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Never Giving Up (The Never Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Kristin MacQueen

  “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

  “Just say yes. Say thank you.” She shrugs her shoulder.

  We pull into the parking lot, both of us hopping out of the car and meeting in front of it. I tug her into my arms instantly, this time she hugs me back right away.

  “Thank you, Mira.” I kiss her head then drape an arm over her shoulders and lead us into the school.

  Chapter Ten


  I EYE LIAM AND MIRANDA during lunch. Something’s up between the two of them. They almost seem... friendly. I wonder if they finally realize they like each other and dropped the bull shit.

  “You two fucking?” Noah asks, his fork pointing at them.

  Liam chokes on his water, coughing like he’s dying. Miranda’s brows raise but she doesn’t say a word. I stare at her, she can feel my gaze on her, she bites her bottom lip but refuses to meet my gaze.

  “What the hell, man?”

  “What do you mean, what the hell?”

  “You can’t go asking shit like that. You know we aren’t.”

  “Well, something’s up with you two and that’s what makes the most sense.” Noah shrugs, his gaze turning to Miranda. “And you are way too quiet. What’s wrong with you?”

  “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Care to share with the class?”

  “Shush, big man. It’s stuff I need to figure out on my own.”

  “I don’t like this one bit.” Noah mumbles. “My bestie always talks to me.”

  Miranda’s eyes widen, her face falls. She’s upset she disappointed Noah. They have an odd relationship but it works for them.

  “Noah...” She grabs his hand in her own. He’s right, something’s wrong with her but she didn’t share anything with me either.

  “You know we care about you and we’re here for you.”

  “I know.”

  “We’re never too busy for either of you.” I add.

  “I'm still wondering why you’d jump to us sleeping together.” Liam grimaces.

  “Nope, not sleeping together, that would imply you have feelings for each other. This would be a hate fuck.” Noah nods his head, like that’s the only valid option.

  “Oh my Lanta, Noah! I didn’t fuck the idiot. I just have a lot on my mind and I don’t want to share with the peanut gallery.”

  “Hey! I'm not an idiot. I get straight A’s.” Liam protests.

  “Only because you’re a nerd who studies every night.”

  “Well, at least I’ll get into a good college.”

  “We’re going to the same college, numb nuts!”

  “Yeah, but I'm going for pre-med.”

  “So am I!”

  “What?” His voice softens towards her, his eyes searching her face. “You wanna be a doctor too?”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, give the idiot a round of applause.” She claps with a huge fake smile plastered on her face.

  Liam’s brows furrow together, he stares at his food, processing what Miranda just said.

  “Sweet, me and the bestie will have classes together!” Noah smiles, throwing an arm over my shoulder and kissing my head.

  “Guess I'm the only non-smart one here.” I pout.

  “Oh hush, baby. You’re going for biological engineering, it’s probably harder than med school.”

  Liam glances over at Miranda while everyone else is looking at me. A small smirk appears on his face, when his gaze moves back to mine, I give him a knowing grin. He rolls his eyes but a slight blush covers his cheeks and neck. Yup, he’s gotta thing for Miranda.

  Chapter Eleven


  “YOU CAME!” MACY SQUEALS when she climbs into my car.

  My brows pinch together, was there a doubt I’d show up? I told her I’d be here; I’d never change my mind and just not show up.

  “Of course I came, I told you I’d be here.”

  “Yeah, but... not everyone does what they say they’ll do.”

  “Macy, I promise I’ll always do what I tell you I’ll do. I’ll always be there for you.”

  “Thanks, Miranda.”

  “You’re welcome, little bestie. Now let’s get to the mall and get our nails done and go shopping!”

  We dance and sing along to music as we drive. Belting out the words to the songs we know and making up our own lyrics for the ones we don’t. I haven’t enjoyed myself in months. Who knew an eight-year-old could be so much fun to hang out with?

  “What color should we pick?” I stare at the wall of nail polishes.

  “I want purple... You should get mint.”

  “Oh yea? And why should I get mint nail polish?”

  “Because it’s Liam’s favorite color.”

  I smile to myself, pick up the mint polish and plop myself down in the pedicure chair. Macy sits next to me, a huge grin on her face.

  “What’s got you so happy?”

  “I’ve never gotten my nails done before.”

  “Really? Your mom never took you?”

  “No. She said it was her time to herself, I was never allowed to go.” Her eyes drop to her feet. Tears well in her eyes but she blinks them away.

  “Well, it just so happens I like having a mani pedi partner, you can come with me each and every time I come.”


  “Of course! We’re besties!”

  Her face lights up but falls just as quickly. Crap, what did I say wrong now?

  “We don’t have money for me to get this done all the time. Liam will probably be mad.”

  “Sweetie, you’ll never have to pay for anything we do together. This is my treat.”


  “Yes, I asked you to come so I'm paying. Don’t worry about money when we hang out, I got you, bestie.”

  “Thank you, Mira. You’re the best! I wish you and Liam would get married.”

  My mouth falls open and closed several times, I try to put my thoughts into words but it seems my brain has completely stopped working.

  “Liam and I are just friends; we aren’t even dating.”

