individual names become known, 304
insecurity of, 339–341
JL on breakup of, 645–646
JL’s marriage to Cynthia kept secret, 301
JL’s Mersey Beat history of, 241–242
Kirchherr’s photos of, 212–213
with Little Richard, 282–283
management after Epstein, 585, 592
McCartney leaves, 644–645
MBE, 399–400, 407
meet Dylan, 374–376
meet Presley, 404–406
named permanently, 186
record with Sheridan on Polydor, 238–240, 250, 253
recording sessions, 269–270, 408–412, 570–573, 587
rumored reunions of, 675, 709, 786
as Silver Beetles, 178–186
Starr joins, 275–276
Starr wants to leave, 572
support structure for, 332–333
tour with Arthur Howes package show, 290, 293–294, 304
UK tour, 432
US tours, 1964, 342–353, 368–373
US tour, 1965, 403–406
US tour, 1966, 445–446, 450–454
world tour, 1964, 363–366
world tour, 1966, 439–444
Beatles, Football and Me (Davies), 569
Beatles, The (Davies), 512–513, 520, 567–569
Beatles & Co., 514, 656, 663–665
“Beatles at Work” (film), 643
Beatles for Sale, 393–394
Beatles Six, 404
Beatty, Don, 79
Beaulieu, Priscilla, 406
“Beautiful Boy,” 794, 795, 796
“Beautiful Boys,” 795
“Because,” 612
Bed-ins, 595–599, 604
Bee Gees, 507, 770
Behm, Marc, 394, 395
“Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite,” 489–490, 496, 658
Bendry, Peter, 705, 714
Bennett, Alan, 280, 455
Bennett, Ronnie and Estelle, 345
Benzedrine, 185
Bernstein, Sid, 353, 403, 786
Berry, Charles “Chuck,” 83, 162, 621, 687
Best, Johnny, 164
Best, Mona, 164–166, 221, 225,, 272
Best, Peter, 224–225, 236, 238, 271–272
in Hamburg, 195–197, 201, 209, 216–218
joins Beatles, 192
joins Quarrymen, 164–166
leaves Beatles, 275–276
Best, Rory, 165
Beyond the Fringe, 280, 455
Bilk, Mister Acker, 243, 272
Bill Black Combo, 368
Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas, 302–303, 340
Bioletti (Penny Lane barber), 69, 83, 483
Birch, David, 85
Hard Day’s Night premiere and, 367
at Kenwood, 387
at Mendips, 71–72, 365
Quarrymen and, 107
Birch, Harriet Stanley “Harrie,” 10, 27–28, 36
Beatles at the Cavern and, 232
Hard Day’s Night premiere and, 367
Julia’s death and, 148–149
Quarrymen and, 107
Yoko Ono and, 610
Birch, Norman, 27, 149, 367, 610
Black, Cilla, 303, 334, 501, 519
Black Dyke Mills Band, 560, 564
Black House, 636–637
Black Panthers, 685
Black Power movement, 635–637
“Blackbird,” 576
Blackburn, Robin, 661
Blackjacks, 192
Blake, Peter, 495
“Bless You,” 743
Blind Faith, 619
Blonde on Blonde, 480–481
Bloody Sunday, 695–696
“Blue Jay Way,” 528
Bluecaps, 99
Bluecoat Hospital (school), 6
Bo Diddley, 621
Bolan, Marc, 701
“Bony Moronie,” 719, 746
Bonzo Dog Doodah Band, 517, 528
“Born in a Prison,” 700
Bottoms (film), 519–520, 522–523
Bowie, David, 747–748, 770
Boxer, Mark, 325
Boyd, Jennie, 539, 540, 723
Boyd, Pattie. See Harrison, Pattie Boyd
Boyfriend magazine, 299, 301, 331
“Boys,” 295
Braddock, Bessie, 25
Brambell, Wilfred, 377, 379
Bramwell, Tony, 534, 535
Braun, Michael, 334–335, 353–357, 378
Bresner, Buddy, 353
Bring on the Empty Horses (Niven), 771
Bron, Eleanor, 395, 396, 544–545
Brown, Ken, 165, 166, 192
Brown, Peter
after Apple Corps, 661
Cynthia Lennon and, 545, 611
Epstein and, 308, 441
Epstein’s death and, 507
JL and Yoko Ono’s wedding and, 594
in New York, 705
Brown, William (fictional character), 49–53, 75, 106, 131, 248, 258, 333, 337
Browne, Tara, 488, 492
Bryce, Hanmer and Isherwood accountants, 381
Brydor, Ltd., 465
Build Around, 542
Burrows, Lancelot “Porky,” 63
Burton, Charlie, 130
Bury, Cindy, 422–423
