo driver stepped out and opened the door for me. He aided me out. Megan grabbed the trail of my dress. It was a sunny day with a few white clouds in the sky. Despite thunderstorm warnings the weather was holding out for us.

  Up the pebbled path and towards the large wooden doors stood Mr. Brogardt, Ethan, and Christian in tiny suits. Mr. Brogradt looked very suave, but the boys took my breath away. Both of their hairs were slicked back and they looked uncomfortable as they fiddled with their black tailcoats. Megan toyed with a smile. They straightened their backs as soon as they saw me. Christian’s jaw had dropped open, Ethan looked at him quickly and lifted it.

  I laughed, clutching my stomach. I bent down slightly and opened my arms wide. “Can your Auntie have a hug for good luck?” I asked. They walked into my arms with a smile and it eased my racing heart slightly. I held onto them tightly admiring the pearls against my bronze skin. I looked at both of them with a joyful smile; they looked so cute. Ethan tucked away the small curl I had beside my face.

  “You look so pretty Auntie Clover,” he mumbled shy.

  “I think so too,” Christian said instantly. I smiled at them both and kissed the tops of their heads.

  “Are you ready my dear child?” Mr. Brogardt asked. I was happy to have honored Damon’s father to walk me down the aisle. It made me sad to know that my father couldn’t be here and walk me down, but I knew that he wouldn’t have missed this day for the world and was watching me from somewhere. I knew Damon would’ve loved for his mother to be here too. “You look stunning Clover.” He said with an earnest smile.

  The gentleman in a tailcoat suit opened the wooden doors. From inside I heard a pianist and violinist play. I couldn’t even coherently understand the music because my heart began to race again. Mr. Brogardt entwined his arm with mine as if grounding me. I could feel the veins in my neck stress as I inhaled a deep breath.

  Megan and the boys had already walked in. With one more admiring glance Mr. Brogardt asked me if I was ready. After another two deep breaths and my stomach fluttering crazily I nodded.

  Inside swept with greenery and flowers just like the images, but more beautiful. Butterflies fluttered everywhere of all different colors and sizes. I focused on the red carpet which lay before me. I could hear running water in the background but focused only on the red in front of me, nervous that I would fall. My trail elegantly followed behind me.

  I took one deep death and reminded myself of the proud and confident woman that I was. I was marrying Damon, there couldn’t possibly be any mistake made on this day, especially something as small as tripping over. I lifted my head and saw him at the end of the altar. He looked dashing in his white suit and his hair combed back. He was freshly shaven and fidgeting nervously.

  He was stunned and his eyes were glued to me. I smiled shyly and grateful that he liked the dress. There was one line of white covered seats with gold ribbon. There sat Michelle, Phillip with Rosalie in her arms, my mother, Ethan, and Christian who had just thrown white rose petals down the aisle, and Cassidy.

  Hayden stood beside Damon proudly. He looked breathtaking himself in his gray silk suit. Megan stood, waiting for me to take my place beside her. She looked stunning and had a glow of admiration on her face.

  I could hear faintly the click of cameras from the photographer. We hired out the very same one which took Damon’s and my first photo together, on the fateful night which I hired him as an escort. Today the photographer was well dressed and suited without toothpick in mouth.

  I smiled at the others who looked at me in awe, I was both embarrassed but felt like I utterly radiated with beauty. A white butterfly fluttered on my shoulder. When we reached the end of the red carpet Mr. Brogardt kissed my cheek. “Welcome to the family Clover,” he said and took his seat by my mother.

  Damon reached out to grab my hand and helped me towards the end of the red carpet. The celebrant watched on with admiration.

  “You look beautiful,” Damon said as his eyes swept up my dress.

  “You look handsome,” I said doing the same to him. We continued to hold hands and couldn’t remove our gaze from one another. Behind us and where the celebrant stood was a small running stream. Around it were a few rocks where butterflies perched and fluttered about.

  The entire roofing was glass and so the sun continued to beam down on us. Behind me was the enclosed section where the food and meals would be served with a large white clothed table. The pianist who was sitting across from me at a large white piano and suit watched on with anticipation as did the violinist. She wore a stunning purple dress and stood respectfully.

  My breath seemed to hinge on every word the celebrant said and yet as soon as he said it my memory fogged and I could no longer think. Suddenly it was time for Damon to say his vows. My heart raced as he nervously went to reach into his pocket for the hand written notes. He hesitated and then left them in there.

  “I had taken hours to decide how to best describe how much you mean to me and I love you in so few words,” he said with a shortened breath. “Clover I quite simply can’t imagine a day without you. You are my entire world, you showed me a part of myself which I had closed off for a very long time and you changed me for the better.” His grip tightened on my hand. “You have given me the greatest gift of joy to become a father and to simply be my wife. You are beautiful, intelligent, driven and such a kind-hearted woman. I often think I am not worthy to have you by my side, but after having you there for only months, I knew how much I have loved you already. There couldn’t be a day without you, you who have changed my everything. My everything is now only revolved around you, no matter what the future brings us.” He took an insecure breath and smiled clumsily. “Please grow gray with me?” A lump in my throat caught and I breathed in trying not to let a stream of tears glide down my face. The celebrant looked at me expectantly.

  “I love you,” I gushed. We both laughed and I heard the others laugh behind us. “I do and always will. I admire you so m
uch for everything that you do and manage. I love that you are the only man I’ve ever found who I can depend on and can look after me. You took my walls down and were able to find the real me, which was also hidden. I couldn’t imagine myself aiming for anything else than being by your side every day. Nothing would make me happier and so I accept. I want to be gray with you, but first I want us to fulfill a life that is only meant for us. And a life that we were always meant to live together.” My heart raced and the words of the celebrant seemed incoherent. Damon and I stared so intensely at each other that I thought I would faint.

  “You may now kiss the bride,” the celebrant said. Damon cupped my face and stared at me for a moment longer before pressing his lips to mine, his tongue gently led mine as I cupped his hand. His lips were soft and sweet, tender with love. He twisted me slightly and my leg rose as he swept me underneath him. I laughed through the kiss, wrapping my hands around his neck. Everyone around us was clapping. This was my perfect day. My perfect Damon and blessing of our future together. I knew full heartedly we were for better or for worse.

  I felt the swirls in my stomach as he continued to kiss me, reminding me of the blessings that were still with us on this very day. As if knowing, Damon straightened me again and pressed kisses to my stomach. I laughed at him and looked at our family fondly. All of them who we loved so much could witness this special day. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. This was my everything… Family and Damon were now my everything.

  Chapter Twenty-Three- The Honeymoon

  “Australia?!” I asked as Damon gave me my tickets. We had spent the entire day with family who congratulated us and celebrated with us our very special day. I don’t think I had ever taken so many photos at once in my entire life but was excited to see the end results. We were escorted to the company’s private jet and still I had no idea of where we were going. Damon had been dropping subtle hints over the past eight hours, half of which I had slept exhausted from the day. I was impressed by his thorough research. He had contacted three different doctors to ask if it was okay for me to fly while pregnant with twins as well. Apparently at this stage of my pregnancy it was.


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