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Ceo Page 5

by Ky Crossfire

  — I’ll take this one — I decide at last;

  This time, I traveled alone, a lied to my parents that I would spend the weekend in Santa Catarina and go back still in time for college and my internship on Monday. I didn’t feel good about lying to them, but I had reasons. My father, Matt, didn’t know how to keep a secret. He was good at almost everything, except for that!

  When I got to the farm, it was past 11 p.m. In my jeans’ pocket, I carried the small black velvet box. I waited until all the lights in the house were off, except for Isa’s room’s. I was hiding behind the huge mano tree when I saw from far away someone slither through the dark up to Isa’s window.

  I thought about going there to confront the guy when she opened the blinds ans smile the boy, I watched it all from far away. I wanted to throw a rock at Rico’s window so he would snitch on his sister, but I didn’t, maybe I would, later.

  The bastard helped her jump through the window. Hunf! Like she needed help to fo that… He just wanted to grab her waist, alright. If I did that, she would already be growling some curses.

  They ran together, holding hands, to the barn.

  Fuck dammit! I couldn’t see anything anymore where I was. Without making a sound, I got closer to the barn and peeked from between the tables.

  — I’m leaving tomorrow.

  Oh! You’re leaving, already? Thanks the Lord! I whispered to myself.

  — What a pain in the ass, being a minor! — The grumbles angrily.

  But the guy touches her chin.

  — I’ll be studying abroad for two years.

  — That’s too long, Logan. — Isa runs her hands through her own hair, tucking it behind her ears. — Lord, how I wish I could go with you.

  I clamp the velvet box in my hands, anger boiling inside myself.

  — It will be good for my future, if I ever want to open my own restaurant. I know I’m only eighteen, but I have to think farther, I can’t miss this opportunity.

  — I know. — She sighs.

  — The only issue is having to be away from you.

  He leans on slowly and kisses her passionately. She doesn’t run away. Doesn’t kick him. She only opens her lips a bit further on her first kiss. The kiss supposed to be mine!

  Blinded with hatred, I go towards the fucking window and leave the gift there.

  I go back to the front of the house and knock on the door. I knock again, until I hear voices inside of the house.

  Rico’s father opens the door.

  — Good evening, uncle Henrique.

  — Oh, son! Come in, boy! — He lets me in, rubbing his eyes to resist sleep.

  — I know this is no time to knock at your door, I came to wish Isa and Rico a happy birthday, but my flight got delayed and I just got here.

  Rico shows up in the living room, and Henrique stretched his back.

  — Make yourself comfortable and don’t sleep too late you two.

  — Look who showed up, I thought you were dead already!— Rico hugs me. — I thought you had forgotten your best friend’s birthday!

  Isa gets in, smile as big as a Cheshire cat’s.

  — What’s up with that jolly face?— Ricos asks

  Then, she shows off the necklace I had bought

  — Isn’t Logan the best?! — She says excitedly

  I get closer to her and touch the cupcake pendant

  — He gave you that?

  — Put your paws away. Of course he did. He didn’t even tell me, but rather surprised me.

  Angrily, I mumble.

  — Looks fake. If you wet it, I bet it’ll end up black.

  — Your hair is fake!

  — If it was me, I’d give you something more appropriate, like a small horseshoe, or even, a little bee, so, everytime you see, you remember the song I sing to you.

  — “Huppa huppa honey do”

  Isa Oliveira Brandão

  Present day

  It was past midnight when I got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen, I didn’t know why, but I just couldn’t sleep properly, maybe it was the new bed, maybe I was missing Jorge’s snores — not exactly missing, but, well, you get used to the fuss — or maybe it was that scene back in the street when Nicolas took his shirt off, his toned body, all those sculpted muscles right there, and to think that man was sleeping just a few meters away, yeah, that was definitely what disturbed my sleep.

  I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I stood there, looking at all that food.

  — Can’t sleep either? — Nicolas’ deep voice surprises me.

