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Descend (Celestial Academy Book 2): A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 6

by Maya Nicole

  Olly laughed and laid back on the carpet, lacing his fingers behind his head. "I feel like I missed out on pivotal developmental things, like toys and coloring. Going to school. Other things. Instead I just woke up one day."

  I set the dolls down and swiveled towards him. "I think that makes you intriguing. I know we poke fun at you a lot, but I hope you know it's because we love you."

  "I know that. I just feel like I have all this knowledge about my world, but when it comes to this one, I'm an idiot. I'm a virgin in every sense of the word." He was avoiding my eyes, a faint blush blooming on his freckled cheeks.

  "You aren't an idiot and there's nothing wrong with being a virgin." There was a long silence and my mind started to wander back to the cemetery.

  "Do you want to have sex?" He cleared his throat. "With me?"

  Him asking was a shocker. I thought it would just kind of happen one day. I did want to have sex with him, every time I saw him. Despite having frequent sex with Asher and Tobias both separate and together, Olly was the missing piece of the puzzle. We had waited long enough.

  Originally I hadn't made any moves because a small part of me didn't trust him. But now, it was hard not to trust him with every fiber of my being. If he happened to be playing a long game of deceit for the Divine then I'd cut off his dick.

  With a butter knife.

  Making out and dry humping each other was driving me mad. I wanted to be respectful of him and his need to "research enough so I know what I'm doing" (his words, not mine), but being left in a constant state of arousal by him was frustrating. I was glad we were finally on the same page.

  I crawled over to him and sat on his thighs. I was more than ready after the little sex-capade with Asher.

  He sat up and looked at me with a serious expression before placing his hands on my thighs and capturing my lips with his. It was the type of kiss that made me want to live attached to his mouth. Sweet and gentle.

  That was short-lived though. He grabbed my hips as he pulled my bottom lip between his. His mouth began working against mine in a rush of hormones and need. I could feel his hard length straining against his pants.

  "This is really happening," he whispered as his mouth slid to the sensitive skin below my ear. It was my favorite spot to be kissed and all three of them knew it opened up my floodgates. I moaned and grinded my hips against him.

  His hands slid under my shirt and I grabbed the hem and pulled it over my head. He reached behind me, unclasping my bra before ripping it off and flinging it across the room. He pushed me back a little on his thighs and stared down at my exposed breasts.

  This was only the second time he had been up close and personal with them, and this time he was sober. The last time was months ago after we made the poor decision to play Never Have I Ever. Since then he had only seen them if he was watching me with the others. Which had only been a few times.

  "You're perfect." He slid his thumbs over my nipples and pulled me back towards him, lowering his mouth and biting one gently.

  "Oliver," I breathed, my eyes closing and my fingers gripping onto his hair. We had months of foreplay leading up to this moment, which made every touch of his hands or lips that much more potent.

  I just hoped that if Asher and Tobias came back in the middle of this distraction from real life, that they wouldn't interrupt us from our moment together. This was his moment.

  I fumbled to get his pants undone and my fingertips connected with the head of his cock.

  "Fuck, that feels so good," he mumbled around my nipple. I let out a breathy laugh at his sudden use of the word fuck. We needed to start a swear jar for Asher; he was a bad influence.

  Olly grabbed the back of my legs and stood up with me wrapped around his middle. He walked towards the bed, setting me down. He took off his shirt and slid his pants and boxers down as he kicked off his shoes.

  "How is your cock just as beautiful as you are?" I gripped him at his base and pumped him a few times before he pushed me back on the bed and took off my jeans.

  He kissed his way down my stomach, occasionally scraping his teeth across the skin. His hands slid under the waistband of my panties and pulled them off. All I really wanted was for him to be inside of me, where I had been yearning for him for so long. I trusted him completely. He may have been a teensy bit of an asshole when we first met, but he had more than redeemed himself.

  He was about to redeem himself even more by putting his mouth between my legs.

  He planted kisses on my thighs and along my slit before his tongue dipped into the wet heat begging to be tasted. I arched into him and let out a satisfied sigh. He licked the length of me from bottom to top before swirling his tongue over my clit.

  I threaded my fingers in his hair as he brought me closer and closer to an orgasm. I gripped my comforter as he slid two fingers into me and began pumping them at the same pace as the flick of his tongue. Good lord. How was he so good at this already?

  My climax crashed into me with such force that my ears rang and there was a rush of wet heat between my legs. I pushed at Olly's head before he killed me and managed to push him on his back to straddle him, his dick nestled in my folds.

  I cupped his cheek. "Are you sure you're ready for this? It's a big step."

  "This is perfect. You're perfect." He turned his head and kissed my palm.

  I leaned forward and kissed him gently as I lined him up with my opening and slowly lowered onto his length. He let out all the air in his lungs with a groan. In one swift movement, he flipped us and nestled himself between my legs.

  He moved with long, slow strokes that left me yearning for more. How we had managed to wait this long was still baffling to me. It sure had taken every ounce of my willpower not to throw myself at him every chance I got.

  He buried his face in the crook of my neck as his thrusts gradually increased in urgency. I dug my nails into his shoulder blades where his wings usually appeared.

