Embracing the Wolf - Book #2 (Anna Avery)

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Embracing the Wolf - Book #2 (Anna Avery) Page 16

by Stephanie Nelson

  “Looks like I made it just in time for the snow,” I mumbled to myself.


  My eyes snapped open, and I swiveled my head toward the owner of the voice. What was he doing here? Anthony stood just to my left, eight feet or so away. He wore faded blue jeans and a long sleeved green henley. His blond hair was brushed away from his light green eyes.

  “What are you doing here?” I said, putting a voice to my thoughts.

  Anthony made no move toward me. Instead, he held up his hands in surrender and watched me with clear interest.

  “What are you holding?” He nodded toward my hands.

  I looked down to find them still curled into fists. Panicked, I stretched out my fingers and rubbed my palms against each other to rid myself of the vampire ash. Standing, I backed away from the small pile as if it was a huge pile of wolfsbane. I noticed the pile was smaller than before, having disintegrated while I had my vision. The small flecks of pieces I brushed off my hands swirled with the snowflakes, disappearing from view as the daylight ate them up.

  “I heard you had visions,” Anthony said, coming closer, “but to see it while it’s happening …”

  My eyes cut to his and anger, disgust, and confusion swirled within me like the snowstorm surrounding me.

  “What do you want, and why are you here? Did you follow me?” I didn’t hide the annoyance in my voice. I was still keyed up from the vision and the rhyme I’d heard Taren recite. Did it mean something, or did he just make it up? I wasn’t even sure if he was dead or not. Sure it’d been his blood I connected with, but was he just injured last night or killed? If he was alive, maybe I could track him down and ask him. I thought about the hotel room I’d been in. They had to be staying in town, and there were only a couple hotels. It wouldn’t be difficult to find them, though it would be dangerous. They were here to kill me, after all. My death meant a hefty paycheck, and if I showed up at their door, it’d be like serving myself up on a silver platter.

  “I spoke to my father,” Anthony said. “He said you were searching for answers. I figured this was the best place to do that.”

  I eyed him cautiously. “So why are you here?” I couldn’t help but think of his confession last night, though I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to think that I could be connected to Anthony, other than being engaged to his brother. Being linked to him, because of my Chante bond with Adam only tainted it. The mark on my palm was proof that I was supposed to be with Adam. It wasn’t right that Anthony felt something because of it, because of his twin connection with his brother. It was like he was an intruder, stealing something special from me.

  “I wanted to talk to you about last night,” Anthony said in a soft voice. He looked away as thought nervous or shy. I wasn’t falling for it. I knew better.

  “What about it?” Not only was I annoyed that Anthony was here; I was annoyed that he wanted to have a conversation I didn’t. I wanted to concentrate on the information I’d learned from the vision, not have a heart to heart with my fiancé’s brother.

  “You don’t have to be a bitch,” Anthony snapped, bringing his eyes back to mine. “Do you think I want this … that I want to have feelings for yet another one of my brother’s women?” He ran both hands through his hair and spun on his heel, turning his back toward me. I know I shouldn’t, but a pang of guilt settled deep in my belly. When I learned the story of how Eve was promised to Adam, even though Anthony loved her, I felt sorry for him. It couldn’t be easy loving a woman who was mated to your brother. Even though Eve and Anthony still hooked up from time to time, Eve was never fully Anthony’s. My breath caught in my throat as a thought occurred to me. Was Anthony saying he had those types of feelings for me?

  “What do you mean when you say feelings?” God, I could not deal with this atop everything else. I turned my left hand over and scowled at the brand marking my skin. My life had become increasingly difficult since the damn thing appeared on my palm. Adam’s life was now linked to mine, people wanted to kill me because of it, and now my mate’s brother was admitting that he felt something for me. I stared up at the gloomy sky and raised my middle finger to whoever was up there toying with my life. I did not find it as funny as they probably did.

  “I don’t know,” Anthony admitted, turning to face me. “All I know is there’s something about you, Anna. I felt it that day Eve attacked you and again when we kidnapped you. Every time she smacked you, an icy fury consumed me as though I was angry that she was hurting you. I don’t know what it means, but it’s why I’m here.”