  — For fuck’s sake, are trying to give me a heart attack? — He smiles.

  Did Nicolas have to be wearing this obscene of a pair of pants? The fabric hanged low off his hips, showing almost the whole trail that led to his crotch.

  He gets closer to me.

  — I know I won’t be able to get proper sleep before I do one thing.

  Gosh, my good Lady of the wet panties… You’re making things really hard this way.

  — Which thing? — The words leave my lips involuntarily, as he was doing that thing, hypnotizing me, that’s what the wolf does, hypnotizes you first to eat you right after.

  ¹Colleges and Universities in Brazil are divided in public (students do not pay for their graduation) and private (students pay for their graduation). Among public Universities, you have Federal and Municipal ones. USP and UFRJ are both examples of major public colleges.

  Chapter 6

  Isa Oliveira Brandão

  Nicolas closes, barely completely, the distance between us. We are so close I can feel his warm, steady breathing against my lips.

  — First, I’m going to kiss you — he dooms, brushing his beard against my lips, making my panties go into flooding alert. And yet, he keeps moving, brushing his beard against my front, making me shiver. — I’m going to kiss until you moan real nice.

  My body vibrates at that promise, even if the injured, reasonable side of my brain explicitly requests that my body does something against that raw, possessive assault like he deserves it, as in landing a good slap to his face.

  And then comes the real problem, when the body doesn’t want to obey, since it didn’t matter how much my brain said: hit him, run to your bedroom and pray for the Lord he won’t fire you the next day; my heart just kept saying: fuck it… fuck me!

  Nicolas clasps his hand in my hair a holds me.

  He’s going to kiss me.

  Do something, Isa, bite him when he comes closer. You’re nuts… No, you won’t bite him, you are itching to fuck the wolf, if if he’s a fuckboy, you just can’t resist.

  — Nicolas. — I wet my lips and try to press my tights together. — You don’t want to kiss me.

  He smiles and nibbles at my lower lip.

  — You are right — he growls, his low voice flooded with desire. The hand holding me by the hair loosens up, and he lets me go.

  Nicolas gets closer to the counter, and shoves away all that is on top of it.

  — Come here, Isa — he requests.

  — No — I am able to answer, and the tides of my fight with myself change a bit, I am starting to regain control.

  Woohoo! Reasonable Isa gives advices me again. You’re doing good, just don’t let the dog put his hands on you again… because then, girl, I won’t be able to resist shit.

  — Now, Isa. — His voice is sharp like a whip, and I make myself straight.

  — Go to sleep, Nicolas, or go fap over the blonde girl from the pool — I answer, annoyed and angrily.

  Reasonable Isa celebrates inside my mind like a boxer who just won a big match and now hypes up the imaginary public: Yeah, that’s right! Show him what’s good!

  He grins wickedly again and comes towards me.

  Why am I just standing here? Why didn’t I run the hell away when I had the chance?

  Nicolas lifts me, sinking his fingers on my tights that wrap around his waist.

  Reasonable Isa get knocked out!

— When I tell you come, — he holds me tight against his body and I feel his hardness against the wet fabric of my panties — you come. — Nicolas holds me by the hair again, forcing my mouth to lean towards his.

  I wanted to say: yeah, right, dream about that, asshole. But the bulge grinding against my throbbing sex doesn’t let me focus.

  He carries me to the granite countertop and props me up there. His hands caress my tights, he holds me tight, and my desire becomes unbearable when he takes off my shirt, leaving completely naked and exposed.

  Slowly, Nicolas lays me down on the counter.

  Why can’t I react against any-fucking-thing? Easy, genius… you want to be fucked!

  His hands go down my breasts, I shiver to his touch, it’s surreal, the way my body reacts to his caress.

  He hold my right breast with two hands and suckles it… It all started more softly and then became more and more intense. His tongue wraps around my sensitive nipple until I am bended in pleasure right on.

  His hands and mouth directed themselves to my left breast, and I moaned, just like the bastard said I would.

