Riot Girls: Seven Books With Girls Who Don't Need A Hero

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  ‘Perfects,’ I said. Maybe we had more in common than I first thought.

  ‘Yes, we need to be treated as equal, Hope.’ Leon grabbed my hand and squeezed. Something in his gaze told me that he knew something about me. I thought back to the scene in the theatre when Jason’s dad had come and threatened me. Instead of sticking up for me and hanging around, Jason had dragged his dad out of there. I knew that it was his way of protecting me, but I felt a lump come into my throat. This man understood me.

  ‘Why did you bomb the compound?’ It totally went against what he was preaching.

  ‘It got the reaction I hoped for. I’d heard some whispers that the government had some good guys on their team and so planned to push them into negotiation. This worked even better.’ Leon stood up as a cross breed, who I didn’t recognise, came over to us. He looked normal apart from some thin see-through wings on his back which looked like insect wings.

  ‘He is a fly breed, but we have no idea what kind or how,’ Noland whispered into my ear.

  I heard laughter and turned to see a bunch of kids with the same type of wings staring at me. They ranged from about three to ten and each one of them was smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back. Children on the Lower Side were kept indoors as much as possible to keep them out of danger. They all squealed and ran off, playing with each other as they went. It was so good to see them being so carefree.

  ‘They breed a lot,’ Noland whispered again, chuckling in my ear. I turned to him and looked into those blue/grey eyes. He had that half grin, where one corner of his lip went into his cheek. He looked away from me. His eyes were heavy lidded but watchful. That’s why they were so attractive. He saw right through you, yet looked uninterested at the same time. He was watchful as Leon and the winged man spoke.

  ‘Like what you see?’ he said quietly as Leon said goodbye to the man and he walked away. I swallowed and shook my head. Noland stood and laughed out loud.

  ‘Noland, we need to…’ Leon started.

  ‘Noland,’ a woman called. He turned and looked over at her. She had long blonde hair down to her waist and a long dress down to her feet. She exuded femininity and I looked down at my plain masculine trousers and top. They were black as usual. When I looked at everyone’s clothes I noticed how they all wore lighter colours. Khaki, cream and orange. Noland walked off towards her, leaving me with Leon.

  ‘That man will never change,’ he sighed, sitting next to me. ‘This is home, Hope, just for a while.’

  He almost looked apologetic when I glanced at him.

  ‘You’ve got to let me go, I’m going to be a witness at Sandor’s trial.’

  ‘I know you are, but I want some terms of my own listened to first. You kidnapped me, now I’m returning the favour. Artie underestimated me, Hope. The funny thing is, we’re all on the same side. We all want to live in harmony with the Perfects, but Artie doesn’t do enough to try and make it happen.’ Leon stood and held out his hand to help me up. I ignored it and stood myself. It wasn’t like I could stretch out my casted arm anyway.

  ‘You think killing them is going to make them want to live side by side with you?’ I couldn’t help the tone I used. Some people were so…

  ‘Leon, I need to talk to you,’ Noland said rushing back. Leon nodded and turned. He gestured to the fly man that stood nearby.

  ‘Watch her for a minute,’ he ordered. The man nodded and came to stand next to me. ‘Hope, in answer to your question, we only did it to get their attention. We never actually meant to kill anyone. Sandor promised…’ His words were cut short when Noland grabbed his arm and pulled him away. They stood off to one side of the fire. Noland was calm and collected, while Leon was gesticulating madly.

  ‘He’s a good leader,’ the fly man guarding me said.

  ‘He’s the leader of you all?’ I could see the sunlight glistening against his wings. Rainbows bounced from them.

  ‘Yes, of course. He has been since we became rebels ten years ago.’

  Wow, Leon was not what I expected at all. This was not the same man we had captured and tried to interrogate.

  ‘How did he become leader?’ I asked.