Butler, Joe, 683
Byrds, 413, 480
Cadwallader, Anne Stanley “Nanny,” 10, 27–28, 36, 85
Beatles at the Cavern and, 232
Hard Day’s Night premiere, 367
Julia’s death and, 152
Quarrymen and, 107
Yoko Ono and, 610
Cadwallader, Michael
Beatles’ success and, 292, 301
Hard Day’s Night premiere and, 367
JL’s youth and, 71–72, 85
at Kenwood, 387
on Lilian Powell, 388
Mendips and, 365
on Mimi, 152
Quarrymen and, 107
Yoko Ono and, 610
Cadwallader, Sydney, 27
Cage, John, 474, 756
Calder, Tony, 284, 299
Caldwell, Alan, 173
Callaghan, James, 277, 732
Calman, Mel, 359
Candlestick Park, 454
Cannon Hill, Cold Spring Harbor, 779–780
“Can’t Buy Me Love,” 355, 357
Capital Records, 339–340, 343, 373, 622–624
Capote, Truman, 778, 779
Cargill, Patrick, 395
Carlos, Bun E., 796
Carnegie Hall, 343, 350
Carroll, Lewis, as influence, 48–49, 141, 489, 529–530
Carroll Levis Discoveries, 97–98
Carroll Levis “Nationwide Search for a Star,” 167
“Carry That Weight,” 614
Cartwright, Tony, 420, 421
Casbah club, 164–166, 191–192, 221, 223, 243
Casey, Howie, 204
Cash Box magazine, 344
Cass and the Casanovas, 172–173, 176, 179–180
Casser, Brian, 173, 178
Cavern club, 97, 225–232, 258
Cavett, Dick, 698, 699
Cellarfull of Noise, A (Epstein), 363, 370
“Chains,” 295
Chang, Barry, 194, 195
Channel, Bruce, 281
Chapman, Mark David, 804–807
Chapman, Norman, 187
Charlesworth, Chris, 725
Christianity, JL’s comments about, 446–452
Church of the Living Word, 761
Clague, Eric, 147, 150
Clapton, Eric, 500, 576, 579, 617, 619
All Things Must Pass and, 655
Concert for Bangladesh, 674
Live Peace in Toronto and, 629
at Toronto rock ’n’ roll festival, 621
Clark, Petula, 607
Cleave, Maureen, 336–337, 345, 357, 418
access to Beatles, 446
JL and religion article, 446–448, 449
on JL and Starr, 38
Cochran, Eddie, 99, 162, 175, 176
Cocteau, Jean, 617
Cogan, Alma, 327–328, 398
Cogan, Sandra, 328
“Cold Turkey,” 619, 620, 622, 626, 750
Coleman, Ornette, 531–532
Coleman, Ray, 584, 589
“Come Go with Me,” 94
“Come Together,” 612, 719
Concert for Bangladesh, 674, 701, 709
Concerts for Kampuchea, 787
Coneys, Ellen, 790–792
Coneys, Kevin, 790–792
Coneys, Tyler, 780, 789–792
Confessions of an Opium-Eater (de Quincy), 424
Connolly, Ray, 637–638
“Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill, The,” 556
Cook, Peter, 280, 325, 455–456, 557
Cook, Wendy, 456
Cooke, Sam, 283
Cox, Kyoko, 477, 520, 541, 750
in cult with Tony, 760–762
on JL, 549–550
JL and Yoko Ono visit, 632
meets JL’s aunts, 609–611
shared custody of, 579, 666–669, 676, 687–688, 692–693, 698
Cox, Maureen. See Starkey, Maureen Cox
Cox, Melinda, 632, 666–669, 687–688, 692, 760–762
Cox, Tony
in cult, 760–762
divorce from Yoko Ono, 578–579
JL and Yoko Ono visit, 632
JL’s insecurity about, 549, 606
marriage to Yoko Ono, 475–476, 485, 519–522, 541, 661
shared custody of Kyoko and, 579, 666–669, 676, 687–688, 692–693, 698
Crawford, Gaby, 458
Crawford, Michael, 458
Crickets, 122–123
“Crippled Inside,” 671
Crompton, Richmal, stories of, 49–52, 337
Cropper, Steve, 719
Crosby, David, 426
Cuff, Nicky, 98
Curran, Charles, 360
Curtis, King, 670
Cut Piece event, 475, 493
Cutler, Ivor, 517
Daily Express, 318, 323
“Daily Howl, The,” 74–75
Daily Mail, 318, 341, 499
Daily Sketch, 380
Dairy farming, Lennons as investors in, 774
Dakota apartment building, 347, 706
apartments acquired, 705–707, 772–773
apartments described, 765, 768, 784
“Dakota groupies,” 803–804, 805
Dalí, Salvador, 633–634
Datebook magazine, 448
