Scourge of the Siren

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Scourge of the Siren Page 5

by Bella Settarra

  “We’ll have to plan our wedding soon,” he murmured as he held her from behind.

  He felt her warm, soft body in his arms and smelled her floral soapy fragrance.

  “What’s that?” she asked lazily, slowly opening her large brown eyes.

  “A wedding? It’s that ceremony I was telling you about when we make our promises to stay together forever.”

  “Can’t we just say it?” She frowned.

  “No, we have to have a proper ceremony with friends and family there, and a registrar to make it all official. Then we get a certificate to say that we are legally married. And we have a massive party to celebrate!” He felt excited just thinking about it.

  “Oh,” she said, looking out to sea.

  He turned her ‘round and searched her face anxiously.

  “You do still want to marry me don’t you, sweetheart?”

  Eban’s heart was thudding heavily. Of course, after the past couple of days it would be perfectly possible that she had decided against it. Perhaps it was all too much for her. What if she’s changed her mind?

  He stared into her beautiful dark eyes. She looked unsure. She looked worried. Her face was tense and her mouth was tight. Oh God! He felt sick.

  “Speak to me.” He tried hard not to sound as if he were begging. His heart ached.

  She sighed and her face relaxed a little as she looked back at him.

  “Well…” She began but seemed unable to find the right words.

  “I love you,” he said helplessly.

  “I love you, too, Eban.” Her voice was small and somehow sounded far away.

  “I want us to be together always. I want to look after you. I’m going to love you for the rest of my life.” He knew his voice sounded squeaky, but he could feel a lump welling in the back of his throat, which made it hard to speak.

  “I want that, too,” she said, slowly smiling.

  “So, will you marry me?”

  She sighed and looked down at her feet.

  Eban was unsure whether to speak or not. He would give her all the time in the world if she needed it—he owed her that much and more! He heard his own heart thump as he stood watching the gorgeous girl. The wind was now blowing her curls around her pretty round face, framing her beautifully. He felt his heart wrench. What will I do if she doesn’t want me anymore? All the doubts of the last few days came back to haunt him. What if she doesn’t forgive me for being with Kalliope? Will she resent me for taking her away from her home and her friends? Oh God!

  After what seemed like an eternity to Eban, Amaranda lifted her head and looked into his face.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “So what’s wrong?” He hardly dared ask.

  Her body slumped and she stared down at her feet again.

  “I want to be with you, Eban, of course I do. But what if I’m not enough? I don’t know much and I don’t think I’m going to be any good to you. I can’t work and earn money. I can’t stay in your parents’ house all day while you’re working. What will I do? I don’t even know your family, they might not like me!”

  She looked up at him with tears flooding her eyes again.

  “Sweetheart, it’s going to be fine,” he promised, holding her close. “My parents will love you, I just know it. We’ll figure out what you want to do once we get settled. Let’s just take things one step at a time. As long as you still want to be my wife that’s all that matters.”

  “I’m not sure what that means. I want to be with you, always, but I don’t know what it means to be your wife. What if I’m no good at it?”

  He held her even tighter, relief sweeping through him. She still wants me!

  “You’ll be perfect, sweetheart, don’t worry. You are perfect. You’re just unsure because everything is so new. You don’t have to do anything to be my wife, just marry me to make it official and just be you. I can’t ask for any more than that.”

  He smiled at her sweet, red face as she sniffled.

  “How do you mean, make it official?”

  “My mother will help with the preparations. We get together with family and friends and say a few words in front of the registrar, that’s the person who makes it official in the eyes of the law, and then we have a party with dancing and food. It’s a real happy occasion. You’ll love it. It’s supposed to be the best day of your life.”

  She smiled a little nervously. He felt so sorry for her, not knowing the things he regarded as “normal,” but she had lived such a different life on the little island, cut off from the rest of the world.

  “You take my name, too,” he said, as the thought suddenly struck him. “You’ll be Mrs. Amaranda Gal. What do you think of that?”

  She looked a little bewildered.

