Pack Master (Undeadly Secrets Book 4)

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Pack Master (Undeadly Secrets Book 4) Page 7

by Aaron L Speer

  Alex tried to call out to Peggy as she marched from the room. To plead with her for answers, but it was no use. Within minutes she found herself in the back of a police car, being driven away from the school. Her class. Her students. Her life.

  The car ride to the station wasn’t long, or perhaps it was just Alex’s warped sense of time, being everything else seemed so wrong. So disjointed and out of sync. She was escorted to an interview room and told to wait. The officers seemed polite enough, but when the door closed on her and she was left alone, it was as if reality hit. The last twenty minutes replayed in her mind. Peggy, a good friend, had seen to her arrest. But was it even an arrest? She still had no idea what she had done. But it didn’t stop her head from feeling heavy; it didn’t stop her shoulders from sagging. And it didn’t stop her tears, holding her head in her hands.

  Angry, frustrated, confused. And alone.


  “You sure about this?” Karen asked, glancing at the A4 envelope in Solomon’s hand. She had driven him for his last day. Or the day he would resign anyway. Solomon took her hand and kissed it. He glanced back at his daughter in the back seat, giving him a small smile.

  “You’d be happy to have daddy home more, baby?”

  Abbey nodded with a toothy grin. He glanced back at Karen and shrugged. “How can anyone say no to that face?”

  “Have you thought about what you want to do?”

  “Sun, surf, and maybe s…e…x?” he laughed.

  She smiled but replied evenly. “I’m serious.”

  “I don’t know. The right thing, I guess. Whatever that is.”

  He kissed Karen and waved goodbye to Abbey before stepping out of the car and heading inside.

  Solomon fingered his resignation letter, checking it inside the envelope to make sure he had everything. He moved into the staff only portion of the station, and towards his superintendent’s office, only then did he do a double take at the monitor to interview room one. A woman alone, crying. He shook his head and moved away, but only a few steps. He closed his eyes and took a breath. Why did he have to look? Just keep walking. Just keep walking. “Beck, who is taking that interview?” he said, pointing towards the screen.

  Beck leaned back to check which he was referring to. “Um…not sure, I think they were going to get someone.”

  Solomon recognised her. Even though the screen wasn’t hi-def, and her face was scrunched from sobbing, after the time he spent investigating her, he would know Alex Hensley anywhere. It’s not your problem. It’s not your problem. “I’ll do it.”

  “But I thought you said-”

  Solomon held up a hand containing his letter. “Can I just get her file please?”

  “Sol, you can’t just take over a case.”

  “I’m not. How long as she been in there?

  “About twenty minutes.”

  “You said she doesn’t have anyone looking after her right?”

  “Well, no…”

  “Well she does now.”

  Solomon took the files that Beck handed him and walked back through the office to room one, taking a bottle of water out of the fridge as he went.

  “Miss Hensley,” he said, taking the seat opposite her and moving the bottle closer.

  “Hi,” she replied, wiping the wetness off her cheeks, trying to clear her throat, sniffling, before she focused on him and recognition obviously hit her. “Oh…hi. I know you, right?”

  “Well, I’d think so. I came to your unit…”

  “With the USB. I remember.”

  “You seem rather relieved at that?”

  “I’ve been having trouble with my memory lately. Or so I’m told.”

  “So you’re told?”

  “I was in hospital for a while. The last week or so is hazy. I remember…bits I guess. And then I woke up in the ward.”

  Solomon nodded. “I saw you there.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, I was visiting Abigail.”


  Solomon leaned his head to the side, studying her. “My daughter. You don’t remember her? She is a student at your school. Younger than the students you currently teach. Orange red hair…?”

  “I may have seen her on the playground, but no sorry.”

  “That’s strange. You were the one that was with her before the ambulance came to the school. You don’t remember any of that?”