Dave Clark Five, 341
Davies, Hunter, 512–513, 520, 567–569
Davies, “Ma” (Sunday School teacher), 46
Davis, Angela, 686, 689
Davis, Austin, 172
Davis, Jessie Ed, 719, 720–721, 738
Davis, Rod, 45, 51, 61, 112, 169–171
Quarrymen and, 90–93, 95–98, 108, 115
“Day in the Life, A,” 488–489, 490, 491, 496, 498, 658
“Day Tripper,” 427
De Kooning, Willem, 683
De Quincy, Thomas, 424, 460
Dean, James, 68, 69
Dean, John, 734
“Dear Prudence,” 535, 556
“Dear Yoko,” 789, 795
Deauville Hotel, Miami, 351–352
Decca, Beatles audition for, 253–254
Delaney and Bonnie, 629
Dennis, Felix, 669, 670–671, 672
Derlien, Bettina, 266, 291, 440
Derry and the Seniors, 180, 189, 204, 208
DeShannon, Jackie, 368
Disc and Music Echo, 588–589
Dissenters, 136, 240
Do It! Scenarios of the Revolution (Rubin), 685
“Do You Wanna Dance?,” 746
“Do You Want to Know a Secret?,” 295, 303
Dodd, Les, 186
Domino, Antoine “Fats,” 83, 621
Donegan, Tony “Lonnie,” 86, 87, 91, 105, 115
Donovan, 533, 539, 604–605
“Don’t Let Me Down,” 598
Don’t Look Back documentary, 481
“Don’t Worry Kyoko (Mummy’s
Only Looking For A Hand in the Snow),” 619, 622, 626, 629
Doors of Perception, The (Huxley), 425
Doran, Terry, 464, 465, 498, 514
Dorinish, 494, 627
Double Fantasy, 794–796, 799, 800, 805, 810, 816
Douglas, Craig, 299
Douglas, Jack, 795–796
Dovedale Primary School, 33–34
“Dr. Robert,” 433
“Drive My Car,” 416
Drugs. See also LSD
deflection of press questions about, 351
heroin, 414, 550–551, 617–619, 637, 788–789
JL’s immigration issues and, 604–606, 647–649, 676, 718, 732–734, 755–756
marijuana, 375–376, 396–397, 415–416
McCartney’s arrest and, 787
Preludin, 201, 202, 235
Purple Hearts, 235
Dunbar, John, 430, 464–466, 477–478, 493–498
Duxbury, Margaret (Ducky), 169, 220
Dwight, Reggie. See John, Elton Dykins, Bobby, 18–19, 20, 29–30, 35, 55, 73, 510
death of, 483
Julia’s death and, 146, 148–149
Dylan, Bob, 415, 480–481, 683, 770
Beatles meet, 374–376, 414
Concert for Bangladesh and, 674
Harrison and, 583
Isle of Wight rock festival and, 620
JL and, 396, 397, 398, 481, 778
Eastman, John, 585, 589–592, 600, 622
Eastman, Lee, 585, 589–592, 600, 622
Eastman, Linda. See McCartney, Linda Eastman
Easy Beat, 300
Eckhorn, Peter, 217, 232, 234, 260–261
Ed Sullivan Show, 343, 348–350, 351–352
“Eight Days a Week,” 393–394
“Eight Miles High,” 480
El Solano property, Florida, 776–777, 788
Elaine’s, 772
“Eleanor Rigby,” 434–435, 450
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 516
Electric Light Orchestra, 770
Elephant’s Memory, 687, 697, 701
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 399–400, 407, 519
Ellis, Royston, 185–186, 191, 329, 439, 613
Ellison, John, 54
Ellsberg, Daniel, 682
Empire Theater, 97
“End, The,” 614
Epstein, Brian, 337, 385, 431
Alf Lennon and, 420, 421
Alma Cogan and, 328
altruism of, 332
authorizes biography of Beatles, 512
background of, 248–251
Beatles’ finances, 433
Beatles’ Decca audition, 253–254
Beatles’ Parlophone audition, 268
Best and Starr and, 275–276
biography of, 363
business dealings and miscalculations of, 513–515
Cleave and, 446
death of, 501–504, 506–508, 641
Dylan meeting and, 375, 376
early promotional efforts of, 290, 296, 298–301
Help!, 395
JL and, 255–257, 284, 299, 306–308, 327, 503–504, 510, 656
JL’s comments on Christianity, 449–450
JL’s marriage to Cynthia and, 277–278, 301
John Lennon: In His Own Write, 358–359
Julian’s birth and, 305, 306
Kenwood purchase and, 381, 382, 384
John Lennon: The Life Page 95