  I rubbed my forehead from the sudden pain ricocheting through my skull. I snorted to myself. Adam assumed Anthony was here for me, but we both thought it was to kill me as payback for Adam killing Eve. His confession left me blindsided. If there was ever a time I was truly surprised, this would be it.

  “I love Adam,” I told him. I held up my left hand to show my ring and said, “I’m marrying him. I’m sure whatever it is you feel—it’s some sort of weird twin bond you have with Adam. It’s his feelings you’re feeling. It’s not real.”

  “Perhaps,” Anthony said with a serious expression. “I tried staying away—really I did—but it felt like a piece was missing. I came here to see if it was you causing it.”

  I blew out a heavy breath though my nose. “And?”

  Anthony hesitated to answer, which meant I wouldn’t like what he had to say. I studied his face, so much like Adam’s it hurt to look at him. They were the same height, had the same build, even the same lips. Anthony’s eyes were a light green where Adam’s were blue, and Anthony’s hair was a tad longer since Adam cut his a couple weeks ago. It pained me to be repulsed by this man, but also find him attractive. It just wouldn’t make sense to find Adam handsome and not Anthony. Their looks were where their similarities ended though; Adam was honorable where Anthony was a rebel.

  “I don’t feel it anymore,” Anthony finally said. “The moment I saw you, it went away.”

  I wiped a snowflake that had landed on my eyelashes and hugged my arms to my chest. Cold had nothing to do with the motion. I felt exposed as his eyes burned into mine, willing me to admit I felt something, too. It pained me, seriously pained me, to not be able to give him what he wanted. I knew what kind of person Anthony was, but he was also flesh and blood, capable of real emotions, and he had already fallen in love with a woman he couldn’t have. I did not want to be number two. Though I didn’t understand Anthony’s past actions, I couldn’t help myself for feeling sorry for him. I wanted to hate him, to scream at him and even hurt him so he would give up this silly idea of feeling something for me, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t make my lips utter harsh words just to sway him from thinking what he thought.

  My parents always told me that words have more power than any weapon. With a lash of your tongue, you could bring someone to his or her knees, and they were right. How many harsh words had I heard in my lifetime that still stuck with me? How many times had I dissected what someone said and watched as my insecurities grew from those words? Life is all about rising above the ugliness that plagues us all. I didn’t want to be that ugliness that Anthony might look back on like I did with those who were mean to me. I didn’t owe him anything, but I owed it to myself to not become a person who allowed insecurities and negativity to rule my tongue. Being negative is easy; it’s being positive that’s difficult. Though I was angry, anxious, and worried, I swallowed those feelings and thought before I spoke.

  “I don’t know what that means,” I said. “This whole Chante bond is new to me, but I do know that my feelings lay with Adam. From the moment I saw him I just … knew.” I hoped he interpreted my words for what they were. I didn’t have romantic feelings for anyone other than Adam.

  “And that day on the mountain when I stopped Eve from killing you, did you feel something when you looked at me?”

  “What does it matter? I’m with Adam, and we’re bonded.”

  “It matters to me.”

  I thou
ght for a moment, recalling the day I was attacked by Eve. “I thought you were beautiful,” I admitted, looking at the ground. I felt like I was cheating on Adam just by telling Anthony that. I felt sick to my stomach and couldn’t meet Anthony’s eyes.

  Footsteps drew my attention away from the snow-covered ground. Anthony moved toward me, his eyes alight with an emotion I didn’t want to label. As he reached a hand out to me, a low, menacing growl filled the space, and an ebony wolf charged toward Anthony.

  A high-pitched screech left my lips when Adam barreled into Anthony. Anthony went down, Adam on his chest. I ran over to the pair and gripped Adam’s inky black fur in both hands to help keep those sharp teeth away from Anthony’s jugular.