  He growled deep in his throat. "Again."

  I felt another orgasm building at the sounds of his grunts and growls. The sounds were so primal coming from him. I arched my back, my clit rubbing against his pelvis every time he thrust.

  "Oh, Oliver." I dug my nails into him as my orgasm hit me hard, my pussy clenching around him.

  He gave one last thrust, spilling himself inside of me. His lips brushed over mine as he came down from his high.

  "I love you." He put his forehead against my sweaty one.

  "I love you too." I ran my fingers up and down his spine.

  Once he'd regained his breath, he rolled off of me and pulled me towards him, tucking me into his side. I put my hand on his chest and threw a leg over his thigh.

  "That was amazing. Are you doing okay?" I lightly patted his chest.

  "Yes. That was better than chocolate chip cookies if I'm being honest."

  I let out a half moan, half laugh. "Nice to know how I rank against cookies."

  After a few more minutes of recovery, Olly put his hand over mine. "Would you tell me if it was bad?"

  What kind of question was that? I'd clearly had two orgasms, which was a testament to whatever research he had performed. Maybe he had a blow-up sex doll for practice. I wouldn't have been surprised.

  I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at him. "I would. You aren't though. It's only going to get even more amazing."

  We heard footsteps on the stairs but didn't move. A rap of knuckles knocked on the door and then the door slowly opened. Both Tobias and Asher stopped in their tracks when they saw Olly and I buck naked on top of the covers. Neither of us moved to cover up, although after finding my dad in my room after a shower, I probably should have been more concerned at who was at my bedroom door.

  "It's about damn time," Asher said, a grin spreading across his dirt-smeared face.

  I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed. I felt their eyes watching me as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I was still trying to figure out how having three
boyfriends was supposed to work. Would one of them get jealous one of these days and just leave?

  I cleaned up and walked back into the room, finding all three men lounging on my bed. Olly had put his pants back on. Their eyes were on me again as I purposely swung my hips a little more than usual and bent over to grab my clothes off the floor.

  "That ass deserves an award," Tobias murmured. "Hurry up and put some clothes on before I come over there and have my turn with it."

  After pulling on my clothes, I joined them on the bed, letting Tobias pull me into his lap. He still had dirt on him, but I wasn't about to complain.

  "What was in the grave?" I asked, turning so I could look at Tobias. I usually deferred my questions to him because he was most likely to know the answers. Plus, he was kind of the leader of our group. I wouldn't be caught dead telling him that though.

  I fiddled with my hands, nervous about what his answer would be. I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. Olly had distracted me for a while, but now the unease was back.

  Asher looked at Tobias in some kind of silent communication. It seemed they were deciding who was going to tell me what they had found. Their silence spoke volumes.

  "Was it empty or was she in it?" I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Where had my hair tie gone?

  "The grave was empty except for a symbol painted with blood. At least we think it was blood." Asher handed over his cell phone that had a picture pulled up. I took it gingerly in my hands as if it might break. I frowned at the image of the letter C.

  "Why a C? What does it mean?" I handed the phone to Olly. His eyes widened and he zoomed in and then back out.

  "It's not a C, it's a crescent moon. There are many rumors and beliefs here on Earth about the origins and location of Lilith. Almost all of them in some way incorporate the night or darkness. A crescent moon is a common symbol that humans use for her. Interesting she would choose to use it like that," Olly said. He looked over at me and handed the phone back to Asher. "But she can't be Lilith. You're half human. Besides, a demon and an archangel having a baby? I don't think so."

  My eyes widened and I looked down at my lap. They thought I was half human because that's what my father and I always thought. Now, it seemed I wasn't. I should tell them about the medical files, but I was scared of what they might say or do. I wasn't sure they'd take well to knowing they'd been fucking a demon.

  "What is it Dani?" Asher asked softly.

  "Nothing, just a lot to process. I don't think we'll ever know the whole story unless we actually talk to her. It's probably not safe though, considering she's also most likely behind whatever was planned with the angel blood." I finally looked up and met his eyes. He didn't look worried often, but a small crease had appeared between his brows.

  "What was in the medical files you stole?" Crap. I never had told them what was in the files, just that I had stolen them.

  I looked back down again and silence filled the room for several awkward minutes. They were waiting for me to talk. What if I never talked? Would we sit there in silence for eternity?

  "Danica." Tobias squeezed my hip and put his chin on my shoulder. "We're in this together. No secrets."

  I sighed and cleared my throat, as if that would give me some magical ability to find my voice. "My dad is obviously an angel. My blood work was inconclusive."

  I shut my eyes briefly and opened them, hoping by chance that we'd moved on from our conversation and the next question would never come.

  "And your mother?" Tobias asked gently, his thumb moving reassuringly back and forth across my hip.

  "There was only her autopsy results."

  "You're not telling us everything." Asher looked straight at me, frowning.

  Yeah, I was omitting some facts.

  "Everything pointed to her being human. Whether or not that was a fabrication, well, we'd have to find Dr. Adamson and ask." I snapped my mouth shut and wiggled out of Tobias's lap, causing him to grunt as my ass hit his dick. "I'm tired. Can we just go to sleep?"