  She shook her head slowly and her face was gripped once more with tears. Something about the woman struck Solomon. He was trained to keep personal feelings out of situations, but his heart went out to her. “Miss Hensley, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound accusatory,” he said, handing her a packet of tissues out of his pocket.

  “I just…I don’t understand! I was told that I had some kind of accident and wound up in hospital. I find a wound scarring my tattoo that I don’t remember happening. The tattoo yes but not the damage after. And then today! I mean, what…the…hell was that?”

  “If you just give me a minute,” he replied calmly, “I’ll read what the charge is, then we’ll both understand. Ok?”

  Alex gave a hopeless shrug, and sighed “Ok.”

  Solomon looked down the sheet. “It says your principal, Peggy Deltone has accused you of assault and attempted murder.”

  Solomon glanced up. He noticed people with a more than likely chance of being guilty, or hiding something were more vocal in the rebuttal. Alex Hensley was silent for several seconds before letting out a sound rather like a squeak. “What…?”

  “She says you attacked her in the parking lot of the school where you were stopped by two males and you ran off. I take it you don’t remember any of this?”

  She shook her head as her lips were locked in a frown, struggling for breath. Solomon nodded, expecting the reply.

  “Look, Miss Hensley, at the moment you have been charged with these crimes, but you do have the right to respond. Though I do suggest saying you can’t remember won’t look too good.”

  “But it’s the truth!”

  “Miss Hensley, all I’m saying is can you provide any kind of alibi for that night? Anyone that can shed some light? Anyone that might be able to help you? I’m not a lawyer and can’t give you advice. I’m just trying to get to the truth.”

  “There’s only one I guess. Can I get a phone call?”

  “Of course,” Solomon replied. Solomon watched as Alex picked up her phone and dialled, taking a huge sniff, trying to swallow down more tears so she could clearly ask for help.


  Clive paced up and down his living room. He had to be patient. He knew it was normal for a girl to take a long time to get ready. The most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He only wanted tonight to go well. No matter what. He had no idea what to do and was winging this whole thing. He froze as Lauren rounded the corner, dressed in an elegant burgundy gown with a slit up the leg.

  “What do you think?” Lauren asked. Clive couldn’t possibly form words. Her exquisite beauty made him mute but also his blinding terror that he had misread the situation. “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” She smiled. “So where are we going?”

  “Um…well I…didn’t really plan for you to look so…well…wow.”

  Lauren leant her head to the side, as if judging his intent. “Didn’t you say we were having a date?”

  “Yes.” Clive winced. “But I didn’t think you’d want to go out tonight again. So I thought I’d…oh man I fucked up.”

  “You thought you’d what?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Clive shook his head. “I’ll get ready. I should’ve known you’d want to go out.”

  “Hey, shut up,” Lauren said, calmly snapping him out of it. “What did you plan?”

  Clive sighed and lifted the sheet off the dining room table. It revealed a makeshift picnic. “Food?” she asked, clearly puzzled.

  “Well, for me. I just thought it might be nice, and you could eat…well…me? When you got hungry I mean?”

nbsp; Lauren pursed her lips and slowly turned around, disappearing down the hallway. At that moment, Clive knew what it felt like to truly have his heart drop. How could he have been so stupid? She liked the nightlife. She was a vampire and the city was the land of eternal night lately. He cleared the table thinking of all the possibilities he could’ve done. Hell, T was her favourite club once. He just thought Lauren would’ve been bored with that stuff. He was trying something different. The night at Undeadly Desires had been a bust. Security had allowed him entry, but the place was so packed it was impossible to get a seat. The show hadn’t gone for more than five minutes before several men bombarded the stage in a flurry of perverted fury. Security had done their job and nothing had happened to Le Clair, but the show was cancelled. Clive had tried to convince her to move it to another night but she took off, hating Undeadly Desires and Sydney. Suffice to say it wasn’t a great time for a date, and Lauren and he had gone home without much said.