  “Adam … Adam he wasn’t going to do anything. We were just talking,” I yelled. Adam continued to snarl and snap at his brother while I tugged on his fur. Anthony’s hands extended up to his shoulders to hold him off. With a hard push, Anthony shoved Adam off him long enough to transform into his silver wolf.

  “Shit,” I mumbled. This was not good. I felt like I was standing on the sidelines of a hairy UFC fight. Adam charged Anthony, and Anthony charged at the same moment. They crashed into each other in a tangle of claws, teeth, and growls. In no way was I going to get in the middle of that, unless it went a step too far.

  My breathing became labored as Adam’s fury slammed into me. Adrenaline raced through my veins, amplifying my worry. My eyes traveled from one wolf to another, unsure who was winning. I raked my fingers through my hair with nervous indecision. I knew better than to interfere with fighting wolves, but I also couldn’t stand to just watch them tear each other apart. What really ticked me off was that they were fighting over nothing. Did Adam really trust me so little to think I would cheat on him, especially with his brother? A small ball of hurt settled in my chest at the thought. Then again, hadn’t I gotten jealous over Chloe? This love thing was a tricky, tricky bitch. No wonder I stayed away from it for so long.

  “Stop,” I yelled, coating my words with as much authority as I could. I didn’t expect it to work, but I needed to voice my inner thoughts.

  Slowly, Adam and Anthony backed away from each other, walking backward, but keeping their eyes locked on one another. My forehead creased in surprise. They had actually listened. When I was sure they weren’t going to attack each other again, I walked with caution toward Adam. Kneeling, I ran my fingers through his silky fur and leaned my forehead against the bridge of his wide nose.

  “Nothing happened,” I whispered, meeting his yellow eyes. “No one can threaten what I feel for you. Do you hear me? No. One.”

  Adam had been staring over my shoulder at his brother, but his eyes flicked to mine. He opened his mouth and then snapped it shut, huffing.

  “I never took you for the jealous type,” Anthony said behind me. “You sure as hell didn’t care that I was fucking Eve.”

  I didn’t turn around because I knew he would be naked and me seeing his nudity would only add fuel to the fire. Though, to be honest, I had already seen him naked that day on the mountain. Adam didn’t need to know that, though. While nudity in the pack wasn’t a big deal, I was sure Adam didn’t want me to see that side of his brother.

  “Ignore him,” I whispered to Adam. “Please, just let this go.”

  Adam’s body shimmered for all of three seconds before he was crouching on the ground in human form again. He lifted his head to me, his eyes a storm of different emotions. Adam stood and held a hand out to me to join him. He pulled me to my feet and, without warning, kissed me. This kiss was not soft or innocent; it was hard, passionate, and possessive. His tongue slipped between my lips and caressed my own while his lips ravished mine with severity. When his hand snaked around my waist and landed on my behind, a small moan rumbled up my throat. I couldn’t help it; I could feel his excitement pressing against my leg. I didn’t care that we had an audience, or that he may be pissed at me, and this was his caveman way of staking his claim. My wolf surfaced and devoured the pleasurable sensations he elicited, ready to feel his erection buried deep inside of us.

  The kiss ended sooner than I liked. One moment Adam’s lips were fierce against mine, and then they were gone. My lips felt swollen and lacking without his mouth against mine.

  “You were right about one thing, brother,” Adam said. “I didn’t care that you fucked Eve because she was a heartless bitch. Make one move toward Anna, and I’ll have your dick in my trophy case.” Adam moved my hair to the side and kissed up the length of my neck, his eyes locked on his brother. “Go ahead and fantasize about fucking her, but know those moans falling from her soft lips will always be for me. She is mine, and I’ll kill any motherfucker who tries to take her from me—be it blood or not.”

  Anthony snorted and ignored his brother’s threats. “You don’t own her, and that fancy brand on your hand doesn’t only pertain to you, brother.”

  Adam stood up straight, his body going as rigid as the mountains surrounding us. His lips straightened into a hard line, and a deep growl traveled up his throat. My muscles tensed around my bones, ready to snap from the tension.