  I couldn’t curse now, I couldn’t do anything but…

  — Oh… oh, yeah… humm...

  Nicolas traced down a path of kisses through my stomach, sometimes nibbing it, sometimes sucking on it.

  For fuck’s sake! He knew exactly what to do!

  — Fuck, Nicolas… You’re gonna kill me with desire — I grumble just as his hand goes down to my sex, covering my intimacy.

  — Shh — He scolds me. — No cursing.

  His thumbs rubs against my slippery folds and presses my clitoris in circular motion.

  — Then just fucking fuck me, you fucking asshole.

  He smiles at my impatient curses.

  — Completely drenched. — He leads his finger to my entrance while his other hands runs up and down my tight. — I kiss you until you moan. I finger you til this little pussy gets full of cum and I lick it all until you are shaking. And then…

  He pauses, and then, the fuckboy king smiles, the wolf showing his teeth…

  — And then I fuck you until you scream.

  I wake up drenched in sweat, shaking from my head to my toes.

  — Fuuuuuck! — I shout, burying my face in the pillow.

  Right in the moment of truth?

  Damnit, Dear Lord, you don’t make it easy like this! We try to do things the right way, try not to covet the neighbour’s man, but letting me finish my dream couldn’t hurt, could it?!

  — Argh!!!!

  Nicolas opens the bedroom’s door looking as irresistible as in my dream, his pajama pants hanging low on his hips, and light-brown hair falling unruly in soft waves over his muscular shoulders.

  — Are you okay? He asks, looking a bit concerned.

  The sights of him in my dream are still fresh… Believe me, I am still shaking even.

  — Yeah, I am. — I sigh. — It was just a nightmare. I was about to be eaten by a wolf.

  He looks at my bare tights.

  — Now that you are awake, get up and go cook me breakfast — He orders, slightly ill-tempered.

  And there goes my desire, all of it, when real Nicolas opened his mouth to remind of how annoying he likes to be. But that’s a huge lie, ain’t it? The desire was still all there, I just had to focus it somewhere else.

  — Coming — I grumble.

  After showering in record speed, I towel myself dry and walk around wrapped up in the towel. Even rich people’s towels are better than the ones I had back when I lived with Joge, soft, fluffy, and they dry like a miracle, my old ones were so rough simply drying myself could be considered a deep exfoliation.

  I open the closet doors and open the first drawer.

  — Oh that bitch… — I look at one of the new lacy sets Bia gave me, I had forgotten about that little detail. And when I say little, I mean it, the panties were teeny-tiny!

  Well, that’s too bad!

  I put on a black set. It either that or walking around the house with no panties on. Nope, that wasn’t an option. Not after the dream I had earlier.

  I dress a loose colorful shirt and some destroyed denim shorts. Actually, they were pants I had cut after Jorge spilled sanitary water on it by accident.

  I brushed my hair and my teeth before going down the stair singing a song by Ke$ha

  “Hot and dangerous, If you're one of us, then roll with us”

  I was excited, after all, it was still my first day at a new job that got me closer and closer to the bakery of my dreams.

  Nicolas was sitting in a tall stool when I got to the kitchen. He wore sweatpants and running shoes, along with a cut tank top that exposed most of his muscular body. C’mon, if you’re going to wear such a tiny top, why wear anything at all, right?

  Pretty sure I heard you agree… Great, now if they ever ask me about it in the afterlife, whether in hell or heaven, I can say you made me think about it!

  Nicolas won’t look at me, focused on his phone’s screen.

  — What do you want for breakfast? — I stand next to the fridge and scenes from my hot dream with him come to mind.

  Behave, woman… This can only be Bia, that witch, hexing me.

  — Make a protein shake for me now — he requests still focused on his cellphone. — A six egg omelette, whites only.

  — Omelette? This early in the morning? — I complain, opening the pantry to get a huge jar of Whey Protein. I knew how to prepare the shake, since I had seen him do it once or twice. — That six pack is gonna turn into a round pack this way — I mumble in a low voice.