  ‘He declared that we didn’t deserve to be treated so unfairly. We agreed and followed him out of Lower Side.’ He shrugged.

  ‘And Noland? I heard he killed Artie’s parents,’ I asked, looking over at the pair as they spoke.

  ‘It was an accident, he didn’t mean to.’

  ‘How can you not mean to?’ I looked at the man and watched his wings flick a few times.

  ‘He was on a mission for Artie. He’d been his best warrior up until then. Artie had asked him to investigate a rebel bomb but Noland wasn’t able to disconnect it in time and it went off. Artie’s parents were in the building. Noland managed to get some people out first, but not them.’

  Artie blamed Noland for the bomb going off? That didn’t exactly seem fair considering Noland was trying to save them all. I looked at Noland and his gaze met mine. That half grin was thrown back at me before he turned back to Leon.

  ‘Hardly seems fair,’ I muttered. I didn’t want to be dis-loyal to Artie but I was struggling with the secrets he kept from me about my mother.

  ‘Hope,’ Leon called before my companion could respond, ‘I want to show you where you’ll be sleeping. Follow me.’

  Chapter Eighteen

  THREE DAYS WENT by and I slowly got used to how they lived in the wilderness. Everyone was extremely friendly. It was an unusual feeling. I was greeted by everyone when Noland or Leon walked me through the camp. They’d not tied me up, but they had put a guard outside my tent.

  ‘I need to bathe,’ I said quietly to Leon when he came to get me on the third evening for dinner. He sighed and looked around us. Lots of people were gathering in the centre of the village.

  ‘Okay, after dinner Noland will take you,’ he said, gesturing for me to sit on the wooden bench. I swallowed hard. I’d tried to avoid being around Noland. For some reason, I felt that he was the only one who might be able to tell what I was.

  ‘Here,’ Noland’s deep voice had me looking up into amused grey eyes. He’s been standing right beside us. He was holding out a bowl of soup and a chunk of bread. I was amazed by how much food they had here. I took it and smiled my thanks. I really wanted to feel clean, so I ignored the trembling in my hands.

  ‘Hope, we need to talk,’ Leon said. He had taken the other bowl that Noland had offered and was staring straight ahead. The sun had got low and was no longer shining into the camp.

  ‘Are you letting me go?’ I looked at him, but he wouldn’t make eye contact. He shook his head as he chewed on a piece of bread. The soup was hot. It was vegetable. I’d not seen any vegetables anywhere and was curious where they got them from. We couldn’t grow anything on the Lower Side and the wilderness didn’t exactly look like it could grow any crops either. I’d seen the pictures in books of flourishing fields and gorgeous fruit trees. The Perfects must have a secret place to grow. I’d been told that they had an abundance of fresh food on the Upper Side.

  ‘I’m sorry, no. I’ve been talking to my team and we’ve decided to send a ransom note to the government.’

  My jaw dropped open. Luckily, I’d finished my food. The winged kids ran around us for a moment, their laughter sinking into me.

  ‘I thought you said that you were trying to make peace?’

  I couldn’t see that the government would be bothered with paying a ransom for me. I wasn’t that important to them.

  ‘Peace making is a strategy. I know you’ve worked for Artie for a while so you know the deal. We can’t go quietly to the Perfects and expect them to just accept us and treat us fairly. They’re the ones who created Lower Side and the divide between us in the first place. A long time ago, there was no such thing. We all lived together without judgement. We need to play this game.’ Leon glanced at me and I could see the hardness in his eyes. Not hardness of uncaring, but determination to do this right.

bsp; ‘So where do I come in?’ I asked.

  ‘I want to ransom you for an extra seat on Sandor’s trial,’ he said, handing his bowl to a woman who I’d been told was his sister. She smiled at me as she took my bowl. I tried to smile back but my arm was vibrating. I concentrated on keeping my wings in my back and my good arm in my shoulder. No one had stared at me here. My lack of arm was quite normal to them.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Noland whispered next to me. He’d sat down as I’d been concentrating on keeping my wings in. I nodded.

