Pack Master (Undeadly Secrets Book 4)

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Pack Master (Undeadly Secrets Book 4) Page 4

by Aaron L Speer

  He had awoken in a hospital, that much he could figure out. But why? The last he remembered was…was what? A white light? No. An orange and red one. Fire. He had crashed into the top of the vampire mansion, he had grabbed Alex and then…nothing. The light, that was all. Now he stood here. How long was he out? Days? Weeks? The questions he asked himself brought a calm over him. Ok, ok. Just relax and think. First step, find out where the hell he was so he could get some help, or at least some clothes. He needed to find Nicole, find Alex. While there was no one around him presently, he was not under the impression the streets would be entirely empty. The sight of a youth in his state would raise more than a few questions. But perhaps that would work in his favour?

  He jogged to the end of the park and spotted a bus stop, a couple with getting all hot and heavy. Strange, he hadn’t smelt them, or even heard them. He hated to interrupt, especially if he was in their shoes, but this was an emergency.

  He found difficulty in getting the words out but managed. “Excuse me? I’m really sorry to-”

  The woman let out a blood curdling scream, and they both almost tripped over themselves to bolt away from him. Nick had no idea what the hell was wrong. Until he glanced at himself in the perspex of the bus stop backing.

  His hair was wild, his eyes were silver, his fangs were visible and sharpened. He looked down to find his nails still out, preparing for battle. He closed his eyes and shook his head, but nothing about his appearance changed. He wrung his hands to shake the nails away and when he stopped, they had returned to normal. He snapped his eyes back at his reflection to find himself looking like Nick, not the wild beast, unlike seconds before. It must’ve been a consequence of waking so suddenly. Being half in his wolf form. What unnerved him was the fact that his senses seemed dumbed down, and just for a moment, when he shook his hands, he had the sudden fear that his abilities were no longer under his control. He had to get to Alex. Her apartment. Somewhere safe. He needed his bearings back.

  As he looked around though, he remembered that in many ways he was still a stranger in the city. Without his nose to help him, it would take a while for him to locate, but he set off anyhow. He had nowhere to turn as a breeze ripped through his thin gown, and he wrapped his arms around himself. The cold had never bothered him before, but within minutes he felt his fingertips numb.

  As if his prayers were answered, He frantically waved down a cab, rushing into the back seat.

  The driver turned in his seat, looking at Nick and without uttering a word Nick knew what he was thinking.

  “Hi mate, thanks for stopping. Look, as you can see, I’m in a bit of strife. I don’t have any money on me, but if you could just take me to Mascot-”

  “Get out.”

  “Wait, if you just let me finish-”

  “I don’t drive for free…”

  Nick rushed his reply, desperate to at least get his reasoning out. “I understand and I’m not asking you to. I’ve got money at the apartment I’m asking you to drive to-”

  “I’ve heard those stories before. After the last few nights in this city, not to mention that crazy warzone at the hospital, I ain’t doin’ charity. Sorry.”



  “Please! Can you just give me your phone? I can call the woman that lives there right now and have her verify there will be money for you when we get there.”

  The driver pondered this and slowly handed Nick his phone. “One call, that’s it. Any funny shit, the cops will be called.”

  “Sure,” Nick said, taking the phone. “Thank you very much.”

  Nick checked the phone’s clock. Almost two in the morning. He dialled Alex’s home number, as he didn’t know her mobile number by heart, confident she’d forgive the late call when she discovered who it was. He felt less confident, however, when it rang and rang without being picked up.

  Chapter Six

  Left Turn

  Lauren didn’t have to wait long before the door to Clive’s apartment opened.

  “Oh shit…are you ok?” Clive asked.

  “Wide berth needed, Lackey,” she said, pressing her palm into his nose as she moved past him. “Need a shower, like yesterday.”

  “Yeah, ok. But what happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “With the fight? The battle? Did we win? I don’t want to assume because you’re here we did.”

  “How can you, of all people, not know that? With all your gadgets and gizmos. Weren’t you listening? Or watching? Or something?”

  “I was! But the signal stopped.”

  “Guess you should change your batteries, eh?”