  “I don’t understand why I would want so many names, though it sounds nice.”

  “You don’t have surnames, second names, on Refrainia, do you?”

  “Why would we need to?”

  “What if you shared the same first name as someone else?”

  “We don’t.”

  Life seemed so much simpler for Amaranda, and he began to wonder what she would make of all the changes. He knew she had found it all very difficult even this far, but resolved to help her through and try to make it enjoyable for her.

  “I am going to make you the happiest woman alive,” he promised, smiling at her.

  She smiled back. Thank God!

  “I know it’s all new to you, sweetheart, but I’ll be with you every step of the way. You need to tell me if anything worries you, or if you don’t understand, and I’ll help you. I love you so much.” Eban’s lips devoured her salty ones in a lingering kiss. He could feel her relax in his arms. He hadn’t realized until then just how tense he was himself, and relaxed around her lovely, soft body.

  It was getting dark when Eban took Amaranda down into the restaurant for dinner. They enjoyed a tasty three-course meal from a quiet corner table. He knew that Amaranda had never eaten in a room like this before, and was pleased that she was able to watch how the other diners managed with napkins and different cutlery so she didn’t make herself look foolish. He smiled as he watched her eat a hearty meal, she must have been starving by now!

  She yawned as he took her back to their cabin. The poor girl had had such a busy, traumatic couple of days, he knew she must be exhausted, emotionally as well as physically. It was lovely to be able to have a good wash and remove their clothes before climbing into the cool, clean bed. The ship rocked gently as it sped through the vast ocean. The waves licked the side, making a hissing sound as they snuggled together in the small berth. Briny air filled their cabin. Although tired, they both found the sea invigorating.

  Eban’s hand drifted down to her soft, round bottom, which he gave a playful squeeze. She giggled, stroking his golden hairy chest.

  “I hope you’re not too tired,” he whispered.

  Another giggle told him everything he wanted to know. In one swift movement, he had pulled her on top of him, his erection digging into her belly. His hand swept round from her butt to her pussy, and he smiled to himself as he felt her thick cream there.

  “Sit on me,” he whispered.

  Her head came up from his chest and she stared at him.


  “You do want me, don’t you?” He was sure he hadn’t misread her.

  “Yes, but…”

  “But what, sweetheart?”

  “We’re the wrong way round.” She frowned.

  He let out a loud laugh. She’s so innocent!

  She frowned again and she sat up ready to move off him. He caught her arm in his big hand, halting her in her tracks.

  “It’s OK. We can do it this way. I’ll show you.” He spoke kindly, realizing that she must think he was laughing at her. He knew she felt insecure about her lack of experience in lovemaking.

  He felt her relax, and he stroked her arms up and down as she sat on his thighs. He winked at her cheekily as one hand traile
d down to her pussy again. Even wetter. She giggled and played with his nipples, pulling them and twisting them between her fingers and thumbs. He gasped. His cock twitched.

  “I love you.” He breathed the words to her earnestly.

  Even in the dim light of the little cabin, he could see her face flush as she smiled adoringly at him.

  “I love you, too, Eban Gal, and I want you.”

  Her hand drifted to his massive erection and she stroked it firmly.

  “Sit on it.”

  He lifted her hips and she pointed his dripping cock at her soft pussy. She gasped as she easily slid down onto his massive girth, and she gave out a muffled scream of delight as her perineum found his hard balls. He felt her soft, velvet lips suck greedily at his aching cock, as she sighed and panted. Eban held her hips and lifted her gently up and down as the boat rocked in unison. It felt so natural. So right. So perfect. She steadied herself by holding onto one of his muscular arms, while the other played with his nipple, squeezing even tighter as her arousal mounted.

  “That’s it, sweetheart, ride me.” His voice was hoarse with lust. He was frantic.

  “Oh God, Eban!”

  He thrust upward, his fiery dick pounding mercilessly at her G-spot, over and over.