  “You’re not hungry anymore?” Lauren asked from behind him. For the second time in the space of five minutes, Clive was struck dumb. Lauren had changed into her pyjamas and pulled her hair into a ponytail. No makeup either.

  “I thought…”

  “My feet are killing me. Even for a vampire, heels are murder. So, let’s do this.”

  “Wait, really?”

  She smiled and crossed her legs on the couch. “Show me how to work one of these video game things too. The playbox or whatever.”

  Clive almost tripped over himself as he grabbed a controller and sat next to her. She giggled and took the controller. “I can’t believe you’re up for this. This is amazing.”

  “Lackey, you’re weird. But I like it so far,” she said, leaning her head on his shoulder. “No other guy I’ve ever been with would do this. But as long as you’re being yourself, I’m digging it.”

  Clive tested the waters and placed his arm around her shoulders. She snuggled a little closer to him as her controlled character swiped and whirled their way across the screen. He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  “That’s too high,” she said. In response, he pressed his lips to her forehead. “That’s still too-”

  He stopped her from talking as he pressed his lips to hers. It could’ve been seconds, or it could’ve been minutes, Clive didn’t know. He barely heard the controller clatter to the floor but he did feel her now free hand running through his hair. She scraped her fingers down his cheek before moving her hand lower. Clive’s phone buzzed and whirred. But it wasn’t a message or call. It was an alarm.

  “Shit,” Clive muttered, rummaging in his pocket for it as Lauren planted soft kisses on his neck. Clive swiped the alarm and saw the message. “Oh no…”

  “What…” Lauren whispered, yet continuing to kiss his neck.

  “It’s Alex.”

  “What?” She leant back. “What’s happened?”

  “She’s been arrested. She’s in the Mascot station.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Dante asked me to put her and Michelle’s name in a database after the authorities were sniffing around. She’s been accused of attempted murder.”

  “What? That’s bullshit.”

  “I’ve gotta tell Dante. Julian has been looking for a way to get to her. If I know about this, he would now too.”

  “I’ll get changed.”

  “Changed? Let’s just wait for Dante’s instructions.”

  “Lackey, one thing you should know if we are gonna do this, you and me. I don’t wait for anyone. Dating or not. King or not. She’s in trouble. I’m gonna help her.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Sovereign Calling

  Melina walked into Dante’s study to find it in ruins. His desk was in tatters. The man himself sat with his back against the wall. His face awash with soot, blood stains on his hands.

  “Alejandro! What the hell?”

  “Leave me be.”

  “What happened here? What happened to you?”

  “Go away, woman.”

  Melina stood over him before bending down while softly running her hand through his hair. “Alejandro…talk to me. You’ve never been like this. What’s happened? What are you punishing yourself for?”

  Dante felt no real comfort from Melina’s embrace, but that didn’t diminish his appreciation that she was there.

  “We’ll get through this together,” she said, stroking his hair.

  Dante heard his phone ping. He was going to ignore it but remembered only a few people had this number. He pulled it out and his eyes locked on the screen; he stared at a photograph of Alex’s arrest warrant and then bound to his feet. Whilst screaming at Melina what had happened, he pressed the numbers that led straight to Clive’s phone.

  “It’s just happened,” Clive said. “I was alerted, but I saw it blasted over the vampire network.”

  “What? How could that be? Why is she even on any vampire surveillance?”

  “If I had to guess, I’d say Julian. Maybe he’s been having her followed or watched. Now she’s alone in a Police Station. Prime target.”

  Dante dropped the phone. A sudden realisation came over him; he couldn’t contact anyone to intervene; to stop Julian. There were no more Elements of Night. There was no time to pay off a Police official. This is what Julian wanted. Dante to despair, to panic.

  “I have to go to her…” Dante said, bolting to his feet and heading for the door.

  “But that crone said she can’t be reminded of you. The demon might return for her!”

  “I have to try, dammit!”

  Dante reached the door and opened it. There, facing him, was a thin man with clipped, highlighted blonde hair. The scarred remnants of acne adorned his weak chin. He was flanked by two brutes, much taller than he.