  No one argued with me, thankfully sensing that the conversation was over and I wasn't going to say more. I just wasn't ready to let that tiny piece of information out into the world yet.

  Chapter Five

  I wasn't supposed to have any nightmares with Asher around. I had gone to sleep feeling relief that he was around, sleeping on an air mattress with Olly in my bedroom. As soon as I woke, my hair plastered to my head with sweat, my heart beating wildly, I knew that it wasn't Asher keeping the nightmares away.

  It was something else.

  I just wasn't ready to admit it to myself yet.

  I stared up at the ceiling; something that seemed to be becoming a new hobby of mine. The deep sounds of breathing filled my ears and taunted me.

  I rolled over. Faint light coming through the curtains. The sun was just starting to rise and I could hear a few birds starting their incessant chattering in the nearby trees.

  I wiggled out of Tobias's arms and slipped into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I felt dirty, like I was somehow tainted by the knowledge that my mother might have faked her own death. Why would she do something like that to her own flesh and blood? To someone who had loved her with all his heart?

  I pulled on my robe and headed downstairs to the smell of bacon frying. I got to the bottom of the stairs. My father was in the kitchen cooking. It was an odd sight, seeing him preparing breakfast in jeans and a t-shirt.

  He cursed as a piece of bacon popped. I laughed at his reaction and slid onto a barstool at the island.

  "Good morning." He turned and looked at me, the smile he wore not reaching his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept well. Something we had in common. "I see Oliver was able to heal you. Sorry I rushed out of here like that."

  He turned back to the stove and I reached across the counter to grab a glass and the carton of orange juice sitting out. I was almost tempted to drink coffee to wake myself up, but even the smell made me want to vomit.

  "Yeah, about that. Why did you rush out of here?" I took a sip and scrunched my face having taken a drink too soon after brushing my teeth.

  He turned around again and let out a chuckle. "You would think by now you'd learn not to do that."

  I shrugged in response. I never remembered until it was too late. He walked over to the refrigerator and got out a bottle of water to hand to me.

  "I left so abruptly because when you told me about Ava, I knew exactly who had caused it. You remember that night I called you two girls prostitutes?"

  I snorted. Of course I remembered that night. Who could forget the moment their dad acted like his daughter and her best friend were working girls and sent them back up to his room? It had all been a cover to keep the demon that had been in the kitchen from knowing I was his daughter.

  "Well, that was one of my most trusted demons that I leave in charge when I'm not there. He took his new liberties the job gave him, to come here and torment people. Ava caught his eye." He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. I noticed he wasn't wearing one of his fancy watches today.

  "What about Ava? Is she in danger?" I took a steadying breath. It seemed everything I touched was in danger these days.

  "Not anymore, I kicked him out of my territory in hell and took away his ability to come here. I will have one of my lawyers look into her case." He put the tongs he had been flipping bacon with down and turned to look at me.

  I nodded and played with the water bottle cap on the counter.

  "What's on your mind? Besides Ava," he said, breaking the silence that had settled around us.

  "She really was Lilith wasn't she?" I didn't look up, fearing what his answer would be.

  Several long moments passed. He cleared his throat and I looked up, meeting his stormy eyes. The intelligence in them always amazed me and also unnerved me. He had lived a long time. Would I live just as long?

  "Michael is having some of his soldiers look for John to get answers. He seems to have dropped
off the radar. We think the woman behind all of this is Lilith. We just can't rely on a prophecy to identify your mother." He ran a hand over his face and then through his hair. He had been doing that a lot. I never knew he had a nervous tick.

  "Dad, I need to tell you something. Last night we-"

  Olly appeared in the kitchen, somehow getting down the stairs and several feet into the room without being heard. I snapped my mouth shut, not wanting to discuss the potential of me being some demon-angel hybrid freak in front of the others.

  It always amazed me how the largest of the three angels could appear in a room so quietly. He was so stealthy he put all superheroes to shame. And right now he was standing in only his boxers, sporting morning wood in front of my father.

  "Morning." He was rubbing his eyes as he made his way to the refrigerator and stood with the door open, staring inside. He didn't seem to process the fact that the man in the kitchen was Lucifer. Maybe it was because he was dressed so casually he was unrecognizable.

  My dad made a coughing noise and Olly shut the door slowly. He still looked half asleep.

  "Son, you need to go upstairs and put some clothes on. Now." He raised his eyebrows and then looked down at Olly's crotch.

  I couldn't help but laugh as Olly finally zeroed in on my father and his eyes widened. Now he was awake.

  He left as quickly as he had arrived and my dad cracked a smile. "Why is he so easy to torment? Maybe he wasn't created for you, but for me to torment the hell out of." As if realizing what he just said, he closed his mouth and his jaw ticked.

  "Created for me?" I put my chin on my fists.

  He looked thoughtful for a few moments before opening his mouth again. "I think the more appropriate explanation is he was sent to you. You know how each archangel has a purpose? " I nodded. "Well, his purpose is to act as a balance."


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