  “No, you don’t understand. It stopped cold. I was frozen out. Kicked off the servers. Not even my backups would register for almost an hour. Then, suddenly, they were back up. The police scanner started humming again. That’s never happened to me before. I don’t know who or what could shut me out like that. But, seriously.”

  Lauren clasped her black, bloodstained hands on his face. “Lackey…I’m bored. Yes, we won. Thanks to Nightingale.”

  “Wait, Lee Nightingale? Him?”

  “Pretty sure he’s the only one with that name.”

  “He showed up?”

  “He saved my life. All of our lives.”

  “But he couldn’t have…no, don’t get me wrong. I don’t disbelieve you. I’m just saying he was reported at Undeadly Desires until a few hours before the battle. I can’t believe he let the chance of more sex go to waste to actually help people.”

  “Hang on, how do you know where he was?”

  “I’ve been trying to put feelers out, tracking him. This is one of his haunts. The manager lets me know when he gets there and how long he stays. He’d been there for days on end before now.”

  Lauren gave a small, heartfelt laugh. “He told me he couldn’t watch the footy in peace. So he came out to smash shit. Looked me up and down. Called me floaties and then ripped apart ghouls with a flaming chain.”

  “Look, the most important thing is, are you alright?”

  “Besides passing for a skunk?”

  “Well…you don’t…it’s not that bad, I mean…” Clive took a deep breath, as if counting to five in his head. “Fuck it…will you go out with me?”

  Lauren leant her head to the side. “Um, we kinda took a left turn at Albuquerque didn’t we, just now?”

  Clive looked slightly panicked. “Maybe. I dunno. So um…can I get a raincheck? A ‘maybe we’ll see’? A ‘I’m just not that into you’?”

  “Lackey, what has gotten into you? Why the jump to warp space?”

  “Actually, it’s warp drive. Or it could be hyperspace if you meant Star-”


  Clive cleared his throat. “I got nervous when I couldn’t reach anyone, and I wanted to plan something for you for tomorrow, but I didn’t know if you’d like it, so I thought I’d ask you what you wanted but that’s not very ‘manly’. Maybe you have something you want to do by yourself tomorrow, or maybe you don’t want to remember, which I completely understand…”

  Lauren held up her hands to slow him down. “Lackey, what the hell are you talking about? What’s this about tomorrow?”

  Clive looked confused. “Well…your anniversary?”

  “What anniversary?”

  Clive’s features changed to downcast. “Oh man. I’m sorry. I thought you would’ve known or been thinking about it. Tomorrow is the date you were turned.”

  Lauren looked down at Clive’s phone. Him showing her the date didn’t help. She had no idea. “Are you sure?”

  “I entered your records myself on the night it happened.”

  “You knew? Everything?”

  “No! Oh God no. Julian was the one that had the whole thing organised. It was part of my job to input new vampires into the database, that’s all. I had no idea what happened to you. I found out later and I was horrified.”

  “But you wanted to…ask me out on a day th
at horrified you to remember?”

  Clive rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked so nervous. “Shit, that’s the way it sounded but not what I meant. I mean, I’d love to go out with you, but, tomorrow was just an idea. I guess…I just didn’t want you to feel alone.” He shrugged. “On that day, of all days.”

  A strange sensation swelled within Lauren, on the left side of her chest. Her heart no longer beat, but a wave of affection came over her while looking at Clive. The innocence of him and the thinking of her feelings first was new to her.


  “I can’t,” Clive replied, downcast. “I have to manage security for Sensation LeClair’s one night only tour.”

  “Who and what now?”

  “I’m not surprised you don’t know her. It’s a top-secret gig. She’s a vampire erotic dancer/singer from America performing at Undeadly Desires. With the sky and the killings of late, business needed a boost. She’s the best in the world. It’s a sell-out crowd.”

  “I don’t get it, why do you have to organise security for a brothel? Since when is that something you even do? Don’t you work for Dante?”

  “She’s that important. She gets a royal escort from the airport to the club. When she gets there, her people take over. My role is done then. But this is a big deal. Huge for Dante if I can get this done for him. He doesn’t know about it, but it’ll make him look really good.”