  ‘Who will be the extra person on the jury?’ I already knew the answer.

  ‘Me, of course,’ Leon said, standing and brushing crumbs from his trousers, ‘Noland, please could you take Hope to the bathing room. No one else must be in there. Sorry, Hope, that’s as much privacy as I can give you. Noland will not look at you.’ He glared at his friend as he said the last sentence. Great, I was going to have to clean myself with the most gorgeous looking man in the entire village standing nearby. I stood as my guard did and followed him through the tents. People were beginning to wind down for the day. Some sat around their fires, eating. Some were playing instruments and others were lying back looking up at the newly appearing stars.

  ‘Wait!’ a female voice called from behind. I turned to see Leon’s sister coming after us. She had a bundle of cloth in her hands. ‘Here is a towel to dry yourself and some clean clothes. I’m sorry I can’t come with you. Leon doesn’t trust that I’d be able to keep you here.’

  She was very sweet as she said goodbye and walked away. I followed Noland to the gap in the mountain walls. He ducked through but before I could think about turning and running off, his hand came through the gap, grabbed my cast and pulled me inside. There were candles littered everywhere. They were in groves of the rocky walls. They were on the floor and in the ceiling. They made dancing patterns on the water below. There was a little area to the side where people probably got changed. In the centre of the cave, there was big pool of steaming water. It was clean and looked more inviting than anything I’d ever seen.

  ‘It’s a natural hot spring. Go ahead,’ Noland said. His deep voice was near my ear and I jumped away from him. An image of my old friend Nicole came into my mind.

  ‘Does Nicole know that you’re a rebel?’ I asked, stepping away from him and raising my eyebrows. He took the bundle from me, unwrapped it and laid the towel on the side of the pool. He shot me a grin and turned away to face the wall. I spun away from him and tugged my clothes off. It was harder with my arm in the cast, but I wasn’t missing this opportunity. The water looked gorgeous and at that point I wouldn’t have cared if Noland saw me naked. I hurried into the water and ducked down. I had to hold my arm above my head so the cast didn’t get wet.

  ‘Wow, this is so nice,’ I said, sighing. A splash had me turning around and gasping. Noland was walking into the pool and he was completely naked. His bare chest was ridged and glistening in the candle-light. His hips were sharp and toned and led to a place where I did not need to look. I spun away from him and made my way to the furthest part of the pool.

  ‘I’m not sure this is what Leon meant,’ I stuttered, turning when I felt he would be safely under water. He was inches away from me. I felt the warmth of the water start to travel up every part of my body as his grey eyes, shadowed in the candlelight, tried to make eye contact with me.

  ‘Stop it!’ I pushed some water at him and he laughed. It was a deep vibration that travelled up my spine. I couldn’t help but shiver. He stopped moving towards me and bowed his head.

  ‘Sorry, it’s a habit. How long do you have to have the cast on for?’ He stayed where he was. It was far away enough for me to not be able to see him in the dark water. I wasn’t ashamed of my body or worried about seeing his, but images of Jason kept coming to me. I swallowed and ducked underwater. When I came back up, he was very slightly nearer to me.

  ‘Not long, it was only a minor break. I think you’re clean enough now,’ I whispered. He was moving towards me slowly and there was nothing I could do. He reached forward, pushed his fingers into my hair and cupped the back of my head. I couldn’t do a thing as his grey eyes and red lips came towards me.

  Avoidables 2, 3 and 4 is Here!

  Grab Purple, Jason and Gina’s stories from all platforms now.

  ‘I like Layla, the blonde,’ he said, raising his eyebrows in challenge as I looked at him again. ‘Are you a betting man?’