  Her head fell back and her nails bit into his arm as she gripped harder. Her breasts were high and full, her hard nipples jutting outward. Sweat poured down over them. Her back was straight, as she seemed to savour every inch of him. She panted and wailed as she jumped up and down, her breasts bouncing helplessly. Suddenly she stiffened.

  “Eban!” She screamed her climax then took her hand from his nipple to shove her fist in her mouth, as she cried out over again.

  “Yesss!” His orgasm was only seconds behind hers and he gave it all he had. He felt his burning cum shoot up inside her womb, as her own juices ran down onto him. Pulling her head down to his, he locked her panting mouth in a hard, passionate kiss. His arms held her close to him, he felt her beautiful soft breasts squash into his hot, thudding chest, and he tangled his fingers in her soft, wavy hair. Her eyes were closed and she appeared lost in the moment. Their moment.

  By the time their breathing returned to normal they had no energy left to move. The waves lulled them into a heavenly stupor as the ship rocked them gently to sleep.

  * * * *

  It was late morning when Eban and Amaranda finally rose. After a good wash, Eban delved into their bag and brought out a clean bikini for Amaranda to wear under her dress. She looked so pretty and obviously felt better for being so clean and refreshed. He put on what clean clothes he had and they went on deck to enjoy the fresh air.

  “It must be nearly noon.” Amaranda cringed, looking up at the clear sky.

  “Good, we won’t have to wait long for lunch, then,” Eban said cheerfully as he draped his arms over her shoulders and they looked out to sea.

  She giggled. It was such a lovely sound. Her face was shining and she looked really happy today. He was determined to keep her that way. He kissed the top of her head.

  “Hello.” One of the crew walked over and leaned over the side rail next to them.

  “Hi,” Eban replied, feeling Amaranda tense a little nervously as she smiled at him.

  “We’re making good time,” the sailor said, nodding at the water, “we should reach Westland in a few hours.”

  “That’s great,” said Eban, smiling.

  “Are you having a good trip?” the man asked, brushing his straight black hair out of his eyes as the breeze caught it.

  “Yes, we’re having a wonderful time,” Eban replied, smiling. “We’re going to Westland to get married. I’ve got folks there.”

  “Well, congratulations,” the man enthused, shaking hands with him, “I wish you all the very best.”

  “Thank you,” Eban said.

  Amaranda smiled shyly at the man and nodded her head, and he beamed back.

  “That was nice of him,” she whispered as he left them.

  “There are some lovely people in the world.” He was trying to reassure her, as he gave her a big hug.

  “I guess so.” She smiled up at him and her body relaxed in his arms.

  They had lunch in the restaurant. Amaranda seemed much more confident, and seemed to enjoy her soup, roast beef, and gateau. Eban loved watching her eat. So many girls he knew were constantly watching their weight and did not really seem to appreciate their food at all. Amaranda had a gorgeous, round body and devoured every mouthful.

  They lay in the sun on the deck after their meal. Their fellow passengers milled about, some leaning over the side of the ship, others sunbathing. The sound of laughter surrounded them, lifting their spirits even more.

  Eban had an arm around Amaranda’s shoulders, and he never wanted to let her go. His blouson, white shirt, was opened halfway down, and she nuzzled against his skin. He felt her warm breath gently blowing the pale golden hairs of his chest. The heat of the sun, along with their big meal made them feel content and happy, and soon they both drifted off to sleep.

  The hubbub of the passengers woke Eban a few hours later, and he looked up to see a big crowd leaning over the side, shouting excitedly and waving.

  “Amaranda, I think we’re here,” he said, shaking her gently.

  He helped her up slowly, and they went to look. Sure enough, they could clearly see the quayside with several large ships moored up. Small, white houses stood on the hills in the distance. The sun was already beginning to set, casting a pink glow everywhere.

  “Welcome to Westland,” he whispered, hugging her tight.

  Amaranda looked nervous again, but also a little excited. Her eyes were large and she gazed around her. People were waving back to them from the quayside, and they could hear delighted voices shouting feverishly everywhere. Bodies were bustling about, fetching up their luggage and making their way toward the gangway.