  “Why? She’s a stripper for crying out loud?”

  “She’s got this mystique about her. No man is allowed to touch her. She gets bathed by women wearing gloves. She has this…I dunno, deal? Where if you can have sex with her you get a million dollars.”

  “If you can?”

  “It’s like a challenge. A dare. If she refuses, you die. Her skin has an element like acid she can secrete. There is something about her eyes. They say if she stares at you-”

  “Let me guess, you turn to stone?”

  Clive chuckled. “No. But your eyeballs can melt in your head. Human or vampire it doesn’t matter. She can kill anyone. She’s meant to be the most desirable woman in the world. Men pay to have one on one time with her and end up dead. She’s a mega star in the vampire world. She’s a multi-millionaire several times over. If she likes Sydney, and that’s a big if lately, and she comes back, it would mean Dante gets cash and exposure. Her appearance fee is two million alone. But if she likes the place her fee is waived for any future visits. So look, I’m really sorry it can’t be tonight-”

  “Fuck that. I wanna go.”

  “You…what?” Clive couldn’t control the grin that spread to his face.

  “You don’t just expect me to sit here after you’ve told me all that stuff?” Lauren gave a slight smirk. “I want to go to Undeadly Desires. I wanna know what all the fuss is about. I’ve never been to a vampire strip club. I am so there to see this shit. Never know, you might give her a go, Lackey?”

  “No thanks.”

  “Didn’t you say she’s supposed to be hot stuff?”

  “She is. But she’s a brunette. I like blondes.”

  Lauren returned his cheeky smile and went to shower. Dismissing the idea for him to join her. But only just.


  “Buddy, ya gotta get out,” the cab driver said, his voice rising.

  Nick placed the phone against his ear for the third time, hoping someone would pick up, with no success. “Please, if you could just drive me to Mascot…”

  “I told you I don’t work for charity.” He swiped the phone from Nick’s hand. “I’m this close to callin’ the cops.”

  “Ok, but could you direct me to Mascot, please?”

  The driver muttered angry curses and pressed three zeros into his phone. Nick rolled his eyes and got out of the car. “Thanks for all your help, mate.”

  As he closed the door, Nick was again reminded of the chill in the air and his lack of clothes. His hearing perked a touch, though the audio he received sounded like it came from an old two-way radio. Not clear at all. The driver was describing him to someone on the phone, perhaps a police receptionist. Instinct told him to hurry away. Nick pressed his palm to his head. The audio still seemed broken, and yet his mind ached trying to process it. A whimper and gasp, however, was heard loud and clear. Nick shook his head and jogged to where he thought the noise had come from. A crunch of sticks brought him closer, rounding the corner of an apartment building. A woman was leaning over a man, and the latter’s legs were kicking out as best as he could. The situation became clear in Nick’s mind instantly.

  “Hey!” he growled.

  The woman turned to him, blood flowing from her mouth, sneering and licking her fangs. Nick flared his fingers, readying for battle, yet it was a second, perhaps two, before he looked down to see his nails had not grown.

  “Oh shi…”

  He was stopped by the vampire flinging herself on top of him, slamming him to the ground. Nick pressed upwards, trying desperately to push her away, but it was much more difficult than it should have been. Her rancid breath flowed on to him, and the black of her eyes was nothing more than a void.

  Where was his strength? His wolf? Was this a consequence of his sleep? Her fist sank into his cheek and she gleamed at her hit.

  “Too bad, hero.”

  Another hit brought pain, but also something else. A warmth in his face. Starting from his stomach…a heat. An anger. A rage. Nick chanced a feel with his thumb over his finger nails, and they were sharp. Finally. The vampire must’ve seen his facial features begin to change. She tensed for a moment.

  “What the fuck are you?”

  Nick clawed her spine and kicked her off him. She sailed four feet and crunched onto her back. Nick rose with a growl, beckoned her closer with his finger, saliva dripping from his mouth as his canines slightly over grew his chin. The vampire hesitated, again taking in Nick’s appearance. Hesitation turning into a retreat, the vampire turned and bolted. Attack was at the forefront of Nick’s mind as he made to give chase, but a sharp, burning pain in his neck made him stop. He pressed his hand to his neck, feeling moisture. He moved his hand in front of his face and saw it shining with blood, the vampire must’ve scratched him. That wasn’t the strangest thing. Suddenly, only three of his five fingers had sharpened nails, the others were normal.