  “Mr Delavega, I’m Gavin Mcveigh…”

  “Fuck off.”

  “We have to talk.”

  Dante latched out and gripped him by the throat. “I don’t care.”

  Dante let him down and crippled over in agony as those behind Gavin pressed into him with what could only be described as lightning rods. Though crumbled to his knees, he gripped the rods with each hand, trying to move them. He screamed as his hands quaked and burned. His strength sapped. The worst part was looking up at the smug face of Gavin watching him in pain.

  No. Scratch that. The worst part was having Melina latch her fangs into his neck from behind, Dante helpless to stop her. She only took a sip; she wasn’t drinking. She ripped him away from the rods and planted him to the floor, her mouth still in place. Dante heard nothing but Melina’s voice. They were made by the same person. Their blood bond could be used for communication otherwise thought to be impossible.

  “It’s all I could think of. Stop fighting. I’m fucked if I know who these guys are but they obviously want something. If they wanted you dead, they wouldn’t stun you. I know you’re worried about her. I’ll go. Keep yourself alive until I come back. Then we can fuck them up together.”

  “Why would you care about her?”

  “I don’t, but you do.”

  Dante let himself be still. Melina let him go and rose to her feet. Dante’s whole body ached. But he still managed to see Melina wiping her mouth and licking the side of her hand. “Thanks lads. I was hungry.”

  She took a step but was blocked by the intruders.

  “Leave her,” Gavin said, gazing down at Dante. “We got who we came for.”

  Melina walked out and gave Dante a fleeting look over her shoulder, allowing him a final message. “Get her out of Sydney. Off the grid. No cards.”

  “I know what off the grid means. No one will know where she goes. Not even me.”

  And then Dante was brought back to his intruders. “Let’s have a chat shall we, Mr Delavega?”

  Dante found himself dragged to a sitting position and his hands braced together with gold cuffs. Gavin made his way over to the sitting room and helped himself to the chocolate almonds that lay in a bo
wl on the main table. “Now…” He began chewing. “As I was saying, my name is Gavin and I represent Sovereign.”

  “Am I supposed to know what that is?”

  “We have been a sect of the Australian government for as long as there has been a government. Though according to all records, we don’t exist. Something I’m sure you can relate to. We monitor and control paranormal activity. My department is solely responsible for Sydney. Which is why I’m here. Our intelligence suggests that you are the ruler appointed over Sydney, is that correct?”

  “That is still to be determined.”

  “Ah, yes. I assume you’re referring to the, um…” Gavin clicked his fingers when brute number one presented him with an A4 piece of paper, which he glanced at as he sat on the couch opposite Dante. “Messengers of Osiris?”

  “Yes…” said Dante softy. How the hell did he know? But Gavin appeared to know exactly what Dante was thinking.

  “We have vast resources and brutal tactics when we want information, Dante. Oh, may I call you that?” Gavin didn’t wait for confirmation as he skimmed the bullet points. “Now these Messengers would’ve contacted you less than a year ago, it seems…yes…after the previous king was murdered. By you, nonetheless. And you have been the overseer for the city ever since.” Gavin placed the paper down beside him and crossed his legs. “I have a proposal for you, Dante. Sovereign is willing to endorse you as king, and for that, we want you to work with us.”

  “Work with you? To do what?”

  “To take back the city from your kind and all the things like you.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Do you realise how many unexplained or paranormal events have been occurring in the last two years as compared to fifty years ago? Missing persons have gone up. Werewolves invading the city. A narcotic infects Sydney to the point it becomes an epidemic. The Sydney Airport incident where three people were killed and dozens injured. And only a few days ago a serial killer managed to have all his victims rise again and engage in a blood feud, seconds away from breaking into a hospital. A black cloud still hovers over us. Our experts tell me it is expanding at an increasing rate. That brings me to my next point. There is something else coming.”


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