Empower: Violet Eden Chapters: Book Five

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Empower: Violet Eden Chapters: Book Five Page 36

by Shirvington, Jessica

  I smiled at that. We hadn’t asked any of them to come with us but Spence hadn’t hesitated, stating plainly that now that I’d got my shit together there was no way he was going to miss out on the fun. Which pretty much translated to: he figured he’d get more fighting action with me around.

  He was probably right.

  I’d already placed my bet with Onyx that Mia would be close behind. Judging by the way she and Spencer were currently dancing, I was confident it was money in the bank.

  ‘And Dapper and Onyx will be back and forth,’ Lincoln went on.

  That was true too. Griffin had recently put Onyx in charge of a new task force for the Academy, to help the transition to human lives for the many exiles who had been stripped of their power in New Orleans. Onyx was the only one we knew who had previously gone through the transition, so he was the perfect choice to run a kind of halfway house.

  I snuggled into Lincoln’s welcoming arms.

  The driver turned to us. ‘JFK airport, was it?’

  Lincoln nodded. ‘That’s right.’

  ‘You two headed home or going away?’ he asked, in a friendly voice.

  ‘Home,’ we said together.

  ‘Oh, yeah? Where exactly is that?’ he added.

  I took in another deep breath. Sun. Honey. ‘Actually,’ I said, meeting the green eyes I would love until the end of time. ‘I’m already there.’

  The driver gave us a nod of understanding and turned his attention back to the road.

  Lincoln smiled, pulling me closer. ‘It’s midnight,’ he said. Then he leaned over and kissed me, and the world was just as it was intended to be. We would fight again. I was no longer naive. Terror would strike at its leisure and darkness laced in misery would test and threaten all we had. But not today. Today was ours.

  ‘Happy birthday, baby.’

  I smiled, realising I’d spent my entire life wishing my birthdays away and this time I had actually forgotten. It wasn’t as if they’d ever represented anything I wanted to celebrate. For the first seventeen years it had only been a reminder of my mother’s death, and for the past two, just a marker of time spent alone.

  Lincoln reached behind him, revealing a black velvet box and a large envelope. My brow crinkled as I took them. ‘What’s this?’ I asked, turning the envelope over in my hands.

  ‘Open the box first,’ he said, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind my ear.

  I bit down on my lip when I looked inside and saw a divine platinum necklace holding a solitary lily pendant; a diamond nestled in each of its delicate petals.

  I tilted my head to allow Lincoln to fasten the chain. He took full advantage of the moment, peppering my neck and shoulder with goosebump-inducing kisses.

  ‘I love it.’ It was the perfect symbol of our love.

  Lincoln sat back, smiling proudly and gestured to the envelope. ‘Open it.’

  I did. The words took a moment to sink in. My hand went to my mouth and beneath it I could feel my uncontrollable smile as I reread the words over and over: You have been accepted into the Fenton Art Course.

  It had been my seventeenth birthday when my world had changed. I’d been headed towards a future that I thought I wanted, and it included a place in the prestigious Fenton Art Course. Of course, my path had altered since then, and between the heartache and blood loss, well, art had been lost to me as well. But I missed it every day. It was a part of me. Part of my humanity.

  The course started next month.

  I sank into the arms of the man I loved, knowing that the inclinations I’d once felt to run or quit were far behind me, and that in their place was a simple readiness to face whatever lay ahead, with my partner at my side, and to appreciate the good moments for all they could be. I inhaled deeply – a new memory logged – and at that moment I realised that birthdays would forever more be one of my favourite things.

  aNgeL HIeRaRCHy

  Grigori (G) Angel Light (AL) Angel Dark (AD) Exile once light (EL) Exile once dark (ED)


  Writing this series has changed my life. Big words, I know, but very true. Discovering Violet’s character marked the beginning of my writing career, literally changing the direction of my life and for that, these books will always be so close to my heart. I guess you could say that while I discovered Violet, it was Violet who really discovered me. So it is bittersweet to say goodbye to her.

  There are many people to thank. First of all, Selwa Anthony, my agent, who was the first to see something special about these characters and this story: thank you for all that you have done, and continue to do, since you first read Embrace.

  To my publishers, Hachette: wow, it really does feel like an end to an era. Special thanks to Vanessa Radnidge, the best publisher a girl could ask for and an absolute joy to work with. To editor Kate Ballard, who has worked tirelessly on the books since day one: thank you, thank you! Also, to editor Claire de Medici and proofreader Pam Dunne: thank you for all of your work and contributions that have helped to make this book all that it can be.

  Much gratitude to Publishing Director Fiona Hazard and Children’s Books Sales & Marketing Director Chris Raine, who have stood firmly behind this series from the outset. A huge shout out to Airlie Lawson in international rights: you are amazing! And to Christine Fairbrother in marketing and Theresa Bray in publicity: thank you for the many, many things that you have done to bring these books to readers!

  To my family and friends – you are the best support and I am so grateful to you all for enduring the countless hypothetical conversations, the over-analysing and the cover dissections. Thank you all for your kindness, generosity and support. Special thanks to my first readers: Mum, Harriet and Kylie – I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your feedback!

  Huge thanks to my husband, Matt, and our girls, Sienna and Winter. Committing to write these books has taken a lot of time, yes, but also a big piece of mind and heart space. Sometimes it is exhausting, and not just for me but also for those who have to live with me! So, thank you for always understanding and never criticising, even when anyone else would have. I love you guys!

  Finally, to the readers around the world who have taken this journey with me: thank you for giving your time to these characters and for trusting me to tell this story. I have my fingers crossed that come the end, you will feel it was time well spent!

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  DIScoveR moRe aBoUt tHe vIoLet eDeN cHaPteRs at:




  Jessica Shirvington is the author of the Violet Eden Chapters, a young-adult paranormal romance series that debuted with the novel Embrace, published in 2010, followed by Entice in 2011, Emblaze in 2012 and Endless in 2013. She is also the author of Between the Lives.

  Jessica lives in Sydney with her husband and their two daughters and combines her writing career with juggling the demands of motherhood and her responsibilities as a codirector for an investment company.


  A Lothian Children’s Book

  Published in Australia and New Zealand in 2013

  by Hachette Australia

  (an imprint of Hachette Australia Pty Limited)

  Level 17, 207 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000


  Copyright © Jessica Shirvington 2013

  This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be stored or reproduced by any process without prior written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.

  A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the National Library of Australia.

  978 0
7344 1510 3

  978 0 7344 1511 0 (ebook edition)

  Cover design and internal decorations by Xou Creative www.xou.com.au

  Cover photograph courtesy of photographer Branislav Ostojic, Belgrade, Serbia ([email protected]) and model Kasandra Vukicevic, Belgrade, Serbia




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