  His hand shook and trembled as he was brought to his knees, the blood beginning to flow down his back. He wasn’t healing. Nick closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, trying to calm himself. But he couldn’t understand why his powers were going haywire. It was as if he had no control over his wolf anymore.

  Nick looked over the body of the dead man. He apologised to him, though he obviously couldn’t hear, and took the money out of his wallet, amounting to around forty-four dollars. With that money, he could at least get a taxi cab to Alex’s apartment. He could fix himself up and re-evaluate there.

  Chapter Seven

  The Choices We Make

  Dante stared into the crackling flames, feeling no warmth in the fire. All around him was quiet save for the ticks of the fire, as he watched the house burn before his very eyes. He sat in the tree opposite the blaze, as the neighbours ventured out in their sleepwear. Some screamed, but most just stood there. Numb. Afraid. Useless.

  He had ensured it looked like an accident. Something as simple as aluminium foil in the microwave. He had killed the Battys. Breaking the father’s neck and sucking the wife dry. The evidence was still wet on his chin. Not only had he broken a promise to Dougie, but he had left a child without her parents. He closed his eyes, thinking of what this meant.

  He had killed a human for the first time in years. And yet it wasn’t guilt he felt. In truth, he felt nothing. Revenge hadn’t sated the anger inside nor did their deaths offer comfort. Alexandra had still been hurt by the thing they infected her with. No action from him could change that.

  But he could dispense justice. And he did so without a moment’s pause. He recognised something inside him ha
d broken and would never be the same. All he stood for was gone. A line had been crossed. When one is pushed far enough, killing comes very easily.

  But did he break a promise? Dante thought back and his words were to never spill innocent blood. The couple were anything but. Using Alexandra as a vessel for Dominus to save their daughter. Dante looked down at his red smeared hands. This wasn’t innocent blood. They had chosen this. Every action has a consequence.

  When Dante slept with Alexandra, she had begged him to finish. He had refused to orgasm inside of a human, as all he could ejaculate was blood. Michelle would beg too, wanting to know he had found his pleasure just like she had hers. But she never understood. For him, he found pleasure in watching them moan and scream. That he could make them happy was enough for him. Or so he thought.

  For years that was the situation with Michelle. Night after night. Yet, one night with Alexandra and he faltered. He forgot himself. He submitted to her wish. How he could’ve been so stupid, he didn’t know. One bite from her was all it took. To his neck. The very thing she enjoyed him doing to her was enough for him to erupt in euphoria. Over two hundred years on this earth and he had never felt anything like it. His hips bucked of their own accord, her body slackened like jelly, her fingers digging into him yet allowing him to completely let loose and pump furiously, with complete abandon. All his doubts, all his resistance, Dougie’s warning, all his inner warnings left him as did the blood in his body.

  For a moment, he was horrified. Until Alexandra smiled and brought him down for a kiss, and kept kissing him. How could something that felt so right, be wrong? Maybe all those years of hesitation with Michelle were ridiculous. He had never allowed himself to fully appreciate his feelings for her, convinced she would be better off romantically. Was he ever in love with her? Truthfully he didn’t know. Any chance he had to open up fully to her, which she always begged him to do, he always held back. All because something inside that said he would only bring pain to her in the long run.

  He put all his doubts aside with Alexandra. He still had them, but his love for her was stronger. He allowed himself to feel, for his heart to be free, and it became his worst nightmare. By accepting his blood inside her, Alexandra had somehow lost her natural, or supernatural, defence against Dominus. She had already been infected with him but the demon could not strike at her. Dante allowed it to happen, in the one moment he let his guard down. The one moment where he got to know again what true, passionate love was like, and it cost him more than he could ever get back. He had fixed it as best he could, doing whatever he could to save her life. But he had lost her. Now, he must go on with the knowledge that this, all of this, was his fault, even if only partially.


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