  “It’s not true, Adam,” I said desperately. It couldn’t be true. I didn’t feel anything for Anthony other than irritation and disgust. How could a bond only work one way?

  “Explain,” Adam said sternly.

  “Well,” Anthony said, his voice holding smugness. “If you want to get technical, I saw her first. I came across her on the mountain. I stopped Eve from killing her. I felt the connection long before you ever did, brother.” Anthony paused, and I cringed when I heard his footsteps drawing closer. “I have to wonder, if it was me who slept with her first, would that brand be on my palm instead of yours? Is your bond all a matter of opportunity rather than fate?”

  I stopped breathing. Anthony was taunting Adam openly, goading him into another fight. Did he really think he could beat his brother? That small, annoying voice in the back of my mind wondered if he could. They were both from the same bloodline, had the same strength and power. I knew Adam was undefeated, but I didn’t know Anthony’s history. The vision of me finding Adam’s dying body popped into my head. I had assumed the vampires were the ones responsible for his death, but maybe it was the man standing behind me.

  Adam was so quiet, so still. I looked up at him while my mind fought for the right words to say. Anthony had succeeded in planting doubt in his mind. I could see his mind working through all that his brother said, wondering if there was truth to any of it. Was what we had so easily debatable? I wasn’t sure if I was more angry or hurt by the doubt racing through his sapphire eyes.

  “If you believe him,” I said, reaching a hand up to guide his face down to mine. “He wins. He wants you to doubt us—to believe that the only reason we’re together is because you got to me first. It’s not true, Adam. None of it. I love you.”

  Adam blinked as though seeing me for the first time. The storm in his eyes calmed, and the muscles in his face softened. It took me a moment to realize that was the first time I had actually said those three little words to him. I knew from the start that I loved him, but had always been hesitant to say it. This time those words just slipped out on their own accord, no overthinking required.

  “Say it again,” Adam whispered.

  I smiled. “I love you, Adam. I will always love you.”

  A grin spread across his face, and his eyes flashed to his brother. “You always were a sore loser, brother. I don’t give a shit if there is any kernel of truth to what you say; the only thing that matters is I got to Anna first. You’re too late.” Adam smiled smugly, wrapping and arm around my shoulders and drawing me into his chest.

  Elle and I decided to sit in my bedroom and eat dinner. I needed to tell her about my vision, and I couldn’t have wandering ears listening in. We sat cross-legged on the floor with our plates in front of us. I was just about to go into detail when my bedroom door opened and there stood Wade and Adam.

  “Having a slu
mber party?” Wade said with a smile.

  “Yep,” I said, “complete with pillow fights and scary movies.”

  My eyes slid from Wade’s face to Adam’s. He had been quiet all day, only speaking when spoken to. I knew he was thinking about what his brother said, and that bothered me. Sure, I had thought about it, too, but I didn’t spend more than ten minutes at a time. It was curious and that’s it. I believed it didn’t affect what Adam and I had, and no matter what Anthony said, I knew Adam and I were together because we were supposed to be.

  “What are you doing?” Wade asked seriously. “Avoiding your guests?”

  I shrugged. “Sort of, but not because I’m antisocial. I had a vision while on the mountain today. I was going to tell Eve about in hopes she could help me figure it out.”

  Wade’s eyes went to my best friend and then back to me. “You didn’t think to tell me about it? Isn’t that the reason I’m here, to help you develop your sight?”

  I smiled. “I thought you were here for a pretty brunette with hazel eyes?”

  Wade snorted. “That too, but you’re priority at the moment.”

  “All right,” I said, “Come in and shut the door. I don’t want anyone else hearing this. I still don’t know whom I can and can’t trust.

  Wade filtered into the bedroom, Adam behind him. Wade sat on the floor, his back resting against my dresser. He drew his knees up and rested his arms on them. Adam sat on the edge of the bed, his arms resting on his knees while he stared at the carpeted floor. I proceeded to tell them every detail about the vision, down to the horrid porno to which I was subjected. Elle catcalled and asked for details and frowned when I told her I turned my back during that part.


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