  “Come on, we’d better get our stuff. We’ll be anchoring soon.” Eban took her hand and led her to the steps that led below decks.

  It didn’t take long for them to gather up their belongings and stuff them into the hessian bag, before making their way to the line of people waiting to exit the ship. White birds screeched overhead, making her jump.

  “It’s OK, they’re only seagulls. They won’t hurt you,” Eban assured her.

  “Eban, Eban!” A female voice was calling out as they stepped onto dry land.

  Amaranda looked through the massive crowd that had gathered on the quay. She clung to Eban for fear of becoming separated in the deluge.

  “It’s my mom, come and say hello.” He led her through the masses to where a gray -haired lady was standing, waving to them.

  The older lady threw her arms around Eban’s neck, tears flooding her eyes.

  “Oh Eban, thank God you’re here. I’ve got some bad news about your father.”

  Chapter 6

  Amaranda felt slightly uncomfortable as Eban and his mother hugged on the quayside. Jerusha was obviously very distressed and Amaranda felt so sorry for her. After a couple of minutes, the lady pulled away, wiping her eyes with a piece of cloth. Amaranda vaguely remembered some of the sailors having these on Refrainia, but didn’t know what they were called. It was similar to the one the lady in the shop gave her when she had got stuck in that dress.

  “I’m so sorry, dear, you must be Amaranda,” the lady said, sniffing as she gave the young girl an affectionate hug, “I’m Jerusha.”

  “Yes, Mom, this is my fiancée, Amaranda,” Eban announced.

  “Fiancée? You’re getting married? Oh how wonderful!” the older lady gushed, managing a smile for the happy couple. “Your father will be so pleased!” She hugged Amaranda again, a little tighter this time.

  “He’d better be. How is he, anyway?” Eban smiled at his mom and held Amaranda’s trembling hand.

  “He’s not too good, I’m afraid, dear. That’s what I was going to tell you, you need to see him as soon as you can.” Jerusha sniffled agai
n and Eban put an arm around her, still carrying the bag.

  “OK. Have you got the car?” Eban asked, looking round.

  “Over there.” His mom led them over to the large black machine.

  Amaranda had seen cars on Eastland, but had never been in one.

  Eban told her to wait a second while he went round and opened one of the front doors for his mom and helped her inside. On his way back round he opened up the other front door and threw the bag onto the seat beside Jerusha, before opening one of the back doors for his nervous fiancée.

  “Jump in, sweetheart, I’m sitting with you,” he coaxed her, gesturing to the backseat.

  Amaranda climbed in and sat down beside the far window, as Eban hopped in next to her. The car smelled of something musky and unfamiliar to the young girl. The seats were covered in a hard, shiny fabric, but felt soft. There were large windows all around, but she noticed that Jerusha’s seat had a wheel and all sorts of levers and switches around it, a little like those on the boat.

  There was a slight jolt as Jerusha started the car and Amaranda clung onto Eban’s shirt. He chuckled as he put an arm around her and she snuggled into him. The ride wasn’t as scary as she had expected. The engine hummed quietly, and Eban pointed out various shops and buildings as they passed. Amaranda gazed at the sights in awe.

  The hospital was a large, square, white building, and Jerusha pulled up in the car park just near the entrance. Amaranda could hear Jerusha’s tiny heels clip-clopping on the shiny, tiled floor as they made their way to the ward. The whole place had a funny, fresh smell, and was brightly lit with tiny lights in the vast ceilings. Everywhere was white. She clutched Eban’s hand tightly as he held his mother’s hand in his other. No one spoke. There were muffled voices and whispers all around them as they entered the large ward.

  “Ah, Mrs. Gal. Your husband is awake if you would like to see him. Mr. Oris is with him now.” A lady in a blue dress and flat, black shoes spoke to her very quietly. Amaranda could see several beds with crisp, white linen, and men of all ages tucked up inside, some asleep, some watching them.

  “Thank you, Nurse,” Jerusha said with a nod, “is it OK for my son and his fiancée to visit him, too?”


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