  I shook my head and looked at Layla. She looked easy going and fun. The type of woman who was ideal for me. Then my gaze found Alia. She was womanly and intense. Something I couldn’t handle. – Purple’s War

  Copyright © 2014 by Rachel Medhurst

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  Rachel Medhurst wants to bring hope, excitement and feeling through her work. An avid reader herself, she loves to get lost in a book. Writing is Rachel's passion. To keep up to date on new releases please check out her website.

  The Blemished

  Blemished #1

  Sarah Dalton

  Copyright © 2012 Sarah Dalton

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work, in whole or in part, in any form. This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, organizations and products depicted herein are either a product of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously.

  Cover Design by Najla Qamber Designs


  A beautiful world comes at a price...

  In a world filled with stunning clones Mina Hart is Blemished. Her genes are worthless and that takes away her rights: her right to an Education, her right to a normal life and her right to have a child.

  Mina keeps a dangerous secret which she never thought she could share until she meets Angela on her first day at St Jude's School. But their friendship is soon complicated by Angela’s adoptive brother Daniel. Mina finds herself drawn to his mysterious powers and impulsive nature. Then there is the gorgeous clone Sebastian who Mina is forbidden from even speaking to…

  The Blemished is a frightening take on a fractured future where the Genetic Enhancement Ministry have taken control of Britain. It will take you on a ride filled with adventure, romance and rebellion.


  ONCE, MY MUM told me a story about a princess, and it began with her stuck in a castle. My story begins with my head stuck in the toilet.

  It was my first day in Area 14 and my first opportunity to make a good impression at the school appropriately named St Jude’s. Any school with the Blemished as pupils deserved the saint of lost causes as their patron. I’d approached the old Victorian building with a hopeful feeling; this was a new start, a chance to finally make friends. But it was the same hopeful feeling which was beaten away within the hour. An hour was all it took for a GEM to push my head down the toilet and flush.

  Her bony hand squeezed my skull. Water pulled my skin. It flooded my nose. I choked and my fingernails scraped the porcelain. I thought – this is how I am going to die, with my face being sucked down a drain. Then, I almost did it again. In the twitch of my fingers I felt the urge to do the one thing my father told me I could never do. The thing which would get us both killed.

  “Now you know your place, Blem,” said the girl. She released me and I gasped for air. “Next time I won’t let you go.”

  Her heels sounded against the tiles and the girl and her group ran off in giggles. I dragged myself up from the floor with shaking legs. At the sink, I took a deep breath and tried to calm my pounding
heart and quell the rising disappointment. This was supposed to be my fresh start away from Area 10. I removed my headscarf and laughed. Moving here was supposed to keep me safe. Like my dad said – out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  “If you can’t stand the heat…” I mumbled to myself.

  “Are you all right?”

  I jumped. When I turned there was a dark skinned girl staring at me sheepishly with a charming gap-toothed smile. On her black tunic she wore the Symbol of the Blemished – a circle containing a simple cross to remind us how we are the cross that society has to bear. Just like me. She was slightly plump and I estimated her age at fourteen, perhaps a tall thirteen, with pretty brown eyes.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t step in…” she trailed off and stared down at her hands which never stopped worrying the long sleeves of her tunic.

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “There’s no point both of us getting a beating.” I forced a smile to show no hard feelings. After all, I needed at least one ally in this awful school. I turned back to the sink and squeezed at my soaked headscarf.

  “It’s just that, well, these toilets are GEM only and I only popped in because I was desperate,” the girl rambled. “Elena Darcey is a total cow. She thinks she owns the school because she might have a shot at London.”

  A jolt ran down my spine. I had to remind my hands to keep going.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” the girl asked, her face scrunched with concern.

  “Perfectly,” I lied.

  “I’m Angela by the way.” She stepped towards me but I didn’t turn around, just watched her in the bathroom mirror. “You must be Mina Hart, the new girl.” She laughed quietly. “We don’t get many new girls at St Jude’s. Well, at least none that are Blemished. Here, let me help. It’s the least I can do.”


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