  I take the blender and add a few bananas to the mix. I put the the porridge-thick liquid in a tall glass and hand it to him.

  — Should I make one for the blonde girl too? — I smile and open the fridge.

  I feel Nicolas eyes on me.

  — It won’t be necessary — he answers sharply.

  — What’s her name again? Diana… Is she a model?

  Bitch must not even know how good it is to eat a nice dollar burger, or a baseball game hotdog paired with some ice-cold Bud Light. The only hot dog she puts in her mouth must be Nicolas’

  That brings me back to the image of her and Nicolas in the pool.

  — She’s not a model — he answers and sips the shake. — She’s my associate.

  I start making the omelette slightly angrily, very lightly pissed off… Without even noticing it, I start rolling my eyes at each word he says.

  — Hum… — I mumble,beating the egg whites with a whisk. — You know, yesterday it was just me, but what if it was your wife who had caught you?

  I put the egg white omelette in the pan.

  — Because like, if I saw my husband like that, getting it down, I think I would spay the bastard. — I move the eggs around so they don’t stick to the bottom of the pan. I don’t even realize it until Nicolas is already there, right by my side. He’s very agile and stealthy for a man that size.

  He put the empty glass on the sink.

  — Well, like I have said before. What goes on between me and my wife is not your business.

  Damnnnnnnn! The man woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

  — Asshole — I curse, whispering, but unfortunately he had a hearing that…

  — What did you just say, Isa?

  — Me? Oh, nothing — I curve. — I think that, for the good of your ears, you should cut that hair.

  I serve the egg white omelette on a plate and give it to him.

  Nicolas eats quietly while I put together two sandwiches for me. While I wash the lettuce leaves in the sink, I can’t hold a giggle. Too bad that I couldn’t watch them tasting the special sandwiches.

  These rich people seem to have forgotten the first rule: never fuck around with the person making your food.

  I laugh to myself. And my happiness seems to piss him.

  — Sorry. — I hand him a glass of orange juice.

  Was it possible that Nicolas ha
d expected a different reaction from me? Did he think he just had to hire me and shazam, I would be ready to fulfill all his wishes, just like Miss Fancy Whore?

  — What should I cook for lunch? — I break the silence, still grinning.

  — Just follow the meal plan, the meals should be prepared according to each day of the week.

  — Okay — I agree, my mouth still full, and sign “positive” with my thumb.

  I’m all alone at Wayne Mansion. Nicolas has been working out for almost two hours. And I sing the loudest I can while scrubbing the living room’s floor.

  I don’t mind getting down and dirty, and when I say that, I don’t mean with Nicolas, you perv, I mean a bucket of soap and water and a good ole broom. However, if I’ have to work, I’m doing it with background music on.

  “Up in the club, just broke up, I'm doing my own little thing”

  I stop scrubbing the floor and make the broom handle as a mic, since Beyoncé is the best livening my chores up. We are a good singing duet.

  I dance and shake it and keep scrubbing the floor, making water go everywhere.

  Right as the chorus is about to go down, my earbuds are ripped out off my ears

  — Are you even listening to me?! — the female’s voice was familiar to me.

  This girl is asking for me to strike her with this broom!

  — Excuse me?! — I can’t even believe her boldness.

  — I don’t even know how I’ve been trying to talk to you. — She sways her hands around, angry, and her jewels fuss in her wrists. — Don’t you know you are not supposed to be listening to music while working?

  I put the broom down and take a deep breath.

  — So what? You wanna teach me how to do my job?

  She takes a glance at the full room

  — Job? Singing and dancing while throwing water everywhere isn’t what I would call a job.

  I huff and hand the bitch the broom.

  — Go on, show me how to do it. — I answer, feeling anger ooze out of me.

  Diana looks at the broom’s handle in disgust, then takes a glance at my clothes and my bare feet.


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