  “Why not? Do you hate Liam?”

  “I don’t hate him but... things are... complicated between us.”

  “He thinks you’d never like him because we’re poor and you’re rich.”

  “Macy, money doesn’t play a role in who you like. You can't pick who you fall in love with, your heart does it for you. You’re just along for the ride.”

  She nods her head, deep in thought. She stays quiet while we get our nails done, I want to push her to talk to me but I won't. I know she’ll talk to me when she’s ready.


  “It does! Let’s go in there.” We walk hand in hand around the store, searching for the perfect prom dresses. “What color do you think I should get?”


  I can't help the chuckle that burst free. This girl is set on Liam and I dating.

  “Because it’s Liam’s favorite color?”

  “Yup! He’s gonna think you’re so pretty. You’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever met.”

  “I don’t think that’s true.” I try to hide my smile but it’s no use. The thought of Liam finding me not only beautiful but the most beautiful girl he’s ever met makes a blush creep up my cheeks.

  “It is! He talked about you before I met you. He says you drive him crazy though.”

  I snort out a laugh, shaking my head.

  “Now that, I believe! Liam doesn’t like me, sweetheart. He’s made that clear.”

  “He’s scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Everyone we’ve ever loved has left us or stopped loving us. He tries to act like everything is ok and things will be better but it’s not ok and I'm not sure if it will ever get better.”

  “You know he’s doing the best he can, right? He’s got a lot on his plate right now.”

  “I know. He’s the perfect brother. Sometimes I think it would
be better if I was taken away to live with another family so he wouldn’t have to worry about me.”

  I freeze in my tracks, squat down in front of Macy, holding her hands in mine. Waiting until she locks eyes with me, I take a deep breath and let it out. I need to pick my words carefully, make sure she understands exactly what I’m saying.

  “Macy, don’t ever say that. Your brother loves you so much, he’s making sacrifices to make sure he doesn’t lose you. He wants you in his life. He wants to take care of you.”

  “But I'm making his life more difficult. He gets hurt to save me.”

  Tears well in her eyes, her bottom lip trembling. I pull her into my arms, squeeze her in a tight hug. Rubbing my hand up and down her back, I try my hardest to soothe her. She understands more than Liam realizes.

  “Sweetie, it would be more painful for Liam to lose you. He’s fighting to keep you in his life, you need to trust him to make the right choices. He’d never make a bad choice when it comes to you. Let him take care of you, because losing you would destroy him.”

  “He shouldn’t have to take care of a kid. He should be falling in love.”

  “You know what, my brother took care of me and now he’s in college and dating. Liam will be ok, I promise.”

  “Why’d your brother take care of you?”

  “Because my parents didn’t care about us. They didn’t want kids.”

  “I'm sorry.”

  “Me too. But the things life throws at you shapes who you are and who you’re going to be. I wouldn’t change how my parents treat me because if things were different, I’d be different. I like who I am, I don’t wanna change.”

  “I like the way you are too...” Her gaze drops to her feet, she nibbles on her bottom lip. I stay silent, she wants to say something but is scared. “How do you know Liam will be ok?”

  “Because, sweetie, I’ll make sure of it.”

  “You should just marry him.” She shrugs her little shoulder.

  I throw my head back laughing. The last person in the world Liam would want to marry is me. He’d rather chew off his right arm than be with me.

  “Alright, let’s go find me a dress.”

  Chapter Twelve


  MY PHONE PINGS WITH a text message. A towel is wrapped around my waist, I just finished weight training for baseball. I plop down on the bench, pulling my phone out of my locker. I snort with laughter when I see who it is.

  Sexy Bestie.

  Only Miranda would have the balls to program her number into someone’s phone as Sexy Bestie. I roll my eyes, shaking my head as I open the message.

  Sexy Bestie: We need to talk about some things.

  Me: I don’t want to talk

  Sexy Bestie: I don’t give a rat’s ass what you want. This is about Macy.

  I swallow the lump in my throat, worry consumes me. What could Miranda possibly have to talk to me about concerning Macy?

  Me: I just finished showering. Where are you? I’m leaving in a few.

  Sexy Bestie: Frankie’s house.

  Me: I’ll meet you there.

  Sexy Bestie: Thank you.

  I run a hand through my wet hair, frustrated with everything going on in my life. I need Macy to be ok, I need to figure out a way to protect her and keep her with me. Maybe Miranda’s right, maybe I need to talk to Mrs. Valdo and figure out what my options are. I'm terrified of losing her though.

  I quickly dress and head to Frankie’s. I want to find out what’s going on with my sister as fast as possible. I need to do whatever I have to for her.

  When I walk up the driveway, I hear Macy laughing in the backyard. I round the corner, finding her laying on the grass with Miranda. They’re staring up at the sky, pointing at clouds floating by. They’re both happy and laughing. It hits me like a brick wall.

  Not only is Miranda helping Macy and I, but she’s happy doing it. She wants what’s best for us. She wants to help anyway she can.

  Maybe I was wrong about her. Maybe I need to stop judging her on my assumptions and get to know the real her. The thought terrifies me. Miranda has the power to destroy me. She came into my life like a hurricane, I have no doubt she could leave my life in ruins if she ever walks away.

  “Would you stop creeping on the pretty girl? Just tell her you want her.” Frankie’s soft voice startles me. I spin around, pinning her with a glare.

  “I'm not creeping. I'm checking on Macy.” I cross my arms over my chest, glaring at Frankie for no reason at all. She’s right. I'm totally creeping on Miranda but I don’t need her knowing that.

  “Aww, is our boy watching his secret love?” Noah’s irritating voice floats through the air.

  Don’t get me wrong, I'm glad he’s happy with Frankie and he’s doing so much better but happy Noah is annoying as fuck.

  “Shut up, we both know I'm not in love with Miranda.”

  “Do we though?”

  I let out a loud sigh, rolling my eyes at them.

  “Just because you two are happy together doesn’t mean the rest of us need a girl to be happy.”

  “You need a boy? I'm sure I can find you one.” Noah smirks, wiggling his eye brows.

  “You’re such a fucker, you know that? I liked you better when you were angry.”

  “Nah, you love me just the way I am. But you also love Miranda and that frustrates you.”

  “Who are you? Dr. Phil?”

  “Tell us how that makes you feel? Why do you think you act like you hate someone you’re secretly in love with?”

  “Can't you shut him up?” I turn my attention to Frankie. I'm gonna punch Noah if he doesn’t stop.

  It’s not that he’s necessarily wrong, I just don’t exactly know how I feel about Miranda right now. She’s been annoying since I met her, constantly in your face, blunt as hell and unapologetically her. The more I get to know her the more I realize it’s all a front. She uses that persona to protect herself from being rejected.

  “Babe, leave him alone. If he wants to live in denial and pretend he doesn’t like her, that’s his decision.”

  “You’re both annoying... Can you entertain Macy for a little bit? Miranda said she needed to talk to me about something concerning Macy.”

  “Yeah, we got her. Go talk to your pretty girl.”

  “I hate you both, just so you know.” I flip them off, turning my back on their laughter.

  I saunter over to Miranda and Macy, laying down next to Macy. I take her hand in mine, smiling when she glances over at me.

  “Hey, pickle. I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, cucumber.”

  “What’d you do today?”

  “Miranda took me to get mani pedi’s with her. I picked purple and she picked mint.”

  “Those are some pretty colors.”

  “Then we picked out a gorgeous dress for Miranda. She looks so pretty in it, Liam.”

  “I'm sure she does.”

  “And she got me ice cream and a huge lollipop!”

  “Before dinner?”

  “Umm... it was after lunch!”

  I chuckle at Macy’s reasoning. She’s adorable, I could never be mad at her.

  “I guess that’s ok then.”

  “Are you mad?” She whispers.

  My brows furrow together, I stare at her for a few heart beats, examining her expression before I pull her into my side. I can't figure out why she’d think I'm mad.

  “Why would I be mad?” I ask softly.

  “Because I had ice cream before dinner... I didn’t eat the lollipop yet... Miranda said it was her treat and I didn’t have to pay for anything today. I know we don’t have the money for that sort of stuff.”

  “Macy, it’s ok. I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you, pickle. Do you mind going and playing with Frankie and Noah while I talk to Miranda?”

  “Are you mad at Miranda? She was just being nice.”

  “I'm not mad at anyone. We need to talk about a school project but it’s boring so I figured
Frankie and Noah would be more fun.”

  “Oh, ok. I love you, Liam. Thank you for taking me out, Miranda. I had such a good time!”

  “Any time, sweetie. I had so much fun.”

  Macy throws herself in Miranda’s arms, she squeezes back with just as much excitement. I think she actually enjoys being with Macy.

  We wait until Macy skips out of sight before I turn back to Miranda.

  “So... what’s going on?”

  “Macy said some things today that I think you need to be aware of...”

  A sad smile appears on her lips, her eyes fill with sympathy. My heart beats a hundred miles an hour, what could Macy have possibly told her?

  “Can you just tell me? Not knowing is making me guess the worst-case scenario.”

  “She said sometimes she thinks it’d be better if she was placed in foster care.”

  “What the fuck? Why would she think that? Did you say something to her about it?”

  “What? No! I agree with you, Liam. She’s better off with you than with some foster family where she could be hurt or alone.”

  “Then where is she getting this from?”

  “She thinks she’s making your life more difficult and that upsets her.”

  “How the hell does she make my life more difficult?”

  “She knows you’re a few months away from leaving here, going to college and getting away from... everything. She’s the only thing holding you back.”

  I run my hands through my hair, tugging on the ends in frustration. I’ve never felt like Macy’s holding me back, never. I love her like she’s my own kid. I’d do anything for her.

  “I’d never leave her behind, Mira.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. I talked to her.”

  “You did?” She nods her head, a soft smile playing on her plump lips. The lips I’ve spent more time than I care to admit thinking about. “What’d you say?”

  “That you’re making sacrifices to make sure you don’t lose her because you love her, want her with you and want to take care of her... She’s upset you’re getting hurt to protect her.” Miranda breaks the silence in a whisper.


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